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Milky Griffon Scones

By Tankris
Created: 2023-08-20 17:10:53
Expiry: Never

  1. Griffons stare in amusement as black smoke begins to waft from the little shop on the corner. They all chuckle under their breath as the owner can be heard, squawking and cursing as the smoke gives one last push before fading away. “Dumb scones. Why can't you cook right?” Gilda the griffon mumbled under her breath as she slammed down the pan and stared at her nuked products.
  3. “What the hell am I doing wrong? It's just like Pinkie Pie said.” Gilda tossed off her oven mitts and groaned. Her finger prodded at the crispy treat, causing it to crumble to dust. “I guess cooking at hotter temperatures doesn't make them cook faster.” Gilda huffed, crossing her arms under her chest and looking away from the miserable pan. She untied her frilly apron, given to her by Pinkie Pie, and tossed it aside.
  5.     Her gaze wandered from the ruined product to her empty register. She walked up to it and tapped a few buttons, wincing as she stared inside the till. A single note was shoved into the corner, her last bit of capital and profit until her only customer walked in. Gilda watched as Gabby happily bounced in. her bubbly attitude grinding against Gilda like nails on chalkboard. Gilda looked over Gabby and her outfit, scoffing at her over expressive clothing from her tacky looking shirt to her silly looking pants and shoes.
  7.     “Hello Gabby...” Gilda groaned as the chipper griffon placed her talon on the counter. “Hi Gilda! How's business?” Gilda rolled her eyes and grabbed a bag. “The same as always. You're my first and only customer of the day.” Gabby frowned as a bag of half dozen, blackened scones were dropped onto the counter. “Have a nice day.”
  9.     Gabby looked into the bag, her eyes going wide as she looked at the crisp scones. “Oh Gilda, did you have another little accident today?” The bag was ripped from Gabby's hands and thrown into the trash. “Try my whole life. I can't get anything right.” Gabby walked behind the counter and grabbed Gilda in a giant hug. “Hey, it's okay. You'll do better tomorrow.”
  11.     “There wont be a tomorrow. I have to close the shop permanently unless I can rake in a couple hundred bucks in a few days.” Gilda squirmed as she pried Gabby away from her. “Is there anything I can do to help? Promote the place or something? Anything!” Gilda frowned as she sat down and sighed. “Unless you could either force people to buy my scones or offer me the money, I'm out of luck.”
  13.     “Oh, is that all?” Gabby giggled as she reached into her backpack and slammed a sizable pouch onto the counter. Gilda stared as the pouch was overflowing with bits from Equestria. “What...where in the world did you get so many bits?” Gabby blushed as she poked the coin purse. “Oh, when I was trying to find my cutie mark in Ponyville, so many ponies were nice enough to offer me money for all the little odd jobs I did.”
  15.     Gilda poured the contents onto her counter as she tallied it all up. “I could stay open for a little while longer with this...but are you SURE you wanna invest into this dump? You've been my only customer for a month.” Gabby shrugged as she played with one of the coins. “So...why don't I become your taste tester or something? At least I get something out of it. Free scones until you turn yourself around.”
  17.     “” Gilda reached out her hand, only to find Gabby's arms wrapped around her body. “This will be so much fun. You wont regret it. I'll be the best taste tester ever!” Gilda pried the giddy griffon from the bear hug and sighed. “What am I getting myself into?” Gabby continued to smile, fetching Gilda's apron and near shoving the grumpy girl back into her kitchens.
  19.     “So, how do you usually make scones?” Gabby asked as she watched Gilda click on the oven. “You toss everything together and bake em. It's not hard.” Gilda scoffed as she began dumping ingredients into a bowl. “ don't measure them?” Gabby quipped as she watched Gilda throw in several sticks of butter.
  21.     “Well, I used to...then griffons stopped buying em. I gotta try something new. Something different.” Gilda mused as she poured in a heaping cup of sugar, then another. Gabby watched as the mixture was churned into dough. “Now I just plop some dough onto the pan and let em cook.” Gabby sat and stared at the oven, her stomach rumbling as the sugary smell filled the air.
  23.     The anticipation was killing Gabby as the scones were pulled from the oven. “Let them cool before you eat one. I can't have my taste tester burning her tongue off.” Gilda teased as she had to push Gabby away. The eager griffon finally got her wish as she chomped right into one of the scones. “Hey, this batch isn't too bad. Might be your best batch ever!”
  25.     “Wait, really? I know my recipe says to limit the amount of sugar and butter but why bother to cut back?” Gilda took a bite and smiled as the sugary scone actually resembled something edible. “That settles it. Forget Pinkie's recipe. We're making scones my way.” Gabby cheered as she stuffed another scone into her mouth. “Hurrah!” She cheered, letting a few crumbs fall onto her shirt. “I think I like these scones better. Keep baking, I've gotta go rant about these outside.”
  27.     “Oh, and if I can offer any sort of critique. Since you're gonna stray away from the recipe anyway, why not add something like fruit or chocolate?” Gabby smiled as she carried the tray of scones outside, making sure to stuff her mouth with one before opening the door. Gilda watched from the counter as griffon after griffon walked by and took a scone without stopping at all.
