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Changin' Staff

By Tankris
Created: 2024-01-24 17:12:57
Expiry: Never

  1. Equestria, home to ponies, friendship and harmony, is a very peaceful place. Ponies from all walks of life work together to support their wonderful nation. The very idea that Canterlot Castle needs a war room in these modern times causes the guards of the castle to chuckle. Most threats don't last longer than a day thanks to the elements of harmony. However, today the war room was occupied as a certain princess of the moon insisted there be a quick talk about a missing guard.
  3. “Sister, please! We've lost contact with the guard at Silver Shores over a year ago and you still haven't told me what we plan to do about it!” Princess Luna banged a fist upon the war room's table. “You say you've taken care of it but it has been long enough. I demand to know what happened!”
  5. Princess Celestia sighed. “Luna, why won't you trust me on this?”
  7. “Because you do not trust me to know the truth. What is going on at Silver Shores that is worth lying to your sister? Please, just tell me!” Princess Luna's expression softened. “It's not that I don't believe you...I simply want the truth.”
  9. Slowly, Princess Celestia's horn filled with magic. A large, dusty tome was pulled from one of the bookcases and placed upon the giant table of the war room. “Fine. I'll tell you under the condition that what I'm about to say is on a need to know basis. Its a secret I've kept to myself for CENTURIES, Luna. The only other ponies that might know about this...are long gone, now.”
  11. Princess Luna leaned over and glanced at the book. A picture of an odd dragon standing upright brandishing sharp claws stared back at her. “Ages ago, a being fell to Equestria. An impossibly strong dragon that could command lightning at will. He landed near the Yakyakistan border and made the woods his home. A very territorial sort, He lived among the woods for many, many years.
  13. It wasn't until a band of bloodthirsty mercenaries recruited him with promises of wealth and food did he leave those woods. He became the leader of these mercenaries and roamed the lands, taking what he wanted until I stepped in. Through our battle, we came to a mutual respect for each other and he stopped his crusade on the condition that ponies leave his territory alone.”
  15. “A being as strong as you? Impossible.” Princess Luna cut in.
  17. “It's possible. In fact, I've called upon his aid once or twice to help while you were still bound to the moon. Before all of Equestria was considered impenetrable to outside control. He used his money and influence from such occasions to create the town of Silver Shores. He uses the town as a trading post to divert attention to the fact that the trains there are mostly transport for the goods and services he desires.”
  19. “What desires might that be?” Princess Luna asked.
  21. “For many years, not much. However, since the disappearance of the guard, two things have happened. One, the amount of food headed towards Silver Shores has tripled in two years. Second, the trains come back overloaded with very sweet milk.” Princess Celestia said.
  23. “So....did the guard abandon her post to become a rancher for this creature?” Princess Luna asked.
  25. “Not quite...” Princess Celestia cleared her throat as she flipped the book to the last page and withdrew an envelope. “I think this shall explain Miss Golden Baton's disappearance...”
  27. Princess Luna pulled out the letter contained within and began to read. Even under her dark blue coat, a heated blush was visible on her face. “S-Sister! Am I reading this correctly? Are you saying this guard abandoned her post”
  29. “Yes. I know it is true because he, Bolt Chatter, tried to talk me into it a century or two ago. The one pony that properly stood up to him in combat would be quite a prize as he put it.” Princess Celestia nervously tapped her fingers on the table.
  31. “So we just let this happen? We abandon our own to this Bolt Chatter?” Princess Luna asked.
  33. “The handwriting is that of Miss Baton. She wrote it herself and there's no sign of distress on the page or in her writing. It was something she chose of her own volition, Luna.”
  35. “I simply don't understand. Surrendering yourself to become cattle? Why?”
  37. Princess Celestia shook her head. “It is not our place to understand. Golden Baton did this of her own free will and we can't stop her or Bolt Chatter. Now you know where she is and unless something happens, we never speak of this again.”
  39. “A silver tongued devil with an enormous amount of physical strength and economic power shouldn't just be forgotten, sister. Who knows what that being is planning right now!”
  41. Several thousand miles away, Bolt Chatter was busy pulling off his nice suit to fuck his cow. His smile was wide and his cock was hard at the sight of Golden Baton and how carefully curated her body had become in two years. A dragon like god that could clash with Princess Celestia at her full power and yet his knees were weak as he gazed upon the impossibly obese bat pony mare in front of him.
  43. Two year of feeding. Two years of fucking. Two years of cow stimulants and hormones had completely ruined Golden Baton for the better. She was absolutely massive. The focal point of the giant sex room dedicated to her existence. Golden Baton had once been a lean, fit bat pony guard but her poor performance as a guard led to becoming a maid at the Chatter Estate. After a quick promotion to Consort, that strong, skinny body vanished into a ton of bat pony lard and milk.
