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The Biggest Idol

By Tankris
Created: 2023-11-08 17:22:54
Expiry: Never

  1. Dirt. Dust. Cacti as far as the eye can see. The southern edge of Equestria wasn't a place for most ponies. Life was rough, the land offered very little and there was next to zero civilization in these parts. It was no place for a gentle songbird looking to make it big.
  3. The train to Dodge City roared as it rushed along the rails. Most of the cars were transport cars to haul water and fertilizer to the remote city in exchange for the unique apples that seemed to flourish in the barren lands. Only one car on this train was a passenger car and inside was one lonely pony wondering where everything went wrong.
  5. A pegasus mare was the only passenger in the whole train. Even in a crowd of ponies, she was meant to stand out with her feathered, blond and black mane and her big pink bow. Her dream had always been to perform for a crowd and she had poured her heart and soul into her craft. Yet here she was on a train to the middle of nowhere for a one night show.
  7. With nothing else to do and nopony to talk to, Songbird Serenade reread the pamphlet in her hands. “The wonders of Canterlot” were in big, bright letters on the front. A travel brochure of the finest places to visit in the capital city of Equestria. The opera hall had been circled in bright red marker with little hearts all over the page.
  9. “Lousy agent. He swore he could get me a good gig...” Songbird whined. “Who in the world is gonna sign me to an actual agency at a bar in the middle of the desert?”
  11. Songbird sighed. It had been like this for months. Hoping against hope to find a lucky break only to end up in a town that needed an outdated map to find. Something had to give or else Songbird was going to have to give up her dreams. Canterlot was too expensive for how little she was earning and one more bad gig meant moving back home.
  13. The doom spiral continued all the way to Dodge City. Songbird Serenade would need a miracle performance today. As the train slowed down on the approach to Dodge City, Songbird caught a glance at the types of ponies she'd be singing for.
  15. Tough, gritty looking ponies of all shapes and sizes were out in the apple fields bucking the day away. Cowboy hats, denim pants and stylish leather boots were everywhere. “Oh no...” Songbird moaned to herself. “It's just like last time...none of these ponies are going to like anything I sing!”
  17. This was it. Songbird knew this was going to be her final stop. A farm in the desert is no place for pop music. Everypony here was going to ignore her and leave her in the dust. She sighed in premature defeat as the train stopped at the Dodge City station.
  19. Songbird Serenade grabbed her suitcase, her only luggage, and departed the train. She had always dreamed of being a huge pop idol with a massive crew of ponies to sing and dance with her along with all sorts of lighting and pyrotechnics on stage. Dodge City meant no crew, no dancers, no fireworks. There was only going to be a dud of a performance.
  21. Even so, Songbird was committed to see it to the end. The hotel she was staying in was on the opposite end of the town while the bar she was to sing for was near the train. She slowly walked through the small town and took in the rustic charm. It may not be the place for her to be, but Dodge City was nice in its own little ways. The ponies of Dodge City stared at her flashy outfit and feathered hair yet made sure to smile with heaps of southern hospitality.
  23. Songbird walked into the hotel to see the desk clerk idly reading the newspaper. The hotel was tiny. There was barely any space between the wall and the front desk. A set of stairs led up to the rooms and the only other doors Songbird could see were behind the front desk and side door leading to a dining room.
  25. Songbird approached the front desk and put on her biggest smile. “Hello, my name is Songbird Serenade. My manager, Quick Call, booked a room for me here at the hotel.”
  27. The clerk looked up from his newspaper. “Ma'am, I'm sorry to say we don't have any reservations set for today. The hotel is empty but I'd need to register you as a new guest and rooms are twenty bits a night.”
  29. “W-Wait...he said he called...he said everything was set up...not again!!” Songbird pulled out her cell phone and rapidly dialed her agent's number. “Oh signal!”
  31. “Yeah, folks out in Dodge City don't rely on cell phones much. We have the land line but if you're trying to get him to wire you some bits, we only take cash and coin here. No checks, no credit.” The desk clerk said.
  33. Songbird was about to cry. She had exactly twenty five bits in her suitcase for the whole trip. She needed that for her ticket home! “Um...I can pay but I don't have very many bits. Is there any way we can discuss a discount?”
  35. The clerk shook his head. “I'm sorry, miss. We run on a strict budget. If it helps, the cost of a room does include a supper meal from seven to ten o'clock. I also wouldn't recommend going without a room. The temperature drop at night is brutal in the desert.”
  37. This was it. If Songbird didn't wow the crowd or get enough tips, she was going to be stuck here. She thought about it for a moment before quietly sliding the bits on the counter. “Okay. Its fine. Things always work out, right?”
  39. “Folks around here aren't cruel. If I could help you miss...uh...” The clerk trailed off.
  41. “Oh! Sorry, my name is Songbird Serenade if you need it for the records.” She replied.
  43. “Got it. Like I was saying, most folk are nice enough. Whatever business you have here, I'm sure they'll offer to help a little.” The clerk counted the bits and grabbed a key from under the counter. “Yours is room 2. If you need anything, just ask. My name is Nighty Night.”