  29.     “Darn. They aren't even bothering to come inside...jerks.” Gilda scoffed as she returned to the kitchen. She mixed another batch of buttery, super sugary scones and looked for anything extra to toss in the bowl. “Let's see...I guess chocolate since I don't have any fruits or anything.” Gilda chopped up a bit of a cheap bar of chocolate she had been saving for herself and dumped it into the bowl.
  31.     “Any luck?” Gabby called out as she slipped back inside the shop. “Kinda...I don't have much else besides the basic stuff.” Gabby frowned as she placed the empty pan in the kitchen. “I don't get it. They took the scones and said they liked them fine. Why didn't they come in?” Gilda grumbled as she put in another batch of scones.
  33.     “You already gave them what they wanted. We can't just hand them out and ask for them to buy more. They need a reason to get more and that's the catch.” Gilda stared at the oven as her newest batch cooked. “What else could we add in to make them better?” Gabby put a hand to her beak and pondered. “Well, there's always fruit and stuff. Why not try that?”
  35.     Gilda stared at Gabby like a deer in headlights. “Are you mental? Maybe ponies would eat that kinda junk but I don't even think you would try that.” Gabby blushed as she tapped the table she was leaning on. “'re probably right.” They sat in awkward silence until the chocolate chip batch was pulled from the oven.
  37.     “Gimmie!” Gabby demanded, swiping a scone off the pan. She had half of the treat in her beak before squawking and dropping it to the table. “I told you they were hot. Stop being such a feather brain.” Gilda sighed as she looked at her stock. “At this rate, I'm gonna run out of supplies anyway. Probably a good idea to close up and go shopping for tomorrow.” Gabby was busy fanning her tongue as she watched Gilda scoop up the pouch still sitting near the register. “But what about the shop? Aren't you worried you'll miss a customer or two?”
  39.     “How many times do I need to hammer it into your skull? No one else is coming in until I have a good hook and I can't make any scones anyway. I'll be back and don't you dare do anything stupid while I'm gone.” Gabby shrugged as she finally bit into a scone as Gilda strapped the coin purse to her jeans and headed for the traders.
  41.     Eggs, butter, sugar, chocolate, flour and even a few apples sat in Gilda's bags as she hopped from stall to stall. Her burden was growing heavier while her coin purse was getting lighter. She grumbled as she approached her final stop. “Hey, I need some milk, fast.” Gilda demanded as she slammed a few bits onto the counter. “Ha, out of luck, chick. Milk supply dried up this morning. Too bad for you.”
  43.     “What? Are you playing some sort of game? I NEED that milk!” Gilda reached over the counter and grabbed the griffon by his shirt. “Or what? You gonna feed me those disgusting scones you keep ruining?” His words cut hard, forcing Gilda to gather her things and stomp off. “Damn. Where in this dump am I gonna find milk?”
  45.     She wandered back to her shop fuming mad. No matter what seemed to happen, Gilda's luck was never on her side. As she struggled to keep her grip on her bags, a heavy sigh echoed through the empty streets. “Bah, full again. Those hatchlings better appreciate the surplus of milk before it dries up.” Gilda craned her head back and gasped. The griffon behind her was sporting the biggest set of breasts she had ever seen, with dual milk stains spreading over her thin shirt.
  47.     Gilda felt a touch of heat building on her face as she began to follow the griffon through the alleyways. “Stupid tits. Always full...bloated...guys always staring at me until I tell them I have hatchlings at home.” Gilda could almost hear the griffon's chest sloshing about as she walked towards a small house near the edge of town.
  49.     The sneaky griffon set her supplies down and watched her target walk to the bedroom of the small home. Her gold mine of milk sighed as she unhooked her bra and pulled off her shirt, squirting milk everywhere. “Just milk me already. I can't stand it.” She retrieved a small pump from under her bed and instantly pushed the cups to her nipples.
  51.     Squirt after squirt of milk filled the tank, filling it up near instantly. “Damn it. Gotta change already?” The tank was swapped again and again as the milker was filled with gallons and gallons of milk. “Ah, that feels so much better. I can't believe how much I'm making.” Six bottles sat on the table as the lactating griffon relieved herself and cleaned up a bit of the mess. “Dinner time. Drink it up cause I don't have anywhere else to put it.”
  53.     As the bountiful griffon left the room, Gilda sprang into action. She snatched up the small tanks and tossed them outside, making sure to toss a few bits on the table. Gilda picked up the tanks and scrambled away, grunting and groaning as the extra burden made her back ache. Soon enough, she was standing in front of her shop, red and sweaty as she unlocked the door.
  55.     “Wow, what happened to you?” Gabby asked as she leisurely stuffed another scone into her beak.  “Don't worry about it. I got the supplies so shut up.” Gabby giggled as she helped Gilda haul in the load. “Weird, the dairy stall never has tanks like these. Is this a special kind of milk?” Gilda shrugged as she stashed the stolen milk into the refrigerator. “No clue. This is what he gave me so I'm not complaining. Are you still hungry?”
