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Illegal Donuts

By Tankris
Created: 2023-07-07 23:41:51
Expiry: Never

  1. Donuts. Glazed, jelly filled or slathered with icing, there is always room for this tasty treat. A well known unicorn from Canterlot had finally put his life's dream into action and it was all focused on donuts. Magical machines were built that could make hundreds of donuts for his shop every day. So many donuts that he could ship them to stores in all sorts of towns for all sorts of ponies. There was even a bit of extra money to be made by showing off these wonderful machines to the public...and giving them an appetite for those delicious rings.
  3. Donut Joe grinned as he finished the final tour for the day. The ponies had been captivated by the miracles of technology and their mouths were watering for something sweet after staring at so many donuts for so long. It was time for the hook, line and sinker. “Anypony want a free sample?” The baker asked the crowd, knowing the answer.
  5. “Yes please!” They all shouted in unison.
  7. “Right this way. Everyone can have a free glazed doughnut if they want and can place an order for more on the way out. Thanks for stopping by!” Donut Joe pushed the crowd into the last room of the tour and disappeared back into the machine rooms.
  9. Among the crowd enjoying a delicious doughnut were two very special ponies. Blitz Tale and Winterlight. Two best buddies spending some time on vacation. Blitz Tale quickly finished his treat and smiled. “Mmm, I gotta get another dozen for the hotel. It'll be good for tomorrow morning.”
  11. “Sure, tomorrow morning.” Winterlight joked. His wing tapped against Blitz's soft tummy, making the earth pony blush. “No harm in it I guess, as long as you save me one.”
  13. “D-Deal.” Blitz Tale rushed over to the counter and placed an order at the automated kiosk. He took a seat and did his best to peek into the back. “Hopefully I get to see my order getting made.”
  15. In no time, a big, pink box was pushed into Blitz's hooves. “Have a good night. Hope we see you again soon.” The order kiosk said.
  17. Blitz Tale and Winterlight left the factory with their donuts. However, it didn't take long for Blitz's sweet tooth to kick in. “Hmm...Hold up, Winter. I want a doughnut.”
  19. “Already? There wont be a single one for me tomorrow.” Winterlight teased.
  21. Blitz Tale flipped open the box to find it completely empty. “Wha.? Where the heck are my doughnuts??”
  23. “Maybe you ate them all already.”
  25. “No way! I can't believe that dumb machine handed me an empty box!” Blitz Tale slammed the box into a nearby trash can.
  27. “I can't believe you didn't notice the box was empty from the start. Oh well, we can bug them about it tomorrow...”
  29. “Forget that! I paid for doughnuts, I'm getting a box of doughnuts. Come on!” Blitz Tale ran back to the factory.
  31. “Blitz! Just leave it! We can come back tomorrooooooowwwww!” Winterlight whined as he chased after his friend.
  33. A mad dash back to the shop was a complete bust. The lights were off. Gates were closed. Doors triple locked down tight. The doughnut shop and warehouse was closed. There was no chance of getting in.
  35. “I told you we should wait till tomorrow. Donut Joe literally said it was the last tour before closing.” Winterlight scolded his friend.
  37. “Not gonna happen. I want my doughnuts, damn it!” Blitz Tale lunged at the gate and scrambled up the wiring. “Nopony is gonna keep me from what I paid for!”
  39. Winterlight stretched his wings and flapped up to his friend. “Not even me BEGGING you to let this go? I'll buy you another box tomorrow. It'll be fine. Nothing good will come from BREAKING and ENTERING, you dummy.”
  41. “Doughnuts, Light. Doughnuts are always worth it.” Blitz Tale replied. He grinned as he made it to the top of the fence and hopped over. “See? Hard part is over. Now to get my donuts!!”
  43. “Blitz! Don't!” Winterlight chased after the hungry earth pony. Blitz Tale was circling the building, trying to find any angle of attack.
  45. “Hmm....Locked....Locked....too tiny to wiggle through...AHA!” Blitz Tale shouted. One of the shutter doors was unlocked. He pushed it open just enough to wiggle under and slipped inside.
  47. It was all about to belong to Blitz Tale. Every ounce of sugar, every crumb of fried dough, all the little grease drippings and icing, too. Blitz Tale licked his lips as he looked upon a wealth of potential. He ran over to the controls and grinned as the warehouse roared back to life with a single tap of his hoof.
  49. “Haha, I will forget about a single box. I'm having as many doughnuts as I want, now! Doooooooooughnuts! Gimme gimme a douuuuughhhnut. How I love you so!” He danced in place as the dough began to mix and churn while the oil heated up.
