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Golden Opportunity

By Tankris
Created: 2023-09-18 16:07:53
Expiry: Never

  1. Most ponies wouldn't be able to tell you where Silver Shores was on the Equestrian map. Most ponies don't even know Silver Shores exists. The small town does its best to stay off the map for two reasons. One, its simply so small to remember. Two, the founder of the town likes his privacy.
  3. Those that stop by Silver Shores never stay long. The town takes care of itself and its own. Close to the shore means plenty of fishing. The nearby forests provide ample hunting ground and lumber. A few brave ponies dare the frigid heights of YakYak Mountains to mine and drill for ores and stone.
  5. Still, as a city of Equestria, the town of Silver Shores is allowed access to anything they require from the capital. The only thing the small town ever needed was a tough guard or two to keep the peace. In a town where everypony knows everypony, most look out for each other out of necessity.
  7. “I'm sorry, miss Baton, but there simply isn't any work for you here.”
  9. “But!” The batpony with the golden coat tried to protest but the door was already slammed shut. “Come ON! I'm more than qualified to work at the lumber mill!” She shouted at the door. No response.
  11. “...Jerks. So you accidentally knock over a torch and set somepony's house on fire a little bit and the whole town hates you. Nopony is perfect.”
  13. Golden Baton ran her hands through her striped hair. “That's the last place in town that could have been hiring. Guess I'm gonna have to go back to Canterlot for a new assignment...again.”
  15. She flexed her bat wings and soared through the air. Taking the winding paths through the woods was for earth ponies and unicorns. The chilly air against Golden Baton's face made her feel better as she idly flew above the town.
  17. “Aw, they don't know what they're missing. I can see the whole town from here so I can keep an eye on everypony. Strong so nopony would dare mess with me. I just need to save up the last of my bits and take the next train outta here.”
  19. Her mind made up, Golden Baton swooped down to her temporary home. She rushed inside and slammed the door behind her. “I guess I have to choose between going hungry or begging for money to afford a ticket home. The letter for my transfer back to Canterlot wont make it there for days thanks to this dinky town being so far from home.”
  21. Golden Baton stomped her hoof. “No, I refuse to believe there isn't somewhere I haven't tried for a job. No moping, no whining. Just action.” She went back outside and flew up high, higher than she ever had patrolling the town.
  23. “I tried there...and, maybe it is hopeless. I really have tried every shop and house I can see.” Golden Baton sighed and let her body go slack. She watched the little ponies of the town mind their own business when she noticed a pony she had never seen before.
  25. She was a unicorn with a dark brown coat and a voluminous brown mane. Unicorns were rare in Silver Shores and the use of magic made her stick out like a sore thumb. This interesting mare was in a frilly maid outfit dropping huge bundles of bits everywhere she went. Someone with that amount of money had to either be rich or have the right connections.
  27. Golden Baton followed her target easily through the sky. No pegasai in town meant nopony ever looked up. The unicorn made the last of her purchases and began walking to a part of the forest completely isolated from the town.
  29. “Where the heck is she going? There's nothing out there...” Golden Baton muttered to herself. She swooped down low and followed through the trees. There was no path, no landmarks or anything to guide this unicorn through the forest and yet she walked with purpose.
  31. Slowly, the dense forest opened up to a vast clearing at least an acre wide. Sitting at the center of this clearing was a huge mansion made of aged stone and wood. Fearsome statues were carved into the stone and metal fence surrounding this gigantic home. It was an impressive building.
  33. “Whoa...the mayor never said anything about this house. Something fishy is going on...” Golden Baton landed and carefully followed the unicorn as closely as she could on hoof. She waited until the strange mare entered the mansion to put her plan into action.
  35. Golden Baton ran up to the front door and knocked as hard as she could. A few seconds later, the unicorn came to answer the door. “Hello? We aren't expecting any visitors today...” The unicorn's voice was sweet as could be.
  37. “Sorry for the intrusion. This is the royal guard on patrol just here for your safety. I saw you heading through the forest by yourself and wanted to make sure you weren't lost or anything. I wasn't made aware this house was out here.”
  39. “Oh goodness, aren't you sweet.” The unicorn gushed. “It's a shame you were fired from the royal guard position in town, Miss Baton.” The unicorn said.
  41. “ did you know that??” Golden Baton asked.
  43. “Everyone in town is talking about you, you poor dear. A small town like this means news travels.”
  45. “Oh...okay. Well then, if everything is fine here, I better go.” Golden Baton grumbled before walking away.
  47. “Miss Baton, is everything alright with you? You seem rather down.”
  49. Golden Baton stopped. She thought it over for a second before letting out a sigh. “Everypony in town knows how bad I messed up...I need some money to head back to Canterlot and nopony will let me help with even the most embarrassing odd jobs I can think of.”
  51. The unicorn clapped her hands. “If you need work, why didn't you say so? I'm sure we can work out something for you here. The Master's mansion is a grand building that needs lots of love to keep running smoothly.”
  53. “I'll do anything!” Golden Baton shouted. “You need a pony that's strong or quick or smart, that's me!” Golden Baton flexed her arms.
  55. “So strong! Yes, I'm sure we can put you up in a maid position for a month or two, as long as you don't mind a few stipulations. Come inside and we can talk about it properly.”
  57. Golden Baton stepped inside the mansion. The inside was just as ornate at the outside. Fine wood furnishing, impressive rugs, long, flowing tapestries and lots of display cases welcomed her just in the entryway. “This way, please.”
  59. As the unicorn stepped out of the entryway, a magical swirl wrapped around her dress. The usual frills and cloth of a maid outfit disappeared, leaving her in an outfit only suited for pornography. The top of the dress had vanished, revealing the unicorn's soft, perky bust in full. Only a thin strip of cloth served as a makeshift bra and it didn't even try to hide her nipples at all.
