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The Pie Bloodline

By Glimbrain
Created: 2023-11-01 19:39:48
Updated: 2023-11-01 19:47:23
Expiry: Never

  1. Synopsis: The Pie bloodline must survive.
  3. >"You have to fuck my sister, Nonny."
  4. >Pinkie has Marble Pie's rear end aimed at you; she's holding her like a bazooka.
  5. >Marble looks over her shoulder at you; the poor thing looks terrified.
  6. >You stand in the middle of Ponyville Town Square; ponies walk by without giving the three of you a second glance, ready to write this situation off as just another one of Pinkie's antics.
  7. >You're not willing to approach this state of affairs with the same amount of leniency, however.
  8. "Pinkie, why are you trying to shove your sister's ass in my face?"
  9. >The pink mare sets her sibling down, tilting her head at you in confusion.
  10. >"Huh? Don't you remember the Pinkie Promise you made?"
  11. "I don't recall making any promise involving your sister's cheeks."
  12. >Pinkie frowns at you.
  13. >"Come on, Nonny, it's the Pinkie Promise you made when you said you'd continue the Pie bloodline in return for that gazebo I lent you! I'm cashing that promise in!"
  14. >Oh, the gazebo thing, right—wait—
  15. "Wait—what? I thought you said that you wanted me to help you continue the Paiblud line of cakes! They were delicious!"
  16. >"Nope! Now you gotta fuck my sister, Nonny!"
  17. "This is a setup! I demand a do-over—"
  18. >A sudden chill runs down your spine.
  19. >"You're not planning on breaking a Pinkie Promise, are you, Anon?"
  20. >Pinkie is enveloped in a menacing aura, and esoteric symbols start to float around her.
  21. >"Because if you are…"
  22. >She slowly ascends into the air. Her eyes glow with an ominous light; the veil thins.
  23. >You can faintly hear the theme of the Pillar Men in the background, and it's getting louder.
  24. "N-no! Of course not! Wouldn't dream of it, Pinkie!"
  25. >Reality returns to what it was.
  26. >"Good."
  27. "But—but just hold on a minute, Pinkie."
  28. >She squints her eyes at you.
  29. >"Yes?"
  30. "W-well, the Pinkie Promise is just to continue the bloodline, right? So I…I could continue it with any one of you, yeah?"
  31. >"Well, I guess so, but…"
  32. "So what about Maud?"
  33. >"Uh, Nonny? She's got a boyfriend, don't you remember?"
  34. "I try not to, to be honest."
  35. >"Maud's not gonna cheat on her boyfriend. Once you get with a Pie mare, she stays with you forever! Not even death will do you part!"
  36. >She grabs Marble Pie, who has slowly been shuffling away from the both of you (she managed to move a whole inch) and pushes her towards you.
  37. >"Fooooreeeeveeeer!"
  38. "Aha…great."
  39. >So that also counts her hot mom out, damn.
  41. "What about you, Pinkie?"
  42. >Pinkie laughs.
  43. >"I mean, you're a great human and all, Nonny, but you're not really my type."
  44. "And yet you don't care about who *my type* is."
  45. >"What do you mean? I thought you'd like Marble. Don't you like shy mares?"
  46. "I have no clue why you would think that."
  47. >Actually, you have a pretty good inkling, but you might as well hear it from the horse's mouth.
  48. >"Because you hang out with Fluttershy all the time!"
  49. >You shudder at the mention of The Quiet One.
  50. "And *she* is exactly why I don't want to settle down with a shy mare. Fluttershy is insane, Pinkie. You've only seen a fraction of the shit I've seen her pull."
  51. >"Aw, come on, Nonny! She's not…that…"
  52. >Pinkie scrunches her snout slightly.
  53. >"…Well, anyway! Marble isn't like that! She wouldn't molest a fly! Not even if it was a delicious fly that shoots out candy when you pleasure it! Mmmm, candy fly…"
  54. >She starts drooling.
  55. >You shake your head.
  56. "Mares like her are off their rocker. Beneath that quiet facade, a terrible, lustful darkness lurks within. If I never see a shy mare again, it'll be too soon.
  57. >You see Marble's ears droop.
  58. "Ah…no offence, Marble."
  59. >"Mmm…"
  60. >You turn back to Pinkie, who has snapped out of her theoretical-bug-induced stupor.
  61. "What about Octavia?"
  62. >Pinkie starts sweating.
  63. >"W-what? What do you mean by that, Nonny-non Nons? Octavia isn't a Pie pony, ahah—hah!"
  64. >"Did somepony call for me?"
  65. >Octavia walks onto the scene with a curious expression.
