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Soldier of the Buffet

By Tankris
Created: 2023-08-21 18:28:34
Updated: 2023-08-21 18:29:40
Expiry: Never

  1. “Alright, Sentry. You've finally finished scrubbing down the latrine with the punishment brush. You're dismissed.” The cocky sergeant carefully gripped a stained toothbrush with his magic and walked away. Flash Sentry slowly rose to his hooves, wincing as several of his joints popped. “Stupid cadets...shoving me into the training dummies right when Princess Twilight arrived.” His wing was still a little sore, leaving him to hobble out of the bathroom.
  3. Various stallions snickered as Flash put away his armor. “Did you dent anything, Sentry? You better hope not or else you'll be polishing the captain's armor till it shines.” Flash did his best to ignore the taunts and tried to unwind. A hot shower didn't dull the aches in his body and his wing was still throbbing in pain.
  5. There was only one place for Flash to relax after such a brutal punishment. No matter how tired, beaten or defeated he was, his favorite restaurant was there to offer a small smile and a good meal. It took a little longer than usual but Flash couldn't help but smile as he arrived. A sleepy little buffet palace off the beaten path awaited him. He pushed open the doors and sighed as he placed a few bits on the counter.
  7. “Ah, Hello Flash. Another rough day?” The hostess gave a sympathetic smile as she offered Flash his favorite booth. He sat for a few moments and watched the few ponies inside eating in peace. He let his eyes wander around the buffet as he finally relaxed. Flash hopped out of his seat and finally approached the buffet line. A few things lined his plate, enough for a light meal as he sat back down.
  9. His bites were slow and deliberate to savor the taste. Flash watched ponies come and go as he sat around in his booth seat. Half an hour had passed and yet Flash was only halfway done with his first plate. A tranquil calm seeped through his body as he leisurely ate through his selection of sweets. With a satisfied moan, he polished off a small, bite sized cupcake and sighed.
  11. Flash continued to watch until a very particular mare walked in. Everybody turned as Princess Twilight walked into the buffet, licking her lips as the savory smells filled her nose. “Oh, Princess! It's such an honor to have you here!” The purple princess blushed as she waved a hoof. “Please, the honor is mine. I've heard from a few ponies that this buffet is amazing and I had to try it.”
  13. Twilight Sparkle dropped a few bits on the reception desk and grabbed a plate with her magic. Several of the staff rushed out to greet her, insisting on various snack items and foods. One plate had turned into three as the princess sat down in a booth close to Flash Sentry. “Ohh, it all looks so good!” Twilight giggled as she picked up a rather large hayburger.
  15. Flash watched as Twilight nearly shoved half of the hayburger into her mouth. His eyes widened as the princess shoveled the burger into her mouth and swallowed, barely chewing it at all. She rubbed her tummy and moaned in delight as it jiggled softly under her touch. “Ahh, that's more like it.” Twilight readied her magic and gathered up a huge collection of french fries.
  17. They disappeared into her mouth like clockwork, sliding down her throat with ease. Flash had never seen anypony devour their food with such grace and speed. Not even the tall, stocky guards that were reserved for princess guarding duties could eat like this, yet the dainty princess was inhaling her meal like it was air.
  19. A cute little belch escaped her mouth, causing Flash's wings to stiffen. He hissed in pain as his sore wing throbbed to remind him of his aches. Twilight Sparkle looked over her food and spotted Flash rubbing his aching wing. “Oh no, wing troubles? I've got a spell for that.” Twilight eased herself from her seat and walked over to Flash. “Ah, don't worry about me. I'll feel better tomorrow...hopefully.” Flash sighed as he leaned back into his seat. “Hmmm.” Twilight pointed her horn at Flash and shot a small beam of magic straight at him.
  21. Warm, fuzzy tingles flooded Flash's skin as the magic was channeled through his body. The aches and pains of training and punishment faded away, leaving him refreshed and renewed. “Gosh...I feel like I could run a marathon. Thanks, Princess Twilight!” She blushed as she waved a hoof. “Please, Twilight Sparkle is fine. I'm glad I could help.”
