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Fleur's Filling Fling

By Tankris
Created: 2023-09-03 15:09:59
Expiry: Never

  1. “Und zat is a wrap! Send those pictures to production und have them on my desk for personal inspection as soon as possible! Come ON people, we have deadlines to crunch!” The booming, commanding voice of Photo Finish rang out through the building. Several ponies scrambled about, not wanting to disappoint their boss.
  3. The only pony in the room not dashing about was the gorgeous, tall unicorn taking center stage in the shoot. Fleur de Lis relaxed herself with a slow stretch. “Ah, finally. I was about to melt under those lights.” Fleur moved through the room light and bouncy like a dancer straight to the only thing concerning her. The snack table.
  5. Fleur de Lis reached out for a sandwich. Her attempt was blocked by a quick swat to the hand. “Und vat do YOU think YOU are doing around zis table? Zis is no place for a model to be binge eating like a piggy.” Photo Finish frowned as Fleur grabbed a sandwich anyway.
  7. “You're not my personal trainer, Finish. I can have a sandwich if I want.”
  9. “Maybe ONE sandwich but zis is your THIRD one today. You take a bite out of that thing and we're cutting your pay in half.”
  11. Fleur's eyes went wide. “What? You can't do that! Over a sandwich?”
  13. “Not just a sandwich...” Photo Finish pulled her sunglasses down and shot Fleur an icy stare. “Ze production manager und I have noticed a particular change in your eating habits, Fleur. It has been slowing down the photo shoots and we're missing deadlines because of it.”
  15. Photo Finish reached out and grabbed at Fleur's stomach. “You see zis? Zis fat? All zis lard? We have been air brushing it out for two weeks now and all zat extra work has to come from SOMEONE'S wallet. Lose ze weight pronto or lose your pay. Maybe even your career. Zer is no room for fatties in the fashion industry, Fleur.”
  17. Fleur de Lis was the definition of beauty. An absolutely perfect face free of blemishes with skin blessed by Celestia herself. She was tall, even by unicorn standards she towered over most ponies and gave her an air of authority. Long, pink hair waved and bounced down past her shoulders without a split end in sight.
  19. Her build was slender and dainty in all the right places while soft and curvy where it counted. Slim arms, slim legs, just enough in the thighs and hips to drive a stallion wild. A perfect peach of a rear that made a man's mouth water and the most ripe, full pair of breasts you had ever laid eyes on. Those crass enough to never bother with her face might mistake the impossibly perfect supermodel for a cow and not a pony.
  21. The tall unicorn looked down at her boss and the inch of skin and modest flab she was pinching tight. “It's a few pounds at most. You're overreacting.”
  23. “Zeus! Bring...IT over here.” Photo Finish commanded. At once, one of the makeup artists walked over and handed the earth pony a newspaper. “How am I supposed to react when my client is on every front page??”
  25. Photo Finish shoved the front page into Fleur's face, forcing her to read it. “Local supermodel caught for the third time eating fast food. Is Fleur de Lis expecting? Retiring? Depressed? Who knows??” Fleur de Lis read aloud.
  27. “I'm no ze one overreacting. It's everypony else! We still have one more photo shoot tomorrow and after that, my manager insists on a week break before we do another one. If you haven't cut down on all the grease and lard, piggy, we'll have no choice but to terminate you contract.” Photo Finish said.
  29. “Is that a real threat? I am the number one model in all of Canterlot. Everypony would die to work with me.” Fleur de Lis responded. She rolled her eyes in response. “I'm VERY well connected, you know.”
  31. “Zere are some things connections can't fix, Fleur. If I were you, I'd get in with ze program and comply before you ruin your entire image in more ways zan one...” Photo Finish said. She reached out and snatched the sandwich out of Fleur's hand before walking off.
  33. Fleur de Lis slammed her fist against the table. “How DARE SHE! Accuse me of getting fat like that. I'm perfectly fine. Attractive. Rich and famous enough for any stallion to admire.”
