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3xL is the new Small

By Tankris
Created: 2023-08-21 18:44:59
Updated: 2023-08-21 18:45:15
Expiry: Never

  1. Classical music, fancy champagne and the best seats money could buy. First class was all about the glitz, glimmer and importance of just who you were. One such mare was relaxed to the bone, her eyes struggling to stay open. She brushed her pink hair out of her face and smiled. Fleur de Lis closed her eyes and sat back into her plush chair. A newspaper in her lap had captured her perfect face as she was entering a very luxurious limo.
  3. “Fluer de Lis, Retired???” was the headline boldly screaming on the front page. Fleur was in no mood to bother reading such a scandalous article. The only amusing bit was the various excuses the meager tabloid has spun for her departure. Adultery to get her own way, embezzlement of company funds, drug abuse...the list continued as long as Celestia's mane.
  5. A small stretch popped a few joints here and there as Fleur de Lis sighed once more. Finally relaxed one hundred percent, Fleur slipped into a nice little nap. Her seat acted as the perfect bed for her as she spent her plane trip snoozing away. It was so refreshing to nap whenever she wanted, her previous life far too hectic for such trivial things.
  7. The plane shook as it landed, gently rousing Fleur from her nap. “Passangers, we have landed in the great country of Prance. Please enjoy your visit.” Fleur struggled to stand as the last strands of sleep kept her chained to her chair. She reluctantly pulled her carry on luggage out of the storage area and made for the exit.
  9. Fleur de Lis had barely made it out of the docking hallway when more than a dozen cameras assaulted her with a blinding flash. “Fleur! Miss Fleur! Are any of the rumors true? Did you quit your modeling career? Was it because of drugs? Did your manager chase you out of Equestria?” Fleur groaned as her hands flung to her purse. A thick pair of sunglasses barely stopped the nonstop flashing from blinding her as she quietly made her way out of the airport.
  11. “Drat. How in the world did they learn of my vacation?” Fleur winced as the mob followed her outside. They refused to break away from her, swarming from all directions as she tried to hail a cab. Car after car seemed to ignore her as the ever growing mob of ponies made it impossible to see her in the middle of all the chaos. Frustrated, Fleur stomped away from the airport and began walking to her hotel.
  13. Her mob of paparazzi and fans continued to grow, tailing her all over Prance as she tried to escape them all. The mob only made it easier for ponies to latch onto the chase, making it impossible to break free. Desperate, Fleur ducked into a back alley, hoping to force the mob to thin out. She watched them funnel into the side streets, still taking pictures and asking all sorts of insane questions.
  15. She dodged left, right, doubled back and did loops through the dingy back alleys of town. Her admirers began to grow weary of such a chase, ponies finally catching the hint that she wasn't going to talk. Some ponies kept up, easily tailing her as the crowd dispersed. “Leave me alone!” Fleur shouted back to the stragglers as she began running down the dark alleyways.
  17. Fleur barely paid any mind to where she was going, hoping to slip away from her rabid fans. She kicked up a mighty dust cloud as she dashed off, providing the perfect cover as she slipped into a small business on the main roads. Fleur watched from under the windows as the last few ponies ran off in the opposite direction of her hiding spot.
  19. “Caught in a bit of trouble, miss?” A chubby stallion smirked from behind his register. Fleur sighed as she took a seat at a nearby table. “I wouldn't quite say that. Just a few old fans.” The stallion gave a warm chuckle as he fiddled with his apron. “Well, it's not every day that a super famous supermodel up and quits the business.” He shrugged as he flipped open a notepad. “Not my place to pry. What IS my business is pastries. Do you want anything from my humble shop, Miss de Lis?”
  21. Fleur blushed as she shook her head. “Please, Fleur will be fine. The only pony who has shown any sort of decency since I arrived is on a first name basis.” She looked upon his selection of baked goods and licked her lips. “Goodness, there's so much to choose from. Do you bake this all yourself?”
  23. “Yup. All hand crafted from recipes handed down the family for centuries. If it were me, I'd get an eclair or two and some Religieuse. The cream in those is simply divine.” The stallion reached into the case and pulled out one of the small, dual layered pastries and placed it in Fleur's hand. “On the house.”
  25. The treat seemed so small in her hand. She plucked the Religieuse from her palm and took a small bite. Rich, overwhelming chocolate filling flooded her mouth, making her moan loudly through the tiny bakery. The stallion smiled as he reached for a few more. “That's what I like to hear. It's been a while since someone new has stopped by and given my pastries that kind of response.”
  27. “You're right. These are fantastic! Could I get a dozen of these and an eclair or two?” Fleur slipped a small handful of bits onto the counter. “Why don't I offer you this bag for free? Your reaction to my wares is payment enough, Fleur smiled as she took the bulging bag of sweets in her hands. “I'll have to come again when you aren't feeling so generous. There's too much here to pass up if it's all this good.”
  29. Fleur was about to leave when something came to mind. “Goodness, how terribly rude of me. What is your name, kind stallion?” “My name is Jean. Come back any time, Fleur.” The giddy mare exited the tiny shop and resumed her journey to her hotel. Without the fans or paparazzi hounding her, it was far easier to hail a cab. She nibbled on her treats during the ride, giggling to herself as the sweet filling flooded her mouth.
  31. The bag never made it inside her hotel. Fleur slipped her trash into a garbage can before entering the hotel. Her smile had faded as a few of the paparazzi were waiting her, quick to pull out their cameras and continue filming her. “No questions!” Fleur shouted out as she stomped inside the hotel, thanking Celestia that it had very aggressive doorponies. She rushed to the front desk and checked in, running to the elevator in need of privacy.
  33. Fleur slipped her key into the door and flung it open. Alone in her room, she slumped on her bed and relaxed. Fleur closed her eyes and sighed, doing her best to ignore the tension in her bones. The glorious lights of Prance called out to her, yet the glimmer only made her frown. “Even free from my job and free from my responsibilities, I'm still a prisoner.”
  35. Her thoughts wandered back to the delightful bakery she had found. Fleur licked her lips even with her stomach full of sweets. “Perhaps tomorrow. Jean was so kind and his shop was so charming.” Fleur de Lis clicked on her television and flipped through the channels, amusing herself with whatever she could find. “Room service? Yes, could I get a steak au poivre with a salad and potatoes? Thank you.”
