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The Biggest 'Bolt

By Tankris
Created: 2023-12-06 21:28:55
Expiry: Never

  1. “Come on, Crash! I need to see more hustle! More initiative! Where's the speed at??” A sharply dressed pegasus with an orange coat barked orders to the sky. Several trails of cloud vapor trailed through the sky, swirling around a bright, speedy rainbow. Said rainbow was centered around the fastest flier in Equestria during the middle of a Wonderbolts practice.
  3. At least, she was SUPPOSED to be the fastest flier. Rainbow Dash was doing her best to make it to all of her cues and get ready for the next part of the act. Gather clouds here and rush back to formation. Lead the way while watching the position of her squad. Burst through the clouds and do a spin, then fly down to the ground and pull up above the stage.
  5. As Rainbow Dash assembled the mass of clouds she was going to break through before the finale, her mind wandered as she squished and groped at the mass of cloud fluff in her hooves. It was so soft and malleable like always. Seeing so much cloud fluff together played a trick on her one track mind.
  7. “R-Rarity's...big...fat...butt....” Rainbow Dash moaned to herself.
  9. “Crash! MOVE IT OR LOSE IT!” The orange mare screamed from the stands.
  11. Rainbow Dash could barely react as the giant mass of clouds before her was destroyed by her crew without her. The harsh snap back to reality put a massive blush on Rainbow Dash's face as she turned to see a certain captain of the Wonderbolts glaring at her.
  13. “RAINBOW CRASH, WHAT IN EQUESTRIA ARE YOU DOING?” In seconds, the orange mare was snout to snout to Rainbow Dash. “When you're up here, even a moment's distraction can get you hurt. You know that well, don't you, CRASH.”
  15. Rainbow Dash couldn't look her boss in the eye. Her blush was still visible on her face even under her blue coat.
  17. “My office. Five minutes, Crash. We're going to figure out why your performance is slipping or else the best pegasus we've ever had is getting cut from the team. Got it?” It was more of a demand than a question as the captain pushed Rainbow Dash hard in the chest before flying off to the offices.
  19. Rainbow Dash looked at the clock. She had been standing in front of her captain's office for four minutes and thirty seconds. The golden words “Spitfire” were taunting her. Only a few more years and it SHOULD be her office. That's what Rainbow Dash had wanted her whole life...right?
  21. Four minutes and fifty five seconds. Rainbow Dash reached up and turned the handle to the door. “Almost late, Crash. Whatever's on your mind is a doozy...” Spitfire said from her desk. Spitfire pretended to be busy with her paperwork but her eyes were looking over her sunglasses towards her star performer.
  23. Rainbow Dash took the seat across the desk and sighed. It wasn't the first time these two mares had done this little dance and it probably wouldn't be the last. The rainbow mare refused to look at her boss, her gaze trying to bore a hole into the floor.
  25. “So...lets talk about it. It doesn't take the team psychologist to see something's going on in that head of yours, Dash.” Spitfire began. The sunglasses made sure to hide any emotion behind Spitfire's eyes as she stared down Rainbow Dash.
  27. “You're always lost in thought, I noticed a decline in the intensity of your workouts combined with a bit of staring at yourself in the gym and your routines are getting sloppy. What can I do to help? What's got you so worried?” Spitfire asked.
  29. Rainbow Dash squirmed in her seat. This was it. She had never mentioned this to anypony else. Now, she had to admit her deepest secret to her own boss. “I...One of my friends...ugh...”
  31. “Are they hurt or in trouble? If that's all it is, Dash, we can just put you on PTO for a while. You've got the time saved up...”
  33. “N-No...” Rainbow Dash forced herself to speak up. It would have been a convenient out but that wouldn't quite solve the problem. “I mean, it IS something that happened to a friend but like, nothing bad. The opposite, actually...”
  35. A blush began to creep upon Rainbow Dash's face. “Look, one of my friends got married to a wonderful stallion last year and I THOUGHT it wouldn't be a big deal but...but...”
  37. “Relationship problems? Wondering if dedicating your life to the job is the right thing to do?” Spitfire asked.
  39. “Kinda?” Rainbow Dash let out a little huff of annoyance. “Okay, fine! I'll just say it. My friend, Rarity, got FAT! She got REALLY FAT! She got so fat she can't move off her bed and I can't stop thinking about it!
  41. My group of friends suggested we visit her since he hadn't talked in a while and Rarity was MASSIVE! Every little part of her jiggled! I pushed a hoof into her belly and her butt and it was so soft...and then she moved her butt around and it CLAPPED! I had never seen anything so sexy in my life, boss!”
  43. Spitfire leaned forward, letting her eyes peek over the rims of her sunglasses as Rainbow Dash continued to talk. “Every day since, I've done nothing but daydream about it. I...I wanna be that soft! That big! I want everypony to stare at me the same way I did to Rarity's big, fat ass!”
  45. Rainbow Dash stopped and looked at her boss. She stopped and looked at herself. At some point, Rainbow Dash has stood up onto her chair and reared back onto her hind legs. Her wings were fully extended to help balance her as she stood there, suddenly realizing how much she had just revealed. Slowly, Rainbow Dash sat back down, unable to look away from her boss's intimidating glare.
  47. “Rainbow Dash, you are the best cadet this academy has ever seen. From the moment you've stepped into our halls, you've nearly shattered every record set by the best of the best and to be quite honest, you're the number one mare to take my spot whenever I decide to retire.”
  49. Spitfire stood up from her desk and walked over to Rainbow Dash. “Yet you would throw it all away in a heartbeat and force yourself to gain weight well past being fat, right into obese territory just because you want a fat ass? Am I hearing you right, cadet?” Spitfire pushed her muzzle against Rainbow's nose.
  51. Orange eyes glared through the tint of the sunglasses at Rainbow Dash. There was no bluffing. No chance to wiggle away. “Y-Yes, Captain Spitfire. I'd love that more than anything in the world.”
  53. Spitfire's eyes softened behind her sunglasses. “Are you sure, Rainbow Dash. I want you to be absolutely clear. No stuttering, no hesitation. You're going to give me a yes or no.”
  55. Rainbow Dash didn't wait. “Yes, ma'am. I wanna be the fattest pegasus alive!”
  57. A slow smile crept upon Spitfire's face. “Well then...maybe the promotion to captain isn't the path for you, Dash. Maybe I have a different sort of assignment for you that helps us both out.”
  59. “Wh...What do you mean?” Rainbow Dash asked.
  61. “It's no secret about your friend, Rarity. When she automated her boutiques to get as big as she did, it sent a bit of a ripple through the fashion industry. She was already making bigger sizes for her dresses due to her own size and the trends followed. Big is in, Rainbow Dash...and the Wonderbolts need somepony big to catch some new attention.”
  63. Spitfire pulled away and took off her sunglasses. “ Look, Dash. You aren't the first cadet to say that to me. Some of the rookies began to take off and when I looked into it, they had given up the hardcore Wonderbolt life for the soft, sedentary life of obesity. We need to appeal to that with a new division of morale boosters and cheerleaders.”