  45. Her belly sagged upon the ground, even while she was “standing” upright. The sheer mass of yellow stomach and blubber spread along the floor and constantly grew bigger. A big appetite and a constant supply of food meant the gigantic mare could constantly eat and enjoy herself with no abandon to herself.
  47. Golden Baton's ass was just as titanic, impossibly wide thighs and hips spilling out to as ass that jiggled constantly upon the floor. She was a total blob, near shapeless save for the tree trunk sized legs uselessly dangling at her sides. Golden was so huge and fat that she could only touch the floor with one hoof at a time and if Bolt had any say in it, even that limited mobility would be gone sooner than later.
  49. Her arms simply rested at her “sides” as best they could. With Golden Baton so big, there was no chance of ever putting her arms straight down ever again. Her body was too large and fat for that to ever happen again unless she went on an extreme diet.
  51. Even with such a drastic change to her body, her immense size wasn't the most incredible feature. Two years of lactation stimulants, cow appetite enhancers and fertility drugs had given Golden Baton an extra four breasts. Each of her six breasts were as big as a car and they leaked milk constantly. A sweet, delicious milk that you swear was more added sugar than natural milk. Golden Baton had to be milked constantly, lest the estate waste such a valuable export to keep this obese cow fed.
  53. However, sex was much more fun with everything jiggling and bouncing. Bolt Chatter turned off the pumps and wiggled the cups free. “Mmm...feels so good to have those off for a little bit. Does that mean it's reward time?” Golden Baton asked.
  55. “You know it, my prized cow.” Bolt Chatter wasted no time in plunging his cock between Golden's soft, wobbling tits. The excess milk made for a convenient lubricant as Bolt Chatter moaned and thrust hard into the overflowing cleavage.
  57. Golden Baton could do little more than sit there and enjoy it. Not that she wanted to do anything else. Submitting herself like this had been the best decision of her life. Her whole body was burning up as the heat of the moment took control of her thoughts. “Yessss....I'm your good, fat cow, aren't I?”
  59. “You sure are. Good cows need good rewards.” Bolt Chatter said as he removed himself from Golden's tits. He took his rightful place behind his cow and wiggled his way through her huge ass cleavage and pressed his cock against her pussy. “My big, throbbing reward all day and night.”
  61. “YES!” Golden Baton shouted as she felt him enter her pussy. She looked down and began to drool as her body rippled and bounced with his every thrust. She was his toy and she was doing such a good job.
  63. She was doing such a good job that Bolt Chatter couldn't keep going for long. He pumped and thrusted for as long as he could but his big cow felt too good! Bolt pushed in as far as he could and came hard, gripping her wide body tight in a big hug.
  65. “ wonderful. I needed this. How are you feeling, my love?” Bolt Chatter asked.
  67. “Yeeehhhh...gooooood.” Golden Baton groaned, still stuck in post sex bliss.
  69. “Excellent. You're the perfect cow in my life that I wont ever let go.” Bolt Chatter said before kissing Golden Baton. He pressed a little button near a speaker in the wall. “Caramel, could I get the maids in here? Golden needs a little attention.”
  71. In moments, a group of maids had rushed into the room. They swarmed to where Golden Baton was “standing” and immediately began to clean her up. Any trace of sweat, food, cum or other stray mess vanished under their hard work. The maids slowly spread out and away from the massive mare in the room to the giant puddles of milk that had accumulated during all the fun.
  73. Another maid walked in, a mare with chocolate brown hair dotted with dozens of sprinkles. Her waffle cone styled horn lit up as the milking cups were pulled from the floor and reattached to Golden Baton's breasts. “Girls, remember that you HAVE to get these back on as soon as possible or else you'll never get anything properly cleaned in here.”
  75. “What would they do without you, Caramel Turtle? You're my head maid for a reason.” Bolt Chatter said. He flashed a smile to his number one maid only to see her looking away.
  77. “Master Chatter, please. I do not mind being a part of your more personal endeavors but could you please cover yourself?”
  79. “Awww is the mommy maid afraid of a little penis? Well, I mean, not LITTLE in any sense, hehe.” A particular dark blue changeling teased from behind Golden Baton.
  81. “Not at all, but I shall not disrespect the master by staring, either.” Caramel Turtle sighed. “I thought I taught you better, Vitaromia...”
  83. “No, she has a point. Excuse me.” Bolt Chatter grabbed his suit from the floor and left the sex dungeon to change.