  57.     Gabby pat her stomach and smiled. “Not really. Those chocolate chip scones were too good to pass up.” Gilda groaned as one scone remained from the initial dozen. “At least I get to have ONE of em. You really are a glutton for these things, aren't you?” Gabby held up a hand and giggled. “Guilty! Pony food is just so good. I wish griffons around here liked it as well. Then you wouldn't be so out of luck.”
  59.     Gilda put everything away for tomorrow and sighed. “No kidding. At least with a new recipe, I've got a better shot at this. Let's get out of here for today. No sense in being cooped up in here if no one is buying.” Gabby gave a small wave before wandering out of the store, leaving Gilda alone with her thoughts. “I sure hope something clicks tomorrow or else.” Gilda looked down for her scone and noticed the tray was empty. “That little bitch. She stole my scone!” Gilda grumbled as she locked up and walked home.
  64.     Bright and early the next day, Gilda was unlocking the shop. She was barely awake as the key slid into the lock and released the bolt. Heavy feet dragged to the back as she began heating up the oven. “Hi Gilda!” Gabby near screamed into the shop. Gilda's eyes and wings snapped open and stared at Gabby, the heat of her gaze nearly igniting the whole shop in flame.
  66.     “Could you PLEASE not scream like that at this hour. Some of us are still asleep.” Gilda warned as she nursed a coffee. “Oh, is someone asleep in the back or something?” Gabby asked as she wandered into the kitchen. “Yea, I am. Never been an early bird.” Gilda warned again as the oven dinged. “Oh, sorry. I sorta figured you were since the shop opens so early.”
  68.     Gilda shook her head as she began mixing her ingredients together. “While you can eat scones all day, most people only eat them for breakfast. Maybe the sweeter ones for dessert.” Gilda frowned as she poured in milk to the batch. “Speaking of, just what happened to the last scone on the table yesterday before you left?”
  70.     Gabby blushed as the floor suddenly drew her attention. “” Gilda grunted as she rolled her eyes. “Yea, that magic stomach of yours that wont stop eating scones.” Gilda teased as she poked Gabby in the stomach. “You keep eating scones like that and you'll get chunky, girl. Better get in a few laps before you bloat up.”
  72.     It didn't take long for the scones to cook, filling the air with the same buttery, sugary scent as before. Gilda placed her creations on the table and started with another batch as they cooled. “Oh man, they smell REALLY good today.” Gabby moaned as she desperately waited for them to cool down. Gilda was about to cook another batch when a moan echoed through the kitchen.
  74.     “Ohhhhh myyyyyy goooooooooooooooooooooooosh!” Gabby shuddered as she stuffed the rest of her scone in her beak. In seconds, another scone was missing from the plate and inside Gabby's stomach. Gilda watched in fascination as the whole dozen was polished off by Gabby in moments. The greedy griffon sighed and gave her stomach a small pat before letting out a satisfying belch. “Oh man...that was so good! What did you do different?”
  76.     Gilda glanced over to the jug of milk sitting on the counter. “M-me? a bit of cream with the milk?”Gabby moaned as she licked her beak clean of any crumbs. “Yea, they were so creamy and tasty. I couldn't stop.” Gabby's stomach was peeking from under her shirt, exposing a little bit of skin and feather fluff.
  78.     “I think THIS batch needs to be sampled by others. If you take the next batch outside and NOT eat them, I promise another dozen all to yourself at the end of today.” Gabby squealed in excitement as she hugged Gilda as tight as she could. “Oh, we're gonna make this place a success with your new recipe! I can't wait.”
  80.     “Get off me! You have scones to hand out and NOT eat.” Gilda warned as she put the next batch onto a plate. Gabby nodded as she headed outside immediately. The stuffed girl nearly crammed a scone right into a passing griffon's mouth, forcing the food on them as desperately as she could. Gilda watched with amazement as they walked inside and pulled out a few bills. “Whatever she's giving out, I want a dozen!”
  82.     Gilda rushed off to the kitchens and began prepping another dozen. By the time she had finished, three more griffons were waiting. She quickly turned on her other ovens and began making scones in massive batches as the line grew little by little. Gabby was forced to run the counter while handing out scones to please the audience as Gilda baked. Both griffons were smiling as the rush finally died down after a few hours.
  84.     “Wow. I've never seen so many griffons in here at once.” Gilda smirked as she counted all the profits in the till. “I told ya, all you needed was a new outlook on this whole thing.” Gabby smiled as she slipped another scone into her beak. “Keep eating scones like that and you'll be needing a new wardrobe.”
  86.     Gabby blushed as Gilda took a small helping of bits from the till. “Okay, I need to pay off a few things and get more supplies for tomorrow. Will you survive until I can open up and make more of your favorite food?” Gabby nodded as she forced herself to drop a scone back onto the serving tray. Satisfied, Gilda coaxed Gabby out and set out on more supplies.
  88.     After paying off her debts for the month, Gilda did her rounds of the markets. She made sure to buy double of her usual order as she skipped from stall to stall. It wasn't until she was standing in front of the dairy stall did she stop and begin to worry. She couldn't buy from the stall anymore, not if she wanted to keep her new recipe bringing in new customers.