  35. “You! What was your name? Zeus? What do YOU think?” Fleur de Lis pointed to the stallion that handed over the newspaper.
  37. He sighed. “Its not my place to say. At least, not with you so steaming mad.”
  39. “You'll tell me your answer even if I don't like it! I'm not looking for a kiss on the ass, I'm looking for a second opinion here.” Fleur stomped her feet.
  41. “Fine.” Zeus said as he turned towards Fleur. “I've seen this industry chew up ponies and spit them out to the streets without any sort of saving grace beyond moving back home a failure.” Zeus said.
  43. “However...” He continued. “You've hit the holy grail. You're well known and have lots of money and connections. Ruining this deal won't end you...just your modeling career. If you wanna keep going, do what Photo Finish wants. If you don't care, then don't care. Get fat. Stop wearing too much make up. Wear regular clothes that aren't constantly tailored to your body type. It's your life and you only get one shot.”
  45. “Hey, nopony said anything about THAT. I just want a sandwich.” Fleur said.
  47. “Whatever. I'm just a makeup artist. It doesn't matter who is sitting in the seat.” Zeus said. He packed up the last of his things and left.
  49. Fleur de Lis looked at the packs of chips and water left on the snack table. Nothing that would satisfy the hunger she felt. “Forget this. I want some REAL food. Something worth cramming in my mouth.” Fleur rushed to the changing room, changed into her own clothes and left the modeling agency.
  51. “Now, what to eat? There's got to be something worth my time.” Canterlot was a big city with a wealth of options. “Hm...Not there. No. Potions are too small...”
  53. Nothing was clicking. No matter what Fleur de Lis could think of, it left her wanting something more. She wandered around until the sight of a Hayburger chain caught her eye. “Oh, a hayburger. I haven't had one of those in a while.”
  55. Fleur de lis approached the front door when the newspaper rack outside caught her attention. It was the same newspaper that Photo Finish had at the agency. Fleur saw herself licking ketchup off her fingers once more over a half eaten burger. The memories of how delicious it was flooded her mind and made her tummy grumble.
  57. The mare stormed into the building and slammed her credit card on the counter. “I want two of EVERYTHING on the menu!” She shouted.
  59. “Uh...aren't you that supermodel?” The young stallion behind the register asked.
  61. “Sure am. Why? Want to call me a piggy to my face as well?” Fleur responded.
  63. “N-No...One...uh...Two of everything coming up. It's gonna take a while so have a seat while you wait.”
  65. Fleur de Lis ran home with her illegal bounty in her magical grasp. Sure, more ponies might have caught her running around town with enough food to feed an army but they wouldn't be able to prove it was all for her. She rushed inside and set everything on her dining table. “Mine. All mine to enjoy with nopony to pry or tell me what to do.”
  67. The fries were all poured into a massive pile surrounded by sodas and shakes. Fleur unwrapped a burger and crammed it in her mouth. She moaned as the rich flavors, warm ketchup and grease met her tongue and fell into her stomach. It scratched away at the hunger that had been gnawing at her all day.
  69. Only one down and already she was feeling it. Fleur wasn't used to such dense food. The life of a supermodel demanded salads and crunches, not meat and grease. She unwrapped another burger with her magic while her hands busied themselves with the fries. It was always better to lick the salt off her fingers.
  71. A big handful of fries and half a milkshake later, Fleur was chomping through another burger. She was going much slower with this one. Savoring it. Hoping smaller bites would mean it wouldn't make her too full to continue. All she had to do was keep eating. No problem.
  73. Fleur de Lis set herself into a slow rhythm. A bite or two of a burger, tiny sip of soda, some fries, more burger. The soda was helping her belch out any building pressure. Breaks between bites helped her keep it together. Just keep eating.
  75. Three burger wrappers down and Fleurde Lis groaned. Her eyes had been far larger than her stomach. There was no way she could eat another bite. Fleur looked upon the mountain of food left before looking down at herself. Under her shirt was an odd bulge she had never seen before.