  65. Rainbow Dash couldn't stop her wings from flaring out. “Are...are you saying that I should get fat?”
  67. “You can be the captain. The role model for any mare or heck, stallion that wants to be on the ground and cheer us on while we fly. The only thing we need is total dedication to getting as big as possible to attract well as some other stipulations we figure out on the way.” Spitfire said.
  69. “I'll do it. I wanna be big and if it means I still get to be a Wonderbolt in some capacity, that makes it even better. I promise, I'll be the biggest, fattest, blobbiest pegasus EVER!”
  71. Spitfire smiled once more. “Good. I'll have all the necessary preparations made. Go get some rest, Rainbow Dash. You're gonna need it. Dismissed.”
  73. A week of personal time off flew by for the aspiring captain of the cheerleaders. Rainbow Dash spent the whole week sitting on her butt and eating, hoping to get a head start on her new position as the fattest Wonderbolt ever. She even bought a whole cake from Sugarcube corner and made a point to eat a slice every night before bed.
  75. Her personal work in Ponyville also took a sharp dive. Instead of busting every cloud herself as fast as possible, Rainbow Dash shrugged off her duties and let the other pegasi handle it. Thankfully, this meant the weather changed at a much better pace than before and didn't suddenly wash out picnics in Ponyville.
  77. Rainbow Dash returned to Cloudsdale with a doughnut in her hoof. She lazily flew through the city and returned to the Wonderbolts academy to see Spitfire waiting for her outside.
  79. “Hey boss. How's things?” Rainbow Dash said to her sunglasses clad captain.
  81. “Things are wonderful, Dash. Come, we have a lot to talk about in your new barracks.” Spitfire said.
  83. Spitfire led Rainbow Dash through the academy but made a sharp turn to the cafeteria. “We've made a few changes to accommodate the new Cheerleader division and I hope you make the most of it. You'll be stationed to your own personal room next to the mess hall to take full advantage of all we're doing for you, Dash. We've also got an updated uniform just for you.” Spitfire explained. Sure enough, a new building had been built right next to the cafeteria with the words “Cheerleader Division” above the doors.
  85. “This is the main hall. The first room is yours as captain. All the others are empty but if you do a good job, they'll be filled with other soft, jiggly teammates just like yourself.” Spitfire pointed to a door on the opposite side of the rooms. “That door leads right to the mess hall. We've hired a crew responsible for just your new caloric needs so please call on them as much as possible.”
  87. “ like, whatever I want, whenever I want?” Rainbow Dash asked.
  89. “As long as it isn't a salad.” Spitfire teased. She opened the door to Rainbow's room and gestured inside with a wing. “Come on in. Get a feel for it and get cozy.”
  91. “What's that?” Rainbow Dash asked, pointing to a wider entryway that looked like a garage door.
  93. “That leads to the same room. It's just much, much bigger just in case you get too big for normal doors while being a piggy.” Spitfire teased. She lead Rainbow Dash into the room, catching the massive blush on her cheerleader's face.
  95. The room was massive. A gigantic, circular bed sat in the middle of the room that could easily support a ten pony slumber party. There was a personal bathroom tucked into the corner of the room. Several soft looking chairs with wheels sat all around the room along with a cozy sofa near the bed. Another wall had a large television set up for lounging, a shelf with all the copies of Daring Doo's books and even a projector to setup movies. It was the perfect place to lounge about and do absolutely nothing productive.
  97. “Hey, what's that for?” Rainbow Dash pointed to the back of the room towards a giant shutter door.
  99. “That's for getting you out of here once the regular door is too small for you, as well as any gigantic food orders you might need at that weight.” Spitfire said.
  101. Rainbow Dash couldn't control her wings as they flared out on instinct. “T-Too...big...for the door?”
  103. “Hmm, maybe you're right. We should have made it bigger.” Spitfire suggested.
  105. The rainbow mare was dizzy. Sweat began to line her forehead. Her imagination ran wild at the thought. “Bigger.”
  107. “That's the spirit!” Spitfire cheered on. “Before we get into it, I want you to become familiar with your uniform first. It's on the bed.”
  109. Rainbow Dash approached the bed. The blanket and pillows were colored in the same magnificent blue and gold of the Wonderbolts. In total contrast to the blues on the bed were a pair of white stockings, lacy white panties, a slim, black pencil skirt and a silver corset. This was not at all the uniform of a Wonderbolt. It felt like something a stripper or a total slut might wear.
  111. “C-Captain....this is a uniform? I..uh...dunno exactly how it fits in with the rest of the team.” Rainbow Dash said. Her blush was getting bigger the more she looked over the clothing on the bed.
  113. “Okay, I admit. It's a very early prototype model that we're working on.” Spitfire admitted. “However, we also don't expect you to actually wear this while performing at the next show.”
  115. “So what's the point?” Rainbow Dash asked.
  117. “To watch you pop all the buttons on the corset, tear through the skirt, stretch out the leggings and see your fat, blue ass turn those panties into a thong trapped between two gigantic ass cheeks. That's what.” Spitfire replied.
  119. “I-I-I-I-I-I-I uuhhhhh....” Rainbow Dash had been broken.
  121. “I know you want to. I want to see it. I wanna see Rainbow Dash give it her all to be a gigantic blob of a mare and it should be fun every step of the way for you AND the Wonderbolts. Put it on, Dash.” Spitfire whispered into Rainbow's ear.
  123. Slowly, Rainbow Dash put it all on. First, the panties that fit rather loose on her flat butt. Next, the corset that slid about on her lithe frame. The skirt came next, easily sliding onto her thin hips. Finally, the stockings that threatened to slide down Rainbow's stick like thighs.
  125. “Huh...I thought you might be a little bigger to fit this stuff. No worries. We know exactly how to take care of that, don't we, Dash?” Spitfire said with a smirk.
  127. “ friend Rarity is a good dress maker. She could probably fix all this.” Rainbow Dash said.
  129. Spitfire chuckled. “I was thinking you'd GROW into it, Dash.” Spitfire opened the door to the hallway and stomped her hoof. “Come on in, boys. We got a LOT of work to do.”
  131. Rainbow Dash watched as Soarin and Thunderlane rushed into the room with a giant cart of food. A whole pizza sat on the top shelf of the cart. There were doughnuts and all sorts of pastries on the middle shelf of the cart, along with a generous pitcher of milk. The last shelf had a giant cake with another pitcher of milk. It was all waiting for Rainbow Dash.
  133. “Cheerleader Captain Rainbow Dash! Your body is lacking what it takes to become the biggest, blobbiest pegasus and we aim to change that. Your teammates will be here every morning to help expand your stomach capacity for the rest of the day. Do not disappoint me and do not disappoint them. I want EVERYTHING on this cart in your stomach as soon as possible, Dash. Do it, or else I revoke your new job title and dismiss you from the Wonderbolts forever!” Spitfire threatened.
  135. “Wha....all this? No way I can eat all this!” Rainbow Dash shouted back.
  137. “Aww, come on, Rainbow. I wanted to see you really cut loose.” Soarin butted in.
  139. “Yeah. You've always given it a hundred and ten percent in flight training. Why not do that here? I bet you'd look a lot better with a big, soft tummy.” Thunderlane added.