  45. “Thank you, sir.” Songbird said. She grabbed her things and rushed off to her room. It took all of her willpower to not collapse on her bed as soon as she shut the door behind her. “Okay...think. There has to be something I can do to fix this, at least.”
  47. “I should check in with the bar owner. Maybe he might have some advice.” Songbird said to herself. With a plan in mind, she looked over herself in the mirror before heading out. Gotta make a good impression.
  49. Her black, collared shirt and black slacks weren't in tune with the vibes of Dodge City but it would have to do for now. Actually, it might be the only thing that worked. This gig was such short notice that Songbird had zero times to prepare any sort of outfit for the occasion.
  51. “Oh well. Something good will happen. It has to!” Songbird left the hotel and quickly made her way to the local bar. It was a little building near the train tracks, convenient for the railway workers at the end of the day. She walked into the bar to see it was mostly empty at this time of day.
  53. The bartender was quick to call out to her. “Hmm...You wouldn't happen to be Miss Serenade, are you?”
  55. “Yes I am! I came over as soon as I arrived to see how I can help with the entertainment tonight.” Songbird gave her best smile.
  57. “Welcome to town. My name is Tab and unfortunately, I got some bad news for ya, Miss.” The bartender said.'
  59. “Our piano player, Ivory, caught a case of the pony flu yesterday and hasn't been able to entertain. Whatever songs you might try singing are gonna be a solo act tonight.” Tab explained.
  61. “Oh...oh dear. Well, just another obstacle to jump over. Could you maybe tell me the kinds of songs your patrons like?” Songbird asked.
  63. “Umm...lemme think. Ivory loves playing Home on the Range and Happy Trails. Sometimes delights us with Rattlesnake Bandits. Ever heard of em?” Tab replied.
  65. “No...not at all. I'm so sorry, a lot of the music I've written is pop music.” Songbird said.
  67. “Well, guess y'all need to write a song about living out in the rugged south. Wont get much tips singing things the boys don't like.” Tab scratched his chin. “At the very least, Ivory keeps his music with the piano so ya might get to learn at least one song before we open.”
  69. “It's worth a shot. Thank you, Tab.” Songbird walked over to the piano and found a book of sheet music sitting above the keys. The ink was faded from age and Songbird could barely make out the lyrics. “It'll have to do. Time to study it as best I can.”
  71. Songbird spent as much time as she could on the small stage next to the piano. Tab would call out if something was wrong with the lyrics as best he could while Songbird tried to find any sort of dance routine that worked. The time flew by and soon, the bar was filling up with the hard working apple pickers of Dodge City.
  73. “Hello, everypony! My name is Songbird Serenade and I'll be tonight's entertainment.” Songbird called out to the tiny bar.
  75. “Where's Ivory?” Somepony shouted from the crowd.
  77. “That's why I'm here. Poor Ivory caught a cold, so I'll be doing my best to sing in his stead. Hope everypony has a wonderful night.” Songbird said before beginning her set.
  79. The patrons of the crowd were unimpressed. No matter how much heart and soul Songbird put into her performance, they simply stared at their drinks in silence. It wasn't the same without the ring of the piano.
  81. Songbird watched as the patrons slowly filed out of the bar one by one. Her singing was perfect as could be and yet nopony felt the urge to sing along or dance. Soon, the bar was hollow. The only sounds came from Tap cleaning up behind the counter.
  83. “Shame. You tried the best you could, I guess.” Tap put a glass of water on the counter for Songbird. “Make any tips?”
  85. “No. Empty.” The glass jar by the piano was void of any support of Songbird's efforts. Songbird sighed before taking a sip of water. “So...” She began to speak.
  87. “I...uh...really hope you can offer me something more besides this water. I need the bits to get back home...” Songbird said.
  89. Tap shook his head. “Ivory's gig has always been tips only. He only plays part time at the bar because he's the only pony in Dodge City that knows how to play the piano. Sorry, Miss.”
  91. A small shot glass slid down the counter. “It's not much, but I can offer a little something at least.” Tap said.
  93. Songbird didn't drink. It was too harsh on the throat. She gripped the shot glass tight and tipped it to her lips. The glass slammed against the counter as the fiery contents made Songbird cough and sputter hard. Way too harsh.
  95. “Thanks anyway.” Songbird mumbled after her lungs finally calmed down. She sipped more water and left for the hotel. A shiver ran down her spine as the cold desert air hit her sweat soaked clothes. It was far too cold out to be wearing only one layer.
  97. Songbird Serenade ran to the hotel as fast as she could to get away from the chill biting at her skin and to change into something a little warmer. The hotel welcomed her from the cold but there was nopony at the counter.
  99. “Strange. I wonder where Nighty Night is...” Songbird mused. She shrugged her shoulders and walked upstairs to her room. After a change of clothes and a bit of rest, she was feeling a little better. Her tummy growled, reminding her that her last meal had been before the train ride this morning. At least she would have a meal tonight before having to worry about tomorrow.