  61. The skirt had shrunk into a complete mockery of a skirt that only kissed the unicorn's upper thighs. Her thong was completely visible at all angles, giving Golden Baton a glorious view of soft, wobbling butt cheeks and the clear outline of the maid's pussy mound.
  63. Golden Baton felt her mouth hit the floor. The mare in front of her kept walking as if this was normal. As if it were normal that the thigh high stockings were the larges pieces of clothing a mare should wear. The unicorn turned around once she realized Golden Baton had stopped following her.
  65. “Oh, I'm so sorry. I always forget to mention to guests of the manor that this is one of the stipulations of being a maid here. If there's any hesitation at all after knowing this, let me know immediately. This is strict dress code insisted upon by the master.”
  67. “Uh...I mean...I guess my only concern is finding something that fits...” Golden Baton was blushing as her hands rose to her chest. She emphasized how much smaller her own chest was compared to her new friend.
  69. “Don't worry. We have all shapes and sizes here. Here, the maid's quarters.” The unicorn opened the door. Inside was a decent sized room with several beds lined up against the wall.
  71. “Oh goodness, I just realized. I know everything about you and you know nothing about me.” The unicorn reached out and shook Golden Baton's hand. “My name is Caramel Turtle. I've been here the longest and am the de facto head of the maids.”
  73. Golden Baton finally got a proper look at Caramel Turtle. She was a chubby unicorn with ample curves in all the right places. Her hair was dotted with what looked like sprinkles and her horn was thatched like a waffle cone. She looked like one big, jiggly dessert from head to toe. The name was most fitting.
  75. “The girls all live in the same room. Master insists it builds unity in the staff and helps weed out those that can't get along. I know you're not looking for a permanent job so you might not have to stay with us but the forest is usually too hard to navigate at night. Food is also provided at no charge provided you don't mind some of the side effects.”
  77. Caramel Turtle gave her hips a little pinch for emphasis. “Your main responsibilities will be cleaning whatever rooms you're assigned to for the day along with any other supplementary tasks we might call upon you to do. I hope that a member of the royal guard had no problem with duties like cleaning the floors and dusting” She asked.
  79. “Nah. Boot camp was a really tight ship so we kept things clean or got punished. All I need is a good rag and a good bucket.” Golden Baton said.
  81. “Wonderful. I'll have to approve everything with Master Chatter later but I'm sure he wont mind.” Caramel Turtle said with a smile. Golden Baton glanced down at the maid uniform again and rolled her eyes.
  83. “Now, lets get you into a uniform! Once we find one that fits well enough, you can follow me for a tour of the mansion and begin helping me with my duties for the day while you get a feel for everything.” Caramel Turtle grabbed Golden Baton by the wrist and pulled her over to a closet full of maid outfits.
  85. “Here. Try this on.” Caramel Turtle offered the skimpy garment to Golden Baton.
  87. “Okay, sure.” Golden Baton said. She walked into the closet and began to close the door.
  89. “Where are you going?” Caramel Turtle asked.
  91. “...To change.” Golden Baton said.
  93. “Oh...oh dear of course.” Caramel Turtle blushed. “I'm a little too used to these things as you can see. Take your time.”
  95. The privacy of the closet didn't do Golden Baton any favors. Her breasts felt so exposed without a proper shirt on. The skirt was biting into her hips and the panties were riding up so badly. She couldn't see her reflection but the thought of wearing something so skimpy was making her whole face blush.
  97. “How do you put up with all this? Its so vulnerable...” Golden Baton asked as she stepped out of the closet.
  99. “Sweetie, you look so good in it! I know its a lot at first but I'm sure once I get your contract negotiated, you wont mind it one bit.” Caramel Turtle said.
  101. “It better be the biggest bag of bits I've ever seen.” Golden Baton grumbled. “Lead on, I guess. I said I was willing to do anything so here goes everything I've got.”
  103. “That's the spirit. Come along, we've got much to do.” Caramel Turtle said, pulling Golden Baton out of the maid dormitory.
  105. Golden Baton was given a quick tour of the mansion. The first floor was filled with rooms made with pleasure in mind. Lounging rooms filled with strong drinks and ornate decorations, a game room, general sitting areas and even a ball room. A large kitchen and dining room were in the back as well as a smaller room to the side for the staff to eat in private.
  107. The second floor was more business oriented. Studies with big, elaborate desks, a massive library and plenty of extra rooms. It was here that Caramel Turtle and Golden Baton began their cleaning. Each room seemed bigger than the last, even giving the royal guardsmare a workout.
  109. “Oh, it's so nice to have someone so strong and able to get into the spaces I simply can't without help.” Caramel Turtle mused as she watched Golden Baton sweeping huge dust bunnies off the top of a very tall bookshelp.
  111. “Yea...must be nice....” Golden Baton grumbled. A bit of dust seeped into her mouth and forced the bat mare to cough hard.
  113. “Dear, please be careful! I'll get you a handkerchief to cover your face.”
  115. Golden Baton flapped her wings hard and kicked up a huge cloud of dust. “Dang it!” She began to cough harder and harder, forcing her to land on the ground.
  117. “Goodness, are you okay?” Caramel Turtle helped Golden Baton out of the billowing dust cloud and rubbed her back. “I think this is a good time for a break. Its time for lunch anyway.”
  119. Caramel Turtle led the way down to the servant's dining room. “Go ahead and take a seat. I'll be out with food for everypony soon.”
  121. The small room was filled with maids waiting at a long table for lunch. Golden Baton scanned for a seat and noticed a very interesting maid sitting near the end of the table. It was a changeling! One of the parasitic bugs from the Badlands.
  123. Golden Baton sprang into action. She ran over and firmly put a shoulder on the changeling's shoulders. “Excuse me....aren't you a little far from the Badlands, miss buggo?”
  125. “Sure am and I couldn't be happier!”