  141. Steam began to fly out of Rainbow's ears. “ guys....who else knows about this?”
  143. “Everypony does, Dash.” Spitfire said with a grin. “Everypony here is dedicated to seeing you become a big, sexy fatty. You don't want to disappoint them, do you?”
  145. Rainbow Dash looked over at her teammates. She could see the outline of Soarin and Thunderlane ready to burst through the crotch of their their latex uniforms at the sight of her in such an outfit. They were certainly dedicated to help.
  147. “I...I...I...” Rainbow Dash began to sputter as the room began to spin. A doughnut found its way into her open mouth.
  149. “Eat it. I want you to.” Soarin said.
  151. It was too much. Rainbow Dash stopped her complaining and devoured the doughnut like it was the last morsel of food in Equestria.
  153. “Good girl.” Spitfire said. “Keep going. Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat.”
  155. Everypony began to chant. “Eat! Eat! Eat! Eat!”
  157. The cart was pushed towards Rainbow Dash as Spitfire grabbed a chair. Rainbow Dash was forced to sit down and relax with a feast in front of her. Slowly, she reached out a hoof and grabbed a slice of pizza. The cheese was so gooey that it stretched and dangled in the air as Rainbow Dash shoved it in her mouth.
  159. Everypony cheered. The attention was too much. Rainbow Dash couldn't get her head straight. With a massive blush, Rainbow Dash continued to eat. The slim athlete struggled to finish the second slice, her tummy already beginning to feel full.
  161. “Don't stop. You gotta keep pushing. You can do this! You can't slow down or else you'll stop and you can't stop, Dash.” Spitfire commanded. Her words forced Rainbow Dash to pick up another slice and devour it.
  163. Slowly, the pizza disappeared. Every one of the huge slices found its way into Rainbow Dash's tummy. The room was filled with her raspy moans and the sound of her stomach struggling to digest it.
  165. “F-Full...” Rainbow Dash groaned.
  167. “Don't think about it.” Soarin said. “Think about your friend in Ponyville. Don't you wanna be like her?”
  169. The stallion aided Rainbow Dash by stuffing a doughnut in her mouth. She laid back in her chair and nibbled on it until it was gone.
  171. “Come on, skinny. I wanna see you chew! I wanna see you bloat! I wanna see you blorp up until your fat ass touches all the walls at once!” Spitfire shouted.
  173. Rainbow Dash forced herself to focus. She was staring at a reflection of herself. One of the walls was covered by a gigantic mirror. Perfect for gawking at any sort of gains and blorping done by the fat loving pegasus.
  175. She closed her eyes for a moment and tried to imagine a much different scene. Blue blubber overflowing the arm rests. A chair struggling to stay together under the weight of her fat ass. Her belly overflowing past her lap and threatening to touch the ground.
  177. Rainbow Dash opened her eyes and saw it. She saw everything she wanted reflected in the mirror and it gave her the strength to continue. A blue hoof reached out and grabbed two doughnuts before stuffing them into her mouth.
  179. Everypony cheered. Rainbow Dash did it again. She smiled as everypony cheered louder and louder. Every bite made her gut heavier. Every swallow made the corset feel a bit tighter. She pushed herself on until there was just the milk left. Rainbow Dash heaved the pitcher to her lips and drank as fast as she could. Her head was spinning as she felt herself bloating up with each gulp, making her nice and round.
  181. The milk was gone. Rainbow Dash nearly dropped the empty container on the ground as she slumped back in her seat. “Ughhhhhh...” She moaned as if she was on death's doorstep.
  183. “Hey hey hey. Good job, Dash. That was amazing.” Thunderlane rushed forward and quickly unbuttoned the corset. Rainbow Dash's belly was drum tight, protruding from her middle in such an odd way. Her skinny, fit body had no business being so round and it looked so foreign and alien to both her and everypony in the room.
  185. “Here we go. Don't worry. We're all here to help.” Thunderlane said. His hooves gently pressed into Rainbow's tummy and began to massage the dense orb. Instantly, Rainbow Dash let out a pleased moan as Thunderlane helped settle all the food deeper into her gut.
  187. “Hooouughghghg my gosh...” Rainbow Dash blushed. It felt so good. She was so full and bloated while one of the best stallions in the Wonderbolts massaged her belly. The pain was fading away as her tummy gurgled with each little shove and press against her taxed skin. Her muscles tightened and expelled a massive pocket of air trapped in her stomach.
  191. “Good girl. Let it all out. Free up as much space as you can.” Thunderlane kept talking and kept rubbing. As he spoiled the skinny mare, Soaring reached over and grabbed a hoof-ful of cake. It quickly disappeared into Rainbow's tummy, continuing her massive binge.
  193. Spitfire looked over the rim of her sunglasses. It was all coming together perfectly. The first step would be to get Rainbow Dash used to eating so much. Once Rainbow Dash becomes a bottomless pit, the focus goes to upping the calorie count and always keeping her supplied with snacks. A subtle lip bite flashed on Spitfire's face for a moment as Rainbow Dash let out another room shaking belch.
  195. The last bit of cake disappeared into Rainbow's mouth. She swallowed as quickly as she could before the second pitcher of milk was shoved to her lips. The greedy mare tried her best to gulp it all down but her impossibly full tummy made it difficult. More and more milk was streaming out of the corners of her mouth instead of going down her throat as she struggled to chug it all.
  197. Another belch. Another moan. Rainbow Dash huffed and wheezed as her belly weighed down her body. It was a struggle to take any sort of breath. All she could do was sit there and stare at herself in the mirror...and imagine the effects this would have on her body.
  199. “A good first day, Dash. We have a LOT of work to do but it will be the most rewarding work you ever do.” She straightened her sunglasses and looked over to the stallions. “Help her on the bed so she can rest. With any luck, she'll wake up starving at dinner time.”
  201. “I sure hope so. Any more burping or feeding and I'd need to wash my uniform.” Soarin said with a huff. The two stallions were gentle as could be, slowly picking up Rainbow Dash and setting her on the bed. They removed every part of her “uniform” for comfort and left the bloated mare to relax and sleep it off.
  203. Rainbow Dash stirred from her food coma hours later. She was sluggish to rise with so much food still sloshing about in her stomach. Her gaze immediately turned to the mirror wall. Time to inspect the damage.
  205. She hopped out of bed and stared at herself. Is that a bit of softness on her face? Maybe her butt was bigger? Rainbow Dash inspected every inch of her reflection to find any fat that might have stuck to her body. Really, the only change had been her gut, still round and bloated from the massive stuffing session. She pushed a hoof to her tummy and moaned as the rock hard dome had softened in her sleep, giving it just a tiny amount of squish.
  207. “That's fine. Rarity didn't blow up overnight. I just have to keep eating.” Rainbow Dash said. As if on cue, her stomach let out a little gurgle. “Heh, good idea. I think I better put on my uniform and head to the mess hall. I need to top off this gut before bedtime.”
  209. Rainbow Dash did more than just top off. Spitfire's plan worked like a charm. Even with her stomach still full and bloated, Rainbow Dash dedicated herself to eating as much as she could that night as well. Her stomach stretched more and more each day as Spitfire commanded the Wonderbolts to feed their prized cheerleader silly.
