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Sonnet's Quest

By Tankris
Created: 2023-08-29 23:25:06
Expiry: Never

  1. Pixie Forest. A small forest south of Vanhoover that is never mentioned on any map due to how unimportant it was. Most ponies would call it more of a grove or an orchard with so few trees mingling together. There were bigger, closer forests for wood. The Smoky Mountains provided stone and minerals. Most ponies would just walk past Pixie Forest without a second thought.
  3. Sonnet was not most ponies. Driven by tons of curiosity, the blue batpony had heard rumors that Pixie Forest was not what it seemed. A certain magical creature resided in these modest woods and Sonnet was set on finding them. So set on finding them that she had failed to see the large stone right in her path and had tumbled into a thick bramble bush.
  5. “Ugh....lemme see...dice...bit bag...thieves tools...ah, thank Celestia I still have some left.” Sonnet murmured to herself. She pulled out a medical kit and quickly disinfected the scraped on her forelegs. “I really should invest in some better adventuring gear. Think of how much I'd save on bandages and healing potions.
  7. Sonnet wiped the sweat from her forehead and pulled her yellow and orange hair into a proper ponytail. “Anyway, lets be a little more careful...Too much shouting will chase off my target.”
  9. The eager bat pony resumed her search. Nothing was going to stop her from seeing the mythical Breezies. There was a local legend that a unique tribe of breezies lived in the Pixie Forest by themselves, away from the main group that kept themselves safe via magic portals. The foals were often told stories that the good fortune of the early settlers of Vanhoover were due to these breezies and their unique pollination methods.
  11. Sonnet was so excited that she didn't realize she had passed the same tree three times. “Man, this forest sure is bigger on the inside. Maybe I should check my map.” Sonnet sat down and reached for her saddlebags once more. “Diary...spell list...where is my map? I KNOW I packed a map!”
  13. Desperate to find it, Sonnet dumped everything she had onto the ground. “No...No no no no! Did I forget my map back at the inn? Oh no!” Sonnet stuffed her belongings back into her bags. “Okay. Don't panic. The forest wasn't even on the map so it wouldn't have any landmarks to guide me. I just need to make my own landmarks and find my way out.”
  15. The batpony went up to the closest tree and carved a small x into the bark. “There. I've been here before. If I see this, the forest is enchanted. Now, the sun is too high in the sun to get my bearing so maybe it's time to cool off and take a lunch break.”
  17. Sonnet sat down and dug a sandwich out of her saddlebags. She placed her lute on the ground next to her and used her wings to idly strum the strings as she ate. A small group of animals were drawn close to Sonnet as she played, putting a smile on her face and calming her down.
  19. “Aha, if there's animals here, the beings of this forest must be peaceful enough. Worst comes to worst, I just need to find who rules these woods and ask to leave.” Sonnet said to herself. She grabbed another sandwich and scarfed it down. “Better save the rest. For now, lets play!”
  21. Lute in hoof, Sonnet began playing her favorite song. A simple melody from her childhood. The animals of the forest inched closer, eager to listen to this new stranger and her wonderful music. Unknown to Sonnet, a new creature had begun to listen in from behind the trees.
  23. “La la laaaa....hmmm hmmmm....” Sonnet lazily sang her song and closed her eyes. The stress and worry was gone. In fact, it would be the perfect time for a nap. Her breathing slowed and her body relaxed. “Mmm....wake me up when it's dinner time.” Sonnet mumbled.
  25. The edges of sleep were encroaching on her mind when a strange chattering filled the air. Slowly, Sonnet opened her eyes to see a group of odd looking creatures she had never seen before. They looked like tiny ponies with long, noodle like limbs, long antennae and the most gorgeous butterfly wings Sonnet had ever seen. There was a moment of silence as they stared at each other, amazed at what each creature was looking at.
  27. One of the creatures began talking in a high pitched, nonsensical voice. When Sonnet didn't reply, it spoke again in an angry tone. “Hold on...I think I know how to fix this.” Sonnet grabbed her lute and began to play again. Magic swirled around her instrument for a moment or two as Sonnet cast a certain spell on herself.
  29. “There. Can you understand me now?” Sonnet asked.
  31. “See? I TOLD YOU she was the one! The one our prophecy spoke of!” One of the creatures said.