  90. She walked away from the markets and returned to the shop. “I can't keep going out to that house. I'll get caught sooner or later if I keep stealing milk.” Gilda moaned in the dark shop, pacing around in worry. “It's not like milk like that comes from anywhere.” Gilda muttered. The gears in her head began to turn as she looked down at her own chest. A slight blush began to form on her face as she reached up and groped her own tits.
  92.     Gilda took off her shirt and stared at her bust. She was never particularly endowed in any real way, her body lean and trim for flight. Yet she rubbed her hands together and kneaded at her chest, her breath growing heavy as she tried to tease milk from her nipples. “Damn it...other than getting kinda horny, no milk.” Gilda put her shirt back on and dashed off to the one place she thought she would never need to go to sell scones.
  94.     A stack of biology books were stacked next to Gilda as she flipped through some of them. “” Gilda mumbled as she tossed the book aside for another. Her fingers slid through the chapters, desperate to find any sort of answer for her problem. Her stack of literature dwindled down until she was flipping through her last book on maternity and child care.
  96.     “Hm...In olden times, griffons used to ingest the mjolk root in order to induce lactation for tribes that had fewer fertile females. This root grows plentiful all around Griffonstone.” Gilda smiled as she remembered the vast patches she used to soar over when she was learning how to fly. “Jackpot.” Gilda whispered as she left her mess of books sitting at the table.
  103.     Gilda sat in the kitchen of her shop, waiting for the water to boil. The whitish sap of the root flowed from the plant into her pot, making the bubbling mixture thick and creamy. Gilda stirred the mix about, watching as the sap became frothy on top. “Perfect. Now to let it cool.” Gilda tapped her foot impatiently, grumbling as she watched her night tick away.
  105.     “Finally. Maybe I can go home after this and get some shut eye.” Gilda mumbled as she guzzled the brew down. She hummed in approval, the milky taste making her grin as she slammed her cup down. “Hey, that was pretty good. I dunno why the book warned against drinking it.” Gilda poured herself another cup and chugged it down, sighing in satisfaction as she stared at her chest.
  107.     “Hmm. Doesn't seem to be working. Maybe I messed up?” The night was forgotten as Gilda made another mix, adding more and more mjolk root until the bubbling pot was more sap than water. Gilda refused to wait, chugging down the scalding drink with tears in her eyes. Her stomach sloshed as she gave a pained belch. “Guh...sleeeepy.”
  109.     The exhausted griffon barely made it home, crashing on her couch as the sap inside her seeped into her body. Gilda moaned in her sleep as her breasts began to swell and slosh, growing bigger and bigger by the hour. Her hips strained her jeans as they widened and grew ripe and plump. Gilda slept through it all as the calming sap warped her body all through the night.
  111.     Gilda moaned as she slowly opened her eyes. “Wha...where am I?” The sleepy griffon shook her head, stopping as a sloshing caught her attention. She looked down and gasped, unable to see over her gigantic tits. Her breasts were stretching out the collar of her shirt, providing an amazing view of her ample, flowing cleavage.
  113.     “Wha...oh shit, it worked!” Gilda leaned up, moaning as the heavy weight of her chest began to pull at her back. “Gotta go shopping for a bra...for once.” Gilda eased herself off the couch and smiled as she felt her breasts sway and jiggle with every step. “Oh yea, this is AMAZING.” Gilda smirked as she began her day.
  115.     “Damn it, this SUCKS!” Gilda winced. In the short amount of time since she had woken up, her breasts had ballooned up bigger than her head. Everyone was gawking and staring at her exposed flesh, giggling and blushing as her titanic tits flashed a serious amount of cleavage and underboob. She rushed into her shop and ran to the kitchens eager to relieve herself.
  117.     Gilda pulled up her shirt and groaned. She leaned her chest over her biggest bowl and carefully tugged at her nipples. “GAH!” Gilda squawked as her sensitive skin almost burned at her touch, releasing a massive stream of milk into the bowl. Gilda could barely keep her voice down as she gently tugged at her nipples and struggled to stand as electricity danced over her skin.
  119.     Finally, after filling about a dozen bowls, Gilda was empty. Her breath was ragged and sweat was dripping off her face as she pulled her shirt back over her still massive tits. “Okay....scones...gotta make scones.” Gilda had barely started as Gabby burst through the front door. “Hi Gilda! How...ya doing?” Gabby asked as the red faced griffon did her best to pour her own milk into her mixing bowl.
  121.     “Doing...great.” Gilda shrugged as she began to knead the dough as it solidified. “You look worn out. Did you get enough sleep?” Gabby let out a surprised gasp as she noticed Gilda's new assets wobbling and jiggling with each little movement. “Forget sleep, what happened” Gilda sighed as she placed the first batch of scones into the oven. “Allergic reaction. I'm doing fine. Your scones for the day should be ready soon.”
  123.     Gabby opened her mouth, but didn't say anything. She could only find a spot that wasn't already occupied with a bowl of milk and wait. Gilda shoved the scones at Gabby and gave her a stern stare. “I know you're concerned, but no questions. You worry about the scones and I'll worry about the business.” Gabby shrugged and popped a scone into her mouth, surprising Gilda with an excited moan. “Oh man, these are even BETTER! Whatever you're doing, keep doing it!”