  211. Soon, Rainbow Dash was finishing whole carts and still asking for more. She finished the cart and then immediately went to the mess hall for more. Spitfire, Soarin and Fleetfoot watched as Rainbow Dash began devouring a massive stack of pies. Fleetfoot gathered a few more of the Wonderbolts until everypony was there, cheering on Rainbow Dash as she tossed the last pie tin on top of a towering pile of empty tins.
  213. All of her training was paying off. Rainbow Dash would wake up before the morning stuffing and stare at herself. Her tummy was finally beginning to grow soft, adding a little bounce to her steps when she rushed to the mess hall every day. She turned and looked at her rear with lust as it too had begun to jiggle and wobble from all the calories she had consumed.
  215. Rainbow Dash gave her butt a shake and while it did jiggle just a bit, there was no meaty, bass filled clap of her cheeks. “Soon. I just gotta keep this up!”
  217. From gigantic meals in the morning, to gigantic meals all the time to even sneaking snacks between meals, Rainbow's appetite and capacity were rising every day. Spitfire was sending carts of snacks to Rainbow's room just to make sure she didn't need to get up for any sort of soda or chips that the growing pegasus wanted.
  219. The first real confidence boost from it all came when Rainbow Dash was walking from the mess hall to her to her room. Her stuffed belly and growing hips were forcing her to waddle and sway about in such a sexy manner. She spotted Thunderlane and Soarin passing by and just couldn't help it.
  221. Rainbow Dash bumped against Soarin so hard that he nearly knocked over Thunderlane. Both stallions turned around to see Rainbow Dash giggling on the way to her room, tail held high to show off her growing ass and wobbly belly. They were hypnotized, eyes locked on Rainbow Dash until she retreated to her room.
  223. Once inside her room, Rainbow Dash hopped in place. “Heck yea! They couldn't take their eyes off me! I'm so soft and sexy now!”
  225. Rainbow Dash waddled over to the mirror and stared at herself. The was just a little hint of a double chin forming under her face and her neck was looking just a bit softer. Her belly was drooping low, almost threatening to squish against her legs from such a huge meal sloshing inside her stomach.
  227. She turned around and lifted her tail to the side. Her hips were pressing tight against her skirt and the once loose panties were beginning to get buried between her thick, wobbly ass cheeks. Rainbow Dash gave her rear a little bounce. She bit her lip as the softest little plap of her ass clapping filled the room. “I...I gotta get bigger!”
  230. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  233. It had been six months since Rainbow Dash had started her new “job” with the Wonderbolts. The soft, wobbly consequences had become more than obvious with the rate Rainbow Dash had been stuffing herself with sugary sweets and greasy, fattening food.
  235. Her face had grown soft, with a double chin confidently sinking into a doughy neck. The lithe, skinny pegasus was gone, flab piled up on her chest and forelegs that had the slightest bounce when she walked. Her soft gut swung underneath her at all times and it was beginning to squish against her thighs when she walked.
  237. Rainbow Dash was elated to know a good portion of the blubber had found its way to her ass. She loved to clap it about when she walked no matter who might be watching. It was all she ever dreamed of...but it could always be bigger.
  239. Even as her ass dominated the mess hall and demanded the use of two chairs, Rainbow Dash needed to be bigger. She was doing another “performance” for Fleetfoot as she piled more and more food into her bloated stomach. Her noisy, billowing belly was pressed against the table as Rainbow Dash filled it without a care.
  241. “Wow, Rainbow Dash. I had no idea pigs had wings. You've eaten enough today for the whole squad.” Fleetfoot teased.
  243. “Yeah? Maybe we should get Spitfire in here. She loves seeing Wonderbolts beat new records and I might be on the verge of another one if you get what I mean.” Rainbow Dash said with confidence. She stopped her stuffing and turned to Fleetfoot. Rainbow Dash opened her mouth wide and belched right into her teammate's face.
  245. Fleetfoot's face went red. Her white hair whipped about as the sugary belch blasted her point blank. “ that again, you slob.” Fleetfoot begged.
  247. “No problem!” Rainbow Dash said with a smirk. She grabbed a full container of soda and began chugging it. Her gut began to slosh and gurgle with each pull, the blue expanse of her tummy bloating bigger and bigger.
  249. Rainbow Dash threw the empty bottle across the room before turning back to Fleetfoot.
  253. “Jeez, Dash. I can hear you from the offices. Great work.” Spitfire said as she entered the mess hall. “How's our massive cheerleader doing today?”
  255. “Mmm...full. Still, I need more.” Rainbow Dash reached over the table and grabbed a big plate of french fries and began drowning them in ketchup.
  257. “I say you have plenty...but don't let me stop you, you glorious rainbow piggy.” Fleetfoot said. She couldn't help but give Rainbow a nice big jab to her doughy gut.
  259. “Is that some jealousy I hear in your voice, Fleetfoot? Sad you can't have an ass like mine?” Rainbow Dash taunted.
  261. “Well of course, but I could never do what you do. I thought about the cheerleader division for a little while but I figured if I couldn't make the decision in a split second like you did, I would be second guessing myself every day.” Fleetfoot replied.
  263. “But you ARE jealous of my ass. Thank you.” Rainbow Dash boasted. She gave her ass a slap and wiggled her hips. The chairs under her titanic butt cheeks began to groan and whine under her wobbly weight.
  265. “WHAAAAAA!!!!” Rainbow Dash shouted as the chairs gave way. Her massive rear slammed into the ground, sending a huge ripple through her soft body. Fleetfoot and Spitfire watched in awe as Rainbow Dash's body continued to bounce and wobble about for several moments.
  267. “ THAT was really hot.” Fleetfoot said.
  269. “It also hurt. Thanks for your concern.” Rainbow Dash groaned. She huffed as she struggled to roll over and stand on her hooves. A grunt escaped her as she leaned forward, followed by the sounds of tearing fabric.
  271. “H-Huh?” Rainbow Dash looked down. The seam of her pencil skirt closest to the zipper had ripped, exposing the doughy flab underneath just waiting to pop free. Not only that, the buttons on her corset had popped off, letting her tummy ooze out onto her lap.
  273. “Oh...oh gosh...” Rainbow Dash stood up fully, only to hear one more tear ring out through the mess hall. It wasn't her stockings. There was only one other thing that could have torn. Rainbow Dash blushed hard as she realized the only thing keeping her panties from falling to the floor was the fact that they were wedged tight between her cheeks.
  275. “Okay, that was the hottest thing I've ever seen.” Spitfire was blushing as well, her eyes locked on her star cheerleader. “Come on, Dash. Do a little spin. Show us those curves.”
  277. Rainbow Dash did as she was told. She rotated on the spot, blushing more and more as the skirt continued to rip with her wobbling about. She stopped and gave her ass a little wiggle, demolishing the skirt and sending it to the floor before turning back towards her squad mates. “S-So?”