  101. Songbird Serenade descended the stairs and peeked into the tiny dining room. It was dark and nopony was inside. No patrons, no chef, nothing. “Wait...Nighty Night said there was going to be a dinner service...”
  103. Songbird pulled out her phone and used it as a light. The glimmer of a metal plaque on the wall caught her attention. “Dinner served between six and nine o'clock.” She looked at her phone. Ten thirty.”
  105. “No....this has been the worst day of my life. I'm gonna have to beg the farmers to let me pick apples for a week to make it home...” Songbird felt all the air leave her lungs. Her knees buckled for a moment before she fell to the floor and began sobbing.
  107. “Excuse someone in here?” A voice called out from the doorway. Songbird didn't bother to look up. She was too far gone in her own sorrow.
  109. The soft glow of light filled the room as whoever was behind Songbird lit a candle. “Oh goodness, you poor dear. Please don't cry.” The gentle voice filled Songbird's ears and ebbed her sorrows for a moment.
  111. Warm hands reached out and hugged the crying mare. “It's okay. Whatever is wrong, there must be a solution. Come now, sit up so I can see your face.”
  113. Songbird slowly sat up. A kind, old mare looked back at her. She was an earth pony with a glorious white coat and blonde hair. “My name is Clean Sweep. What can I do for you?”
  115. The room was quiet for a moment. Songbird stopped her crying and took a breath. “ you work for the hotel?” Songbird managed to ask.
  117. “I do.” Clean Sweep said.
  119. “...Could I trouble you for something to eat?” Songbird blushed as the words left her mouth.
  121. “Of course. I can't make anything since the kitchen is technically closed but I'm sure I can spare an apple or two for the night. Come, sit down and relax. I have the feeling that's not the end of your problems.”
  123. As soon as Songbird sat down, Clean Sweep returned with a plate of freshly cut apple slices. “Now dear, why don't you tell me what's wrong.
  125. Songbird shoved a bit of apple into her mouth and moaned. The first meal in hours and it tasted like heaven. “ put it simply, I'm stuck here in Dodge City unless I can find a way to make money and even then...I dunno if I have anything to go back to.”
  127. Something about the old mare's gentle face made Songbird spill a lifetime of dreams, aspirations and worry all at once. Her dreams to sing as a filly, her desires to sing for packed crowds in Canterlot. The worry of having to quit if her terrible luck continued. Songbird talked for what felt like hours.
  129. “Hmm...sounds like you need a miracle.” Clean Sweep said.
  131. “Yeah, I sure do. I don't suppose miracles grow on the trees out here.” Songbird moaned.
  133. “Maybe not the trees, my dear.” Clean Sweep muttered to herself.
  135. “Not the trees? What do you mean?” Songbird asked.
  137. “Oh dear, don't mind the ramblings of an old mare. I was reminded of a tale nopony tells anymore. An old story about how Dodge City put their faith in a miracle worker and it nearly cost the town everything.”
  139. Songbird Serenade leaned a little closer to Clean Sweep. “...A miracle worker? Like a unicorn?”
  141. “Lets see if I remember it at all.” Clean Sweep mused. “The old mares used to tell the story of the settlers of Dodge City as a warning against skipping hard work. Dodge City used to be just a handful of ponies trying to get rich off making desert apples like the ponies in Appleloosa. Only problem was that these were fancy city folk who had no idea how to grow weeds, let alone a whole orchard of desert apples.
  143. They grabbed their money, their tools and anyone dumb enough to follow them into this little corner of the desert. When weeks of nonsense work wasn't bearing fruit, a mysterious pony walked into town and offered them help.”
  145. “What kind of help?” Songbird asked.
  147. Clean Sleep closed her eyes to think. “The story goes that the strange traveler told everypony that if they ever needed help for anything, they could find him at midnight, near a rotting tree south of town. Everypony knew of it since it was a landmark around these parts. It was the whole reason anypony thought the land here might be suitable for desert apples.
  149. If you visit the rotting tree at midnight with a lock of your own mane in hand, the mysterious stranger will appear to hear your most wanted desires. If he likes your wish, he grants it with a kiss and all your dreams come true.”
  151. “Did it work?” Songbird asked with hope in her voice.
  153. “It did! Apple trees began to spout overnight, the railway system that had been stalled for weeks was completed in a day and ponies from all over Equestria came to see the newest oddity in Equestria to pump tourist money into the town. It was like an ember growing into a roaring flame of success.
  155. However, after all the good came wave after wave of terrible news. Most ponies contracted a horrible disease that kept them bedridden for weeks. The apple trees began to wither and even a train exploded at the station! They say all the compounded misfortune either drove any healthy pony out of town or they all expired one by one. A crew of Appleloosain engineers went to Dodge City to fix the train to find the entire town deserted. They couldn't find a trace of anypony at all, not even their bones...”
  157. The room was quiet. Clean Sweep took a sip of water and sighed. “It was a tragedy disguised as a blessing. Those poor fools put their faith in a stranger's shortcuts and they paid for it. Ponies around here stopped telling the story because you'd get a pony or two that would try to find the rotted tree only to never return.”