  125.     Gilda sighed in relief as she started another batch. She had barely started, yet Gabby had already torn through a whole dozen. “Hey, don't eat into our profits like that!” Gabby whined as she put down a scone. “I can't help it! They're SO GOOD!” Gabby picked the scone back up and shoved it, and two others, into her beak. Gilda could see Gabby's stomach pooling out of her shirt as she swallowed a few more scones.
  127.     “Jeez, you're already getting fat off these. Maybe you need to slow down.” Gabby crammed another scone into her mouth and shook her head. “Noooo! I wont stop. I..I...I NEED these scones!” Gilda watched as Gabby began to drool all over her clothes. “...What the hell is wrong with her?” Gilda whispered as she felt her chest growing tight all over again.
  129.     “Can I trust you to sample these scones outside?” Gilda begged as she handed a full serving platter to Gabby. “Of course! I'll hand them out, no problem.” Gabby smiled as she took the tray in hand. Before she could slip outside, the front door opened as a few customers slipped inside. “Oops, looks like I don't need to hand them out anymore.” Gabby smiled as she tore through the dozen in her hands in seconds.
  131.     Gabby's stomach was growing round and full, almost jiggling as much as Gilda's rack. Swamped with orders already, Gilda had no choice but to run to the back and begin cooking. “Gabby, make yourself useful and take orders for me. I'll throw in more scones as payment.” Gabby's face lit up as she jumped behind the register and began taking as many orders as she could.
  133.     Gilda made sure to make a few extras with each batch to slide over to Gabby every so often. She also had to make sure no one could watch her every time she felt the need to lift up her shirt and relieve the pressure in her chest. She added a fresh serving of milk right to her next mix and sighed as she watched the money rolling in. “At least something is working...even if there's been some side effects.”
  135.     The morning rush warped into the lunch frenzy. Gilda began to worry she would run out of dry ingredients at the rate her orders and Gabby's gluttony were demolishing her stomach. A sigh of relief rushed out of her beak as closing time finally rolled around. As she brought out the final order of the day, Gilda watched in awe as Gabby pulled the customer over the counter for a sloppy kiss.
  137.     Gabby's stomach was massive, stuffed with countless scones in her flabby tummy. If Gilda hadn't known any better, she might have guessed that Gabby was expecting hatchlings any day. Her stomach sagged and jiggled under the hem of her shirt as she released the man in her grasp. “Hey, I've got a fun idea. Why don't you let me have those scones, big boy. I PROMISE to make it worth your while.”
  139.     Gilda watched as the scones were pushed into Gabby's hands. “Later, Gilda. I'll see you tomorrow...and I'll see YOU out back.” Gabby licked her beak as she walked outside. Gilda was in shock as Gabby nearly tore off her shorts the second she was outside. “What have I done...” Gilda frowned as she looked at the register overflowing with money. “Is it all worth it? Maybe I can just ween Gabby off these things.”
  141.     Gabby walked in the next day, her pudgy stomach growling for scones. Her whole body seemed just a tad softer, her hips plumper and a muffin top pooling over her shorts. Gilda forced herself to smile as Gabby dove at the nearest plate of scones without saying a word. “Hi Gabby. How ya feeling today?”
  143.     “Like my whole body is on FIRE.” Gabby moaned as she grabbed her breasts. “I dunno what it is feels like I'm in heat or something.” Gilda blushed as Gabby continued to grope herself as she ate. “Well, can I count on you to work the register today? Or maybe you should go to the hospital and see what's wrong...”
  145.     “And miss out on scones? I'd rather DIE than not get my delicious little babies.” Gabby smirked as she scooped up another dozen. “Hey, those are for customers when we open! You can't just EAT them!” Gabby giggled as she stuffed scone after scone into her mouth. “So? I'm a partner in this business, remember? Unless you wanna pay me back right this second, these scones are MINE!” Gabby shoveled the rest into her mouth, forcing her belly to stretch and grow as the sinful pastries were already piling on her chubby body.
  147.     Gilda's hands flew to the register and counted up everything inside. A heavy sigh escaped her as she looked at everything in her grasp. “A few bucks shorts...damn it.” Gabby cackled as she jiggled her tummy. “Ha ha ha. Scones, NOW!” Gabby smirked as Gilda resumed her baking, doing her best to ignore the sloshing of her chest.
  149.     The morning rush hit, leaving Gilda scrambling to cook up scones between milking herself. Her breasts never seemed to stop no matter how much she tugged and pulled at her nipples, leaving her still sloshing and jiggling after every session. Her shirt was almost too small to keep her decent, her pink nips nearly visible under the hem of her shrinking shirt.
  151.     “Gabby, where are the incoming orders?” Gilda squawked as she peeked at the front. Gabby was nowhere to be seen as the line of irate customers grew and grew. “Damn that little bitch. Where did she go?” Gilda stepped out of the kitchen in time to see Gabby walking back to the register from the bathroom. “Gabby! At least let me know when you're taking a break.”