  279. Spitfire and Fleetfoot gave each other a little nod. “Excellent work, Rainbow Dash. You've been exceeding your target goals each month with gusto. I think its time we move onto the second phase of your assignment.” Spitfire said.
  281. “What's that?” Rainbow Dash asked.
  283. “Well, I mentioned that you would be a great boost to morale. The Wonderbolts aren't allowed to live such a luxurious, spoiled life like you do, Rainbow Dash. We're counting on you to grow big so we can live our fantasies through you.” Spitfire explained.
  285. “Of course, that comes with some...frustrations from watching you eat like a pig while we cannot. It will be your responsibility to handle certain things so we can focus on flying and not on your sexy body.”
  287. “L-Like what?” Rainbow Dash couldn't control her wings from flaring out.
  289. “Like this, you clueless piggy! Fleetfoot slowly unzipped her latex uniform and raised her tail to reveal her glistening pussy. “Watching you jiggle has gotten me so hot and bothered, Dashie. Time for your dessert.”
  291. Fleetfoot rushed over and shoved her rump into Rainbow Dash's face. Rainbow Dash froze for a moment as Fleetfoot pushed herself upon the fat piggy pegasus. “Come on! Eat up, pig! Your prize for being such a big fatty!”
  293. Rainbow Dash snapped out of her daze and grabbed Fleetfoot's hips. She shifted to lay on her back and began her new meal. A low, needy moan filled the mess hall as Fleetfoot got the attention she desperately needed. “Y-Yes! Right there...all those licking skills are paying off, Dash!”
  295. Fleetfoot tried her best to lean over Rainbow's tummy but it was too big! As much as she tried for it, Fleetfoot couldn't return the favor. “Dash, you're too fat! I...I...ughmmmgggg.” She was cut off from an expert tongue lashing from Rainbow Dash.
  297. “Don't you worry, Fleet. I got this.” Spitfire had approached the horny duo. She squished a hoof between Rainbow's fat thighs and began to tease the fat pussy hidden under her fupa.
  299. Both mares moaned. The room was hot and steamy and nopony wanted it to end. “You like being objectified like this, Dash?” Spitfire asked.
  301. The big mare couldn't respond. A certain team captain was busy teasing her pussy too much. “You like all the staring we do? How aroused the stallions get when they see you? How your big, fat body is driving us all crazy?”
  303. “You better enjoy it. We're going to make you so fat. That bed is going to look tiny under your massive gut. All the stallions are going to enjoy fucking your big, fat ass all night after training. You'll be our big, immobile toy and I can't wait to use you for myself.” Spitfire continued to tease.
  305. Rainbow Dash shuddered. Her boss was toying with her so hard but even this was enough to get her close. She needed more. MORE.
  307. “Your breathing is getting so heavy, Dash. Are you honestly that out of shape from committing to being such a fat pig or does the idea of being the team's fat fuck toy got you on the edge? Come on, you slut. Cum for me. Do it while thinking about being the literal fattest pony alive. Even bigger than your friend.”
  309. The dam broke. Rainbow Dash moaned into Fleetfoot's crotch as she came. It didn't take long for Fleetfoot to finish as well, leaving both mares panting on the floor. Spitfire withdrew her hoof and gave it a playful lick. “ sugary as the meals we shove down your throat. Not bad, Dash. I'm convinced that you're ready for your next phase as the Wonderbolts cheerleader.
  311. When you two have recovered, we're going to your room, Dash. Its time to show you your new responsibilities to the team.” Spitfire took a seat. She had waiting a long time for this moment. She could wait a little while longer.
  313. Rainbow Dash's legs were still wobbly as she made her way back to her bedroom. Spitfire and Fleetfoot were still tight lipped about the next phase of the cheerleader program, but the excitement was burning through her every muscle. If what happened in the mess hall was just the beginning, Rainbow Dash was ready to double down on her efforts.
  315. “Wait here, Dash. I'll make sure your uniform is ready.” Spitfire opened the door to the bedroom and Fleetfoot followed. It didn't take long for Fleetfoot to invite Rainbow Dash inside and point towards the bed.
  317. “Your weight training is still in effect. As sexy as you are now, there's simply no way we can accept this as your top weight. You said blob sized, so you're going to be blob sized.” Spitfire began her pep talk as Rainbow Dash made her way to the bed.
  319. “However, a new training is in effect. Slut training. While you continue to eat yourself to immobility, you'd be the team bicycle so to speak. If anypony need relief, you give it. Any intern, cadet, recruit, Wonderbolt or captain asks, you comply. Fleetfoot wants to grind on your belly? You let her. Soaring comes in with an erection five minutes before showtime? You'll deal with it in three. We're counting on you to keep morale high. As high as your caloric intake, you sexy pig.”
  321. Rainbow Dash realized she was panting hard. Was she light headed from the recent orgasm or because Spitfire had refused to stop pressing all her buttons? Either way, Rainbow Dash felt like she was riding a cloud as she finally made her way to the bed. Her new uniform awaited her.
  323. A new corset was waiting for her. One that was much bigger but had straps and knots instead of buttons. The stockings had been replaced with tight, red fishnets that let her chunky thighs ooze from the holes. Her panties were no longer white. They were a red thong that barely left anything to the imagination and they were already digging into her hips and butt crack.
  325. The final bit of clothing was a skirt that barely even qualified as a skirt. It was maybe as long as Rainbow's hoof. It covered nothing, allowing the other mares to watch in glee as Rainbow Dash struggled to wiggle it up her hind legs and over her ass.
  327. “What do you think, boss? She was good before but now she's a total knockout to me.” Fleetfoot said.
  329. “Much better...but we can still make improvements.” Spitfire grinned as she revealed a little table with makeup behind her back. “Come here, Dash. We need to put on the finishing touches.”
  331. Magenta eyeliner to go with her eyes. A nice layer of mascara. Full, red lips from a little too much lipstick. Hair fluffed up and done in short, bratty pigtails. Finally, a tail wrap to make sure that rainbow tail was pulled up high to show the soft, wobbly goods. A little extra attention went a long way.
  333. Rainbow Dash stared at herself in the mirror. The amazing, incredible, record breaking athlete had vanished. Instead, there was a sexy, curvy, jiggly slut ready to eat and fuck her way to immobility. Rainbow Dash smiled as she looked at her reflection and gave herself a little twirl to check out her new uniform.
  335. “Wow...I look amazing!” Rainbow Dash hopped in place. “I really couldn't have done it without you guys!”
  337. “Hey, you put in a lot of effort yourself. I don't think anypony here could eat the same way you do, Dash.” Spitfire said. She placed a hoof on Rainbow's cheek and leaned in. She gave her star cheerleader a deep kiss and only pulled away when the door flung open.
  339. “Heya, Dash. Heard the big news....and I guess you couldn't wait to get started, could ya?” Soarin walked in with a gigantic pie on his back. “Guess you learned about your big promotion, huh?”
  341. “You could say that.” Rainbow Dash replied. She wasn't sure what she was more excited about. The tasty pie balanced on Soarin's back or his erect cock straining his uniform.
  343. “ are we gonna do this?” Soarin asked.