  159. “That's terrible.” Songbird said. “Maybe they just get lost in the dark?”
  161. “It's possible. Still, it's not anything you should worry about, miss. Life will give you the chance to shine soon, I bet.” Clean Sweep grabbed the empty plate in front of Songbird and smiled. “Time for bed, dear. I'm sure you're exhausted with how late it is.”
  163. Songbird nodded. She pulled her phone out of her pocket. Eleven forty five. “Yeah, I really should go. I have a big day of...figuring out where I'm going to get the money to go home...”
  165. The musical mare waved goodbye to Clean Sweep and left the cafeteria. Fifteen minutes to midnight. “What if its true?” Songbird thought to herself. She shook her head. No time to put any faith into stories. Time for bed.
  167. Songbird went to her room, yet her mind was still buzzing. A miracle was what she needed but was it worth it? Was it even real? She needed to sleep for tomorrow, so why was her hand still on the doorknob and not getting ready for bed? “N-No...It's fake. It's not real. Focus on the things you can control...”
  169. The list was too short. Bad manager, no gigs, no money, no future. Songbird bit her bottom lip. Was her dream worth dying for in the cold of the desert? She could always go home and find another job for a while. All her thoughts swirled around in a maelstrom of self doubt...that led Songbird to reach for something in her luggage before racing out of the hotel.
  171. “Rotten tree...south of the station...wait, which way is south??” Songbird stopped in the center of the city. The cold darkness threatened to swallow her up even in the safety of the town. She looked around, smiling as the train station had a weather vane affixed to the roof. “South of the train station...” Songbird chanted as she spread her wings and started flying as fast as she could.
  173. There it was. A rotten tree in the middle of the desert. Full of twisted knots, icky bark and void of leaves and apples, it stood out of the dark and sand like an ill omen. Songbird Serenade slammed her feet into the sand and pulled out her phone as she struggled to catch her breath.
  175. Eleven fifty nine. Barely made it. She put her phone in her pocket and stared at the old, ugly tree. It cast an imposing aura over her that filled her with the temptation to run back to town. She couldn't. Not now. She had to see if it was real or not.
  177. Songbird reached into her other pocket and withdrew a pair of scissors. She reached behind her head for a lock of hair and snipped it off. A cloud eclipsed the moon, leaving Songbird to stand there holding out the hair to the darkness. This was it. Either a miracle happened or something was going to get her in this endless blackness.
  179. The moon was revealed, casting light on a shadowy figure that stood in front of the tree. It wore an intricate, frilly suit with an elaborate jacket that sported fancy metal buttons that shone in the moonlight. His shoulders were wide, making the already tall figure even more imposing and dangerous. He leaned upon a cane with an elaborate metal handle while his other hand stared at a pocket watch.
  181. Songbird stared at this figure in the darkness for a moment, too scared to say anything. The shade of his top hat kept his face hidden, making it hard to distinguish any features about him. He snapped his pocket watch shut and placed it inside his interior jacket pocket. “Hello, miss. Are you in need of a miracle?” The...stallion said with a silky voice.
  183. “Are...are you the miracle worker? The one who offers a pony their dreams for a lock of hair?” Songbird finally found her voice.
  185. “Why yes I am. There hasn't been a visitor here for years but my skills haven't waned or wasted away. Tell me what it is you need and it will become your reality, my dear.” A hint of a smile shone through the darkness cast by his hat.
  187. Songbird took in a deep breath. “I...I want to be the biggest pop idol there ever was. I want to perform in Canterlot with a massive crowd watching me sing and dance! I want to be big and famous for everyone to adore!” She bared her heart to the stranger.
  189. “...Very well, my dear. If you so desire this to be your reality, then I need you to sign this, then roll it up with your hair inside.” The mysterious stallion said. He reached into his coat and pulled out a scroll and a pen.
  191. Songbird Serenade gently took the scroll and unfurled it. The ink seemed to shine in the light, showing her exactly where to sign at the bottom. She held it awkwardly in one hand as her other carefully wrote out her name. Satisfied, Songbird rolled up the scroll just a bit, placed her hair inside, then finished rolling up the parchment.
  193. “H-Here. I did what you asked...” Songbird held out the paper. The stranger leaned in to grab it but pulled Songbird close to him instead. The pegasus flared out her wings as his soft, sweet lips pressed against hers for a moment.
  195. “The contract is signed and approved by both parties. You shall get your wish soon, my little Songbird.” The mysterious stallion said.
  197. His voice echoed in Songbird's head as a sudden drowsiness overtook her. Her eyelids grew heavy and a fog formed in her brain. Songbird tried to fight it off but it was too much. She passed out in his arms in the cold, dark night.
  199. Songbird's eyes jumped open as her phone loudly blasted her ring tone. Strange, Dodge City didn't have cell reception. She reached out from the comfort of her bed to look at the time. Eight in the morning. Seeing it was her agent, Songbird answered the call.