  127. Golden Baton eased her grip as she noticed the changeling was wearing a maid's uniforn. “ work here?”
  129. “Yeah! My name is Vitaromia and I'm a maid here just like you. You must be Golden Baton.” The changeling smiled.
  131. “...How did you know that?” Golden Baton asked.
  133. “Oh, everypony in town knows. We might be a little out of the way of the town itself but news travels fast.” Vitaromia replied.
  135. “I gotta get out of here as soon as I can. A nice, big city where nopony will ever know my name.” Golden Baton slumped into the seat next to Vitaromia.
  137. “Aw I know it's a real downer but no worries. The Master is really nice to those that are loyal and as long as we keep you away from the fireplaces, you'll be fine.”
  139. “Wonderful to hear. Any more jokes at my expense?” Golden Baton was ready to leave the mansion and never look back.
  141. “Nah, your emotions taste bitter enough. Tell me more about yourself.” Vitaromina asked.
  143. Before Golden Baton could reply, Caramel Turtle wheeled in a food cart. She offered big plates overloaded with food to every maid except for Golden Baton. Instead, Golden Baton was offered a sandwich, a salad and some water.
  145. “Aw, where's my huge plate of food? I hate to complain on my first day but I'm a member of the royal guard. I eat a LOT of food to keep myself strong.”
  147. Caramel Turtle bit her lip. “Sorry, sweetie. I wasn't ready for somepony new today. I'll do my best to have something better for you at dinner.”
  149. Golden Baton blushed. “Nah I get ya. You don't have to do something tonight if you aren't ready. Tomorrow, will I get a big breakfast?”
  151. “That depends.” A low, manly voice echoed through the dining room. “Caramel, you didn't tell me I approved another maid.”
  153. Golden Baton turned to the voice and gasped. Standing tall at the doorway was a creature that she had never seen before. He looked like a green dragon wearing a sharp, fancy suit tailored to allow his pointy yellow scales to jut out from carefully crafted holes in the fabric. What made him look most unusual was the shaggy blonde hair flowing down his back. No dragon in Equestria had hair like that.
  155. “Oh dear...Yes I did, Master Chatter. She was down on her luck and she needs some help getting home to Canterlot...” Caramel Turtle explained.
  157. “Well, if she's already in proper dress code, I assume she's been helping you with your duties today, correct?” The green dragon's voice boomed in Golden Baton's ears. She was frozen in fear as her eyes met his. He seemed to be flexing unintentionally, making his power known to all in the room.
  159. “Yes, Master Chatter. She's been a dear, helping me get to the places most of us can't reach with those wings of hers.”
  161. “Good to know. I want you two to enjoy lunch and relax. Then, promptly come up to my office so we can properly discuss your contract, miss.” The dragon gave a small smile before leaving the dining room.
  163. “Who and what in Equestria was that??” Golden Baton asked.
  165. “That's the master. Master Bolt Chatter. He's a VERY powerful dragon from beyond Equestria. Nopony knows when or how the master arrived in these forests hundreds of years ago but he's a very powerful, very rich person and he's a darling once you get to know him.” Caramel Turtle explained.
  167. “I'll take your word for it.” Golden Baton said. “He doesn't seem bad at the very least. Mostly intimidating.”
  169. Vitaromina giggled. “That's what he wants you to think. Sure, he has all a few scars here and there and his voice is all business but he couldn't keep his eyes off you. I could smell the lust oozing off him.”
  171. “H-Hey!” Golden Baton blushed. She felt nude all over again and tried to cover herself up with her hands.
  173. “Don't upset the poor girl, Vitaromina. I don't want any trouble and neither does Master Chatter. Come on, Golden Baton, eat your lunch so we can visit the master in his office.” Caramel Turtle said before digging into her own lunch.
  175. Caramel Turtle shoved Golden Baton the whole way. “We mustn't upset the master, now. An appointment is something you honor and respect by showing up fifteen minutes early to whatever it may be.”
  177. “You don't have to shove! I know he's the master of this big mansion but it is really gonna be a disaster if he waits five minutes?” Golden Baton whined.
  179. “Oh, right. Most ponies don't even know who Master Chatter is. He does enjoy his privacy. Perhaps it would be best to familiarize you with him before you talk with him.”
  181. Caramel Turtle stopped before the biggest doors in the entire mansion. “This is his personal office. There are a LOT of unique, personal trophies in this room. Mementos from his life before this one. A lot of them are kept sharp so please don't touch anything unless you've been trained to clean it.”
  183. Golden Baton gulped. Just what kind of creature was Bolt Chatter?
  185. “The Master himself doesn't know how he found himself in Equestria. An oddity of magic or divine purpose brought him to this forest when he was much, much younger. His intense strength and fearsome combat abilities kept all sorts of ponies and creatures away from these woods that he has always called his home. One day, a group of wandering mercenaries for hire stopped by the forest and the Master became curious of them. When they realized he couldn't be beaten, they hired him to join their little group with promises of gold and food.”
  187. “He built up enough fortune to have this mansion built centuries ago and has been happily living here since. A good portion of his money also went to starting various companies around Equestria and he has long since been retired from mercenary life.” Caramel Turtle explained.
  189. “Wait...centuries? He's HOW OLD?” Golden Baton asked.
  191. “Old enough to know when somepony is trying to play him for a fool, so no jokes, tricks or funny business. You'll be thrown out on the spot during negotiations, Miss Baton.” Caramel Turtle warned. “Now...are you ready?”
  193. Golden Baton nodded. Caramel Turtle opened the massive doors to the office and revealed it in all its splendor. The walls were lined with various books and display cases of old swords, armor and contracts. An old war banner sat between two giant windows behind a massive oak desk. Waiting for Golden Baton was Bolt Chatter with a warm smile and a comfortable seat for her.
  195. “Good luck.” Caramel Turtle said before pushing Golden Baton inside and closing the door behind her.