  85. Vitaromia bounced over to Caramel Turtle. “Wew, even since you moved me over to consort care duty, I've been seeing a LOT more of our master. Thanks, boss.”
  87. Caramel Turtle sighed. “If you wish to stay on care duty, you should get back to work. Taking care of Golden is hard work and I'll need to make sure her feeding tanks are filled up soon. I hope the chefs are almost done with her next meal...”
  89. “Aw, you worry too much, Caramel. Just relax and enjoy things. It's not like you have a ton of things to do as the lead caretaker for the master and his prized cow. You don't even have to clean anymore.” Vitaromia said as she resumed cleaning the puddles of milk off the floor.
  91. “While I don't have much to do, it's all in service of another person. How would you like it if all YOUR meals were late and I offered petty excuses instead of food?” Caramel Turtle asked.
  93. “Aw, fine. I'll go tease somepony that enjoys it.” Vitaromia smiled as she turned to Golden Baton. The immense mare was finally coming to her senses. “Hey there, sweetie. How was it today? Tell me ALL the juicy details!”
  95. Golden Baton stared at the grinning changeling. “Its soooooo good. Master is always so nice to me and I have to do is eat and fuck.” The obese bat pony licked a bit of food from her lips. “He's so gentle but knows how to be rough where it counts. I almost thought he would cum just from my tits alone today but he never lets good cum to go waste. Always finishes inside so I can have fun, too.”
  97. “How wonderful. I mean, I could smell all the lust in the air but its so impersonal, ya know? Like these milking cups. Why don't we just do like real cows do and drink straight from the source? I bet it's way sweeter and creamier that way.” Vitaromia teased as she groped Golden Baton's heaving tits.
  99. “Vitaromia! You know your duties, yet I still see a mess surrounding poor Golden Baton. Another outburst and you'll be back to dusting the manor top to bottom. A whole week doing it alone might keep you in check...” Caramel Turtle stomped her hoof. “I mean it, young lady.”
  101. The door to the dungeon opened and Bolt Chatter walked back in. “If anyone is giving you trouble, Miss Turtle, perhaps they should be left with me for some proper discipline.”
  103. “Oh goodness no, nothing like that is necessary. We just have a certain maid that can't keep to herself.” Caramel Turtle said, her eyes locked on Vitaromia.
  105. “My apologies, sir. I'm letting my changeling nature get the best of me. All the lust still in the air does things to a mare like myself.” Vitaromia called out as she finally resumed her duties.
  107. “Do you need a break? I can't offer you a vacation away from the manor but perhaps some time off might be in order.” Bolt Chatter suggested.
  109. “No sir! I want to be right here next to this massive cutie. It's been a while since I've tasted love so pure and exciting. Its delicious...” Vitaromia said. “I could feel the whole pressure of the room shift the second Golden Baton noticed you came back. It's so thick in the air, I feel like I could drink it.”
  111. Vitaromia licked her lips. “In fact, I AM thirsty. Let me show you how you REALLY drink from a cow.” The lust addled changeling rushed to Golden Baton's chest and groped the big mare's tits. Caramel Turtle blushed as the sound of milk sloshing about in the heavy breast filled the air.
  113. “Sir, you mean to say you've NEVER tried this?” Vitaromia yanked off the milking cup from Golden Baton's nipple and greedily shoved the oozing nipple right into her mouth. Immediately, her cheeks bulged as the flow of milk proved to be too much for the bug to handle.
  115. Milk was leaking from her mouth but Vitaromia didn't care. She struggled to pull the first big gulp pooling in her mouth as the milk continued to flow like a waterfall. Her stomach visibly distended from the sudden pressure, making her moan with pleasure.
  117. “VITAROMIA! STOP THIS INSTANT!” Caramel Turtle shouted. She ran over and pulled the changeling away from her sweet, milky bounty.
  119. “Oh good....” Vitaromia mumbled before blasting a belch right into Caramel Turtle's face. “ that's how you please a cow.”
  121. “That was incredibly disrespectful, Vitaromia. I thought you knew to behave in front of the Master like that. How could you?” Caramel Turtle scolded the bloated bug.
  123. “Now now...I suppose she'll be learning the reason why I don't drink from my wonderful cow like that very soon. That should be “punishment” enough.” Bolt Chatter said with a smile.
  125. Vitaromia had barely finished licking the milk from her lips as her tummy let out a very aggressive gurgle. Everypony watched as her gut made a little bounce before the tight, bloated stomach shrank while her body exploded with fat. Every inch of the curvy bug was made bigger and softer thanks to the intense serving of Golden milk.