  77. The unicorn pulled up her shirt and looked upon her tummy. The once flat, lithe stomach was bulging and bloated for the first time in her life. Bits of stressed, pink skin was visible under her coat struggling to cover the offending bloat. Slowly, Fleur reached out and touched her belly.
  79. Electricity shot through Fleur's body. The sensation of her hands on her stressed tummy was divine. Her consciousness ascended to the heavens as Fleur felt sensations that only poets dreamed of. Her magic seemed to take over as it grabbed the nearest burger and shoved it in her mouth.
  81. Fleur rubbed her tummy and let her magic do the work. Four burgers down turned into five. The pile of fries vanished. Fleur struggled to chug the melting milkshakes before her body refused more. A sixth burger vanished and suddenly the immense pleasure turned into a gut wrenching pain.
  83. A seventh burger was never unwrapped. The little moans of pleasure had turned into agony as Fleur passed a very hard line in her stuffing bliss. Her shoulders arched, body tensed and stomach lurched. It took every fiber of control Fleur had not to fall out of her chair. “Oh gosh...too much....way too much.”
  85. Seconds felt like hours. This ill feeling rattled Fleur from her head down to her toes. “Keep it together....” She chanted to herself. It would fade. It had to fade. All this awfulness will pass and it will be okay.
  87. Slowly, the intense feeling of sickness passed. Fleur relaxed her body and released a belch she wasn't aware she was holding back. The last little pangs of pain faded, allowing the bloated mare to finally let her guard down. “Okay...noted. Don't ever go that far again.”
  89. The pleasurable tingles were long gone but the memories were swimming in Fleur's brain. It had been divine. The thought of any more food risked dredging up that ill feeling but the butterflies it had conjured were locked in Fleur's brain. She eased herself to her feet and made her way to her bed.
  91. Taking off her clothes had become the biggest chore in Fleur's life. Her swollen belly was as big as a basketball and the stuffed mare had no idea how to cope with it. She pulled and yanked the waistband of her pants down just to get enough room to unbutton them. A bit of a wiggle slid them off her hips and down her legs.
  93. Her shirt was a bit easier. It had risen up a little from her intense stuffing session but was still easy enough to take off. Leaning back to get at her bra straps proved impossible. The pressure of her stomach against her lungs made it hard to breathe every attempt she made to undo the claps. Desperate to be free, she yanked it off by the bottom of the cups and wiggled it off her shoulders.
  95. “Eh....why not.” Fleur muttered as she pulled at her panties and wiggled out of them. Bare and free from the restraint of her clothes, Fleur caught her reflection in her full body mirror. She almost didn't recognize herself with the gigantic gut looming out in front of her. Bits of her coat had thinned out to accommodate her swollen stomach. With her huge belly and wonderful, heavy breasts, she nearly looked pregnant and glowing like this.
  97. A bit of the fuzziness and tingles returned. Fleur took a few moments to gaze upon herself in all her round glory. It was so nice to let go and do what she wanted for a change. So nice to be a normal pony. Fleur could get used to this.
  99. Her daydreaming was cut short as a throbbing pain began to well up from her abdomen. “Ohhhhh ow ow ow....oh no it hurts so bad....” Fleur doubled over and started rubbing her stomach as best she could. Without the stress and panic of vomiting on her mind, her body was hitting her full force with the strain of her sudden gluttony. Fleur eased herself into her bed and laid down.
  101. Slowly, the tummy ache faded. Fleur looked down and saw her voluptuous tits and belly looking over her. It made her smile as she cradled her body and relaxed. Instantly, Fleur fell asleep, dreaming of another burger in her mouth.
  105. RING RING
  106. RING RING
  107. RING RING
  109. Angry ringing pulled Fleur from a deep sleep. Her limbs felt like lead as she tried to fumble for her alarm. “No...not this one...ugh.” Fleur reluctantly pulled herself from her nice, soft bed and walked back into the kitchen. Her phone had fallen off the table and was clattering around on the floor.
  111. “Hello?” Fleur answered the phone.