  201. “Hello?”
  203. “SONGBIRD! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN! I've been calling for hours and you haven't picked up!”
  205. “Good morning to you too, Quick Call. Sorry, the cell service is terrible in Dodge City. What do you want?”
  207. “What do I want? No no no, the question is what does Photo Finish want and the answer is YOU, baby!” Quick Call said.
  209. Photo Finish? The mega connected, extremely popular fashion designer and photographer?? “Wait...did you say Photo Finish?”
  211. “I sure did! She's having a fashion show today and was supposed to have a fancy singer do a pre-show thing before showing off on the runway BUT her singer came down with a really bad illness. Through some stroke of luck, I managed to get your name out there and she took it! She wants you to sing for her in an hour!”
  213. Songbird bolted upright. “In an hour? Quick Call, I'm in Dodge City and I'm broke! How am I getting to Canterlot in an hour? HOW???”
  215. “We talked about that. There should be an express taxi headed for Dodge City now. Just be outside and flag them down. We have a crew waiting so DON'T SCREW THIS UP, OKAY?” Quick Call hung up the phone, leaving Songbird to grin from ear to ear.
  217. “No. Way. Shut up. This is too good to be true! I must be dreaming!” Songbird jumped out of bed and pinched her face. “Nope! Its real! It's all real!” She nearly shouted.
  219. Songbird Serenade quickly packed up her things. “Huh...where are my scissors? I know I had them in for costume stuff just in case...where are they?” She sorted through her luggage one more time to find them in the pockets of her jacket. “Weird...what are they doing in there...wait...what happened last night?”
  221. Songbird stopped for the first time that morning and reflected on everything. She remembered going to the cafeteria and eating apple slices...then going to her room...and that was it. She couldn't remember changing out of her clothes or why her scissors were in her pockets in the first place.
  223. “Must have been so stressed and tired. That's it.” Songbird looked out the window to see a fleet of pegasai pulling a silver chariot through the sky. “Whoa....special taxi!” She shouted. Songbird double checked her luggage and ran out of the hotel with a smile on her face. “I can't believe it...the miracle I needed finally came to me!”
  226. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  228. “And that's the gig that got you your success?” A trendy reporter asked as she shoved a microphone into Songbird's face.
  230. “Well, it took a lot of work to impress Photo Finish when I got there but it sure was! It was the start of my new lifestyle and I couldn't be happier.” Songbird Serenade replied.
  232. “Terrific. This has been a wonderful interview. Hope your show goes spectacular! Break a leg.” The reporter stood up from her chair and walked out of the dressing room to get more footage for her show.
  234. It had been a whole year since that taxi ride into stardom. A lucky break at the final hour not only saved Songbird Serenade from having to quit on her dream but it propelled her into becoming a household name. Album deals, record signings, interviews on television, concerts...everything a superstar like her always wanted.
  236. Today was the day her dreams finally come true. The Royal Canterlot Music Hall was hosting the biggest concert in its history by hosting Songbird Serenade tonight. Ponies from all over Equestria had bought tickets and ordered the event through television and streaming. All eyes were going to be on her, singing and dancing on stage with her wonderful crew.
  238. “Hey hey hey, no time for memory lane. You've got a job to do, sweetheart.” Quick Call barged into the dressing room. “Five to curtain, doll. Don't mess up!”
  240. “Of course I wont. Even then, nopony is gonna notice if something happens. They just want to hear me sing.” Songbird rolled her eyes under her bangs.
  242. “Well if you wanna trip over two left hooves, that's fine by me. This is your dream on the line, right?” Quick Call held up a finger and dug his phone from his pocket. “Yeah? Nah after tonight, the rate for interviews goes up another hundred grand. Yes I'm serious...” He trailed off as he left the dressing room to “negotiate” in a way only he knew how.
  244. A friendly face entered as Quick Call departed. “Songbird, I dunno why you still keep him around. I would have dumped him the second I made it big like you.” The sky blue unicorn mare huffed as she handed Songbird a bottle of water.”
  246. “Well, then I wouldn't have hired you, Vital Aid. That and while he's a total jerk, sometimes you need a jerk to bully other jerks.” Songbird laughed at her own statement before taking a sip of water.
  248. Vital Aid shrugged. “I guess. I made a good friend thanks to him and this job.” She winked at Songbird before checking her watch. “Come on, curtain in five...uhh four. We better go!”
  250. Songbird Serenade ran to her starting position on stage. The clock slowly ticked toward showtime. She was ready. Her moment was here and she was going to live it to the fullest.
  252. “Welcome, one and all, to the Royal Canterlot Music Hall. Are you ready for Songbird?”
  254. A flurry of cheers, screams and stomps filled the air.
  256. “I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!”
  258. More screaming. It was deafening. Songbird could feel her heart beating in her chest as the excitement swelled.
  262. The curtain began to rise and revealed the crowd. Thousands upon thousands of ponies were watching and waiting and the second they saw Songbird, they cheered. They waved their merch, clapped their hands, stomped their hooves. The more devoted fans even wore hats and wigs that matched Songbird's blonde and black hair.