  37. Fleur ate her meal in her room, moaning as the savory steak was devoured immediately. “Oh goodness, the food alone has been worth the trip. I might have to order this again!” Fleur chomped through her food happily while she watched television, ignoring the call of the city and the annoying ponies potentially watching her every move. She stripped down to her bra and panties for the night and cuddled into bed, suppressing a small belch as Fleur closed her eyes.
  43. An ironic chuckle escaped Fleur's lips as she looked upon her breakfast. Thick slices of french toast were slathered in far too much syrup and butter with a side of eggs and bacon. Fleur shuddered as she took her first bite, quickly digging into the rest of her breakfast. “Oops.” Fleur muttered as a dollop of syrup spilled onto her bra and thighs. She finished her meal and hopped into the shower, lounging in the hot water as long as she could.
  45. Her exceptional mood was soured as she arrived in the lobby. A few ponies were already crowded around the door with gigantic looking cameras. “Great, now the news channels know where I am.” Fleur shrugged as she turned around and went right back to her room. “An entire world out there to explore and here I am, trapped in a hotel.” Fleur stared out her window at the Eiffel Tower in longing as the sleazy reporters managed to snap a picture.
  47. “Front desk? Is there perhaps a back door to the hotel I could make use of?” Fleur bit her lip as she waited on the line. “You do? Oh thank goodness. I appreciate your help.” Fleur felt a weight fall from her shoulders as she took the stairs down into the basement. A few flickering lights guided her through the underground to a small door awaiting her. Sure enough, Fleur found herself out the back end of the hotel.
  49. The sneaky mare made a mad dash for the one place she knew was safe. Fleur ducked into Jean's shop in a hurry, double checking to make sure nopony followed her. “Ah, looking for more?” She turned to find Jean beaming at her with a fresh tray of croissants in his hands. “I suppose you could say that. I hope you don't mind me taking refuge in your shop once again.”
  51. “Hey, I can't say no to such a gorgeous face. Stay as long as you like.” Fleur de Lis smiled as she approached the counter, staring at more delicious snacks. “I've got some fresh viennoiserie right here, there's some tasty chouquettes over here. Anything catch your fancy?” He asked as Jean grabbed a pair of tongs.
  53. “It all looks so good. I don't suppose you'd mind if I tried them all?” Jean laughed as he put away the bag and prepared a small platter. “I have just the thing for you. Let me assemble a small plate for you.” Fleur sat down at the counter and drooled as the mountain of pastries climbed higher and higher.
  55. “You certainly know how to spoil a girl.” Fleur gasped as the heavy platter slammed onto the counter. “I certainly do. Something that ponies have forgotten how to do these days.” Jean poured his customer a small glass of wine and set it on the bar. “If you need anything else, don't you hesitate to ask.” Fleur was already placing pastries into her mouth, moaning softly with every bite. “I don't suppose I could ask for your company while I eat? It's been far too long since I've have a real conversation with somepony.”
  57. The duo talked long into the night, right until Jean had to close down the shop. Fleur blushed at the gigantic bag she carried back to the hotel even after cramming dozens of sweets into her belly. Her belches were packed with sugar, something she needed to fix as she dialed room service. “Could I get a serving of cor au vin with some wine?” Fleur's eyes bugged out as a massive bowl of food was wheeled into her room.
  59. “I hope you don't mind but our staff had to offer you the entire portion since we had to cook it special for you.” Fleur licked her lips as the succulent dish was placed before her. “Not at all! It looks too good to eat.” The bellhop ducked out of the room, allowing the hungry mare to dine in her underwear as she sat in her bed.
  61. Fleur de Lis racked up hundreds of dollars in room service over her week long stay, gorging on the finest dining her hotel could muster. The plates were beginning to stack up taller and taller every night as Fleur's desire roamed all over the menu. While other tourists were admiring the gaze from the top of the Eiffel Tower, Fleur was happy to gorge herself on Jean's pastries and the extraordinary dining.
  63. “Don't you want to see something other than my modest shop?” Jean teased as another platter overflowing with pastries was put in front of Fleur. “The most beautiful scene in Prance, Jean. All I need is some privacy and your sweets.” Jean could only chuckle as Fleur bit into a rather large eclair, blushing as the white cream smeared all over her lips. She gave a coy lick of her lips before giggling as the nervous stallion simply shook his head.
  65. The hotel staff refused to comment as their guest ordered meals meant for parties of four. Bellhop after bellhop were left blushing as Fleur greeted them in her underwear, a chubby belly growling in hunger as the tantalizing scent of high dining met her nose. Tips were always lovely along with a promise of keeping quiet of who they served and quite possibly her shocking new shape.
  67. Fleur took one last look at the Eiffel Tower as she packed up her last bit of luggage. With her bags in one hand and a bag of Jean's pastries in the other, Fleur exited her door. She gave a wistful sigh and stretched, lifting her arms high above her head until a sudden noise echoed through the hallway. Fleur looked down and gasped as her pudgy tummy and jiggling bust oozed out of growing tears in her dress.
  69. The door flung open as Fleur fled back to her room. She barely tipped the front door closed before rushing to the bathroom and taking a good look at herself. Fleur stared at herself, mouth agape as she pressed a finger into her tummy. It jiggled in a way she had never felt before, turning her cheeks a bright red. “Wha...what in Equestria??”
  71. Her hands gently played with her stomach, making it wobble and bounce further and further our of her ruined dress. Fleur unzipped the ruined garment and let it fall to the floor, exposing all of her gluttony. Chubby arms, plump rear, soft, jiggly tits, round, full tummy...Fleur pinched and jiggled every new addition to her body. Her face grew a deeper scarlet as her stomach growled in hunger, reminding her of the pastries still sitting in her room.
  73. Fleur's eyes wandered from her reflection to the bag of treats. “I'll start a diet when my vacation is over. For now, I'm going to dispose of these.” Fleur unzipped her luggage case and replaced her ruined dress with a loose shirt and mini shorts. She blushed as her tummy was left exposed and her hips were crammed into her shorts. Fleur looked at the dress sitting on the floor and crammed it to the bottom of her luggage, hiding her shame as she departed from her room.