  23. She returned to her seat, allowing Flash to watch her body wobble and jiggle with every step. With the aches gone from his body, Flash was able to concentrate harder on his surroundings. He noticed a healthy, soft layer of padding all over Twilight's body, a sure result of her obvious gluttony. Twilight returned to her seat and resumed her eating, much to Flash's delight.
  25. After the hayburger and fries, Twilight turned to her next plate. A huge wedge of daisy and lily lasagna had been pushed onto the plate, leaving the edges dripping with sauce. Flash watched as Twilight cut a massive bite with her fork and scooped it into her mouth. A bit of sauce had smeared over Twilight's mouth but she didn't seem to notice as she chewed her cheesy bite.
  27. Twilight moaned a little too loud, grabbing the attention of the buffet. He staff were all smiles as they took the compliment with pride as the princess shoved another bite into her mouth. Flash bit his lip in joy as more of the thick lasagna disappeared from the plate. He faked a yawn and stretched his head a bit to the left, watching as Twilight's tummy grew a little bigger with every bite.
  29. Flash couldn't believe his luck. His secondary reason for hopping to this buffet was playing out right in front of his eyes and it was Princess Twilight, no less. He watched as Twilight continued to slice apart her meal and stuff it into her mouth, never slowing even as her belly overtook her lap. Twilight sat back into her chair and moaned, rubbing her much bigger tummy.
  31. Her final plate was stacked high with desserts. Giant globs of puddling, cupcakes galore and a massive wedge of pie had sunk into a slice of chocolate cake. Twilight grabbed her fork with her magic once more and scooped a super sized bite of her cake. Flash shuddered as the bulge in her throat slipped down towards her stomach and landed with a splash. Every bite followed the same way, making Twilight's belly jiggle as more and more food was eased into her gut.
  33. Twilight licked a bit of mess and drool from her face as she polished off her cake and pie. Her magic lazily unwrapped a few cupcakes before pressing them against her mouth. Her booth whined as Twilight pushed her weight back into the seat. Flash continued to watch as the rest of the desserts vanished. Twilight wasted no time in scooping up her puddling, moaning with every jiggly bite.
  35. Flash's wings were fully erect as Twilight slammed down her fork. Twilight was totally unashamed of how much of a pig she was being and nothing turned him on more. He slipped out of his seat and carefully followed Twilight as she returned to the buffet line. Her curves jiggled happily as she waddled over to find more food.
  37. Twilight gathered five plates this time, snagging up some of the greasiest hay and flowers simmering at the buffet. Twilight was drooling as a fresh batch of fried mozzarella sticks were added to the line, only for half the sticks to land on her plate. The staff gasped as an entire pizza was stacked onto a plate. Crunchy tacos, burritos and deep fried tortillas stuffed with hay left a healthy splatter of fat and grease all over the plate. Finally, Twilight cut a half of a pan of brownies and piled them as high as she could.
  39. Flash was sweating as he returned to his seat. He barely remember to grab any food as Twilight seemed to grab most of it. Twilight smirked as she started with her pizza, devouring slice after slice like it was nothing. Her belly bloated out with newly acquired flab, her gut pinched by the table as she consumed everything. Everypony turned as every bite sent Twilight's table skidding along the floor as her gigantic stomach demanded more room.
  41. With the pizza gone, Twilight turned to her tacos. Flash Sentry shuddered as she held up each bite high above her head, allowing the grease to drip right down her throat. His eyes widened as Twilight began shoveling food down her throat at insane speeds, her stomach growing quicker and quicker as more food was forced inside her black hole of a stomach.
  43. “Is she even breathing?” Flash whispered as two dozen mozzarella sticks were dropped right down into her tummy. Her gut was trapped now as her table was pushed hard into the opposite booth seat. Twilight didn't even seem to notice as she finished up her food and turned to dessert. Gooey fudge was slathered all over her lips and cheeks as she powered through them all. Her wide rear had grown too big for a booth seat meant for three ponies, sagging over the sides as every calorie bomb was pushed into her stomach.