  345. “Oh Soarin, even with all the experience, you still need a captain to lead you.” Rainbow Dash teased. She grabbed the pie from him, making sure her tail batted his face and her ass wiggled just inches from his snout. The pie was placed on the bed close enough so Rainbow Dash could lean down and eat it. She jiggled her ass and pulled apart her cheeks with her wings. “If you need any more invitation then that, you better go get Thunderlane and let him show you what to do.”
  347. “I...uhh...y-yeah...I mean NO! No, I wanna fuck you so bad!” Soaring sputtered.
  349. “Well...I'm waiting.” Rainbow Dash called out.
  351. “But...uh...what about everypony else?” Soarin asked as he watched the other mares pull up a chair.
  353. “We get to watch. Better do a good job or else everypony is gonna find out, Soarin.” Spitfire teased. She spread herself out on the large chair and began to rub her thighs with a lazy hoof.
  355. “Yeah. Don't fuck this up, dude.” Fleetfoot piled on as she began to tease herself as well.
  357. Soarin moved up to the jiggling, wobbling ass in front of him with a bit of uncertainly and glee. “Well, I mean if everypony is okay with this...” Soarin shrugged and skillfully pulled the red thong aside.
  359. “Come on, dude! Fuck my ass already!” Rainbow Dash whined through a big bite of pie.”
  361. “Okay! Quit rushing me, you whore.” Soarin bit down and gave her tail a tug before slamming forward and pushing himself as deep as he could into Rainbow's waiting ponut.
  363. Rainbow Dash looked over to the wall of mirrors to watch her ass ripple from the impact. She moaned into the pie tin before rushing back for more. It was finally happening. Getting fucked while eating and getting fatter. It was enough to get her to climax right there. She focused on her tasks, doing her best to keep eating while pleasing her friends. The swell of all the moaning was so hot. Soarin was already on the edge and from the sounds of it, so were Fleetfoot and Spitfire.
  365. The slutty mare did her best to wiggle her hips and bounce herself against Soarin's thrusts but the previous orgasms were leaving her weak. All she could do was take it and eat her pie while Soarin pounded away at her. Every heavy, wet plap of his crotch against her fat ass made her brain dizzy as another climax hit her.
  367. Minutes turned into hours. She had no idea when Fleetfoot and Spitfire had joined on the bed but it was all about her. Somepony was rubbing her belly. Soarin's cock was in her mouth. Another set of hooves were groping her ass. It was an entire night of pleasure all about her and her fat, sexy body.
  369. Now there was nothing holding Rainbow Dash back from everything she always yearned for. Eat all you want, grow as big as you can and be as slutty as possible while doing it. It took a few days of practice to perfect the makeup touch but it added so much to her sex appeal that the Wonderbolts couldn't keep their hooves off her!
  371. Immediately after the orgy with Soarin, Fleetfoot and Spitfire, all sorts of Wonderbolts were looking for some fun. The only stipulation was that if Rainbow Dash was burning calories with sex, she needed to be eating. Something Rainbow Dash immediately agreed upon.
  373. Fire Streak was the first stallion to approach Rainbow Dash the first official day that Rainbow Dash had taken on her duties. The usually confident stallion was blushing hard as he presented Rainbow Dash with a huge platter of doughnuts. “:H-Hey, Dash. S-Sup?”
  375. “Nothing much, Fire Streak. What's the doughnuts for? Huh? Huh?”
  377. “W-Well..I...uh...”
  379. “I can't hear you! If you're looking for something “special” then you're gonna have to be a big colt and say it.” Rainbow Dash teased.
  381. “Uh....g...gosh...D-Dash, I...I want you to ride me so I can watch your belly bounce against me while you eat!”
  383. Fire Streak was thrown to the bed in a heartbeat. Rainbow Dash was already pulling off his flight suit to see what she was working with. Judging by the bulge in his flight suit, it was gonna be fun.
  385. “Brace yourself. This slut has no brakes.” Rainbow Dash warned. She moved her thong aside and slammed herself down on his cock. Both ponies moaned in delight as Rainbow's fat ass slammed hard against his crotch. She stuffed a doughnut in her mouth before lazily pulling herself up and slamming herself down again.
  387. Fire Streak was out. The intense weight in motion was too much. He blew his load from the second thrust. “Aww, really? I think Spitfire needs to train you boys up in different ways if you expect to have fun with me.” Rainbow Dash whined. She slumped over and gobbled up her doughnuts, hoping a different stallion would come by and provide some actual fun.
  389. With all the donuts gone and the itch still there, Rainbow Dash figured it was time to be proactive. She waddled to the dorms and smirked as the stallions shower room was thick with steam. It was time for pleasure.
  391. Lightning Streak was too engrossed with his shower to see the looming, blue behemoth behind him. In the blink of an eye, he was sandwiched between Rainbow's big, overflowing ass and the walls of the shower.
  393. “H-Hey! What's the big idea?” He shouted.
  395. “I'm horny as fuck, and you're going to make me cum, big boy.” Rainbow Dash moaned. The shower echoed as Rainbow's huge rump plapped against Lighting Streak's soaked body and the linoleum of the shower.
  397. Of course, it wasn't just the stallions. All the mares were welcome to the fun. Several of the female Wonderbolts would stop by with a treat just to massage Rainbow's tummy, play with her ass or eat her out. A rush order was put in for all sorts of toys and strap on devices to spice up things for the mares.
  399. Rainbow Dash soon learned as much as possible about her friends and their tastes. Wind Waker would always bring the best cupcakes every so often and loved it when she sat on his face. No matter how heavy she became or how much she wiggled and squished her ass into him, he never tapped out.
  401. Others were more dominant. Thunderlane and Soarin were never shy about what they wanted. It almost became routine with their treats and what they wanted. Soarin loved oral and would bring in doughnuts to eat off his dick. Thunderlane loved anal and would have her bent over anything to make that doughy ass clap.
  403. It was routine until it suddenly wasn't. Soarin was quick to find out that the navel is an even better hole. It freed up Rainbow's mouth so she could snack and fuck and the more stuffed Rainbow Dash was, the tighter her gut squeezed Soarin's dick as he thrust into her gut.
  405. The added snacks on top of her outrageous meals helped Rainbow Dash grow even bigger. Her slut uniform needed to be replaced every few days from how intentionally skimpy it was. Rainbow Dash always looked at herself with a new uniform in the mirror, admiring her softness and her jiggly curves. Every breath made every bit of her wobble from her huge, pendulum belly and her gigantic ass that was sagging lower and lower onto her thighs.
  407. “Time to see who I can woo into getting snack for me.” Rainbow Dash mused. She slowly waddled to her bedroom door and pushed herself through. At least, she thought she would slide right through. Her doughy gut and wide hips made it impossible to get out.
  409. “Oh jeez. HELP! ANYPONY! I'M STUCK!” Rainbow Dash shouted. Her brain turned to mush when she realized what she just said. “I' fat ass is stuck...haaahhh....I need somepony to fuck me hard right now.”
  411. Soarin and Thunderlane walked into the cheerleader building just as Rainbow Dash finished her thought. “Oh hello there, piggy. What's the matter?” Thunderlane asked.