  75. “The paparazzi will have a field day with this.” Fleur de Lis sighed as the elevator doors opened. Reporters were still camping the front doors awaiting Fleur even after two weeks of no sightings. Fleur hid her face as best she could, donning her giant hat and her sunglasses to fool the camera ponies. She pushed open the front doors, triggering the mob to look over as she descended he stairs.
  77. “Oh, it's a nobody. Keep an eye out for Fleur de Lis. The story is gonna be so juicy if she's been hiding for this long.” Fleur tilted her head in confusion as she walked among the crowd as a total stranger. She cleared her throat and walked up to one of the paparazzi. “Um, you said Fleur de Lis was here?”
  79. The stallion scoffed as he rolled his eyes. “Hey tubby, mind your own business. We have important business and we don't need your fat ass blocking our view.” Fleur was shocked. Her hands were trembling and tears were building in her eyes as she turned around and raced off to the nearest cab. She pulled open the doors and curled up as best she could.
  81. Dejected, Fleur de Lis slowly walked through the airplane terminal. She struggled to keep her sunglasses on as she quietly sobbed to herself. Fleur quietly ate her pastries as she walked, moaning as the sweet creams and flaky crust soothed her heart. It was then that she looked up and realized nopony was staring at her or snapping pictures.
  83. “Ha, Equestrian tourists. They always pig out on vacation.” She overheard a mare giggle as she swallowed another eclair. “They...they don't recognize me?” Fleur peeked down as her belly jiggled lightly with every step. Her crying slowed down as she continued to scarf down her pastries. She walked up to the checkpoint, refusing to let go of her snacks as she continued to eat. “Miss, we don't allow outside food past this point. You'll need to throw those away.”
  85. “Oh, don't worry about that.” Fleur slowly grinned as she began shoveling pastries into her mouth. Several ponies gasped as the chubby mare shoved sweets into her mouth until her cheeks bulged out with cream. Fleur's belly jiggled in delight as the last of the pastries were forced into her stomach, making her look even more bloated and round.
  87. “Ugh...go on ahead, miss.” The worker stuck out her tongue as Fleur stepped past. Her stomach wobbled a little harder as she made her way to her plane. She opened her mouth wide and belched as hard as she could, making everypony in earshot turn as her burp echoed far and wide through the giant terminal.
  89. “Perhaps I was too hasty to write off this sudden gain as a bad thing.” Fleur de Lis giggled as she sat down in her seat. The seat buckle seemed a little tighter than usual, making her grin in delight as the belt squished her belly. It only seemed to make Fleur ravenous even as her full stomach sloshed about. “Neighples sounds lovely this time of year...such rich, heavy pastas and the down to Equestria cooking...” Fleur drooled the whole flight to Italy, daydreaming of taking a bite from a thick, crunchy lasagna.
  91. The plane made its final approach around noon. Fleur was chewing on her fingers in desperation as her stomach cried out for something more filling than salty peanuts and fancy bottled water. “Hurry hurry hurry! I'm positively starving!” Fleur de Lis gently passed by a few ponies as she worked through the terminal. Her nose guided her to the food court where dozens of cheap looking pizza shops lined the walls.
  93. A wad of bills hit the counter as Fleur let her belly squish against the glass barrier hiding the savory pizzas. “Could I have a few slices, please? With a cola to go.” The workers smirked to themselves as they pushed a few giant slices onto a paper plate. “Here you go miss. I hope you enjoy.” They began laughing as Fleur walked away, her belly wobbling as she began stuffing her face.
  95. Her pizza didn't even make it outside. Instead, it all sloshed inside her happy belly as she flagged down a cab. Grease was still smeared on her face as she sat down, blushing as an inch or two of flabby gut sagged into her lap. Even with her snack, Fleur still felt like she hadn't eaten a thing. “Could you take me to my hotel, please? you know any good diners or restaurants nearby?”
  97. The paparazzi were nowhere to be seen at her hotel. Fleur de Lis grinned as she walked inside, smirking at the complete lack of recognition. “Maybe I should have gotten fat years ago...” She thought as she checked in. Fleur opened the door to her room just to toss her luggage onto the bed. Her hunger gnawed at her like a bad itch and she needed to scratch it immediately.
  99. Fleur was winded as she approached the closest restaurant. Even with the weight of a mob gone, her new figure was doing a fantastic job of slowing her down. The slight walk had only made the chubby mare crave an even bigger meal. “Table for one, please.” Fleur begged the hostess. She slipped into a booth in the corner, ordering a few appetizers as soon as she sat down.
  101. Garlic bread, mozzarella sticks, grilled pears with fancy meats and cheeses, Fleur ordered it all alongside two plates of lasagna. The waiter's stoic face was hidden by his notepad as he took the massive order to the back. Savory smells from the kitchen made Fleur drool as she awaited her food. The garlic bread was gone in seconds as Fleur stuffed her face, even going so far to drink the pool of butter sitting at the bottom of the basket.
  103. “Careful,” The waiter tried to warn Fleur, but half of the steaming hot mozzarella sticks were already in her mouth. Tears formed in the corner of her eyes but the desperate mare kept eating, savoring each bite even as it burned her tongue. The waiter simply shook his head and muttered insults in Italian. Fleur didn't register his comments, only the warm, fuzzy feeling creeping over her growing belly.
  105. A moment to rest allowed Fleur to recline and rub her gut. Every little motion made her tummy wobble and slosh about, making the ex-model blush. “I've never done anything like this...I...I love it.” She giggled. Fleur took in a small breath and pushed out a belch, moaning as the tense pressure in her gut faded. The unicorn closed her eyes and smiled as she finally began to relax since her visit to Prance.
  107. Two plates clinked onto her table. Fleur opened her eyes and gasped as two massive rectangles of lasagna stared back at her. “Hope you enjoy, miss. Will you need a to go bag?” Fleur de Lis picked up a fork and smiled as she cut into the meaty pasta. “I hope not. We'll see how much I eat.” Fleur scooped the bite into her mouth and moaned as the rich sauce coated her tongue.
  109. Fleur didn't want to admit she was already full, but something kept nagging at her to eat. One hand cut more bites from her lasagna while the other rubbed her distended orb of a stomach. She sipped at her soda and forced out a belch, moaning as the pressure refused to fade away. A dull throb began to spread over her belly as it gained a slight, pink hue. Fleur barely managed to finish her first serving of lasagna before slumping back in her seat, defeated.