  153.     “Sorry, Gilda. I needed to give a customer a” Gabby blushed. She leaned over the counter with a smirk, showing off the glint of something sticky rolling down her leg. Gilda stuck out her tongue as she watched a male strut out of the bathroom with a smile on his face. Gabby reached into a bag she had set to the side and crammed another two scones in her mouth. “Next? Do you wanna try a dozen scones today? Or how about something SWEETER?” Gabby teased as she made a jerking motion with her hand.
  155.     Flustered and in need of ANOTHER milking, Gilda rushed off to the kitchens and continued cooking. She baked and baked, concentrating only on the sounds of the register ringing up another sale. Closing time never seemed to get any closer as Gilda worked herself to the bone to keep up with the demand. Her back was growing sore as her tits began to eclipse her head and her whole body seemed to sluggishly move along as she delivered the last order to the front.
  157.     “Closing time at last!” Gabby smiled as she held out a dozen bags of scones. Her stomach was sagging onto the counter as she opened the closest bag and shoveled the entire order into her mouth. “Are you sure that's just scones in that fat stomach of yours?” Gilda sneered as she poked Gabby's overflowing ass. “What, jealous I can bring it all the boys and convince them to buy scones?” Gabby smirked as she sloshed her gut hard.
  159.     Gilda almost wretched as the crotch of Gabby's shorts began to stain. “Get outta here, you little slut. I need to sanitize everything before I leave.” Gabby waddled out with a giant grin on her face as more and more scones disappeared into her stomach. “I have to close this down tomorrow. Pay off all my debts and never bake another scone again.”
  161.     She opened the register and her jaw dropped. Money was overflowing from the till and falling to the floor. Gilda began counting, her breath short and fast as the profits soared higher and higher. “What the....did we really make that much money? I'm rich!” The troubled thoughts melted away as Gilda stuffed a giant wad of bills in her cleavage as she walked out. “I better get more supplies for tomorrow.” She smiled, humming a little tune even as little splotches of milk were staining her shirt.
  167.     Both birds turned a blind eye to each other and kept their greed to themselves. Gilda was forced to buy a back brace as her tits continued to bloat and swell. It had become too much of a bother to wear a shirt, so Gilda simply bought the biggest maternity bra she could find and went near topless. Her hips had continued to widen and grow, giving her a ridiculous hourglass shape. Wearing nothing but her white bra and stretchy shorts, Gilda opened her shop and began the task of milking her massive tits for the first round of scones.
  169.     Gabby's mouth was never empty as scones and “favors” never ran dry for her. Every part of her body was covered with an abundance of flab and fat. Her face, her breasts, hips and ass all jiggled with every step and even every breath. What really dominated her body was her belly. Her giant gut hung in front of her, swaying constantly as no shirt or pants could dare keep the beast of a tummy at bay. Nothing seemed to fit her, turning extra extra large tee shirts into bras and the widest of shorts into skimpy panties. The gluttonous griffon waddled into the shop at sunrise, a big smile on her face as her belly swayed and bounced in front of her.
  171.     “Gilda! I have the best news!” Gabby mumbled between bites as she watched the milky griffon lean over her mixing bowl and relieve the pressure in her chest. “Oh yea? What is it, lard ass?” Gabby smirked as she rubbed her tummy and sighed. “It's not ALL fat, you literal cow. I'm gonna be a mommy.” Gilda laughed as she squeezed more breast milk straight into another batch of dough. “Oh yea? I wonder how that happened.”
  173.     Gabby shrugged as she continued to pile scones into her mouth. “It's the weirdest thing. The doctors wanna say I have quite a few bundles of joy hiding in my tummy but they say that they are all at different stages of development. It's almost like I got knocked up, then I got knocked up again while already pregnant.”
  175.     A little kick forced Gabby to rub her stomach once more. “So I was wondering...Since I work here anyway and all. Could I maybe start getting paid?” Gilda rolled her eyes as she clasped her bra and sat down. “I just might have to, yea. If you're lugging around more that just whale blubber, it doesn't seem right to keep paying you with just scones.”
  177.     “Yay! Thank you Gilda!” Gabby waddled forward, pouncing on Gilda and nearly crushing the griffon under her massive weight. “It's fine! Now get off before you kill me!” Gabby carefully pushed herself off Gilda and heaved herself up, her ass tearing through her shorts and leaving herself exposed. “Oops. Good thing the belly covers the front!”
  179.     The shop opened up right on time, the regular customers piling in and staring at Gabby. “Hi guys. What can I get ya?” She smirked as the horny customers unzipped their pants. “Gildaaaaa! Make about..four hundred scones?” Gabby grinned as the money hit the counter in an instant. “Perfect. Make sure one of you feeds me this time. I'm STARVING.”
  181.     Gabby spread her legs and leaned forward, moaning as the first cock plunged deep inside of her. Her ass wobbled and rippled as every hard thwap only made her hungry. It didn't take long for the first order to arrive, her admirers feeding her the scones while they fucked her senseless. More and more money fell into the till, prompting Gilda to continue baking even as cum ran down Gabby's legs and pooled onto the floor.