  51. “Hey! Turn that all off! Somepony is gonna notice!” Winterlight had finally caught up to his friend. “There wont be any doughnuts in jail, you soft, doughnut loving dork!”
  53. “Winterlight, relax. We'll be fine. Nopony is gonna know. I'll get my fill of doughnuts, you'll get one for tomorrow and it'll be fine.” Blitz Tale refused to budge.
  55. “Okay, I'm done being nice. Blitz, we're leaving.” Winterlight wrapped his forelegs around Blitz Tale and yanked him towards the open door. It was a hard struggle. The earth pony had his natural strength, high bone density and his chubby tummy to help keep him anchored to the ground.
  57. “Jeez...you really don't need another doughnut now or ever again, tubby.” Winterlight huffed as he began to drag his friend out of the building.
  59. “H-Hey! Shaddup! Just....lemme...have....one!” Blitz Tale dug his hooves in and resisted each little shove and pull to get him out. He reached out and grabbed the control center for the machines for support.
  61. “No! We gotta leave!” Winterlight refused to abandon his silly friend. The two were at a standstill. Winterlight couldn't move Blitz Tale but Blitz Tale couldn't fetch the freshly baked doughnuts from his position.
  63. Winterlight gave one final tug and forced Blitz Tale to let go of the console. “My doughnuts!” Blitz Tale shouted as he tried to grab the console once more. His hooves slammed on a few buttons before Winterlight pulled him away.
  65. Blitz Tale wiggled out from Winterlight's grip and ran deeper into the factory. “Blitz, no!” Winterlight flew after Blitz Tale, doing his best to keep up with the hungry idiot.
  67. The chase didn't last for very long. Freshly waxed floors and hooves don't mix. Blitz Tale slipped and tumbled into the taste tester room. He reached out and used a chair in the middle of the room as leverage to get back up.
  69. “Welcome to the taste testing room, participant. Please, have a sample and tell us what you think.” A robotic voice called out before a doughnut was placed on a nearby table.
  71. “Finally!” Blitz Tale rushed over and gobbled up the doughnut. “Mmmmm...best thing I've had all day.”
  73. “You finally got your doughnut. Can we please go?” Winterlight begged.
  75. “Testing room for doughnuts is at max capacity. Sending additional volunteer to the icing room.” The robotic voice called out. A long, mechanical arm scooped up Winterlight and took him to the next room over.
  77. “Awaiting reply form for doughnut testing.” Blinking lights on the table revealed a small slot. It was awaiting a reply from Blitz Tale.
  79. “Oh, I don't have one. The doughnut was great, though. Can I have another?”
  81. “No reply form found. Doughnut quality check: inconclusive. Providing another doughnut to the volunteer.” The room whirred about as it automatically provided another doughnut to Blitz Tale.
  83. “Heck yea, another doughnut.” Blitz Tale was pleased. He gobbled up the second doughnut and smiled. “Still great. Can I have another one?”
  85. “Awaiting reply form for doughnut testing.”
  87. “I don't know what that is, you dumb machine. I just want more doughnuts.” Blitz Tale sat down in the nearby chair and relaxed. As he waited for another machine, he glanced at the glass window between rooms.
  89. A gasp filled the room. Blitz Tale watched as mechanical hands reached out and grabbed Winterlight. The pegasus had almost left the room before being restrained and placed in a chair similar to the one Blitz Tale was sitting in. A long, skinny something shot from the floor and into Winterlight's mouth.
  91. It was a hose. Both ponies could only watch as the hose began to bulge outward as it pushed a sweet, sugary payload of pure calories into Winterlight's mouth. A bit of the frosting leaked from the corners of Winterlight's mouth as he tried to struggle but the pressure was too much. A flood of icing was forced right into Winterlight's stomach.
  93. “No reply form found. Doughnut quality check: inconclusive. Providing another doughnut to the volunteer.” The voice in Blitz Tale's room snapped him out of his daze. Another doughnut had been provided for him.
  95. “Hey...that's cool and all. Really nice of you to offer but uh...I should really help my friend, okay? See ya!” Blitz Tale rushed for the door but it slammed shut. Mechanical arms lashed out from all directions and placed him back in the chair just like Winterlight.
  97. “Providing another doughnut to the volunteer.” It said again. This time, the doughnut was forced into Blitz's mouth. He gagged and sputtered as it was jammed into his throat, demanding he swallow it or risk choking on the sweet treat. Blitz Tale coughed and groaned as the sharp pain in his throat subsided.