  111. Blushing hard, Fleur reached under her belly and unbuttoned her shorts. Her stomach sagged low into her lap, oozing all over her thighs. A hiccup forced her gut to lurch about, jiggling her breasts as Fleur struggled to settle down. “Goodness, I've never seen a mare eat with such ferocity. How many months along are you?” Fleur's face went completely red as the waiter smirked at her.
  113. “ enjoying the food, sir. I'm...I'm not expecting.” Fleur was sweating hard as the temperature in the restaurant skyrocketed. “I see. Well, I hope you enjoyed your meal.” He placed a styrofoam box on the table and left to fetch the bill. Fleur bit her lip as her shaky hands reached back for her fork. “I'll show that smart ass.” Fleur muttered as she cut huge chunks of lasagna and shoved them into her mouth.
  115. Before she knew it, it was all gone. Fleur moaned as she reclined back into her seat, gasping as her tummy bumped into the table. The tightness in her stomach was incredible, leaving no more room for the contents of her gut to slosh about. A light, green tinge spread over Fleur's face as her stomach begged her to empty itself. The waiter came back with the ticket, mouth open in shock as he stared at the empty plate.
  117. “I....I really DID enjoy it.” Fleur de Lis teased as she cradled her aching gut. With slow, shaky steps, Fleur left the restaurant. Her legs felt like lead as she waddled back to her hotel. Several ponies stared as she lazily walked back to her hotel, struggling to keep every bite safe in her stomach.
  119. The staff stared as Fleur leaned against the walls in the elevator, her gut leaning on the handrails as she ascended to her floor. With a low groan, Fleur flopped onto her bed and released a belch. “Made it!” She giggled as a wave of grogginess washed over her. Too tired and full to move, Fleur passed out still in her clothing above the sheets. Fleur slept through the afternoon, her nap turning into a full blown food coma. Her stomach gurgled and sloshed through the night, adding dozens of pounds all over her chubby body.
  126. Fleur opened her eyes as the early morning sun hit her face. She stretched and yawned, feeling her body jiggle a little harder than it did before. The unicorn blushed as she rubbed her tummy, feeling the weight shift under her fingers. “Oops, I left my pants unbuttoned.” Fleur dipped her hands under her belly and pulled her shorts tight. She sucked in as much as she could, but there was no way she was going to push her heavy gut into the waistband.
  128. “Oh my...I've really become a fat glutton, haven't I?” The embarrassment from yesterday was gone as Fleur removed her clothing and checked her reflection in the bathroom. A fatty, sagging orb of fat clung to her stomach, her face and limbs were thicker and rounder, her breasts strained her bra and her rear was beginning to devour her panties. You would never have guessed that Fleur was ever a model as her body jiggled about.
  130. Her belly gurgled with desire as she slipped on what little could cover her. Her bras were far too confining, yet her shirts fared no better. Pants that fit like a dream now barely slipped over her thighs. “I simply must go out and find a new wardrobe today. It might be fun to actually enjoy the clothing I wear and not buy what is popular.” With such little to choose from, Fleur was forced to wear the same clothing as yesterday. Her plump curves threatened to break out of her attire with every step, yet all she could think about was breakfast.
  132. “Miss Fleur? Miss Fleur de Lis?” The desk clerk gasped as the unicorn walked past. “My this...are you cast in some sort of movie?” Fleur shook her head as her stomach roared in desperation. “I've retired from that life and enjoying myself. Is there somewhere close by for breakfast?” The clerk pointed to a set of double doors across from the elevator. “We have an exceptional kitchen here that serves a nice brunch style meal every morning. Would you be interested?”
  134. Fleur happily nodded as she blew the clerk a little kiss. He blushed as she walked away, doing his best not to stare at her ass straining the seams of her shorts. The staff inside the dining hall were putting the finishing touches on breakfast when Fleur de Lis slipped into the room. “Ah, welcome. A bit early for breakfast but come in.”
  136. “If I'm being a bother, I can go someplace else. I woke up with a massive appetite this morning.” The staff smiled as they shoved a plate into her hands. “I don't know what kind of ponies you eat with, but here, we want you to have your fill. Eat as much as you like.” Fleur licked her lips as the buffet of foods awaited her.
  138. Plump, sugary fruits, sweet rolls, crunchy biscuits, thinly sliced meats and various flavors of yogurt were piled high onto a plate. Fleur smiled wide as the staff took her plate back to her table and offered her another. “Goodness, you really do enjoy watching a mare eat. If I didn't know any better, I would say you're fattening me up.”
  140. One of the chefs blushed as the floor caught his attention. Fleur winked at them as she poured herself a tall mug of coffee and sat down with her two plates. Her hands roamed the mountain of food, reaching for little bits and pieces here and there. A slice of pear here, a strawberry there, a glazed pastry to wash it all down, Fleur was in the zone as she stuffed herself silly.
  142. A quick dunk in her coffee made the tougher biscuits easier to chew. The overflowing plates were demolished by Fleur's belly as it happily gurgled with its meal. Before she could even get up, one of the chefs refilled her coffee and put another two plates in front of her. “Here you are, miss. You looked so content eating that I insist you have more.”
  144. Fleur smirked at him as she resumed eating. A few ponies walked into the dining hall and watched as Fleur stacked her empty plates together. She sat and watched them all gather a small sampling from the buffet before rising up for more. The guests paid her little mind as she ate, even as her exposed stomach pinched into the table.
  146. Full and satisfied, Fleur waddled out of the dining hall. “Okay, now to find a clothing shop that can accommodate...fatties.” Fleur blushed and bit her lip as she whispered the last word, once again experiencing the warm fuzzies along her tight belly. The tourist haven of Neighples was filled to the brim with clothing stores all showing off tacky merchandise. Only problem was most was sized far too small.
  148. Fleur stomped out of the fifth clothing shop in a row empty handed. “Surely there must be somewhere that a mare my size can get something decent. I won't stoop so low as to shop at a maternity store. The dresses there are far too floaty to hide your body.” She kept walking through town until lunch time, stopping at a small pastry shop.
  150. “Hello! How can we help you today?” Fleur was already licking her lips as she pressed her breasts into the glass. “Oh, the zeppole look fantastic. Could I have an order of about...three dozen?” The clerk smiled as he yelled the order to the back of the bakery. “Of course you can, as long as you don't mind a small wait.”