  66. "Hey, quick question, Tavi. Pinkie's got me wrapped up in one of her promises and I was just wondering—you're part of the Pie family, right?"
  67. >"Well—"
  68. >"You shouldn't be here! You should be back at Canterlot! LET ME HELP YOU!"
  69. >Pinkie suddenly lunges at Octavia, tackling her to the ground.
  70. >Lifting her up by her hindlegs, Pinkie performs a giant swing, launching a screaming Octavia all the way to Canterlot.
  71. >"Nobody can know about you and the Pies! NOBODY! YOU HEAR ME!?"
  72. >Pinkie's abrupt act of aggression shakes you to your core.
  73. >It shakes you so much that you can't even bring yourself to correct her on the fact that she used "nobody" instead of "nopony."
  74. >You look on in concern as the grey speck in the distance crashes into one of the ivory spires, leaving a crater that's visible even from where you're standing in Ponyville.
  75. >…She's probably fine, she's a Pi—actually, best not continue that line of thought.
  76. >Looking at Pinkie, you see that her mane is frazzled and she's hyperventilating, and she continues to do so for a straight minute.
  77. >Once her minute is up, her mane miraculously poofs back into a pristine state and she shifts back into her usual chipper demeanour as she turns to face you two.
  79. >"Okay! Back to business, Nonny! Pie bloodline! You, Marble—hanky panky!"
  80. >She performs some kind of lewd gesture where she repeatedly jabs the frog of her left hoof with the wall of her right.
  81. >You look at Marble and she appears to shrink even further into herself; you feel kind of bad that Pinkie's forced her to be a part of this.
  82. >Well, there's only one option left here.
  83. "What about…"
  84. >"Nonny."
  85. >Pinkie takes on an unusually fearful tone as she shoots you a pleading look.
  86. >"Don't."
  87. "But I—"
  88. >"It's not worth it, Nonny! It's not worth it!"
  89. >For a moment, you consider her wise words of warning, but then you look back at Marble, who is shaking with *some* sort of emotion.
  90. >Does she even want this? Actually, you're not really sure; she *could* be super wet right now, but you don't want to take that risk.
  91. >You may be an Anonymous shitposter, but you like to consider yourself a morally upstanding guy, all things considered.
  92. >This is /flutterrape/, not /rapemarble/.
  93. >So you steel your nerves as you utter the words that will undoubtedly change your life forever.
  94. "What about Limestone."
  95. >Pinkie's eyes widen and the air around you becomes still.
  96. >She promptly drops down onto her belly, positioning one of her ears right next to the ground.
  97. "Pinkie…?"
  98. >You note that the ambient chatter that surrounded your trio has stopped; looking around, you can't see any other ponies wandering the streets of Ponyville, which is strange considering it's the middle of the day.
  99. >"Sis, we need to leave. Now."
  100. >"M-mhmm…"
  101. >You turn to look back at the duo and they've already disappeared.
  102. >In fact, everypony's disappeared.
  103. >The stalls have been cleared, the doors are locked, and ambience is deathly quiet.
  104. "Where did everybody go? Bingo?"
  105. >You feel a light tremoring beneath your feet—an earthquake?
  106. >There's a rumbling noise coming in from the distance.
  107. >It's coming from the south-west.
  108. >You head over in that direction, not a single pony to be seen along the way.
  109. >Standing at the south-western edge of Ponyville, you find yourself a good vantage point to survey the horizon, trying your best not to lose your footing to the increasing magnitude of the tremors.
  110. >There in the distance, you see it: an enormous, mobile dust cloud far away, but it's getting closer fast—very fast.
  111. >A stampede is coming.
  112. >You pull out your trusty set of binoculars to get a closer look.
  113. >…That's not a stampede.
  114. >The veritable speeding sandstorm is all the result of just one earth pony—a grey mare with a grey mane.
  115. >You zoom in further.
  116. >There are hearts in her eyes.
  117. >You lower your binoculars.
  118. "Mother of God…"
  119. >Fear roots you in place.
  120. >But you know there's no point in running, regardless.
  121. >She can't be outran; she can't be overpowered; she can't be reasoned with.
  122. >All that's left is to accept your fate.
  123. >Because pretty soon you're gonna be—
  124. >Fucking Limestone Pie.

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