  183.     Her gut was swelling bigger and bigger as scones and spunk were thrust inside of her. All Gabby could do was chew and more as another scone and another cock plugged her up. Her stomach stretched out, forcing her to spread her legs and let her stomach sway under her as another male ravaged her needy pussy. Gilda peeked outside of the kitchen from time to time, moaning as she milked her tits a little too hard.
  185.     “See you guys tomorrow!” Gabby waved as she did her best to stand straight. Her stomach was easily double the size from when she first waddled in, drooping low over her knees as she waddled to the back. Gilda was busy at the sinks draining her milk tanks as Gabby licked her lips. “You know, I think your scones were a little dry today.” Gabby giggled as she watched her friend pour rivers of breast milk down the sink.
  187.     “No way! You see how much I'm spraying right now? The dough was almost mush when I put it in the oven.” Gabby heaved one of the gigantic tits to her mouth and wrapped her soft lips around the thick nipple. Gilda squawked in arousal as she felt Gabby's tongue swirl around her sensitive nub. Gabby chugged down gallons of milk at a time, moaning as she felt her stomach swell even bigger.
  189.     She released Gilda with a lewd pop, licking her beak and smirking as Gilda was left panting. “Where....where do you put it all, fatty?” Gabby rubbed her massive womb as she reached for the other heavy breast. “The babies need their nutrients. Gimme more, you thick, milky cow.” Gabby shuddered as more of the creamy milk flooded her belly, making her expand with dozens of pounds of fat as she let the excess dribble down her chin.
  191.     “We wont stop growing if we keep this up. You'll be a beached whale and I'll end up as two tits with a griffon attached.” Gilda warned as Gabby finally had her fill. “You say that like it's a bad thing. We've got enough money for a while so who cares?” Gabby opened her mouth again but all that came out was a roaring belch that made the whole room shake. Gilda squeezed back into her bra and heaved herself up. “Same time tomorrow?” She asked as she followed her gravid friend out the door.
  197.     If it wasn't for the massive boulders hanging off her chest, Gilda could say this was the closest she had even been to feeling completely free and unburdened by life's little troubles. A few remodels were needed and with all her new income, they were done in the time it took to blink. The glass windows of the shop were covered up with a thick black tint for privacy sake. The usual lock was replaced with a buzzer system to keep unwanted guests out while Gabby was busy “selling” scones. In their private little haven, clothing became optional as they continued to outgrow everything in a day or two.
  199.     Gilda slipped into the shop from the back door, eager to get herself hooked up. Her tits were nearly scraping the ground as she struggled to stand upright. She sat down in relief as she fit the cups of her industrial milker on her nipples and let the machine work its magic. Gabby was soon to waddle in, her hatchling bearing hips getting caught in the door as her massive gut brushed against the ground.
  201.     “Ready for another day?” Gilda winked as she uncapped one of her milking cups and let Gabby push the fat tit into her mouth. “MMMmmmm yesh.” She mumbled as she rubbed her stomach as it began the day's growth. Gilda smiled as the cameras revealed the deviants outside, waiting for a turn at the glorious griffons waiting inside.
  203.     A buzz let in a few males, starting the show for the day. Gilda counted everything, only letting someone mount Gabby after getting payment up front. Gilda could almost imagine the fat, overburdened womb spilling on the floor getting bigger as another hatchling was conceived right in front of her. The males waiting took turns relieving Gilda and Gabby of the precious milk flowing from their nipples, making them hornier as the hormone rich drink fueled their libidos.
  205.     Gilda buzzed more in as the current crew shuffled out. Gabby's stomach was already so giant, yet she never turned anything away. Her hands kneaded the soft tit in her mouth while her body was in constant motion. Gabby could do little more but grow and grow as more and more hatchlings filled her womb and fat flowed over her belly. “Man, are you ever going to stop growing? You'll ruin the shop if you keep going like this.”
  207.     “Ruin...the shop?” Gabby managed to say in between bouts of heavy pounding. Gabby gave a drunken giggle as she lifted up her own breast to her mouth and began to savor her own milk. Her body rippled outwards, billowing out bigger and bigger as she guzzled down gallons of milk for her unborn hatchlings crowding her womb.
  209.     Gilda's eyes went wide as Gabby's growth went without stopping. “Oh my gosh, are you REALLY gonna demolish my shop with your fat ass?” Gilda squawked as Gabby continued to bloat out. The griffons in line didn't even seem to care, all piling on top of Gabby and fucking the heavy folds of fat all over her body.
  211.     Fat. Rolls and rolls of fat spread all over the floor as Gabby reached another climax. Her gluttony for milk and cock knew no limits as she continued to expand, slosh and grow bigger. Gilda watched on as the money and flab kept piling up, a hint of a smile spreading on her face. She could only watch as the orgy of horny griffons continued to force Gabby bigger and bigger.