  152. “Not at all. In fact, I was looking for a clothing store around here. Would you happen to know of a place selling things more my size?” The baker chuckled as Fleur's chubby stomach jiggled about. “Of course. Not all of us are blessed with the willpower to turn down such great treats.” He took Fleur's cell phone for a moment and typed in an address in her map application. “Tell the woman there that Silvano sent you. She'll know just what to do.”
  154. Fleur followed her cell phone to a cozy little shop away from the tourist dives. An older mare smiled as the door opened, giggling to herself as Fleur's belly entered first. “Aha, let me guess. Silvano sent you?” Fleur smiled as she approached the mare. “Something tells me he sends lots of full, beautiful mares here.” Fleur teased.
  156. “Yes he does. It's something of a cycle. Tourists often ask where the best pastries in the city are found and they come back a week later needing a button fixed.” The mare reached out and cradled Fleur by the stomach, making the unicorn blush hard. “Ah, but this isn't his work. You would have found a new set of clothes long before this if that was the case. Come! Isabella will fix you right up.”
  158. “Here, this will go with your mane, this with your eyes. This is so in this season.” Isabella ranted as she gathered up a nice set of clothing with her magic. Fleur smiled as she draped a few items over herself, noting just how big the shirts and how stretchy the waistbands were. “And don't you worry about a thing. There's minor enchantments to make sure it grows along with a certain size, mind you.”
  160. “Hopefully I don't completely outgrow everything here. If I do, could I come back?” Isabella chuckled as she looked Fleur in the eyes. “I'm almost certain you will. I can see the fire in your eyes. You WANT to burst out of all this, don't you?” Fleur blushed as she gathered up her purchases and left. Her stomach grumbled in discontent, reminding Fleur of her order.
  162. “Here you go. Three dozen zeppole just for you. Did you want anything else or perhaps should I make another special order?” Fleur shook her head as she popped one of the pastries into her mouth and moaned. “Not today, but expect me tomorrow. Make lots.” Fleur de Lis warned as she made her way back to her hotel.
  164. With a fresh wardrobe that properly fit, Fleur was ready to hit the town. Her tummy was full, for now, allowing her to do more sightseeing around town. Mount Vesuvius, Castel Nuovo, the Neighples National Archaeological Museum and the glorious sunset overlooking the bay were all lovely stops as Fleur drifted from place to place.
  166. However, there were a few places that continued to see her attention daily. Her breakfast buffet, Silvano's bakery and the restaurant across from her hotel were routine stops to fill her greedy belly. In the mornings, Fleur arrived on time to every breakfast, loading up more and more plates full of light, delicious treats. For lunch, she lounged around Silvano's, stuffing herself with cannolis, pizzelle, pignolata and gellato. Dinner was appetizers and pasta from her new favorite restaurant, ordering enough to feed two or three ponies at once.
  168. Everypony was showering Fleur with attention, but not for her looks. Free from the status quo of a model, Fleur grew into her new self, flirting with any that stared. Any who challenged her size was met with her demanding appetite, shocked at how such a dainty looking mare could cram so much food into her body. Fleur watched as her extra large clothing shrunk on her growing curves, making her crave more every day.
  177. A week had come and gone, ending Fleur's time in Neighples. She took a hard look at herself with a smile as her hands roamed her new body. Her tits were as big as her head, plump and jiggly as they rest upon her shelf of a stomach, Her belly was round and soft, just big enough to cradle with both hands. Her ass was big and doughy, straining any seams and tearing through her pants when she sat down. She hardly recognized herself and nothing made her happier.
  179. Fleur gripped her impressive bust with both hands, moaning softly to herself as she cupped her tits. “Truly gorgeous. Those fools in Canterlot don't know what beauty is.” Fleur de Lis gasped as she ran her hands over her stomach, feeling every pound jiggle and ripple as she toyed with her navel. Her thick thighs rubbed together as Fleur bit her lip, her hands wandering down past her belly. “To hell with this teasing. I know what I want.”
  181. She eased herself down onto her bed, smiling as it gave a little grunt of resistance. Her panties slowly slipped down her thighs, slipping down to her ankles as she freed herself from the inadequate covering. Fleur spread her legs as wide as she could and pushed her hands under her belly. Fleur felt like she was on fire as the warm burning in her pussy spread through her body. “Yeeeessssss.” She moaned as two fingers slipped inside her slit.
  183. Her whole body shook as she pumped her fingers in and out of her wet sex. The bed continued to creak and whine as her weight shifted back and forth. Fleur moaned and whimpered hard as she fingered herself, thoughts filled with the desire to eat and grow fatter. Jean, Silvano, it didn't matter who. All she wanted at that moment was somepony to stuff her from both ends and make her happy as could be. A silent scream ended the steamy bout of pleasure, leaving the heavy mare gasping for a deep breath.
  185. Fleur struggled to keep her hands gripping the soap as she washed herself. There was so much fat, jiggling flesh to clean and all the stimulation wasn't helping. Along with her moans and sighs, her tummy grumbles echoed in the giant bathroom. Fleur stood in the shower for what felt like hours drying herself off before returning to her room and finding an outfit to wear.
  187. There wasn't any time to visit Isabella before the flight, leaving Fleur with very few options. A collection of ruined bras sat in the corner, forcing the fat unicorn to tug an ill fitting shirt over her head. Her nipples were visible through the thin, white fabric, leaving Fleur red in the face as her gigantic tits jiggled with every breath.
  189. Somehow, the obese mare squeezed into an extra, extra large pair of shorts. They groaned as Fleur's hips and thighs stressed the seams while her ass was still sticking out from the top. She was forced to leave it unbuttoned as she gathered the rest of her luggage. Fleur de Lis took one final look at her room before leaving it for good. Her next stop, Cloppenburg, Germany.
  191. Fleur's flight was nice and calm, save for the angry groans coming from her stomach. A few ponies turned to find Fleur clutching her belly in agony as she struggled to survive off tiny packages of peanuts and bottled water. Her seat belt was cutting into her stomach, making it difficult to sit still during the landing. Finally, the plane touched down and Fleur inched her way off the plane.