  113. “WHERE ARE YOU? ZE PHOTO SHOOT STARTED TEN MINUTES AGO AND YET WE HAVE NO MODEL! GET DOWN HERE AS SOON AS YOU CAN....PLEASE!” The angry voice of Photo Finish screamed through the phone's speakers.
  115. Fleur de Lis yawned. “Yea sure. I'll be there in a bit.” She ended the call immediately. Her phone began ringing immediately. Fleur shut off her phone and went back to her room to clean up for the day. Old clothes in the hamper. Yesterday's makeup scrubbed off. Into the shower to properly wake up.
  117. As she scrubbed her body clean, Fleur suddenly felt the butterflies in her tummy again. Her hands were gripping her gut...her GUT. Fleur stopped her absent minded scrubbing and focused on her stomach. What had been a minor bit of pudge was now a convex bulge that stuck out just a tiny bit. It had happened just as Photo Finish said. She was getting fat.
  119. She pinched, she prodded, she jiggled her tummy about. Everything felt so foreign but wonderful. Fleur leaned against the wall for a moment as her knees grew weak and her heart pounded in her chest. It was the happiest she had been in a long, long time.
  121. Fleur rushed out of the shower to get a proper look of herself. Her tummy was the only thing that really looked different but compared to the rest of her lithe body, it felt like it stuck out a mile. She hugged her middle and smiled.
  123. Something quick today. Low effort. Just put on a little makeup. Another day at the agency anyway. Fleur grabbed her things and headed to the door. She passed by the wreckage of a meal from last night and the fluttery feelings returned. Her stomach growled at the sight of food even if it was cold. Fleur smiled as she reached out and grabbed a full bag of burgers and left.
  125. Ponies stared as the size zero, always trendy, supermodel mare walked through Canterlot with half a burger stuffed in her face. Fleur de Lis was too hungry to care. She was already at her second burger and yet the fullness from last night wasn't there. A third burger was already on her lips, fueling her greedy appetite. She finished her fourth burger just as she walked into the agency.
  127. “Oh! Miss de Lis. Photo Finish has...been...expecting you.” The secretary at the desk trailed off as Fleur's burger bloated gut entered the room before she did. “Wow, talk about expecting. Photo Finish didn't say we were doing a pregnancy shoot today. How far along are you?”
  129. “Four...make that five.” Fleur de Lis muttered as she pulled out another burger from her bag. “Which room am I in today?”
  131. “Room two.” The secretary said.
  133. “Thank you.” Fleur de Lis barely managed to say before moaning into another bite of her burger. She walked down the hall munching and gulping while the secretary stared.
  135. “Jeez, they don't joke around when you say you're eating for two.”
  137. Fleur de Lis has barely opened the door to room two as a shriek of frustration shattered the sound barrier. “FLEUR DE LIS! A LITTLE BIT DOES NOT MEAN AN HOUR! WHAT TOOK SO LONG?” Photo Finish stomped over to the door.
  139. “No big deal. I slept in. Better get me in makeup now or else we wont make those deadlines, right?” Fleur de Lis replied. She stuffed the last bit of burger in her mouth and swallowed. “Come on, no time like the present, right?”
  141. Everypony was dead silent. Fleur saw an ocean of eyeballs staring her down. A few stares of horror met her gaze. “ I have something on my face?” Fleur asked. “Oh, ketchup. Sorry.” She said. Fleur wiped away the offending stain and sucked on her finger.
  143. “ ze world....IS ZIS?????” Photo Finish screamed as a finger poked Fleur in the gut. Her finger met with resistance right where Fleur was feeling a bit of internal pressure. “I told you to STOP with ze fast food and here you are ACTUALLY stuffing your face like an idiotic PIG!! Are you making a mockery of my work? My life??”
  145. Another jab to the gut was too much. Fleur de Lis lurched forward and belched hard into Photo Finish's face. “Oh, excuse me. Little too much all at once. Breakfast kinda sneaks up on you like that.”