  45. Twilight's belch rattled the windows of the buffet, sending most of the patrons running out the door. Flash wiped away a tiny trickle of blood from his nose. He watched as Twilight reclined back into her chair. The wood whined against her weight, sending little snaps through the sturdy booth seat. Twilight sighed as she turned towards the buffet but only succeeded in jiggling her massive body in place.
  47. “Aw...I did it again.” Flash's ears twitched as his eyes widened. “A-again??” If he bit his lip harder, he'd break the skin. Quickly, he leaped out of his seat and rushed over to Twilight. “I couldn't help but notice your problem. Want me to help get you unstuck?” Twilight blushed as she rubbed her tummy. “Actually....could...could you get me some more hayburgers? I'm still quite hungry.”
  49. In seconds, Flash had gathered as many burgers as he could. His hooves and his wings were burdened with as many plates he could carry, all stacked high with tasty hayburgers. Twilight smiled as Flash delivered the heavy meal right to her. “Let me help you.” Twilight giggled as she picked up the plates and Flash all at once. She placed Flash on top of her belly and pushed a hayburger into his hooves. “I've got to hold all these with my magic. Could you maybe feed me?”
  51. Both ponies grinned as they enabled each other. Twilight shuddering in bliss as more food was forced into her stomach while Flash savored every ripple of Twilight's flabby gut. All Flash could do was stare at Twilight's cute, sexy, chubby face as she ate. He didn't notice he had run out of hayburgers at all as Twilight pulled more and more food from the buffer with her magic.
  53. Twilight continued to grow bigger and bigger with every bite. The booth whined as her ass spilled over the edge and nearly scraped the ground. Her titanic stomach engulfed the table, shattering it as she refused to stop. The staff grew more and more worried, hoping that Twilight would find her limits soon. They shuffled out the back doors, refusing to cook any more food in fear of Twilight eating everything in the building.
  55. “Aw....did I eat it all?” Twilight moaned as her magic reached out for air. Flash finally snapped out of his stupor and pulled away from Twilight's tummy. “Ouch!” He muttered as his head bonked the ceiling. He looked down and was in shock of how big Twilight had become. Her body was round and doughy, sagging over several booths and chairs as she continued to grow. “Oh're so big!”
  57. “ there any more? I'm so close to being full.” Twilight whimpered as she rubbed her flabby hooves into her doughy gut. Flash slipped down Twilight's belly and ran to the buffet to find every last crumb gone. He sighed in defeat before his eyes caught something in the back of the room. “Not ALL of it.” He grinned as he fetched a hose from the back.
  59. He flew up and offered one end of the hose to Twilight. “Start sucking when you feel it coming through.” Flash winked as he connected the other end of the hose to a gigantic ice cream machine. He pulled down on the first lever, sending gallons of vanilla ice cream right into Twilight's mouth. She moaned in approval as her belly lurched forward, heavy with food, sweets and ice cream.
  61. Flash inched his way backwards as Twilight's belly demanded more space. He watched as her soft, purple flab oozed over the ice cream machine, blocking him from the controls. “Darn...guess I wont be savoring this.” He pushed her stomach out of the way just long enough to slam down every lever, sending massive, pony sized loads of ice cream right into Twilight's stomach.
  63. Her body slammed against the walls instantly, filling up the entire restaurant with her body. Twilight moaned over the screams of the ice cream dispenser as it struggled to pump so much sugary cream into her mouth. Flash shuddered as Twilight's body pinned him to the walls, trapping him with nowhere to go.
  65. The ponies walking on the street stopped as a massive rumble shook the ground. They flocked to the noise as it continued, slipping through the back alleys to find the little buffet in ruins. A soft, jiggly purple blob could be seen, blubber oozing through various cracks and shattered windows as it grew. The roof popped off and fell to the ground in pieces, revealing Twilight's face happily chugging away at the creamy treat.
  67. As the stock of ice cream dwindled, Twilight's growth came to a halt. She let the hose slip from her mouth before letting out a belch that demolished the rest of the tiny restaurant. Flash emerged from the rubble and flew up to her belly, rubbing it as best he could. “Ahh...finally full.” Twilight giggled as the ponies stared at her. With nothing else to do, Twilight fell asleep, cooing in delight at the sensual groping of her massive belly.

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