  213.     Gilda couldn't tell what side of Gabby she was looking at. She unhooked herself from the milker and let her flow drip to the floor as she circled the gravid, obese griffon. “Where does the belly end and the griffon begin? Gabby?” A moan signaled Gilda to walk counter clockwise to find Gabby still nursing from her own nipple. “Hey, they left ages ago. How do you feel?” The only response Gilda received was a massive, roaring burp that shook the walls of the former scone shop.
  215.     “You keep drinking and you WILL ruin the shop. That means no more money, no more cock and no more milk, you know.” Gabby let go of her tit and relaxed, finally catching her breath as her body jiggled and her tummy sloshed about. “So? I'm so massive, sexy and full of hatchlings. What is anyone going to do?”
  217.     The busty griffon shrugged as she stretched her back. “Dunno. I don't think you'll fit through the door anyway, preggo.” Gilda teased as she poked and prodded at Gabby's body. “Screw it. I'm a divine goddess of fertility and you're the goddess of bounty and wealth. No griffon could ever stop us.” Gilda found a grin spreading across her face as Gabby resumed her sucking and gulping. “You're right...we're goddesses that could demand ANYTHING.”
  222.     Gilda stared at the horizon as the sun slowly rose into the sky. She tightened her back brace and smiled as she began to strut down the roads completely nude. The early birds stared at Gilda and her massive rack, hypnotized by the sway of her hips and and jiggle of her bust. Gilda's smile only grew as the perverted crowd began to follow her to the scone shop.
  224.     Satisfied that enough had gathered, Gilda finally spoke. “Griffons! We as a race have been down on our luck for years. Forgotten and left to fend for ourselves, we have struggled to make ends meet and prosper.” Gilda pushed her arms under her tits, moaning seductively as a massive gush of milk nearly hit one or two of the onlookers.
  226.     “But our luck has changed! I, Gilda, have been gifted by a goddess. Just look at my bountiful form. Can any of you deny I am changed? Better? More powerful?” The murmur of the mob was positive with every sway of Gilda's chest. “Behind me is the shop I once called my failing business but now it has a new purpose. It holds the goddess of fertility and she needs to be saved!”
  228.     Gilda unlocked the front door of her shop and smiled as the crowd gasped in surprise. Inside was Gabby still sucking her breast as her body continued to billow outwards. “My griffons, she needs us! Feed her, force her to grow and watch as her pregnant swell demolishes this ruined shop and casts her glow upon Griffonstone!”
  230.     The mob cheered as they rushed forward with offerings. Gabby chirped in glee as scones, milk, meat, butter and all sorts of fattening foods were pushed inside her hungry mouth. Her bottomless stomach continued to bloat outwards as it began to press into the walls. “Yes! Feed her! Fill her up from both ends. You shall receive her boons and praise yet, griffons!”
  232.     “The milker. Bring it here and we shall show you the power we wield.” Gilda smiled as the machine was rescued from the cramped building. A microscopic cup was attached to one of Gilda's abundant tits while the other was pushed against Gabby's flowing bust. The thick, creamy milk overflowed into the milk tank, spilling all over the ground as the two goddesses moaned in delight.
  234.     “Drink. Drink and you will feel our power flowing through you.” Gilda commanded. She watched as the males sipped at the warm brew, tugging at their collars as their pants grew tight. Females began to pant and moan as their chests bloated up with milk and their hips widened out for breeding. “That's right. Feel the sexy power rushing through you. Breed. Breed and make us all grow fat, plump and gravid! Your goddesses demand it!”
  236.     Word of the divine spread through town, the crowd growing into a mob. Gabby moaned as more food was stuffed into her mouth as her body began to force the walls of the shop to crack against her bountiful body. Gilda smiled as her friend expanded outwards, growing magnificent and huge against all who stood next to her. The first creaks of the shrinking scone shop were music to Gilda's ears as Gabby's bulk could no longer be contained.
  238.     The throngs of griffons pushed and pulled at the walls, eager to help their goddess free. A section of brick fell away, revealing a wall of brown flab oozing out from the crack in the building. More and more chunks of the shop began to fall away, freeing Gabby from her prison and allowing her body to spill out onto the ground below.
  240.     “The goddess of fertility is free! Let happiness flow through you, my griffons. Let the ground flow with seed and milk!” The crowd cheered at Gilda's words as the females tore off their clothes and bent over for their breeders. Several males crowded around Gabby, desperate to offer more hatchlings to the overly gravid goddess as she continued to grow and bloat.
  242.     Gilda snatched the first male she could and pressed her beak to his. “My follower. Would you be so kind as to breed me till I'm heavy with a few hatchlings?” Gilda found herself pushed to the ground faster than she could think. Her heavy tits pressed into the earth beneath her, squirting milk all over her body. “Yes! Breed me! Fuck me! Make your goddess a toy for your carnal desires!”
  244.     As the first of dozens of griffons plowed her tight pussy, Gilda smiled. She looked up and caught Gabby's happy grin as a whole block of griffons tended to her every need. “This is the perfect life.” Gilda thought to herself before the first of many orgasms lit her skin on fire and sent her reeling and babbling for more.

The Deep Chest

by Tankris

Heavy Pranks

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Birthday Bitch

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Nightblorp Night

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Perfect Pumpkin Pony

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