  147. Photo Finish reached out and grabbed the bag of burgers. With one swift toss, the bag was thrown to the ground, sending trash and leftover food all over the floor. “Out. GET OUT! VE WILL MAKE SURE YOU NEVER GET A JOB IN ZIS TOWN EVER AGAIN!”
  149. The room went silent again. Fleur de Lis looked over at everypony one last time. “I'm sure I'll be seeing you all in a week or two. Ciao.” Fleur turned around and left the room without a second thought.
  151. “Zeus, tell everyone it's time for a break. I have a few calls to make.” Photo Finish said. She swiftly left the room with her cell phone already in her hands. There were a million more stars in Canterlot that could keep their weight down.
  153. Freed from her job, Fleur de Lis began to wander the town. There hadn't been a backup plan. No investments. Only her bits in her bank. Still, she had enough for a lifetime or two. No need to panic. In fact, the only thing Fleur seemed to be able to focus on was food.
  155. “Man...there was still a burger or two in that bag. I wanted them!” Fleur pouted. Sure, she was already feeling full but that longing. The fullness. She could feel that she was near that line that would make her feel incredible. All she needed was one more big push.
  157. Her prayers were answered. “Ohhh...a buffet. I've never been to one before.” Fleur's curiosity begged her to step inside. The smell of so much food hit her nose and made her stomach growl. Endless amounts of food were set up for the lunch buffet. It all looked so good.
  159. “Hello ma'am. There's forty five minutes left for the lunch buffet. You'll still be charged full price if you decide to dine in.” The cashier announced.
  161. “Sure thing. Here's my card.” Fleur said.
  163. The cashier quickly rang her up and handed her a receipt. “Enjoy!”
  165. “ does this all work, exactly?” Fleur asked.
  167. “Um..” The cashier was at a momentary loss. “Well, you paid, so you get access to anything at the buffet line. Plates are available everywhere and we ask you use a new one if you want more food. Please use the tongs and ladles to grab what you want and please don't lean under the sneeze guard...”
  169. Fleur de Lis was already walking towards the heavenly smells at the buffet. There was so much she wanted to try. Savory meats, dense sides, grilled vegetables and bread baked to perfection. Fleur piled her plate high and found a quiet corner of the room to enjoy herself.
  171. “ good as this all smells, I can't just cram it all in. Go slow and be mindful...” Fleur told herself. She grabbed a fork and slowly began to place food in her mouth. Bite after bite, the food on her plate began to disappear. It wasn't the best that Fleur had ever tasted but each bite only made her crave more.
  173. The butterflies began to flutter as she was halfway done with her plate. Once again, her surroundings melted away as Fleur found herself in glutton nirvana. Right at the edge of being far too full for her own good. Without thinking, the bloated mare reached under the table and began to rub her gut.
  175. A little moan of pleasure left her lips. Fleur couldn't stop. Her hands demanded she kept eating and rubbing. She sighed in delight as her fork tapped against the plate. Fleur looked down to see nothing was left. Nothing but her huge, swollen tummy about to brush against the table.
  177. “No way...” Fleur de Lis grinned. Even after everything she had crammed into her stomach, she still wanted more. Needed more. She rose to her feet to get another plate when a new sensation hit. Fleur could feel every pound of food weighing her down so tightly packed in her tummy. The urge to lean forward and cradle her gut was intense.
  179. Slowly, Fleur went back to the buffet line to see most of it had vanished. “Damn. The time limit...How long had I been eating?”
  181. All was not lost. There was still the desserts left. Not wanting a repeat of yesterday, Fleur settled for a brownie and an ice cream cone. She returned to her seat and slowly nibbled away at her reward for being responsible.
  183. “Miss? We've closed the buffet. If you're finished, no need to rush out the door quite yet. You...uh...don't need to place an order for anything else, do you?” The cashier asked.
  185. Fleur de Lis looked at the cute stallion. “Depends...are you on the menu?”
  187. The stallion coughed. “ ma'am. If that's all, have a wonderful day.”
  189. “Shame. I could eat you up.” Fleur de Lis teased. She stood up and walked...waddled her way out the door. Her belly gurgled, bounced and sloshed with every step, hypnotizing the poor worker for a moment or two.