  99. “No reply form found. Doughnut quality check: inconclusive. Providing another doughnut to the volunteer.” Another doughnut was forced into his mouth. A third doughnut disappeared into his tummy. Blitz Tale groaned as the forceful demands of the machine made his tummy gurgle in protest.
  101. The icing room was still being forceful with its volunteer. Winterlight struggled to resist more dense icing from filling up his mouth. Blitz Tale could see the bulge in the hose where the sugary goop was building up from Winterlight's resistance. Every time, the pegasus lost the battle and was forced to swallow an extra big gulp of icing. His stomach lurched and wobbled against the chair, making him look extra flabby and stuffed full.
  103. “N-No....gotta save him.” Blitz Tale tried to struggle out of his own bonds but the mechanical arms were too strong. The machine sensed his resistance and put more pressure on his legs.
  105. “Providing another doughnut to the volunteer.” The testing machine said as it slid a conveyor belt towards Blitz Tale's mouth. Stacks and stacks of doughnuts slowly traveled down the machine while a robotic arm grabbed doughnuts two and three at a time. Blitz's mouth was soon crammed full of sugary sweet doughnuts and the only way to get them out was to chew and swallow.
  107. Chew and swallow. Chew and swallow. What was once a nice treat had become a mind numbing experience. Blitz Tale had lost count how many doughnuts he had eaten. Enough for several lifetimes. Yet they continued to flow into his mouth and down into his bloated stomach.
  109. It gurgled and groaned with every swallow. So tight and heavy. Impossibly full. The noises coming from his gut were almost louder than the machines feeding him. There was no way he should have been able to keep up and yet the life of a glutton made it all feel so natural. Every morsel, crumb and calories was slowly dissolving and making the stallion nice and fat. The underside of his stuffed gut was getting softer, his rear was plumping up and even his neck and legs were becoming thicker.
  111. Blitz Tale had just enough brain power to glance through the window again. Poor Winterlight wasn't doing much better. His pegasus body was more adapted to stretching and resisting pressure from flight so the icing had bloated his body like a balloon.
  113. His stomach and body were slowly warping into one large, sloshy brown ball. His scarf was unraveled around his disappearing neckline as Winterlight became spherical. The chair was discarded long ago, Winterlight's awkward proportions making it too difficult to remain seated.
  115. The machine had taken advantage of this and found a secondary way to “test” the icing. Winterlight's body rippled and blimped up in time with the thick bulges of icing rushing in from the second hose, forcing him to bloat bigger and bigger.
  117. Another gigantic serving of doughnuts snapped Blitz Tale from staring at Winterlight. He caught his own reflection in the glass and blushed. He wasn't faring much better. The only thing either of them could do was wait it out...and grow.
  123. “This is Canterlot news with a breaking update. Two stallions have been found in Donut Joe's new automated doughnut factory suffering from extreme effects of the testing equipment inside the facility. Evidence suggests the two stallions broke in but somehow ended up in malfunctioning test rooms that forced them to endure a grueling eight hours of food product testing. No word on if either party will be pressing charges.”
  125. The news reporter allowed the live feed to speak for itself. A crew of police and medical staff were wheeling the impossibly huge stallions out of the factory. Poor Winterlight was blushing as red as a cherry as the medical crew wheeled his gigantic, bloated body out to an emergency vehicle in plain sight of all the cameras and reporters.
  127. Winterlight spit out a glob of frosting and moaned. “It was all Blitz...that idiot. I had nothing to do with this. I wanted to leave but NOOOOOOO.” Winterlight wiggled his limbs so helplessly sucked into his body to try and wipe his mouth. “I swear, if I go to jail for this...”
  129. Moving around Blitz Tale was much, much harder. The earth pony had redistributed all those doughnuts into hundreds of extra pounds. The rescue crew's hooves sank deep into his blubbery body. Every part of him was now nice and soft. Fat face, fat belly, fat legs, fat butt, fat hooves. It took nearly every pony there to load him onto the emergency vehicle, which whined and complained when his massive weight had been piled into the back.
  131. “So....you finally got those doughnuts. Happy now, you fat ass?” Winterlight groaned in frustration and embarrassment.
  135. The whole vehicle rattled and shook as Blitz Tale belched hard. “Better hurry up and get them to a hospital. If he keeps doing that, no telling how much longer this thing will last.” A member of the medical crew joked.
  137. Settled in as safe as could be, the emergency vehicle started its very slow trip to the Canterlot hospital. There were going to be a lot fewer doughnuts and a lot more exercise in store for these round boys.

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