  197. Slowly, Golden Baton walked towards the desk. Her eyes locked with Bolt Chatter and Vitaromina's comment sprang into her mind. Golden Baton watched as Bolt Chatter's eyes slowly broke contact with hers and began observing her body as she moved. He stopped and stared at her chest, making the exposed bat pony blush hard.
  199. “Miss Golden Baton. Welcome to my estate. How has everypony been treating you?” Bolt Chatter asked.
  201. “Very well. Everypony has been nice so far.” Golden Baton replied.
  203. “Excellent. I ask my staff to be on their best behavior for everypony no matter who they may be. Please, take a seat.”
  205. No sooner had Golden Baton sat down did Bolt Chatter pull out a contract from a nearby folder. “I'm not a fan of “legalese” so everything is there in plain words with no strings attached. I understand you aren't looking to stay long so I offer my minimum length contract of three months of your services.”
  207. Golden Baton looked over the piece of paper. Sure enough, everything about it was described in basic words with no funny stuff. Be on time, work hard, dress code, eat your special meals, sleep was all standard stuff.
  209. The only thing that was missing was her pay rate. “So...say I agree to these terms. How much am I getting paid for it? It doesn't say here at all.” Golden Baton asked.
  211. “That is one thing that I allow flexibility upon when it comes to my employee contracts. You're a member of the royal guard and have already proven to be of a lot of help to Caramel today so how does ten thousand bits a month sound?” Bolt Chatter proposed.
  213. “TEN THOUSAND A MONTH? That's thirty thousand bits total! That's what I make in a year as a guard!” Golden Baton shouted.
  215. “Then it's a lucrative step up from your current position. It could fund a little vacation or two once you get back to Canterlot or perhaps pay off a few annoying debts. All you have to do is sign at the bottom if you're ready to accept.”
  217. Bolt Chatter slid a pen over the table. Golden Baton snatched it up and scribbled her name on the dotted line as fast as she could. “Wonderful. I will leave your duties up to Caramel for the rest of the day and tomorrow, we'll see if you're ready to handle your own specialized cleaning routine. You are dismissed.” Bolt Chatter said with a smile.
  219. “Yes sir, Master Chatter! I wont let you down!” Golden Baton gave a salute and stood up from her chair. She tried to walk tall and slow out of the office but she couldn't help but skip and dance the last few steps.
  221. Caramel Turtle was waiting outside. “Guessing by how happy you look, you approved the contract.”
  223. “How can anypony say no to such terms? I'm gonna be rich!” Golden Baton was flapping and flying at the thought of so many bits to her name.
  225. “You'll be rich after plenty of hard work, Miss Baton. Now come, we have lots to do before dinner time.” Caramel Turtle warned.
  227. “As long as its the same deal everypony else got, there wont be any complaining at all.” Golden Baton said as she followed Caramel Turtle to their next task.
  229. Caramel Turtle put Golden Baton to the test. Now that she was an official employee, the foal gloves were off. The curvy unicorn began to move at a speed unlike Golden Baton had ever seen. She ran after her new boss, struggling to keep and and stay clean as they blitzed each room and cleaned them top to bottom.
  231. By dinner time, Golden Baton was starving. She had skipped breakfast and the skimpy lunch didn't cut it. Her mouth was watering as she saw the gigantic serving plate headed her way. There were rich cuts of meat, sides piled up high, rich, creamy milk and the biggest slice of brownie that she had ever seen.
  233. “Now dear, make sure you finish it all. You worked hard today.” Caramel Turtle said. “I know its a lot but the master is generous with his portions for us and it's all so tasty.” She watched as Golden Baton tore into the meal, eating it faster than anypony at the table.
  235. Vitaromina chimed in from the other side of the table. “He even makes sure I'm well fed with my irregular diet. I dunno how but he found a way to make pony food taste so good to a changeling!”
  237. “You're right, this is all so good!” Golden Baton moaned as she licked her plate clean. “Is there any more?”
  239. Caramel Turtle bit her lip. “You're still hungry? Goodness. I usually have set portions set aside for dinner time. Perhaps you can let your tummy rest for a moment and decide a little later, huh?”
  241. Golden Baton pouted. “Aw, it was so good though. I bet I could eat another plate or even two!” She was drooling all over herself at the thought of another brownie just like the one sloshing about in her tummy.
  243. The door to the mess hall opened and Bolt Chatter walked in. “Good evening, ladies. I'm turning in for the night so please have a wonderful night and take care of yourselves. I'll see you all in the morning.”
  245. Bolt Chatter lingered at the doorway for a moment. “Miss Turtle, you provided Miss Baton with her dinner, yes?”
  247. “Absolutely sir!” Caramel Turtle stopped eating and stood up to address her master.
  249. “It was soooooo good but Caramel says I can't have more!” Golden Baton flapped her wings in annoyance.
  251. “We can't have hungry workers, Miss Turtle. Offer her more.” Bolt Chatter ordered.
  253. “But sir, she...”
  255. “Give her what she wants. She signed the contract.” Bolt Chatter commanded, his voice deep and serious.
  257. “Yes sir. Right away.” Caramel Turtle abandoned her own meal and quickly came back with another tray for Golden Baton.
  259. “Oh...jeez.” Golden Baton blushed as she realized everypony was staring at her. “Thank you, Master Chatter. I don't deserve it.”
  261. “Nonsense. Eat as much as you want while you're here. Its part of your contract, after all.” Bolt Chatter said with a smile. He left his maids to eat in peace, allowing Golden Baton to stuff herself with another full meal.
  263. As she swallowed the last bit of brownie on her plate, her chest began to feel warm. A rising burn enveloped her chest and made her skin tingle. “Oh gosh...what...what's going on? I feel so funny...”
  265. “I knew this would happen. Come, dear. Lets get you a bucket.” Caramel Turtle stood up and grabbed a large, metal bucket from the back of the room. She placed it next to Golden Baton and sighed. “The discomfort will pass once you start so go ahead and grab like this.”