  413. “Too...fat....” Rainbow Dash mumbled. She weakly tried to shove herself through the doorway with no success.
  415. “Horny too, from the sounds of it.” Soarin said. “It would be a shame if two stallions took advantage of this, huh?”
  417. “Don't you dare tease me. Fuck me so hard that I break this doorway or I'm reporting you to Spitfire for being a weak little bitch.” Rainbow Dash bit back.
  419. “Whoa, when did cheerleaders give orders? I think we need to take care of this spicy little piggy, don't you?” Soarin said. He unzipped his flight suit and stuffed his dick right into Rainbow's throat.
  421. “Absolutely. Naughty whores get punished.” Thunderlane said. He squeezed through the top of the doorway and took his favorite position behind Rainbow Dash.
  423. Thirty minutes later and Rainbow Dash still wasn't free. Spitfire flew into the cheerleader barracks at top speed. “SOARIN! THUNDERLANE! YOU LAZY ASSES BETTER NOT BE GOOFING OFF DURING PRACTICE!!”
  425. Spitfire instantly caught sight of both Wonderbolts emptying their balls into Rainbow Dash. From the looks of it, it wasn't the first round. Rainbow's face was soaked with cum and her makeup was running down her face. “Hiya, boss. Sorry, I'm being a BIG distraction today. I'm a little stuck.”
  427. Spitfire landed on the ground but her wings didn't exactly fold back to her sides. “Hoo...boy....Okay...Okay this is fine. Rainbow Dash, you're gonna have to use the shudder doors, now. You're too fat for this one...I'm so happy to see this new record in person.”
  429. “The kitchen crew is gonna help you get out of the door frame. After that, can you wait for me on the bed?”
  431. Spitfire took off. True to her word, the kitchen crew were there to help Rainbow Dash out of her sticky situation. It didn't help that Rainbow Dash kept trying to nab the butter they were using to grease up her blubbery body. They shoved her back into her room eventually where she did was she was told and waited upon her bed.
  433. The shutter doors to her room opened to reveal the entire Wonderbolt squad. The mares, the stallions, the assistants, the kitchen crew, and anypony in between. Spitfire had a massive grin on her face as everypony marched in.
  435. “Wonderbolts! Practice today was ruined by this huge slut and her endless appetite for sex. Her fat ass got stuck in her door and instead of asking for help, she asked for dicks and cocks. Well, it's punishment time and I want you all to punish her as hard as you can!”
  437. Spitfire flew over to the bed and tapped Rainbow Dash on the chest. “Assume the position, cheerleader Rainbow Dash. Show them all the goods.”
  439. Rainbow Dash blushed. She peeled off her uniform and stuck her ass in the air as best she could. “L-Like this, Captain?”
  441. “Perfect. Fleetfoot, you're up!” Spitfire shouted.
  443. In seconds, Rainbow Dash felt Fleetfoot's hips slamming into her ass. Rainbow turned to the mirror and watched as her huge body wobbled and rippled with each thrust. She was so incredibly sexy. The mirror let her see everypony else lining up with either a food offering from the stallions or the mares lubing up a toy or two. Rainbow Dash knew then and there that she had made the best choice of her life becoming a cheerleader.
  445. Every day was paradise. The only work Rainbow Dash ever had to do was eating and fucking. Each day passed by in the blink of an eye and Rainbow Dash continued to grow. The anniversary of the cheerleader squad was rapidly approaching and everypony watched as their star cheerleader was getting closer and closer to her goal.
  447. Rainbow Dash sat in the mess hall in front of a special table just for her. She had grown far, far too big for the chairs and simply sat on the ground. Her wide, imposing ass was as wide as the hallways now, threatening to get her stuck anywhere inside. Blue, flabby thighs struggled to support such a monstrous ass as her cheeks sagged and wobbled down past the back of her knees.
  449. A gigantic, blue belly squished against the floor. When standing, Rainbow Dash had no choice but to drag her gut along like a beanbag. It was constantly making noises from her never ending gluttony. Her neck and face had plumped up significantly. The lines between a third chin and her neck rolls was disappearing rapidly.
  451. She was one impossibly huge mare and every bite, every jiggle made her love herself even more. The kitchen crew were dedicated to feeding Rainbow Dash nowadays. Her blobby frame made it hard to eat unless the gigantic mare shoved her face right into whatever she was eating.
  453. Even Rainbow had her limits. After a three hour meal, she let out a heavy belch and leaned away from the table. The kitchen crew was on top of her every need, moving the table away and rubbing her belly all over. Rainbow Dash sighed. “Man...I should have done this sooner.”
  455. The massive mare slowly pulled herself to her hooves and slowly waddled to her room. “Hmm, I wonder if I have any visitors...” Rainbow Dash mused. Even if she was stuffed, there was always a little room to nibble. She entered the cheerleader dormitory and was greeted by every member of the Wonderbolts waiting for her.
  457. “Wha...What's this all about?” Rainbow Dash asked. Nopony said a word. Soarin outstretched his hoof and gestured to Rainbow's room. The shutter door was open. Slowly, Rainbow Dash began moving along.
  459. Soarin pulled back his outstretched hoof and gave Rainbow a massive spank as she passed by. Rainbow Dash moaned hard, blushing as everypony began to assault her with little pokes, prods, jiggles and more spankings as she waddled through the hallway.
  461. It was getting her aroused. Being used like a fat, doughy plaything was so hot. Still, the mystery was burning at her brain more than the arousal was burning between her legs. Rainbow Dash continued to waddle forward until she made it to her room.
  463. Spitfire stood on a brand new bed in the middle of Rainbow's room. Easily twice the size as her old one, it looked like half of Ponyville could sleep on it and stull have room for more. “Cheerleader Captain Rainbow Dash!” Spitfire shouted.
  465. “Today, one year ago, you agreed to accept the honor of being the fattest pegasus in Equestria. Our cheerleader to inspire us, gain for us, and suck and fuck for us. You've become a gigantic mare, irresistible to us all. So gigantic, in fact, that we must consider a new course of action.
  467. Rainbow Dash, we can no longer tolerate your waddling around. It pains us to see you struggle to move. With this new bed, your new mission is simple. Lay down upon it, and never move again. We will move the bed if we need to ferry you around the base and that will be the ONLY reason you move from this spot. Are you ready for your final mission, you big fat pig?”
  469. Rainbow Dash was blushing hard. This was it. The moment she had been working towards for a whole year. She waddled to the bed as fast as she could. A snail could have beat her to it. Rainbow Dash huffed and puffed, waddling over her blubber to reach out to her personal heaven.
  471. Her hooves touched the bed and she desperately tried to climb up. Rainbow Dash could feel her whole body wobble about and knew everypony was staring at her ass as she struggled. Rainbow Dash whimpered and whined as it took everything she had to climb up with her heavy, unwieldy body. She even tried something she hadn't done in months. Rainbow Dash tried and failed to flap her wings and take to the sky and aid herself.
  473. All her flapping managed to do was make her back fat jiggle even more. Her face was red from embarrassment and exertion but slowly, the blobby mare inched herself onto the bed. Everypony cheered as Rainbow Dash shuffled towards the center and plopped herself down.