  264. “Welcome to the music hall, everypony.” Songbird said, her microphone amplifying her voice for all to hear. “Its so wonderful to be here with you all so without anymore wait, here's my first song for the night!”
  266. Another flurry of cheers filled the air as Songbird sang her hit song, Rainbow. Her backup dancers and singers stormed to the stage, each one matching Songbird's clothes and wearing wigs to mimic her hair. A light projector cast a gorgeous rainbow over the stage as Songbird sang her heart out.
  268. As Songbird finished up her song, a bit of pressure hit her stomach. “Just butterflies. Keep it together...” She thought to herself. Without skipping a beat, Songbird pushed into her next song. This was her big day and nothing was going to stop her.
  270. At the end of her third song, Songbird couldn't shake off the odd feeling any longer. Something was upsetting her stomach and she was sweating a lot more than usual. All she had consumed before the show was the water Vital Aid had given her. She hesitated as everything suddenly felt very wrong. Even the crowd seemed to notice it as the cheering and excitement was slowly vanishing. Was something going on?
  272. Screaming in the front row snapped Songbird out of her daze. One of the ponies was shouting in surprise as their body almost exploded with fat. The mare shouted in her panicked state as her clothes burst apart, unable to contain the sudden gain of so much blubber.
  274. Another shout. A stallion in the second row. His clothing had burst as well as his body blimped up. “I...uhhh....” Songbird was at a loss for words as a third shout came from the stage.
  276. Songbird Serenade turned around to see one of her backup dancers in the same state. She had suddenly gained what looked to be one hundred pounds out of nowhere and the mysterious growth wasn't stopping. It seemed to be affecting the dancer even faster than the other ponies. Songbird watched as the mare's tummy began to blorp and sag down close to the dancer's knees with every second.
  278. The pressure deep inside Songbird hit a climax. It refused to be contained any longer. Songbird put a hand to her stomach and whimpered as an ominous noise came from inside her body. As suddenly as it happened to everypony else, Songbird felt her body surge outwards with blubber. Her dress groaned against the new poundage, struggling and straining to keep her decent.
  281. “What's happening to me??” Songbird shouted. She pressed a hand into her body and felt how soft she was under her clothes. Her stomach and ass had bloated with fat, forcing the dress to rise up and expose thick, creamy thighs. The hem of the dress was caught on her now wide butt that threatened to jiggle free with every shallow breath Songbird Serenade took.
  283. Her chest hurt so much. Not only was there a ton of the odd pressure in her lungs but the added weight to her already sizable bust was making it hard to breathe. Her bra squished tight against her boobs. Songbird needed to run backstage and figure out a way out of this...a way to fix all this. She had barely taken a few steps before another massive surge of pressure made her body grow rapidly. Flab and blubber covered Songbird from head to toe, instantly ripping through her dress and making her scream in fear.
  285. Songbird looked down. She was almost naked except for her panties desperately trying to cling to her new, soft frame. Her eyes widened as she realized she was even bigger than her backup dancer already. Songbird could feel SOMETHING building up inside her once more only this time, the effect was immediate.
  287. The pressure filled her body again, reaching from her hooves and fingers to deep in her torso. She struggled to breathe as more and more weight seemed to extrude from somewhere inside her. Whatever magic force this was, it was working overtime on Songbird. She could feel her belly hanging lower and lower, already threatening to sag down past her knees.
  289. It wasn't just her belly. Songbird could feel her rear growing just as fast, blowing out her hips and thickening her thighs as whatever was affecting her made sure to get to every inch of her body. Heavy blubber coated her legs down to her ankles, soft flab oozed from her sides and gave her numerous, wobbly belly rolls and her arms and face softened up to insane proportions.
  291. As if it wasn't already too much to bear, Songbird could only watch as her breasts began to swell. They surpassed melon sizes in a second, snapping her bra into pieces and exposing a huge pair of tits best described as massive udders. Her nipples began to tingle as a different pressure began to build inside them. Songbird couldn't stop herself from moaning as milk began to leak from her breasts and run down her tummy.
  293. Songbird struggled to stand, widening her stance to alter her center of gravity as best she could. The intense weight gain was too much, forcing her to fall forward onto her belly and into an ever growing pool of milk. She blushed as she felt her body jiggle and wobble all over in ways she had never felt before. “Uuhh...uunnnffff.” Songbird moaned right into her microphone.
  295. Ponies in the audience ran for the exits as fast as they could. A slow ripple effect spread through the music hall as the ponies closest to the stage were waddling and sweating to try and leave. A panic filled the crowd as the exits slowly become clogged with wide, flabby bodies that trapped everyone inside. At the center of it all were Songbird Serenade and her crew, growing exponentially bigger than anypony else.
  297. Songbird herself was gigantic. She had stopped resembling a pony several hundred pounds ago. Songbird was now a shapeless blob of jiggling flab, trapped on stage. Every new surge of flab upon her body made it wobble and ripple about, making her moan and shudder in a haze of sexual delight. Whatever was happening...Songbird needed more of it.