  33. “I don't know. It didn't say so when I asked.” The other one said.
  35. “Excuse me...but are you breezies?” Sonnet asked.
  37. “Aha, it DOESN'T know us! If it was who you THOUGHT it was, it would have made its way to the village already.”
  39. “Village? Like, the breezie village? Can you show me? Please please please!” Sonnet hopped to her hooves and began stomping all over. “Oh my gosh I can't believe I found the breezies of Pixie Forest!”
  41. “Yes, we will.” The kinder of the two breezies said. “We will take you to King Vindil and HE will know if you are the mare we seek.” The breezie's antenna lit up and suddenly the trees began to bend and warp. The magic surrounding the little grove dissolved, revealing the road leading to the forest was only a meter or two away.
  43. “Oh jeez, had I really been walking around for so long in such an obvious trap?” Sonnet blushed. She reared back onto her hind legs and realized she could see the inn she had departed from this morning.
  45. “You must forgive us. Our woods are a calm, simple place and we must keep ourselves safe.” The breezies explained. “We have not heard from our divine oracle for many moons, so we keep this forest hidden from most ponies.”
  47. “So what makes me so special?” Sonnet asked.
  49. “That is a question better suited for our king. Just past this tree line and you'll be in our village.” The breezies darted in front of Sonnet's face before speaking once more. “Please do be careful. Our village is big enough to accommodate a being of your size but our homes are much smaller than yours.”
  51. Slowly, Sonnet tip toed her way past the treeline. What revealed itself to her made her jaw drop. The breezie village was a wide, vast clearing dotted with all sorts of breezies and their homes. They floated and soared through the air without a care in the world, at peace in their isolated clearing. Sonnet felt like a sore thumb as a million pair of eyes were drawn to her enormous presence.
  53. Sonnet blinked and soon, every breezie possible was crowded around her. The murmur of so many voices was hard to decipher. After a few moments, a group of breezies drifted off towards the biggest house in the clearing. Sonnet carefully followed them, feeling herself drawn to such an impressive building.
  55. A lone breezie exited the fancy house and looked up at Sonnet. He was much older than the other breezies and carried himself with an attitude that made Sonnet feel just as small as he was. He opened his wings and drifted up to look Sonnet in the eyes.
  57. “Hmm. Where are my manners? My name is King Vindil and this is our village. You must forgive us for our intense curiosity for you see, you resemble someone very important to us that we lost many moons ago. What is your name, Child?”
  59. “My name is Sonnet! I'm very pleased to meet you, King Vindil.” Sonnet took care to sit down in the middle of the clearing. “You say I look like someone important? Who?”
  61. The king coughed. “Well...before we share the ancient tale of our goddess, I must see one more thing. They say your kind have special marks on your thighs. Might we see your mark before I say any more?”
  63. Sonnet blushed. Usually it was HER high charisma disarming and disrobing others as a distraction. Sonnet reached down and unlatched her belt and pulled down her pants just enough to show her cutie mark.
  65. An immediate roar filled the air as every breezie cheered in union. “THE STARRY ONE HAS RETURNED! ITS HER! OUR SAVIOR HAS RETURNED! THE GREAT ONE HAS BLESSED US ONCE MORE!”
  67. “What? Starry one? Great one? P-Please! I'm just a simple bard pony!” Sonnet quickly pulled up her pants.
  69. “Ah, our scouts were correct in bringing you here. You fit the description to the letter.” King Vindil rushed back into his home. He quickly returned with a simple necklace big enough for a pony to wear. It was a a braided string adorned with an amber stone.
  71. “Please, take this. It was a keepsake of our old goddess of bounty. It was through her teachings did we learn so much about your kind and in turn, taught her about the sacred rituals of breezie magic.” King Vindil explained. “For generations, our goddess helped us build a safe place away from prying eyes and in turn, we blessed her town's crops with prosperity.”
  73. “Sadly, our goddess left us and we have been without guidance for many, many moons. It has been said that one that resembles our goddess would return and spoil us with her presence once more. You must be her, returned to us in a body that looks just like hers.”
  75. Sonnet shook her head. “Surely there must be some mistake! I'm just a normal bat pony. I'm not a goddess!”
  77. “Please, miss Sonnet. It is not just your appearance that has us convinced. Your songs, your ability to understand us, your appetite. There is simply too many connections to see this as a coincidence. Please, if I can't convince you, the first shrine of bounty shall convince you.”