  267. Caramel Turtle pulled down her top and gently kneaded her breasts. She couldn't hide a shudder of relief as a small stream of milk trickled out of her nipples. “Th-There. Much better. I've been so busy mentoring you all day, I've forgotten to take some time for myself.”
  269. “Wha...m-milk? Why? How?” Golden Baton whimpered as the pressure became too much to bear. She grabbed her breasts and cooed in delight as the slightest touch made milk gush from her breasts. Slowly, she massaged and milked herself along with all the other maids of the manor.
  271. “I guess I should explain the other little part of your contract that most ponies miss. There's a small part about your meals being enchanted to force lactation. That's why your top is so small.” Caramel Turtle explained.
  273. “So that's why you didn't want me to eat that much...” Golden Baton had calmed down...almost. She was still aware of everypony else in the room and the fact that she couldn't stop groping her own chest was embarrassing.
  275. “Master loves breasts and seeing the maids accidentally lactate everywhere and have a constant mess to clean excites him. Does that explain why he pays so well?”
  277. “Yea...but I do need the money so I guess this is fine...mmmph.” Golden Baton suppressed a moan as she teased her nipples one last time.
  279. “I'm glad to hear it. If you're done, please take the tank to the processing room and lets head to bed. Plenty of work to do tomorrow.” Caramel Turtle warned.
  285. Golden Baton soon fell into a steady rhythm of her daily tasks. Her training as a guard meant she was able to keep up with even the most skilled cleaners and her appetite meant she ate more than her fair share of food. It had only been a week and Golden Baton had already outgrown her uniform.
  287. “Goodness. Perhaps you should slow down on your meals. They are so high in calories...” Caramel Turtle sighed as she handed over a bigger uniform.
  289. “Heh...maybe.” Golden Baton blushed. She dare not admit it but with huge meals laced with whatever made all the maids lactate, her chest had become HUGE. The added padding in the tummy was certainly worth it to her to keep eating.
  291. She wasn't the only one who noticed. Bolt Chatter always seemed to hang around wherever room Golden Baton was cleaning. At first, she didn't mind it but as time went on and she got bigger, Golden Baton was certain he wasn't there to watch her clean.
  293. It had been two weeks since Golden Baton agreed to her new job. Two weeks of hard work and lots of eating. She started her day as usual with a huge breakfast and rushed to work. Bolt Chatter was waiting for her with a big smile on his face.
  295. “Miss Baton...I have a new offer for you, if you're interested.” His eyes were locked on her chest as it bounced and swayed with her every step.
  297. “What kind of offer? You're paying me so much just for cleaning. How else can I be of service, Master?”
  299. Bolt Chatter smiled even wider. “I like you, Golden. I like you a lot. You have certain qualities that I adore in a mare. I'll be blunt. I want you to be my consort.”
  301. Every hair on Golden Baton's body shot up. “What...did you say?”
  303. “Consort. Lover. Permanent obsession of another person. You'll be moved to a private room closer to mine, your pay will skyrocket and I will do everything you want to make you happy.” Bolt Chatter explained.
  305. “For sex.” Golden Baton spat out the word sex with a bit of disgust.
  307. “Not quite.” Bolt Chatter stood up and began walking around Golden Baton. “I love all my workers equally. They all have wonderful personalities and good work ethic but they lack a certain something you have.”
  309. “An appetite.” Bolt Chatter sighed.
  311. “...What about my appetite?” Golden Baton asked.
  313. “I want to see you get big. Huge. So lovingly spoiled and fat from everything I offer and maybe more. Every three days, I will present you with a feast fit for an army and I want you to eat as much as you can. You set the limits, you set the pace, you set what I can and can't do. In exchange, I will increase your pay to ten thousand bits a day for a year.” Bolt Cutter explained.
  315. “I'll even reduce the amount of labor you'll have to do. Simply keep my office clean and you'll have everything you could ever want.”
  317. “Ten...thousand....a day???” Golden Baton rushed to sit down. “I...This is a huge offer...Do I have to give an answer right now?”
  319. “Not right now. I'll give you until the end of the week. No hard feelings if you don't accept.” Bolt Chatter got up and walked to the door. “I'll leave you to your job, Miss Baton.”
  321. Golden Baton worked far slower than usual. She didn't need the bits for this contract but something about it was nagging at her. She polished the same spot for hours until Caramel Turtle found her for lunch.
  323. “Oh dear...I know that look. What's bothering you, Goldie?”
  325. “Master Chatter...wants to pay me to be his consort. Has he ever done this before?” Golden Baton asked.
  327. “...Yes he has. Being the head maid means I get to be around the Master more than everypony else. He has confided in me that it has been years since he last found a suitable Consort and was desperate to find another soon. Its why I didn't want you to have a second dinner. I knew the master would find out.”
  329. “Is it...bad?”
  331. Caramel Turtle shook her head. “He'll treat you like a queen. Anything you could ever ask for, its yours. He wont even deduct it from your payment. Its just....sooner or later, he's going to want his share and that might mean anything...”
  333. “Anything...” Golden Baton repeated. Her hands pinched at her doughy tummy. “Do you think I should do it?”
  335. “I can't tell you anything about that.” Caramel Turtle responded. “You need to ask you if you think you'd be happy doing it. You only wanted to work until you had the money to go back home, remember?”
  337. “I think you need the rest of the day off to think. Don't busy yourself with any distractions today. Consider what you want, not what anypony else or what the master wants. Just let him know when you make up your mind.” Caramel Turtle warned.
  339. Ten thousand bits a day to eat yourself stupid. Golden Baton was a simple mare. Good food and a roof over her head was all she needed. Yet there was a sense of yearning hidden deep within her heart. The way that Bolt Chatter looked at her was exciting. Nopony had ever made her feel so special from a simple smile.