  301. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  303. “It's been a week since the most disastrous concert ever took place at the Royal Canterlot Music Hall. Fans from all over Equestria had gathered to see Songbird Serenade sing live in the historic music hall, only for some sort of magic attack to affect several dozen ponies and even Miss Serenade herself.” The news mare reported.
  305. “Most ponies were able to escape the music hall before anything happened to them but for a large group of them, they were affected by a most unusual spell that made them gain an extreme amount of weight. Most affected by this attack was the star singer herself, Songbird Serenade. We cannot show footage of this event due to the explicit nature of the magic used. The highest order of Canterlot Guard and the Wonderbolts are investigating this event but they have not provided a comment as to whether this was a terror attack or a prank gone to the extremes.”
  307. Songbird Serenade groaned. “Vital Aid, could you PLEASE turn this off. The less I think about this, the better.”
  309. “Sure.” The unicorn grabbed the remote with her magic and turned off the television. “How are you feeling?” She asked.
  311. “Ugh....this is so weird...” Songbird groaned. What the news reporters didn't want to show was Songbird growing as big as the stage. What Songbird didn't want anypony to know was the fact she had to be removed from the stage via magic and then hauled home with an industrial flatbed truck. What Songbird didn't want anypony to know what how much of her home had to be modified just to be able to roll her inside to her living room.
  313. Songbird Serenade was a shell of her former self. The one fit, trendy superstar had been replaced with a mountainous blob of flab. No scale dare weigh her, lest it be turned to dust under her immense weight. As she lay upon her massive tummy, Songbird was taller than any pony, griffon or even minotaur ever was. Her legs and arms had been reduced to flabby, stubby nubs that restricted her movement and left her immobile. Not even her wings had been safe, buried under tons and tons of blubber.
  315. She was a massive, cream colored orb with two gigantic, milky tits sagging onto the floor in front of her. The gushing of sweet, creamy milk hadn't stopped since that day and Vital Aid had to rush to procure industrial milk pumps to keep the floor dry. It was so embarrassing and so humiliating. That's why...Songbird Serenade didn't want anypony to know that for some strange was so sexy to her.
  317. “Has there been any word from Twilight Sparkle?” Songbird asked. Surely the princess of friendship and one of the most powerful magic users ever could find the source of this curse.
  319. “Not yet. You heard the news. The guards and the Wonderbolts don't have a single clue to go on. I know you don't want to hear this but you might want to get as comfortable as you can.”
  321. Songbird Serenade wiggled her arms as best she could. “NO! I refuse! I was at the biggest point of my career and it might be over now thanks to becoming a massive...blob! If I ever find out who did this, I'm gonna roll over them with all this...fat!”
  323. Vital Aid smirked. “Oh come on. It's not all that bad, is it? It's what you wished for.”
  325. “What do you mean? Who in Equestria would wish for this??” Songbird asked.
  327. Songbird blinked and Vital Aid had vanished. Instead, Songbird Serenade stood before herself wearing an expression of desperation and greed. “I...I want to be the biggest pop idol there ever was. I want to perform in Canterlot with a massive crowd watching me sing and dance! I want to be big and famous for everyone to adore!”
  329. “What...Vital Aid?” Songbird said.
  331. The mimicry shook its head. With a flash of magic, it changed into an old mare carrying a broom. “Oh child, I told you nothing good comes from the miracles granted from the rotten tree but you did anyway. Now you've gotten exactly what you've asked for and then some.”
  333. Memories of that night long forgotten came rushing back. The mad dash to the tree. A stranger in the darkness. An offer for anything she wanted for a kiss. Songbird Serenade watched as the pony she knew as Vital Aid changed one more time into the shadowy stranger that promised her the world.
  335. He began to clap his hands. “Wonderful work, Miss Serenade. You rose to the top and became the biggest pop idol there ever was. I just made sure you truly became the biggest idol in the flesh.”
  337. “Wh....Huh? I...I didn't mean this! I don't want this! I want to go back!!” Songbird cried out.
  339. The stranger took off his top hat and revealed his face. A set of dangerous yellow eyes with slits for pupils stared into her soul. His coat was red as could be and a pair of ivory white horns stuck out his jet black mane. A wicked grin spread across his face, revealing his fangs, as he plucked something out of his hat.
  341. “Are you so sure? Demons such as I are very in tune with the auras of others and if I had to say anything about your aura, Miss Serenade, your aura is filled with an unquenched lust.” The demon held up a miniature version of Songbird in her current state, completely round and soft all over.
  343. “N-No! You're wrong! That isn't me...put that thing away!!”
  345. “Oh? Then surely you wont feel a thing when I do this...” The demon grabbed one of the breasts of the Songbird in his hand.
  347. Songbird Serenade moaned as loud as she could as a phantom hand gripped her tits. The intense pressure that had been building in her chest was forced out all at once, nearly filling the industrial milking machine to its limit. Songbird was left light headed as the intense relief of the pressure had pushed her to an instant climax.
