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Royal Retirement

By Tankris
Created: 2023-11-14 20:35:57
Expiry: Never

  1. A loud gurgling noise cut through the sounds of snoring in a dark bedroom. It didn't seem to ruse the two heavy sleepers snoozing through the afternoon. Another deep snore, another loud growl of protest. A thick, white hoof appeared from under the blankets and scratched at something huge hidden under the covers. One more volatile gurgle finally broke the slumber and one of the two massive lumps upon the bed did her best to sit up.
  3. Princess Celestia yawned as she slowly opened her eyes. Her horn let out a dim glow as she grabbed the clock from her bedside table. “ wonder I'm starving. Its already past noon...not like I have anywhere to be today.”
  5. The princess was missing her crown, her regalia and her golden horse shoes. She had given them up to Princess Twilight Sparkle years ago. Celestia closed her eyes for a moment. “Nah...five more minutes.”
  7. Her belly had other ideas. It roared from under the covers, demanding a meal. “Ugh...fine.” Celestia groaned as she tried to shift her weight out of the bed. Even with her alicorn strength, something soft seemed to be pinning her to the bed. The former princess huffed and groaned, using all the strength she had combined with her magic.
  9. Something white and soft revealed itself under the blanket. As Celestia huffed and pulled herself up to her hooves, more of it spilled out over the edge of the bed. “Almost...there...” Celestia gave one final push and fell out of bed onto her colossal belly.
  11. She slammed on the ground with a loud THUMP, making her bedside table wobble. Slowly, she pushed her flabby, lard covered legs over her belly and made the impossible effort to stand. The former princess was coated head to hoof with an absurd layer of blubber that would make even the fattest mares in Equestria feel skinny.
  13. “There...I think.” Celestia huffed as she reached past her belly and pulled herself towards the full body mirror near the bed. Her gut was so massive and heavy that she was forced to drag it along instead of walking around like any other mare. “How much damage did closing out three buffets do to my figure?”
  15. Celestia stared at her reflection in awe. The first thing of note was her round, soft face. Long was the slim, dainty princess of the sun. Celestia's first decree as a commoner was no more diets. It showed as she looked down at where her triple chins merged into a massive tire sized neck that jiggled with every breath.
  17. Her forelegs were massive, nearly as thick as a tree trunk. The soft, jiggly leg easily could have been rounder than her body back when she was skinny. Behind her forelegs was her ample, bed sized tummy. It bulged and bloated outwards since Celestia could no longer lift it off the ground. Her gut reached from her forelegs back to her thighs, threatening to lift her off the ground forever if she kept eating like a pig.
  19. Her thighs had grown even bigger than her forelegs. Big, meaty legs buckled under the weight of Celestia's huge, doughy rear. Her long, flowing tail was getting caught in the vast expanse of ass cleavage more and more as the beautiful booty continued to grow every day.
  21. Celestia slowly moved her ass toward the mirror and gave it a little shake. Her globular rear began to wobble and shake hard, fat clapping hard against fat with even the slightest movement. “Still got it.” Celestia smirked. A snore broke her away from her lazy twerking.
  23. Luna was still asleep. The gigantic orb of a mare still sleeping upon the bed dwarfed Celestia by a few hundred pounds. Luna had been softening up long before retirement and letting go of her regal title meant the end of being thin forever. She was always snacking, even after meals and her massive, blob body showed her gluttony well.
  25. Another gurgle escaped from Celestia's gut. “Okay, fine. I'm going.” Celestia heaved herself towards the bedroom door. It too had seen better days before the royal retirement. The frame had several warps and cracks in the wood and the door no longer fit properly. Royal rumps and mega sized hips had nearly ruined it and Celestia was determined to squeeze through without her magic.
  27. Celestia eased herself forward and pulled her blubber through the door. She barely got her forelegs through before her belly was pinched by the frame. Slowly, she wiggled and pulled herself through inch by inch. Sweat began to drip down her face as she finally pulled her gut through, only for her hips and ass to get caught as well.
  29. “Oh, forget this...” Celestia groaned. Her horn lit up and her magic grabbed the door frame. It warped and snapped under her power, widening the exit just enough for Celestia to wiggle her booty free.
  31. The obese mare sighed as she half waddled, half dragged herself to the kitchen. Her belly couldn't wait any longer. She huffed and puffed her way to the refrigerator to see if her devious little portal was still active. Celestia opened the door and smiled as a hoard of cakes sat within reach. Twilight either hadn't found it or didn't care that Celestia's portal to the royal kitchens allowed the greedy mares to pilfer all the food they could ever want.
  33. Celestia's magic filled her horn as she grabbed three cakes from the refrigerator and waddled back into the living room. She turned the television on and sat down on the ruined couch to graze on breakfast cake. She took a heavy bite and moaned as the sugary treat filled her tummy. “Oh yeah, this is the best part of the day.”
  35. “Sister? Get me a few cakes as well. Don't hog them all, you greedy pig!” Luna shouted from the bedroom.
  37. “Get out of bed and get them yourself!” Celestia yelled back.
  39. “Very funny, Celestia. You would love to see me attempt to waddle around like you but I am content with the fact that I became immobile before you did, you cake loving blob.”
  41. “Takes one to know one, Luna!” Celestia responded. She couldn't help but giggle as she resumed her snacking. Over a thousand years and they still fought like foals. She watched as Luna's magic clumsily yanked at the handle to the refrigerator and pulled a dozen cakes out from the royal stockpile.
  43. “Hmm...I must admit, you do make a good point, Luna. Even I wont be mobile for too much longer and we may need some assistance around here.” Celestia said. She began rubbing her big, fat, wobbly gut and moaned into the next bite of cake.
  45. “Then we must have servants! They can fetch us all the cake we could ever want.” Luna replied.
  47. “We aren't royalty anymore, Luna. We can't expect ponies to just do whatever we want. At least, not without offering something in return.”
  49. “There must be something we can offer that no pony could dare refuse.”
  51. Celestia thought about it. There were certainly a few ponies at the buffet last night that simply couldn't look away. At least she was certain the stallions couldn't stop staring at her huge rear. The thought made Celestia heat up all over, making her take big, sloppy bites of her cakes. “Perhaps there IS something, my dear sister...All we need to do is find the right type of pony and fulfill their wildest dreams.”

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