  193. There was excitement in the air as Fleur walked out of the terminal. Ponies were all dressed in lederhosen and dirndls as far as she could see. “Sir, what's going on? Is there a parade coming through town?” The driver laughed as he pulled away from the curb. “Nah. Today is the start of Oktoberfest! Ponies from all over are gathering in the center of town for the three weeks of pure celebration. It's why any tourist worth their salt would be coming to town.”
  195. “Oh, a whole three weeks? What does a pony do at Okoberfest?” The driver laughed again. “Miss, we DRINK. The finest beer in all of Equestria is made here in Germany and celebrate by drinking it all down and eating till everypony passes out.” Fleur licked her lips at the mention of food, rubbing her belly as it grumbled in agreement. “Sounds like the celebration of a lifetime. Three weeks, you say?” Fleur smirked as they pulled in close to her hotel. “You wouldn't happen to know a place where I could get one of those cute dresses in my size, do you?”
  197. Properly checked in and ready to go, Fleur de Lis made it her mission to find a proper dirndl for herself. She followed the crowd to the center of town, her smile growing as the sights and smells of countless food stalls caught her attention. Thick, greasy sausages, fatty cuts of roast chicken and pork, grilled ham hock, fish along with all the pretzels and beer one would ever need awaited her. Fleur rushed over to the closest stand and slammed her money on the counter.
  199. Grease and sauce covered Fleur's mouth as she chomped away at the giant chicken leg in her hands. She moaned with every bite, licking her lips for every bit of savory sauce clinging to her face. A bit dribbled onto her shirt and cleavage as she ate. Fleur refused to notice as she scanned the shops for a suitable dress.
  201. “Oho, you have quite the appetite, miss. Something unusual for most tourists here in Cloppenburg.” A stallion flagged the hungry mare down as she walked around the edge of the wiesn. “From the looks of it, that outfit of yours wont last another day. Why don't you come in and browse my selection of proper attire.” Fleur only nodded through her bites, waddling into the tailor's shop.
  203. “My name is Adel and welcome to my shop. You are here for Oktoberfest and the splendors of our fortunate bounties, are you not? I will make you the perfect dirndl, one that can handle that sexy body.” Fleur blushed behind the remnants of her chicken leg as Adel took a few quick measurements. “Impressive. I most certainly need to leave a few dozen inches to grow. Isn't that right, miss?”
  205. “Fleur.” She replied quietly before finishing off her meal. “Ohoho, THE Fleur? The missing ex-model looking like she's been eating like a piggy her whole life? How fascinating.” He reached out and grabbed a handful of her belly, jiggling it with ease. “It seems the life of retirement has been good to you. I will expect to see you many times over Okoberfest for refittings, ja?”
  207. “I hope so.” Fleur growled as she pressed her flabby body against his. “You naughty minx. Not yet. I want to see you after it's all over. If this is how big you are after two weeks of hiding from us all, imagine how huge you will after non-stop beer and sausage?” They both bit their lips as degenerate thoughts flooded their heads.
  209. “For now, you need a dress. I hope you don't expect this to be cheap. I DO run a business, after all.” Fleur wiggled her credit card between her fingers before slamming it down onto the counter. “Try me, Adel. I may have quit modeling but I wasn't some bimbo moron with my money.” With her credit card approved, Fleur walked out of the shop with a fancy dress of her own. “Come back again, chubby. I need to see those seams broken from your gluttony.”
  211. Even with a dress that matched, Fleur stood out among the crowd. Her heavy bust nearly poured out of the low top, offering a bounty of cleavage for any that loved to stare. Fleur's wide hips pushed through the masses as she rushed from stall to stall, glutting herself on the savory, fattening meats and cheeses. Several tables watched in awe as Fleur hauled a dozen mugs overflowing with the richest brews, just to knock them all out herself.
  215. A belch louder than thunder rippled through the town, forcing all eyes on Fleur. She blew a kiss to the onlookers before raising an empty mug high over her head. “To Oktoberfest! May the plates never empty, the mugs stay full and everyone have a sexy time!” Every pony cheered and drank to her toast, making Fleur giggle in her drunken haze.
  217. Out of the corner of her eye, Fleur spotted a young stallion ogling her. His massive blush was adorable as his eyes ravished her bountiful body. “Excuse me.” She called out, beckoning him over. The pegasus fluffed out his wings as he approached, feathers twitching as he stepped closer. “You like what you see?” Fleur giggled as she gave her belly a firm pat.
  219. “!” He blushed ever harder while averting his gaze. “Wanna make it a better sight? Get me some more of that chicken from the stall over there. Are you old enough to enjoy a nice drink with a mare like me?” She reached into her cleavage and pulled out a small roll of bills. “Keep the change.” She winked before shooing him off to his task.
  221. Fleur watched as the young pegasus purchased the entire stock of prepared chicken and hauled it over to her. She licked her lips in delight as she began eating, her heavy, stuffed gut groaning in protest. It gurgled and sloshed loudly, making the stallion blush hard as Fleur knocked back another giant mug of booze. “You're...amazing. You could out-drink the locals with a belly like that.”
  223. “Do you like my little tummy? Show me how much you desire it.” Fleur teased. She eased herself to the side and let her stomach fill his lap. His hands slowly rubbed her tummy as she ate, jiggling around the soft flesh as it grew. “Wow..” He whispered as Fleur continued to eat.
  225. “You're pretty good at that, kid. Wanna take this someplace private?” His hands pushed hard into her gut, forcing a greasy belch right into his face. “ mean...” He sputtered, face glowing as bright as the sun. “This dress is getting a little too tight. I might need help taking it off tonight.” Fleur continued to tease through her bites.
  227. She heaved herself up with his help and waddled back to her hotel, the pegasus following every step of the way. They had barely crammed themselves into the elevator as Fleur de Lis slammed her lips against his. He moaned in sudden delight, pushing his greedy hands right to her tits. “Oh fuck.” He whispered, shuddering as his erection poked her giant gut. “Mmm...Somepony likes what he feels.” Fleur teased as she pulled him in closer, smothering his face with her melon sized tits.
  229. Her dress was on the floor in seconds, leaving her nude save for the panties barely holding onto her wide hips. “Let's hope you don't break, colt. I don't like being bottom.” She pushed him onto the bed and yanked off his clothes. His erection twitched in anticipation as she leaned over him, smothering his cock with her fat belly. He hissed in arousal as she ran her bloated tummy over him before squatting down and impaling herself on his dick.