  349. “Wha....what was that?” Songbird barely managed to huff and puff out through labored breaths.
  351. “With this doll, I have full control over your body. You're just a toy for me now.” The demon explained. He turned the doll around and used his fingers to spread apart the doll's massive rump. A long, snake like tongue darted out and lapped between the doll's fat cheeks as fast as it could.
  353. Songbird could feel a massive hand gripping at her immense butt cheeks. It kneaded and played with her doughy rump for a moment before something long, wet and warm began to rub against her privates. “OooooOHHHHHH!!!!!” Songbird cried out as another massive orgasm rocked her flabby body.
  355. “Of course, I do have the power to return things back to how they were.” The demon put away the doll for a moment and retrieved the contract responsible for all this. “I destroy this scrap of paper and we go back a whole year.”
  357. The television turned on. It revealed the cafeteria where Songbird Serenade met “Clean Sweep”. Instead of running out into the night, the image of Songbird goes to bed that night, wakes the next morning and runs to the train station to beg for a ticket and return home. “You'll go back to being poor. Back to being unknown. Back home where you can work a nice retail job for the rest of your life wondering what your life could have been if you had found a miracle.”
  359. Static overtook the image and replaced it with Songbird happily sitting next to the news reporter from before. “What was it like on stage for you at the Royal Canterlot Music Hall? You've become one of the few ponies to ever perform there and it must be such an intense feeling?”
  361. “Oh yes, it was such a thrill to perform there. Its always been my dream ever since I was a filly to sing there and I finally got my chance. I really want to thank my fans for allowing me this great opportunity and I can't ever thank you enough!”
  363. The image on the television faded. “I also have the power to make everypony forget what happened. Songbird Serenade sings her heart out at the music hall, becomes a pop legend and continues her career as the biggest idol ever...while the REAL Songbird Serenade becomes my fat, corpulent, milky toy for the rest of her life.”
  365. Songbird Serenade lay there, staring into the demon's eyes. “You'll be worshiped by my minions day and night. You'll want for nothing. All your carnal pleasures fulfilled as long as you pledge your life and your soul to me. Pick the right choice. Nopony likes a loser.”
  367. Every inch of Songbird's mind was covered in dense fog. Songbird was aware the demon had been talking but none of the words reached her. No matter how hard she tried to concentrate, all she could think about was the delightful tingle surrounding her body and the ever growing heat between her flabby legs. What did she want? The pleasure of freedom or the pleasure of being the biggest pop idol?
  369. Songbird opens her mouth...and seals her fate.
  371. In an instant, the massive mare vanishes. Reality warps as a ripple of magic changes everything to be “normal” once more. Songbird Serenade sits in her living room, chatting with Vital Aid about the concert at the music hall, her bangs covering a set of empty, lifeless eyes. Doll eyes.
  373. A new reality shifts into existence from nothing. Songbird's home is recreated down to the finest detail. A perfect prison for such an immense mare. As soon as she lands in this new realm, a horde of demons scramble into the room and begin using Songbird for their lust filled desires.
  375. Food is lovingly stuffed into her mouth to make her fatter. Demons massage her breasts all over to tease out a gushing waterfall of milk into a nearby pool for all the demons to relax. Her body begins to ripple and jiggle as the lust and blubber becomes too much and demons begin to hump her flabby, saggy rolls.
  377. The television clicks on to reveal the new Songbird Serenade living her life to the fullest. Packed concerts, millions of fans and all the bits in the world all in celebration of an empty doll playing her role perfectly. Songbird looks at the mockery of her dreams and the fog lifts for a moment.
  379. “Oh no, we can't have that. You decided once at the tree and again at your home. There's not going to be another chance, my songbird.” The miracle demon's voice rings in her ears.
  381. Several minions run away as magic shoves a thick tube into Songbird's mouth, a tube into her pussy and a tube into her ass. A heavy flow of thick, white demon jizz begins to bloat the already massive mare and fill her up with corrupted seed. Songbird tries to spit out the hose in her mouth but the hose is shoved too far down her throat.
  383. Slowly, corrupted magic and cum fill the bloated mare to double her original size. The sclera of her eyes dim as corrupted magic takes over, forever tainting Songbird to darkness. Her body creaks and groans as it bloats bigger and bigger and the gush of milk into the pool intensifies to the point of overflowing. Songbird moans into the tube in her throat as climax after climax hits her hard and reminds her of how wonderful her life has become.
  385. After what feels like days, the tubes are removed. Songbird looks up to see the miracle demon grinning at her thick, flabby body. His clothes fade away, revealing a massive, throbbing erection. “Sing for me, my little songbird. Show me how far you've fallen for what you truly want.”
  387. Songbird Serenade wastes no time. She leans forward as much as her obese, blobby body will allow and greedily sucks her master's cock. This is paradise. This is all Songbird Serenade has ever dreamed of.

The Deep Chest

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Heavy Pranks

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Birthday Bitch

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Nightblorp Night

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Perfect Pumpkin Pony

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