  191. “Wait....was that Fleur de Lis???” He shouted.
  198. “This time...this time, we go all out.” Fleur de Lis said to herself. With no more obligations holding her back, she had all the time in the world to dedicate to her new hobby. She stood outside the buffet waiting for the lunch hour to start. Fleur smiled as she saw the cashier from yesterday flip over the closed sign and unlock the door.
  200. “Hello there.” Fleur said as she walked in. Her card was already in her hand.
  202. “Good morning...miss de Lis.” The cashier welcomed her in.
  204. “Oh sweetie, please. Fleur is fine. Its not like I'm somepony important.” Fleur replied.
  206. “Uh...if you insist, miss....Fleur. Here for another buffet lunch?”
  208. “Absolutely. I was a little too busy so I skipped breakfast...” Fleur lied. She hadn't been busy at all. She skipped breakfast so she could glut herself on cheap buffet food. She accepted her receipt and walked towards the buffet. Everything was fresh this time, sending Fleur into a fevered hunger that needed to be sated as soon as possible.
  210. Fleur loaded up a plate, got herself a soda and placed it on a nearby table in the middle of the seating area. Then she grabbed a second plate and a third. A few of the staff looked on as the lithe supermodel sat down with enough food for a family of four.
  212. A fork in one hand and a knife in the other. Fleur was ready to eat as much as she possibly could. Her bites were greedy and with purpose. The strategy was to eat as much as possible at first before she got too full, then nurse her plates with little bites until it was too much.
  214. It was working. The first plate had been all things that could be stuffed in her mouth in big portions. Meats, breads and anything that could be cut into big chunks and devoured. It was gone just as a few more ponies had wandered into the buffet. Fleur paid them no mind and started on her next plate.
  216. This was all about smaller foods. Things she could focus on one at a time to distract her from any fullness that was bubbling about in her tummy. It also allowed her to use one hand and free the other for rubbing her belly under the table. It was at this point that a bit more attention was flying her way. Guests and staff were starting to stare as the former supermodel demolished a ton of food like it was nothing.
  218. Fleur's stomach was starting to bloat and bulge from so much gluttony. She gave herself a little pinch and smiled. “Nowhere near full. Lets go.” Her attention moved to the final plate she had made herself. It was loaded with mashed potatoes, pasta and anything easy to swallow. The less effort to eat, the better.
  220. Even the third plate was no match for Fleur's increased appetite. She finished her soda and let her stomach rest for a moment before patting it down. Everypony turned to see who was belching so loudly in the buffet. It only gave Fleur the confidence to go back for more.
  222. A second trip made the cashier's eyes go wide. He had never seen a pony eat so much at once and yet here was a supermodel stuffing her face without a care. His eyes met Fleur's as she returned to the table. She gave him a little wink and sat back down.
  224. The plates were stacked higher and higher as Fleur emptied them one by one. She did her best to savor the dense foods before gulping them down as quickly as possible. Her focus sharpened on her fullness and weight as she turned to finger foods to calm her belly. There was always a twinge of excitement when it was time to mindlessly graze on things that didn't need chewing. It was one big cycle of hedonism and gluttony.
  226. It was after the second round that Fleur was feeling the bliss of fullness. As badly as she wanted to disassociate and rub her gut, that wasn't the point. Not yet. Slowly, she stood up and grabbed just the finger foods and mashed potatoes. Now it was time to thread the needle and keep herself absolutely stuffed.
  228. Her stomach gurgled in protest. Fleur could feel the muscles in her gut aching and whining. Every little noise brought her that much closer to that awful, terrible ill feeling she experienced thanks to all those hayburgers. It lingered and taunted but it never hit to the extremes, allowing Fleur to continue eating until her third round of food was gone.
  230. “Break time...” Fleur de Lis groaned. She pushed both hands to her gut and did her best to soothe it. Her belly was poking out from under her shirt, exposing her gut for all to see. The cashier was hypnotized all over again, barely paying attention as he dropped a customer's change on the floor.