  231. Fleur de Lis moaned as she leaned down, finally feeling something other than herself inside her pussy. She giggled as her stomach sagged low, covering much of the stallion's chest. “You're so big...It's almost too much.” She teased before pulling herself up and slamming down on his pelvis. Her entire body quaked from her chubby cheeks to her flabby thighs, making the stallion whimper in need. “So beautiful...gah.” He shuddered, pumping his hips into her.
  233. “Yeeessssss.” Fleur moaned as they combined their pace. The room was filled with lewd moans, desperate sighs and the wet slapping of jiggling flesh. Fleur's stomach glistened as a healthy buildup of sweat ran down her gigantic body. “Fuck....hah....huh...mmmmmffffff!” Her stallion groaned as he pushed himself into her greedy pussy and shot load after load of thick spunk into her.
  235. The moon was high into the night sky when Fleur finally dismounted from her exhausted partner. He closed in on her body and snuggled it, rubbing his hands all over her stomach. “That was amazing. Doing anything for the next three weeks?” Fleur smirked as she embraced her illicit lover. “Um...a few chores in the early morning but nothing major.” Fleur teased as she forced his hands onto her rear. “Good. You'll be my personal guide for the fairgrounds. Got any friends?”
  237. Fleur slept late into the morning. Her exhausting workout after a very sedentary vacation left her drained. A roar from her stomach woke her up, igniting the need to return to the festival. “Guh, how long has it been since I had something to eat?” Fleur whined as she struggled to pull on her dirndl over her heavy gut. Face sweaty and hair a complete mess, Fleur stepped out of her room in the search for food.
  239. She rushed out of the hotel in a heavy sweat, panting as she struggled to waddle as fast as she could. “Goodness, you look like a mess!” Fleur turned around and spotted her pegasus friend standing at the doors. “Good morning. Are you all finished with your chores?”
  241. He giggled slightly as he walked beside her. “Actually, it's afternoon. I've been waiting for a while.” He blushed, doing his best to keep his wings under control. Fleur smiled as they approached the wiesn. “I was worried about your dress, so I contacted a tailor near the grounds. He said he knew a few 'friends' that would be willing to help.” Fleur giggled as a small crew of stallions stepped out of Adel's shop, staring as she jiggled with every step.
  243. Fleur sat down and was instantly offered an entire roasted chicken, her own personal platter of cooked pig, hundreds of sausages and an entire keg of beer. “Oh my, such loyal friends you have.” Fleur giggled as they cut heavy slices of the savory meats and offered it to her. All she had to do was chew and swallow as her small army of fans fed her every bite. Her stomach groaned in protest as it quickly filled up, yet Fleur was forced to continue eating. A small crowd formed around her, staring in fascination as she bloated up from the never ending meal.
  245. “Should we roll her back to her hotel or can she even walk back?” The stallions laughed as the incredibly stuffed mare struggled to stand. “I'll be fine, gentlecolts. A little help would be appreciated, my hotel room.” She teased, shaking her fat ass before taking a shaky step. They eased her travels back to the hotel, groping and squeezing her fat as ponies stared at such degeneracy.
  247. The hotel staff stared in disbelief as the crew of stallions walked in with Fleur in their grasp. “Sirs, can you please keep your hands to yourself! We wont have any hesitation to kick you out if you continue acting like animals in our establishment.” They simply pushed Fleur onto the elevator and shuffled inside, barely cramming in between Fleur's obesity. They clicked the floor to her room, only for a loud buzzer to blast through the panel.
  249. “Huh? Is it broken?” Fleur mumbled as she jammed the button again and again. “Miss, please stop. You've exceeded the weight limit for the elevator. Could a few of you get off and take another one?” Fleur bit her lip as she rubbed what she could of her incredible stomach. Too heavy? The thought almost made her legs buckle from arousal.
  251. After a bit of shuffling around, the crew of horny stallions aided Fleur to her room. No sooner had the door closed behind them was her dress nearly torn apart by the wild dogs. Fleur was assaulted all over, desperate hands grabbing her every inch of flab while hard cocks began probing her body. “Oh yesssss...worship me and my overflowing beauty!” Fleur de Lis commanded.
  253. The wild night lasted until the sun was climbing over the horizon. Fleur's fans surrounded her in a nude pile, hands still grabbing and groping her bulbous, flabby body. They slept into the afternoon, awakening when Fleur's gut growled with need. A quick cleanup in the shower later, they followed her back to the fair.
  255. Day after day passed as Fleur enjoyed herself to the fullest. No amount of food stood up to her ever growing belly as she consumed the fattiest meats and the heaviest beers. Chairs groaned under her massive rear and her tummy pushed away any table standing in her way. All she had to do was point towards her meal and one of her worshippers would grab the entire platter and feed it to her.
  257. Fleur's weight skyrocketed. What was once fat to her seemed like a dream as she struggled to tug on her dirndl, her flab oozing from ruined seams all over. Her tits barely fit into the cups of her dress, nearly spilling out with every jiggly step. Fleur whimpered and gasped as she struggled to exit her hotel room, sexy hips and rear stuck in the door frame. It all made her desire more and more, urging her on to continue eating till there was nothing left.
  259. “Oh Adel! I think I need a new dress...” Fleur shouted into the tiny shop. Adel gasped as he witnessed Fleur's changes as the tent of a dress barely covered her at all. Pathetic strips of cloth covered her breasts, hiding her erect nipples from view. Her ass had exploded the back of the dress, leaving her gigantic cheeks exposed for all to grope and slap. A jiggle flowed through her face as she smiled, fat cheeks overflowing with adorable chub.
  261. Her stomach was the real prize, hanging low almost to her knees. It had demolished any trace of a dress standing in its way, leaving her smooth, jiggly stomach bare. “Oh, you naughty piggy. Ate yourself out of a dress? It cost so much for me to make.” He bent her over his workbench and growled as he pulled down his pants. “Bad piggies need to be punished.” Adel warned, slamming his cock deep inside her.