  341. “Oh yea, I could smell it on both of ya.” Vitaromia bragged at dinner. “You had the hots for him the second you laid eyes on him. You just didn't know it yet. Take the offer! Let him make you feel good, Baton. Live a little!”
  343. Golden Baton tossed and turned all night. Her thoughts wouldn't let her rest. Was she really falling in love with a creature that only enjoyed her for her body? Was it right to do so? The only way she was going to know is by talking to Bolt Cutter the next day.
  345. “Miss Baton. I hope you come with good news.” Bolt Chatter smiled as Golden Baton walked into his office.
  347. “Maybe. Its a lot to consider and I need to ask some questions first.” Golden Baton said. She sat down in front of Bolt Chatter. “Is this the first time you've done this?”
  349. “No. There have been others much like you but I haven't had the urge to take a consort until my eyes saw you. I don't offer this to just anypony.” He replied.
  351. “How long has it been since you had a consort?”
  353. “'s been a few decades. My exceptionally long life span has allowed me to experience a large bounty of opportunity, Miss Baton. I'm more than ready to spend as long as it takes to make your life exceptional.”
  355. “Exceptional...on my terms? How strict are the rules I can enforce?” Golden Baton asked.
  357. “The only stipulations I ask is that you continue your duties as a maid but only in the capacity of my office and my bedroom. You'll clean in the morning, then accompany me around the estate in case I need a maid's assistance...of course, the most important task is taking an entire day to do nothing but eat.”
  359. “So...just eat? No funny business? If I say all you can do is watch, that's all you do?”
  361. Bolt Chatter nodded. “You set the rules when it comes to eating. I'll provide anything you want and sit completely still if you desire but you must spend as much as time possible eating and I must be able to watch. You can take breaks, you can sit and rest, you can read or entertain yourself however you please but no physical exercise and you have to eat as much as you can.”
  363. He grinned. “I wont have any problems convincing you of that. Your work ethic isn't the only thing I've observed about you...”
  365. Golden Baton blushed. “So you'll just sit and watch? No touching, no talking, no groping, no sex?”
  367. “The only rules I enforce are eating all day and watching. I submit myself to your whims in the hope that you'll eat and grow softer and sexier for me. It is the only thing a being of my statue yearns for.”
  369. It was heating up in the office. Golden Baton was blushing hard. “O-Okay...I agree to your terms. What's the first thing we need to do?”
  371. Bolt Chatter slammed a contract upon his desk. “The first things will be teaching you how to care for my office after you sign this contract. I have quite a lot of delicate trinkets and deadly weapons on display. I hope a royal guard has the utmost respect for battle ready steel in their hands, yes?”
  373. Golden Baton nodded. “Next, I will show you my room. I keep it small and cozy so there won't be much upkeep there. Finally, your new room and the feasting room. The maids will keep these rooms tidy for you so there will be no need to clean them.”
  375. With the contract signed, Bolt Chatter began his tour. He aided Golden Baton in cleaning his office from top to bottom, explaining how to care for everything including oiling the weapons on the walls. Bolt Chatter's room was such a contrast to the rest of the mansion. Small and isolated with no room for distractions or comforts. A simple bed, a sword nearby and a second exit to Golden Baton's bedroom.
  377. The consort bedroom was overly lavish by comparison. A massive bed, lounging chairs, tons of bookshelves filled with all sorts of books. It was a proper place to live and it all belonged to Golden Baton now.
  379. “Where does that door lead?” Golden Baton asked as she pointed to a door in the back of the room.
  381. Bolt Chatter opened the door. Inside was a massive table with only two chairs next to it. Strange devices with lots of leather straps and chains filled the room. A milking machine sat next to a massive bed against the wall.
  383. “This is where we will spend our days when its time for you to uphold your end of the bargain. You'll sit here, I sit there and then you eat and eat.” Bolt Chatter explained.
  385. “And the bed?” Golden Baton questioned.
  387. “In case you can't make it back to your room. Rest off the meal and nap the rest of the day away.” Bolt Chatter smiled with glee.
  389. “ does today count as day one of the contract?”
  391. “Yes it does.” Bolt Chatter replied. “Tomorrow, I expect the maintaining of my office to go smoothly and then we shall see how everypony else is doing. The day after that...The magic happens.”
  393. Bolt Chatter pulled a pocket watch from his suit. “Ah, I'm afraid we need to cut this conversation short. We have a guest arriving in a few moments and you need to set up the east wing meeting room for us. A platter of butter croissants, a pot of tea and plenty of sugar cubes, please Goldie?”
  395. “....Sure thing, Master. I would hope that we keep things professional, sir.” Golden Baton left the feasting room and resumed her duties.
  397. The tempo of taking care of the Chatter Estate kept Golden Baton busy. All too soon, it was the third day of her contract. It was time to eat.
  399. Golden Baton woke up to the smell of something delicious invading her room. Whatever had been delivered to the feasting room was waiting for her already. She eased herself out of bed, put on her uniform and walked into Bolt Chatter's room. The master was already awake, his bed properly maintained and his room tidy.
  401. “So...he has to be in there already...” Golden Baton looked upon the door to the feasting room. She steadied her nerves and opened the door. A banquet of food awaited her along with her master. Gigantic stacks of pancakes, plates of eggs, hay bacon and sausage, cereal, milk, orange juice, coffee, toast, jam and butter were piled high on the huge table.
  403. “The day is finally here, Miss Baton. What are your terms before you start?” Bolt Chatter asked. His calm, controlled voice had a hint of excitement in his words like a child about to receive a new toy.
  405. Golden Baton sat down next to her master. “No groping or sex or anything perverted. Sit there and stare. If I need help, I'll ask for it. Okay?”