  127. Her face, her breasts, her belly, ass and thighs all exploded with blubber. There wasn't a single spot on Vitaromia's body that was saved from the influx of flab. Her maid uniform began to tear and rip at the seams until it shred apart from such a weighty change.
  129. Vitaromia, once the tease on the prowl, blushed as her fat, bouncing udders began to leak and gush just like Golden Baton's overly ripe tits. The sweet milk leaked down her ample curves and began to make a new puddle of milk on the floor to clean.
  131. The room was silent. Nopony dared break the silence. Vitaromia looked over to Caramel Turtle and saw her fuming mad. The head maid opened her mouth but any retort she might have had was cut short by a slow clap.
  133. “Excellent work, Vitaromia. A wonderful display to remind everypony that Golden Baton's milk is VERY high in calories and bovine hormones thanks to her diet. It would be unwise to drink straight from the tap, as you liked to call it. Even someone like myself wouldn't be immune to such effects.”
  135. “However, I don't think you have the body for a maid anymore. Get yourself milked, clean yourself up and then meet me in my office so we can renegotiate your contract. You have one hour.” Bolt Chatter announced. He quickly turned towards the door and left for his office.
  137. Once more, the only sound in the room was the milking machine attached to Golden Baton. Vitaromia looked around the room to see every set of eyes upon her. “Heh...heheh...You live and learn, right?”
  139. Caramel Turtle walked forward and grabbed the fat bug by her fat arm. “Come with me, young lady. It seems I have let that wild nature of yours control your behavior for too long.”
  141. Vitaromia was pulled away from the consort bedroom and down to the maids quarters. As soon as they were alone, Caramel Turtle took a deep breath. “Vitaromia, do you have any idea the sort of trouble you've just gotten yourself into?”
  143. “Uhhh...I'm fired?” The changeling asked as Caramel Turtle forced the soft bug into the group showers.
  145. “If only it were that easy...milk yourself before you rinse yourself clean. No need in getting messy twice. I'll have to find you a new uniform...probably one of Golden's old outfits...” Caramel Turtle sighed.
  147. The head maid peeked over the stone divider to see Vitaromia standing there, hands on her body jiggling her soft blubber. “What in the world are you doing? Don't squeeze there.”
  149. “I dunno.” Vitaromia said. “It feels nice...feels good. Golden Baton was right to get fat for the master.”
  151. “Vitaromia, you will CEASE these thoughts immediately. Nothing good will come from it.” The unicorn reached out and squeezed Vitaromia's chest hard, forcing a waterfall of milk to spray and splash everywhere.
  153. “Ahh!” Vitaromia moaned. “C-Caramel, please! I...I can do this without your...wonderful touch....haaaah.”
  155. Caramel removed her hands from Vitaromia. “Then milk yourself properly and wash up. As easy as it would be to keep you down here like that and avoid this little meeting, I know things wont happen in such a way. Vitaromia, you HAVE to listen to me.”
  157. “Boss, you keep telling me something bad is about to happen but you wont say what! Spill it already...” Vitaromia said as she slowly released all the built up pressure in her chest.
  159. “Master Chatter was looking at you the same way he looks at Golden Baton. He isn't trying to fire you, he wants to hire you as a consort. He'll most likely try to get you do to the same things he did to Golden Baton. Do you understand what that means?”
  161. “Uhhhh...I have to eat like a cow and get fat?”
  163. “That's the short term. Long term, you're going to become exactly how she is now. Docile...mindless...just a toy for the master to enjoy. What good is the money he pays her if she doesn't even leave the manor? She's completely thrown her life away!” Caramel Turtle explained.
  165. “I know she agreed to this on her own volition but Golden Baton feels like a prisoner here, and soon she shall be a prisoner in her own body. I worry that bringing her here was a terrible decision...” Caramel Turtle let out a sigh.
  167. “I guess. She didn't seem any different to me. Golden Baton is nice but her emotions always had a thick, sweet taste to them. Hidden gluttony is always the cause for such wonderful flavors.” Vitaromia replied. She turned the shower on and began to clean herself.
  169. “Still...I'm responsible for all the maids here. I don't want any harm to come to any of you.” Caramel Turtle said. “However, you are right. You're all your own adults and I shouldn't feel bad about the decisions you make. Just promise me, Vitaromia, that if the master DOES offer you a consort position, don't accept it immediately. Come talk to me first, okay?”
  171. “No promises. The master might reek like lust and desperation and you know how giddy that makes me.” Vitaromia replied.
  173. “I know all too well, little miss flirt.”
  175. “Can't call me little anymore, boss.” Vitaromia teased.