  79. A hoof absent-mindedly rubbed at Sonnet's tummy. Sure, she enjoyed her food a little too much but was the king calling her FAT?? “Uhh...Well I mean there's never a bad reason to start an adventure. Where is this shrine of bounty?” Sonnet said. She put the necklace on and smiled.
  81. The king spun through the air in joy. “Excellent! The first of the shrines is hidden with breezie magic near the bottom of the mountains nearby. Our finest scouts shall take you and when you see the shrine itself, you too will believe.”
  83. King Vindil bowed to Sonnet. “Let your ancestor's light guide your way. Good luck on your travels, Sonnet.”
  85. Each and every breezie gave a deep bow to Sonnet. She nervously tapped her forehooves together. “Uh...thanks? Yeah, you don't all have to do that. It's fine.”
  87. Sonnet stood up and turned back to where she came. A flutter of wings zipped past her and she turned her head to see a few breezies flying into her saddlebags. “Hey! Don't mess with my stuff while you're in there! I know how many sandwiches I have left so don't get any ideas...”
  95. With the guides aiding her every step, Sonnet left Pixie Woods and easily found the trail to Smoky Mountains. The pony made path was easy to navigate and soon, Sonnet found herself at the base of the mountains. “Okay, so there's some sort of shrine here?” Sonnet asked the breezies.
  97. A zap of magic escaped from her saddlebags, striking a boulder leaning against the mountains. Dirt and rock shifted as the massive boulder slid away to reveal a hidden cave. Sonnet rushed into the cave to finally learn more about this goddess of the breezies.
  99. Patches of sunlight illuminated the cave for Sonnet to see inside. Her gaze was immediately stolen by a large, stone statue of a mare that looked just like her. It had been preserved in the cave well enough for Sonnet to feel like she was looking at at herself down to the cutie mark. The coat, the mane, the all looked just like her. If it wasn't for the feathery wings instead of bat wings, it would have been an exact match.
  101. “You weren't lying...she looks just like me.” Sonnet was stunned. She approached the statue with care. As she got closer, the gem of her necklace began to glow. It began to pulse with a magical aura as Sonnet touched the statue. A beam of magic shot forth to the statue and filled the room with blinding light.
  103. Sonnet closed her eyes tight as the magical glow became too intense. When she felt she could open them once more, the sight before her was astonishing. The shrine had become stocked with an incredible bounty of food. Freshly cooked potatoes, pots filled to the brim with soups and stews, large slabs of roasted hay and even a cake.
  105. “Incredible. The legends were true. The goddess of the bounty has returned to eat her feast!” The breezies began to chant and praise Sonnet as they soared out of her bag.
  107. “Feast? You mean all this is for me?” Sonnet bit her lip. Sure, she had a few sandwiches today but that had been a while ago. No reason to let any of this go to WAS for her in the first place.
  109. Sonnet sat down at the shrine and began to eat to her heart's content. The hay was roasted to perfection, the soup was warm and the stew was filling. The potatoes were filled with a rich, buttery flavor that Sonnet had never tasted before. It was all so good!
  111. Good things aren't meant to last. Sonnet was soon forcing herself to munch and chew on her food in slow, pained bites. Even if it was the best food she had ever tasted, even she had a limit. “Oof. Sure you guys don't want any? I couldn't possibly eat another bite.”
  113. The breezies looked concerned. “It is not our place to eat. Besides, the legends say that our goddess could easily defeat any banquet. Perhaps we were wrong after all...”
  115. Just as the breezies spoke, Sonnet's amulet began to shine again. Her eyes widened as the feeling of overburdened fullness left her stomach. The magic of the amulet was so potent that Sonnet was feeling like she hadn't eaten in days! Sonnet tackled the banquet all over again, grabbing entire pans, plats and bowls and gobbling it all up as quickly as she could.
  117. “Ah....I haven't eaten like that in a while. Really, really good stuff.” Sonnet said. She put a hoof to her mouth and suppressed a burp before rubbing her doughy gut. “Strange...I still feel kinda hungry after all that.” Sonnet pushed into her gut and frowned. She had always been soft...but this soft?
  119. The bliss of eating to her heart's content had faded and now Sonnet had realized a lot of her straps and armor had gotten TIGHT. Her belt, her saddlebags and even her boots were too snug for comfort.