  263. “Punish me! I've been such a naughty slut!” Fleur begged. Her whole body rippled with every thrust, knocking over Adel's tools as he pounded away at her wet pussy. “Yes you have. Eat all our food, ruin our dresses and beg for cock. Whores like you need to be hidden away and treated like cattle.” Fleur moaned as he spanked her hard, forcing a ripple through her ass. “Yeeeesssssss.” She whimpered as her legs grew weak.
  271. Her vacation over, Fleur de Lis boarded her final plane home to Equestria. She blushed as the crew stopped her from squeezing through the doors, insisting she purchase extra seats for her giant size. Fleur happily swiped her credit card and boarded the plane, ready to return home. Her only attire left was the massive, tent sized dirndl Adel had made for her journey home. Her luggage was extremely light compared to when she first left Canterlot, merely stuffed with cheap snacks to tide her over till they returned to Equestria.
  273. Shocked fans could barely believe it when they realized Fleur de Lis had finally returned home. The morbidly obese mare was struggling to waddle through the terminal, munching on three different plates of food from the food court. Her taxi cab scraped along the ground as it drove her home, the bumper leaving sparks as the car struggled to chug forward.
  275. “It's been too long since I slept in my own bed.” Fleur sighed as she removed her dress and sat down on the fluffy matress. It groaned in surprise at the heavy load pressed against it, making Fleur giggle. “Seems I changed quite a bit since I left. I wonder...” She mused. Fleur fiddled with her phone, peeking into her investments and bank account. “Seems as if everything paid off. I doubled my money without doing anything. I can live like a queen at this rate.”
  277. Her phone vibrated, distracting her from her finances. The young stallion from Cloppenburg was already contacting her, sending messages dripping with lust. Fleur snapped a quick picture of her body and sent it back, giggling at his response. “You know...a queen does need servants and food.” She smiled as she dialed a few numbers and began setting up a new plan for her new lifestyle.
  279. Fleur finished the final touches on her phone when the doorbell rang. She struggled to stand and waddle to the door, rubbing her starved gut as she opened the door. The delivery colt blushed as Fleur reached up and grabbed her flowing chest. “Hi there, handsome. Got an order for me?” He handed over several bags of neighponese food and a few bottles of soda, his eyes never breaking from her body. “Thanks. If you aren't too busy, maybe you'd like to help me for a little while. Could you feed me all this? I'd reward you for your troubles...” Fleur winked as she waddled back to her bedroom.
  281. The colt rushed inside, eagerly opening the delivery bags. He gently placed the first bite in her mouth, making Fleur moan as she rubbed her tummy. “Oh come now. You can offer more than that. I didn't become this sexy by eating like a little filly.” A heaping mouthful of rice filled her cheeks, forcing Fleur to chew vigorously before swallowing it all.
  283. Another knock from the front door ruined the mood. “Oh, my pizza delivery must be here. Invite him in.” The colt smiled as he slapped Fleur's gut before answering the door. Fleur giggled as an older mare walked in carrying her order of a dozen pizzas. “A mare? Doesn't matter to me.” She licked her lips as she beckoned them both over. “I'm simply starving. Please keep feeding me!”
  285. The food deliveries never stopped, always offering Fleur de Lis a way to keep herself full. A long line of delivery ponies were always at her beck and call, feeding her, massaging her loud, sloshing tummy and even returning after their shifts to snuggle her obese form. Fleur's pockets were endless, allowing her to hire her favorites as full time feeders.
  287. With such a lavish, stationary lifestyle, Fleur only continued to grow. She would wake up bigger every day, her servants offering her thick, fluffy pancakes, eggs, sausage and cream for breakfast. They walked freely around the house just as nude as Fleur, making use of the freedom to easily engage in hot, sweaty exercise between meals.
  289. Some loved to play with her tits. Others demanded she feed herself on generous servings of cum. Those that loved to risk it wiggled between her legs and under her belly to eat her out or pound away at her drooling pussy. Even kinkier servants loved to tease her fat itself, smothering their bodies with her sweaty flab and humping away.
  291. Lunchtime always started with sandwiches. Peanut butter and banana, thick cold cuts and cheese, roast beef slices between fresh buns, hamburgers, Fleur was offered it all. Bubbly soda and salty fries, chips and pretzels joined each sandwich, making her belch and burp with every bite. A few candies finished off the giant meal, along with more sexy attention from her servants.
  293. Dinner time was the best meals of the day. Massive pizzas, tacos, lobster and steak, eggrolls and rice, whole chickens...the selection was different every night. The only thing that ever seemed consistent was the portions her servants crammed into her stomach, forcing her belly to swell bigger and bigger every day.
  295. In no time at all, a year had passed since Fleur's amazing vacation. She opened her eyes as the smell of breakfast hit her nose, making her whale sized stomach gurgle with need. Fleur could barely see past her gigantic breasts, each one as heavy as a medicine ball as they sagged down on top of her belly. Her ass drooped over the edges of her ruined mattress, so giant that each cheek weighed as much as several ponies combined.
  297. Most of her fat, however, collected into her gargantuan stomach. Fleur's stomach commanded the most room, forcing her thick legs apart as it was forced full by her own endless gluttony. It had been ages since Fleur had seen herself in the mirror, leaving her imagination to run wild with just how big she had become. Was her stomach as big as a bed? A car? A van? Such thoughts always made her shiver hard, sending her body quaking endlessly for minutes.
  299. “Ah, my mistress. Another lewd thought? Was it your belly again? It's so sexy and perfect. Round and so very heavy. I still remember the day your bed frame snapped and you were so aroused that we had to all stop feeding you just to sate your libido. Is today going to be another day like that?” Her servant asked. The young mare was already wound up herself, pressing her pussy against Fleur's body and humping it weakly.
  301. “It might be, unless my hunger becomes too great. Quickly, feed me my breakfasts as soon as you can.” Fleur begged. She grabbed her tits and moaned as her sensitive flesh made Fleur tingle all over. “Everypony! Hurry it up! Our mistress needs our full attention!” Several ponies crammed themselves into the bedroom, carrying a platter of food while they pleasured themselves to the sight of their giant mistress. “Come on, then! Feed me! Fuck me! Worship my every pound and cum all over my body!” Fleur commanded, signaling the start of another day.

The Deep Chest

by Tankris

Heavy Pranks

by Tankris

Birthday Bitch

by Tankris

Nightblorp Night

by Tankris

Perfect Pumpkin Pony

by Tankris