  232. “Okay...time for the hard part.” Fleur forced herself to stand and grabbed another plate of only mashed potatoes. She sat down and began to shovel it all down. Push it in, swallow, take a breath. Push it all in, swallow, take a breath. The butterflies faded as the ill, sick, about to throw up feeling took over with every bite.
  234. The soda wasn't helping anymore. No matter how much she tried to sip, Fleur couldn't force out the pressure. This was it. The absolute limit of her gluttony. Anything more and she's lose it for sure.
  236. Another bite. Fleur forced another bite. Every few minutes, another scoop of potatoes entered her tummy. It was a struggle for every little morsel of food. Fleur forced bite after bite until it finally happened.
  238. It faded. The sick feeling slowly fell away even though Fleur was stuffed to capacity. A surge of energy hit and Fleur knew there wasn't much time left. She jumped to her feet as fast as a mare smuggling a medicine ball in her belly could move and grabbed a plate of the most dense, calorie heavy food she could find. Everypony watched as this mare who had stuffed her face for an hour straight grabbed another plate of food.
  240. Fleur ate as quickly as possible. The only limit was her own physical limits now. More and more was pushed past her lips, stretching out her stomach and her skin. Her pink coat was getting thinner and thinner on her bloated stomach, revealing how pained and discolored her skin had become around her belly. Most ponies turned away at the grotesque sight...but the cashier was enthralled.
  242. The final plate was pushed away unfinished. It was just too much. Pain throbbed through every inch of Fleur's stomach. There was absolutely no way Fleur was going to eat another bite....for now. She pulled and tugged at the waistband of her pants and sighed as she let her gut breathe as it pressed against her thighs.
  244. Thirty minutes later, Fleur hit the buffet for dessert. Just a few sweet things here and there. Had to save room for ice cream after all. She slowly finished her meal and got up one more time. Her belly bumped into the table, nearly knocking it over and sending her old plates flying.
  246. Fleur de Lis looked around and saw all eyes on her once more. Her smile widened as she waddled over to the ice cream machine and got herself one last treat. She walked to the exit and stopped before the cashier. “So...I'll ask again. Are you on the menu?”
  248. “N-No ma'am..uh...miss, I mean Fleur. I'm not on the menu.” He replied.
  250. “Shame. Usually when guys look at me the same way you did, they jump at a chance to have a fling with a supermodel. I'm not too fat for you, am I?” Fleur emphasized her point by patting her gigantic tummy.
  252. “Mmmmm....uhhh I still have two hours left of my shift...I can't just leave!”
  254. “Unacceptable. I need someone to rub this belly and get me off.” Fleur de Lis reached out and grabbed the stallion by his shirt. “Come on. It's every boy's dream to fuck a supermodel and I know you want me.”
  256. Fleur's horn lit up and the stallion felt a magical grip running up and down his inner thigh. “I'll make it worth your while, financially and in bed. Just a couple hours...pleaaaaasssseee?”
  258. The stallion slapped himself. There was a supermodel, A SUPER MODEL, of all ponies, asking for his assistance IN BED. She had everything. Perfect face, nice skin, HUGE tits...that were resting upon a gigantic, wobbling, full gut that made her breasts bounce and jiggle. Fleur de Lis looked him in the eyes and gave a sultry lick of her ice cream and wiggled her eyebrows. She would need a lot of attention on that massive tummy...and maybe need some help with those clothes clinging to her body...and and and and oh fuck it.
  260. “BOSS I GOT AN EMERGENCY TO TAKE CARE OF, SORRY!” The cashier pulled off his uniform vest and followed Fleur outside.
  262. “Oh yea, still got it.” Fleur thought to herself. No pony could ever dare call her fat...and yet those close to her could maybe notice a softening of the face, a bit more wobbly in her gut and maybe even an increase in her bust. She may not be the zero percent body fat supermodel she once was, but she was happier this way.

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