  407. Bolt Chatter nodded. He sat quietly as Golden Baton reached for her first plate. The grin on his face widened as the amount of food on the plate spilled over the sides. Golden Baton grabbed her silverware and took a bite of the pancakes. Her eyes lit up as the light butter taste, smooth texture and sugary sweetness washed over her tongue.
  409. “Oh my gosh...this is so good! Too good to be true!” Golden Baton's bites quickly grew massive and greedy. Everything tasted so good! All of it was cooked to perfection and every bite only served to make her crave more.
  411. Bolt Chatter watched. The piles of food slowly faded away. Golden Baton, stuck in her own little world, didn't notice her tummy swelling larger and larger. The two weeks of eating at the Chatter Estate had softened her physique but it was nothing compared to her now bloated shape.
  413. What was once a toned, flat tummy was now a bulging, bloated gut. It jiggled and wobbled with every move Golden Baton made and grew bigger with every bite. She had eaten enough for two ponies to feel full all day and yet her fork stuffed another bite into her mouth.
  415. Drip
  416. Drip
  417. Drip
  419. Golden Baton looked down for the first time since she started eating. Milk had begun to leak from her breasts. “Oh...oh jeez....” She looked over to see Bolt Chatter staring intensely at her as she struggled to cover her body. Golden Baton could feel her blush burning white hot on her face.
  421. “Are you done eating?” Bolt Chatter asked.
  423. “W-Well, shouldn't I stop? I'm...leaking.”
  425. “Is it uncomfortable?”
  427. Golden Baton sighed. “Your staring is what's uncomfortable...”
  429. “I'm sorry. There's no way I'm looking away from somepony so beautiful. So gorgeous. You'd have to kill me.” Bolt Chatter admitted.
  431. His words only made Golden Baton blush harder. Slowly, she grabbed the fork and continued eating. “Yessssss...” Bolt Chatter whispered.
  433. Golden Baton picked up her pace and continued to eat until her gut was resting upon her lap. With just one pancake left, she tapped out. “ full...” She didn't know if she was talking about her stomach or her breasts at this point.
  435. “Wonderful. Simply wonderful. I assume you're a little too full for lunch so I will return at dinner time. Rest up, my wonderfully stuffed consort. Dinner will be just as massive.” Bolt Chatter warned. He stood up and left the feasting room.
  437. “Oh gosh....he's finally gone...” Golden Baton moaned as she forced herself to stand up. Her entire center of gravity had been altered from how much food was stuffed in her belly. Her eyes widened as she was forced to spread her legs apart and waddle to the milking machine. “Jeez....I'm like his pregnant cow or something.”
  439. The thought made Golden Baton tingle. All she could think of was Bolt Chatter staring at her while she relieved herself of gallons upon gallons of milk. She looked at herself in a nearby mirror and gasped.
  441. After one eating session, Golden Baton didn't recognize herself. Her swollen bust, bloated tummy and soft body all seemed so foreign to her. A royal guard of Princess Celestia's army turned into a fat, milky cow. Nopony would want her after this.
  443. Well...not a pony at least. Golden Baton began exploring her body, pinching and poking at herself. It had been the first time she had taken a good look since working for Bolt Chatter. She had never considered herself sexy or desirable and yet here she was, soft and only getting softer for a being that thinks she's the sexiest bat pony in the world.
  445. Golden Baton realized she had been rubbing and playing with her tummy for a while. It felt too good to stop. Her skin felt warm and fuzzy, her brain was overloaded with pleasure and the only thought that filled her mind was to have Bolt Chatter watch her at dinner. She bit her lip and moaned before striking a pose in the mirror.
  447. “If the most powerful dragon thinks I'm sexy enough for ten thousand bits a day...then I must be.” The self admission felt so good to say. “I'm sexy. I'm powerful and I'm sexy. I'm big and fat and milky and sexy.”
  449. It was too much. Golden Baton felt her knees grow weak as it all overwhelmed her. She let herself fall back onto the bed and relax little by little. The bed was so comfortable and soft. Golden Baton eased herself onto the bed proper and decided she needed a little nap before dinner.
  451. The sounds of plates clattering woke up Golden Baton from her slumber. The maids of the mansion were busy putting the finishing touches on everything. “I told you guys not to wake her up!” Vitaromia whined. She pushed the staff out of the room as fast as possible. She flashed Golden Baton a thumbs up before shutting the door behind her.
  453. Bolt Chatter entered from his room. “Wonderful. Everything as I asked for. Now, miss Baton...”
  455. “U-Um...Goldie is fine...” Golden Baton blurted out.
  457. “ would you like to eat dinner?” Bolt Chatter asked.
  459. “Um....well....” Those eager eyes were staring at her. Drinking in her new curves. Every inch of sinful skin and wonderful blubber.
  461. “F-Feed me. In bed. You said I shouldn't do anything strenuous, right? I don't wish to get out of bed.” Golden Baton's voice quivered with nervous excitement.
  463. “May I make a suggestion? It will do wonders to strengthen our bond and our trust.” Bolt Chatter pleaded.
  465. He moved to the bed and opened a compartment in the wooden frame. Bolt Chatter revealed a pair of handcuffs to Golden Baton. “Please...I've controlled these lands all my life. I've lead the strongest soldiers to battle and I lead the world in medical research...but still, I ask your permission to bind your hands and leave everything to me. Let me serve you. Humble myself to your beauty.”
  467. Golden Baton was blushing harder and harder. She couldn't take her eyes off the gleaming metal in his hands. “That's so kinky...y-yes. Yes, do it! Please!” Golden Baton begged.
  469. Carefully, Bolt Chatter bound Golden Baton's wrists so she couldn't move her hands. She was completely venerable to all of Bolt Chatter's whims. “I understand you are in my hands. I will do everything to your liking and not an inch more.” Bolt Chatter claimed.
  471. He grabbed the first bit of food and gently blew upon it to cool it down. Satisfied, he offered it to his goddess and she bit through the meat enthusiastically. “More...I need more.” Golden Baton begged. The size of the bites increased, leaving Golden Baton moaning as she ate.