  475. “Good job, Dash.” Spitfire rewarded her cheerleader with a kiss. She jumped off the bed and rotated it so Rainbow Dash was forced to stare at herself with the wall of mirrors in her room.
  477. “Now...I say we celebrate today. No drills, no work. The only thing you need to be doing is feeding and fucking this fat ass right here!” Spitfire made her point clear by giving Rainbow Dash a hard spank.
  479. “Come and get it, you horny fuckers!” Rainbow Dash jiggled her ass and filled the room with the sexy clap of her huge cheeks. The vibrations of her body began to tear through her uniform for the final time. No more corsets or thongs or fishnets. All Rainbow Dash needed was more food and more sex.
  481. The Wonderbolts were happy to comply. In seconds, Rainbow Dash was covered with hooves touching her body, kisses all over her blubber and all the dick and pussy she could handle. Today was the first day of the rest of her life.
  483. It was late. Far later than any Wonderbolt should be awake and even more so with practice drills in the morning. Still, one pegasus couldn't sleep. She was exhausted from the events of the day but there was still an itch. Something that begged to be dealt with. Spitfire pulled herself out of bed and headed to the mess hall.
  485. Spitfire wheeled a giant sheet cake into Rainbow's room. The television had been removed from the wall and put on wheels so Rainbow Dash wouldn't have to move to watch. The blue blob was channel surfing when the squeaky wheels of the food cart caught her attention.
  487. “Who's there?” Rainbow Dash asked.
  489. “It's me. Spitfire.” She replied.
  491. “Oh, hey boss. Can't sleep either?”
  493. “Dash, don't call me boss or ma'am or anything like that tonight. I know that's our professional relationship but you don't have to call me that ALL the time.” Spitfire wheeled the cake in front of Rainbow Dash and pushed it onto the bed.
  495. “'re never this sappy. What's wrong?”
  497. “I want this to be intimate. I can't be sexy and personal with the sexiest, fattest mare alive?” Spitfire teased.
  499. “Well, not really. You'd have to talk to Rarity for that.” Rainbow Dash joked.
  501. “What if you WERE the fattest mare alive?” Spitfire inched the cake closer, enough for Rainbow Dash to grab it with her flabby hooves. “What if you blew past Rarity's size and became even bigger?”
  503. “Gosh, don't tease me like that, Bo...Spitfire. It would be hot as fuck.”
  505. “It would be, indeed...” Spitfire said as she spread her wings and flew on top of Rainbow Dash. Spitfire spread her legs and moaned as Rainbow's soft, squishy body pressed against her in the best ways.
  507. “It would be so wonderful to keep you growing. Make you get bigger and bigger and bigger. We have the resources and you're already this committed. All we have to do is keep going.” Spitfire said. She pumped her hips forward with a little help from her wings. The sensation of so much blue blubber rubbing and squishing against her crotch was amazing.
  509. “Y-Yeah...I could be, I guess.” Rainbow Dash mumbled. She was grabbing more and more of the cake, shoving it in her mouth and smearing it over her lips.
  511. “Bigger than anypony ever was and ever will be. Your friend will be the jealous one once we show her a picture of you. It'll be the only way to let her know since you're gonna be stuck her from being so gigantic.
  513. Rainbow Dash let out a moan. Even without toys or mouths or anything lewd, Spitfire always knew how to make her hot and wet.
  515. “I'm assuming that's a yes? Good. We'll just keep this up. Feeding you. Fucking you. Spoiling you and making you bloat out until you break this massive bed.” Spitfire said as she pressed herself hard against Rainbow's soft, wobbly body.
  517. “Hhhuuuuuaaaahhh...” Rainbow Dash huffed and grunted. She tried to shovel more cake into her mouth but it was all gone.
  519. Spitfire looked down at the empty tray and smiled. She pulled herself away from her sexy perch and hovered in front of Rainbow Dash. She leaned in and gave Rainbow a big, sloppy, kiss. Spitfire pulled away and licked her lips. “Mmmm...the icing on that was really tasty. Just like you...”
  521. The captain of the Wonderbolts didn't make it to her bed that night. Another day of practice drills delayed due to the sexiest, fattest pegasus in Equestria.
  524. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  526. “I'm telling you, Fluttershy. Nothing bad has happened. Rainbow Dash always has these moments where she forgets to write during training.”
  528. “Oh Twilight, I'm worried. Usually I get a letter after a month or so when she's been busy at camp but she hasn't been home in over a year. I had to bring Tank home with me because Rainbow Dash has been gone that long!”
  530. “Ehhhh that don't sound much like Rainbow Dash. She's the fastest pegasus around but she can't go home to her pet. Y'all might be onto something about this disappearin' act.”
  532. “Hehe, wouldn't it be funny if like, Rainbow Dash had gotten soooooo jealous of Rarity and dedicated herself to being fat? Did you see her blushing when she stared at Rarity's booty?”
  534. Twilight Sparkle scoffed. “Girls, please! I know it's easy to get worked up and think about the worst but the ponies at the barracks say Rainbow Dash is at the cheerleader building. Maybe she got some sort of promotion and has been super busy...”
  536. Twilight and friends entered the innocent looking building. “Aha, see? Captain of the cheerleaders. She did get a promotion!” Twilight pointed at the first door on the right.”
  538. “Cheerleadin'? Rainbow Dash. I ain't buyin' it. What the hay is goin' on?” Applejack opened the door and led the way.
  540. All four mares were shocked at what they saw. Rainbow Dash was laying on top of a massive bed of blubber. Her stomach stretched out under her like a massive, flabby beanbag. Her thick, fat smothers legs couldn't reach past herself to touch the bed that was groaning under her.
  542. Her face was barely recognizable under so much fat. Rainbow's cheeks were full and plump, sagging into her doughy neck that lacked any definition at all. Her wobbly, blubbery body was covered with rolls upon rolls of fat all the way down to her hips and ass. Her rear was immense, two couch sized cheeks wobbling about as Soarin's head barely poked out from between them.
  544. “Oh....hi Princess are you?” Soarin said between hard, wet plaps that made Rainbow Dash wobble all over.
  546. “Hi girls! Sorry I haven't kept up with letter or anything. I got a HUGE promotion and I've been really busy!” Rainbow Dash tried to wave as best she could.
  548. “...Big is right.” Applejack whispered. “I'd ask what's gotten into that dang girl but Ah'm guessing enough food to feed every pony in Equestria.”
  550. “SHH!” Fluttershy cut Applejack off.
  552. “So...uhh...anything you wanna tell us about this promotion...alone?” Twilight Sparkle said.
  554. “Oh...uh...right...” Rainbow Dash blushed. “I guess I have a lot of explaining to do...”
  556. As Rainbow Dash began her tale of becoming the biggest pegasus in Equestria, Twilight Sparkle reached into her saddlebags and pulled out a hoofful of bits. Someday, she was going to learn to not bet against Pinkie Sense.

The Deep Chest

by Tankris

Heavy Pranks

by Tankris

Birthday Bitch

by Tankris

Nightblorp Night

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Perfect Pumpkin Pony

by Tankris