  121. “The goddess of the bounty must have been bigger than legend recalls.” The breezies murmured to themselves. Sonnet's face was bright red as she tried to loosen what straps she could. “No matter! We make for the second shrine at once.”
  123. “Another shrine? I dunno if my clothes can handle another one...” Sonnet protested. A gurgle from her stomach caught everyone off guard. “...Okay one more shrine but then I'm done.”
  125. The second shrine did not follow the trails up the mountain. Sonnet huffed as she struggled to fly up the mountain with her new weight. She could feel herself jiggling in all sorts of new places with each desperate flap of her wings.
  127. Relief finally came as the breezies pointed at another shrine on the side of the mountain. Sonnet descended a little faster than she meant to, landing squarely on her butt. “Ow! ...Well at least it didn't hurt THAT much. Maybe I could get used to this.”
  129. Two statues greeted Sonnet this time, both sharing a striking resemblance to herself. She approached the statues and another banquet was presented to her. There was zero hesitation this time. The hunger in Sonnet's belly took control, commanding her to eat everything in front of her. Whatever magic that was driving her hunger was emptying her belly as fast as she could fill it. As soon as Sonnet thought she was done, her stomach was empty and ready for more.
  131. While Sonnet didn't have to worry about stomach capacity, she was quickly running out of room concerning clothing capacity. She had already pulled her belt down and loosened her saddlebags to the final loop but everything was still tightly clinging to her growing body. Her shirt was struggling to cover her wobbling blue tummy and it felt like her pants and boots were about to explode off of her.
  133. Still, she ate and ate till there was nothing left. Sonnet let out a sigh of satisfaction and began rubbing her belly. It felt good. Really good. Not even the voices of the breezies could distract her from this blissful nirvana. At least until her stomach growled with hunger all over again.
  135. “Come! The next shrine isn't far now.” The breezies pointed to a path behind the statues. Sonnet grunted and moaned as she got to her hooves and walked forward. Her fast trot speed had been replaced with a wide, slow waddle. It was so much harder to move now but the call of more food forced Sonnet to keep moving.
  137. “There, across this bridge is the next shrine. Not too far. See?” The breezies claimed.
  139. The bridge swung and creaked in the cold gusts filling the mountain air. “You want go across that? Have you SEEN how BIG I am now? I'll break that puny bridge into pieces!”
  141. “You can go back down the mountain if you don't believe the goddess's magic wont protect you. All the way back down with no food, no guides and no support for that fat gut.” The breezies warned.
  143. “Ugh...okay. Here I go.” Sonnet closed her eyes and stepped on the bridge with one leg. The sound of straining rope and wood filled the air. “I'm dead. Write a song about me.” Sonnet spoke to the roaring winds before picking up her hooves and making a mad dash across the bridge.
  145. Sonnet jumped the last few steps, sliding forward on her belly to the third shrine. “Oh my gosh! I made it...I'm not dead!” The familiar light filled the shrine and three statues blessed the room with a bounty fit for a village of ponies. “I'm also starving! Gimme!” Sonnet begged as her hoof reached for more food.
  147. The magic of the amulet was working even faster. As soon as Sonnet swallowed, the sensation that she had eaten anything vanished. Sonnet had become a goddess of bounty alright. Bountiful in appetite and belly. Her belt snapped off her bloating gut, the strap for her saddlebags was cutting deeper and deeper into her stomach, a huge tear had formed in the seat of her pants and her thighs had turned the rest of her pants into scraps.
  149. Sonnet almost stopped her feasting when she felt her gut press against the cold stone of the mountain. Almost. Her rampant gluttony and insatiable appetite kept her eating until there was nothing left. A roar of a belch echoed through the mountains as Sonnet gave her gigantic belly a loving pat down.
  151. “So, the last one, right? Where is it?” Sonnet was drooling at the thought of more food.”
  153. “It is the simplest shrine to get to. Just climb those stairs.” The breezies pointed to a long, tall set of stairs carved into the stone to the very top of the mountain.
  155. “You're joking. This is a gag, right? Pulling my leg?” Sonnet pleased with the breezies hiding in her saddlebags. “Oh my gosh you want THIS body to travel all the way up these steps? Fine. I'm so dang hungry, I'll do it.”
