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Big TesTes Goth BF

By CoolNon
Created: 2023-06-28 12:51:57
Expiry: Never

  1. 11/08/2022
  3. I have an idea for RGREqG
  4. Its about Anon becoming a big tt(testes) goth bf
  5. >"Alright Anon. We just get in, use your hyooman expertise to find the crown, and we'll be back home before we know it-"
  7. >Twilight flinches from the swearing and turns around
  8. >"Shhhh..! Be quiet..! We are in unknown territory so we have to keep our- Eyes. Open..."
  9. >By Celestia's teats below its like two suns vacuum sealed in Nightmare's everlasting darkness
  10. >She was at awe at Anon's shapely ass being suffocated by a pair of tight leather pants
  11. "God fucking dammit I thought I was over this by highschool."
  12. >No no no please don't turn around
  13. >Her eyes honed in on Anon's jewels that are stretching the fabric of his pants
  14. >unf
  16. >You on the other hand are mad at the fact your one shame from high school crept up and grabbed you metaphorically and literally by the balls
  17. >Fake black hair, eye liner, impractical tight leather clothing
  18. >First things first
  19. >Your going to find the equivalent of Rarity in this world and have her make you some new breathable pants
  21. >You are Anon
  22. >And goddamn it hurts just by walking
  23. >Ned Flanders lied
  24. >It doesn't feel like you are wearing nothing at all
  25. "C'mon Sparklebutt. Let's just get to the principal's office so we can get this over with."
  26. >"Uh huh..."
  27. >It doesn't help the fact most, if not all the students in this school are looking at the two of you
  28. >Or is it just you
  29. >Dammit your teenage insecurities are coming back to you full force
  30. >You start to speed walk past them while grabbing Twiggy's hand
  32. >You are Twilight Sparkle
  33. >Holy hay fries with the ketchup on the side
  34. >The Anon butt is speaking to you
  35. >'Slap me Twilight you know you want to'
  36. >NO
  37. >STOP you are not a pervert like Rainbow Dash
  38. >You are going to be respectable to all colts
  39. >Like Princess Celestia taught you
  40. >...
  41. >Anon's hips continue to sway in front of you while he holds your hand
  44. >"Damn sis look at that."
  45. >You are Fluttershy
  46. >You've just seen a majestic creature walk past you and Rainbow Dash
  47. >"Man the new girl's lucky if she has a bf lookin' like that."
  48. >You turn your head down in disappointment from the sight of him holding hands with the purple student
  49. >Oh well at least you got a front row seat on seeing the new boy up close
  50. >His bulging coin purse will forever live rent free in your mind
  52. >"I see, well since all your papers are in order. I can finally say welcome to Equestria High!"
  53. >You are Principal Celestia
  54. >The two students in front of you looked on as you just reviewed their papers for enrollment.
  55. >One was the epitome of a book-smart, law abiding student
  56. >Next to her on the other hand
  57. >Let's just say you were a bit surprised that a student was at eye level for you
  58. >Along with some... questionable clothing that could make you blush
  59. >IF you were a teenager of course!
  60. >That's right...
  61. >You handed them their papers and said their goodbyes
  62. >The larger, gothic boy immediately head out with a strange pep in his step while the other bowed at you before leaving
  63. >Awfully strange that one
  64. >Though after they left you finally let out a breath you didn't know you were holding
  65. >You leaned back a bit look down to see
  66. >Yep your nipples are hard
  67. >You put your hands on your face and groan
  68. >Hopefully he didn't see that or else you'd get your ass sued-
  69. >"Holy fucking shit Celly did you see that jailbait?"
  70. >Goddammit Luna...
  72. >You are Anon
  73. >Doing the stanky leg while walking like a coked up crab is somehow the only way to have Anon Jr. breath
  74. >Most if not all of the students headed into their respective classrooms
  75. >You skim your papers and find you have Biology next
  76. "Twilight what did you get?"
  77. >"I got you."
  78. "What?
  79. >You heard Twilight slurp something before coughing
  80. >"I said I got History."
  81. >Fuck you two are getting separated
  82. >"It's ok Anon, during recess, we'll meet up at the cafeteria."
  83. "Alright, just gonna find this Sunset Shimmer and crown am I right?"
  84. >She nods her head

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