  473. Golden Baton marveled at how hungry she was. Each serving was getting bigger and bigger until her cheeks bulged with every bite. Her tummy was bloating outwards again, growing bigger and bigger as she looked pregnant with twin foals.
  475. Bolt Chatter pushed a spoonful of mashed potatoes into Golden Baton's mouth. A bit of food fell from the spoon and right onto her breast. Quickly, Golden Baton swallowed and moaned for her protector. “L....Lick it off.”
  477. The servant did as he was told. Bolt Chatter lapped it up, savoring every second his tongue touched Golden Baton. “Hfff....A-Again.” She commanded.
  479. Another drop of food was spilled onto Golden Baton's body. Bolt Chatter was quick to lap at the morsel, making Golden Baton moan and squirm on the bed. “More food.” She begged.
  481. The pace lagged behind breakfast but every moment was intense. Golden Baton was reeling as she chugged a bottle of soda. “Ugh...too much! Too much! Tummy ache!”
  483. Bolt Chatter acted without thinking. His claws rushed to her tummy and began to rub and knead her bloated gut. Instantly, the discomfort faded as Golden Baton felt her muscles relax. “Oh gosh....oh....oh please...keep rubbing!”
  485. The servant continued his indulgence, rubbing and rubbing her gut until Golden Baton belched hard. “Oh that feels so much better....but I didn't say you could touch my stomach, did I?”
  487. “No, Goldie...I failed.” Bolt Chatter fell to the floor. “I beg for forgiveness. Please.”
  489. “Only....if you milk me. I want your lips to relieve the pressure.” Golden Baton moaned. “I know you want it. You've been staring at my tits since we first met. Show me how sexy you think I am, big boy.”
  491. Instantly, his lips were upon her skin. Her milk filled her mouth the moment he kissed her nipples, making them both moan in delight. He reached out with his claws and gently groped and kneaded the other breast, spraying milk all over the bed.
  493. “Gosh...y-yea....just like that......mmmmmffff......” Golden Baton huffed and moaned at his every touch. “M-More food. I need it...I need you.”
  495. “Whatever you's my duty to serve.” Bolt Chatter said. He pulled away but for a moment to fetch more and more food. The dragon fed his beautiful goddess slowly, making sure she was comfortable as every little crumb disappeared into her waiting tummy.
  497. Golden Baton finished her meal at midnight. As soon as the final bite was gone, Bolt Chatter released her wrists and let her relax. “Is there anything else you need, my consort?”
  499. “Mmm...this big bed is wasted all on just me. If you promise just to cuddle, you can sleep here tonight.” Golden Baton tried her best to be intimidating before yawning hard.
  501. “Of course. Anything for you.” Bolt Chatter carefully removed his suit and joined Golden Baton in bed. His hands lovingly cradled her tummy until they both fell asleep.
  506. The two were inseparable after that night. Every day was spent together less and less as Master and Consort but as boyfriend and girlfriend. Bolt Chatter kept his promise of the world to Golden Baton and in turn, she continued to spoil him with attention while she ate enough food to feed the entire mansion.
  508. Golden Baton gained weight fast. Her incredible appetite could not be contained to every three days and soon she began to ask for feasts every second day. Bolt Chatter soon broke his own rules after that, unable to resist fondling and groping his lovely, fat goddess whenever he saw her.
  510. “Here we three hundred.” Bolt Chatter said. “It's the final day of your contract, Goldie.”
  512. Golden Baton was too focused on herself in the mirror to hear him. She had transformed into a massive, flabby goddess of a batpony. Her chest was vast and doughy, too big and blubbery to wrap her arms around and hide her nipples. Her belly jutted out and sagged like a gigantic yellow bean bag, drooping past her knees and wobbling with every breath. Her rear and hips were wide and wobbly, weighed down by a vast excess of fat and flab.
  514. Another consequence of Golden Baton's bottomless appetite and Bolt Chatter's perverse kinks was the lactation supplements. Nopony had ever consumed so much of the interesting drug in such a small time and not only had it expanded Golden Baton's bust, but milk constantly dribbled down her breasts and all over her body.
  516. These intense changes in under a year meant wearing clothing was a useless endeavor. If Golden Baton didn't outgrow them within a few days, the constant gushing of milk ruined them first. The only reason Bolt Chatter would ever insist on keeping her clothed to emphasize how massive she was.
  518. “Oh, that's nice. Has the new harnesses and straps come in yet?” Golden Baton asked.
  520. “Goldie, I said today is the last day of your contract. After this, you're free to do whatever you want.”
  522. Golden Baton giggled. “I don't really think that's an option anymore, my big Bolty. Nopony is going to hire a guard that weighs as much as I do. There's really only one thing I'm good for, now.”
  524. She huffed and waddled over to a set of chains and restrains in the middle of the room surrounded by plates and plates of food. “I can barely stand and waddle about anymore. I'm just a big, fat, cow goddess. YOUR big, fat cow goddess. Come here and give me something money can't buy.”
  526. Golden Baton gave her belly a shake as she grabbed her doughy butt cheeks. “Don't think. Come here and claim your wonderful cow. I want it all. More and more. Forever.”
  528. Bolt Chatter knew better than to deny his lover. He grabbed a doughnut and shoved it in her mouth before tying up her arms and positioning himself behind her. “Ready, my love?”
  530. Golden Baton nodded. She bit hard through the doughnut as she felt Bolt Chatter finally mount her and claim her like she had always wanted. Her bound hands reached for the food just barely within her grasp and stuffed as much food into her mouth as she could. All she ever wanted was right here in this room. Getting properly stuffed from both ends.

The Deep Chest

by Tankris

Heavy Pranks

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Birthday Bitch

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Nightblorp Night

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Perfect Pumpkin Pony

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