  157. Sonnet grabbed at her clothing and began tugging it off. The tight shirt, useless pants and ruined boots were only going to hinder her at this point. She strapped her lute to her saddlebags and began to climb. Each step was weary and took all of Sonnet's strength. The only thing driving her forward was the fact that she had already come so far and that there was going to be an endless feast for her waiting up these cursed stairs.
  159. Slowly, Sonnet made her way to the final shrine. An endless hell of stairs could not stop her. Not now. She climbed over the final step and collapsed, huffing and groaning from the effort it took to move her plump, soft body.
  161. “Come on, now. Just a little bit more. Think of the food, my goddess.” The breezies begged Sonnet to take the last few steps she needed to activate the shrine. A gurgle of desperate hunger snapped Sonnet into gear and she waddled over to the shrine.
  163. The final shrine was adorned with four statues that all resembled Sonnet with outstretched forelegs and wings. A wide chair awaited the center of the shrine surrounded by four massive tables. Sonnet eased herself into the chair and the familiar pulse of her magic amulet filled the air.
  165. Each statue had presented a gigantic feast on each table. Far too much for any one pony to enjoy, let alone reach. Numerous portals began to open all around the shrine and the breezies from the village began to pour into the ancient shrine. Immediately, they began to grab at the food and offer it to Sonnet.
  167. Sonnet accepted every bite. She could feel the magic of the amulet filling her along with the food, once more allowing her to eat everything presented to her. It felt like there was no end to the delicious meal and no end to how big Sonnet would grow. She ate and ate, enjoying the savory flavors and the soft, wobbly jiggle of more flab to the point of immobility.
  169. The final challenge lasted until sunset. Sonnet had spent an entire day doing nothing but eating. She had become a bountiful goddess in her own right. As the last bite disappeared into Sonnet's tummy, the amulet began to glow once more. The magic gathered around Sonnet but not to make her bigger. The world melted away as Sonnet soared through empty space towards a gigantic pony among the stars.
  171. Though this pony was massive, Sonnet instantly recognized her from the shrines. It was the goddess depicted as the statues of bounty. The giant goddess looked down upon Sonnet with a smile and while she didn't speak, a soft, gentle voice filled her mind.
  173. “My greatest thanks for helping the breezies. They have no opened up to anypony in many years and I have not been able to help them with my powers. What is your name, little one?”
  175. “S-Sonnet...although I know why YOU call me little one, I certainly wouldn't expect anypony else to say it.”
  177. The goddess wore a soft smile. “My apologies. The amulet you wear is enchanted to channel the energy of anyone wearing it to allow natural life energy to be converted into a powerful spell. It might be damaged if it made you so bountiful as well.”
  179. Sonnet struggled to take off the amulet. Sure enough, there was a small crack in the amber gem that shined with intense magical energy. “Oh I gonna be stuck like this?”
  181. “Not necessarily. The weight is not magical and should go away with a bit of exercise. However...May I ask a favor?” The goddess asked.
  183. “....Sure.” Sonnet replied.
  185. “Its been too long since the breezies have trusted anypony to perform this ritual for them. I miss caring for them in my own special way and seeing you step up and take up this role is very special to me. Would you consider doing this next year for them? I'm sure they would be just as devoted to you as they were to me.”
  187. Sonnet sighed. The trek up the mountain had been no easy feat and now in her current state, it felt like moving anything would be a hassle. Then again, the breezies HAD been very welcoming...and the food had been divine. Sonnet closed her eyes and listened to her heart and instantly knew what she needed to do.
  189. “I'll do it.” Sonnet said with a smile.
  191. The goddess returned Sonnet's smile and the air was filled with a blinding light. Sonnet opened her eyes and was back in her chair back on the mountain. King Vindil approached Sonnet with worry. “Miss Sonnet! Your eyes were glowing with an unnatural light. Are you okay?”
  193. “Everything is better than alright, King Vindil. I was just talking to the goddess of bounty. She misses you dearly and if you'd allow me, I'd like to do this for as many years as you need me.”
  195. The breezies cheered and gathered around Sonnet for a celebration that lasted until the moon was high in the sky. In the twinkle of the starlight, the shape of a pony soared through the air and blessed the local lands with wealth and prosperity. Sonnet may have been looking for adventure but she found a new home with new friends.

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