  177. An irritated sigh filled the air. “Don't I know it. You're lucky I did manage to find one of Golden's old uniforms...back when she was about three hundred pounds.” Caramel Turtle put the uniform aside for the soft bug.
  179. “You've got thirty minutes. I'll be waiting outside the master's office. Please consider what I told you and the consequences, Vitaromia.” Caramel Turtle called out before leaving for the master's office.
  181. “Psshh. She worries too much.” Vitaromia thought to herself. She finished cleaning herself and grabbed a towel. As she rubbed and dabbed herself dry, there was no denying how much softer she had become.
  183. “That milk was really potent for sure. I wonder how irresistible I am to the Master next to Golden Baton. A good question to ask him if he does want me to be another soft fuck toy for him.”
  185. Vitaromia turned to the uniform on display for her. It wasn't in the best shape but as a hand-me-down, it would have to do. The thigh high stockings were too tight for her plump legs, the skirt was far too big and didn't fit her hips and the skimpy top was held together with tape. “I mean, I guess this works. I don't think the master would mind me showing up naked but dress code is dress code. I'll just have to hold things in place for a bit.”
  187. With five minutes to spare, Vitaromia approached the imposing doors of Master Chatter's office. Caramel Turtle was waiting with a frown on her face and her eyes locked on the nearby clock. “Here I am!” Vitaromia said with a smile. She tried to wave but her skirt began to droop down her legs.
  189. “Ugh, I will lecture you on being punctual later. Please humor the master with his consideration and come back so we can discuss this.” Caramel Turtle groaned. Slowly, she reached out and hand and opened the door to the master's office.
  191. Vitaromia walked into the office in awe. She had only been inside the master's office a few times and there was something new to peek at every time. The curious mare looked high and low at all the new trinkets and trophies that lined the walls and filled the decoration cases.
  193. “Hello, Vitaromia. I trust you're well. No adverse effects from your earlier indulgence, I hope.” Bolt Chatter smiled as he looked at his maid. Already so soft and plump with the need to tease and flaunt herself. It was going to get her into trouble very soon.
  195. “Not at all...except none of my uniforms fit, and my ass jiggles so much and I can feel myself bloating up with milk again, sir.” Vitaromia winked at Bolt Chatter. The air had already become thick with lust and the changeling could feel her master's arousal casting a dense haze in the room and it was only getting stronger.
  197. “We can fix the issue with your uniforms soon enough. The other things...are what I'd like to discuss with you today. I assume that part of the reason this took so long was because Caramel wanted a word with you in private?” Bolt Chatter asked.
  199. “Yes sir. Caramel had a long, hard talk with me about my behavior today.” Vitaromia replied.
  201. “Excellent. That saves a lot of explanation.” Bolt Chatter opened a folder on his desk and slid it towards Vitaromia. “I'm asking you to take the same path as Golden Baton. Same pay, same benefits, same workload...although from your enthusiasm, I'm not quite sure you'll be up to the task for very long.”
  203. “What do you mean?” Vitaromia asked.
  205. Bolt Chatter grinned. “Vitaromia, you are the most flirty maid I have ever employed here at my estate due to your special talents as a changeling. While most girls only assume what I'm thinking, you know exactly which moment I may be taking a peek at you. You might think you're clever about it but there's no mistaking that extra wiggle your hips gain when you can feel my eyes watching your ass.”
  207. “It's my duty to serve.” Vitaromia said while wiggling her eyebrows.
  209. “Which brings me back to my original point. You play into a man's lusty emotions because of your nature. You've already tasted Golden Baton's incredibly fattening milk...what's to say you wont do it again to rile me up? What am I to do with a consort that can't help but make herself just as big, or even bigger, than my current consort in days?”
  211. Vitaromia shuddered. The lust in the room was already overpowering but now it was crushing. She couldn't move or think. Vitaromia could only breathe in the intoxicating glow coming from her master.
  213. “My consorts do have responsibilities to take care of. My office hasn't been cleaned since poor Golden Baton became...less than mobile. You're going to be much, much bigger than her if you keep up this teasing, Vitaromia. All you'll be good for is a big, fat fuck toy for me to use. What good will you be when that happens?”
  215. Static. It was the only way to describe Vitaromia's brain. “M-Master...p-please...”
  217. “Yes?” Bolt Chatter asked.
  219. “'t....” Vitaromia was drooling on herself. The lust was too thick. No being in Equestria should be this horny. “Too much....please.”
  221. “Ah, I see. My apologies. I was sure you would be able to keep up with how mischievous you are around the estate. Please, take the contract and go if you need to. Get some fresh air and talk with Caramel if you need to.”
  223. “NO!' Vitaromia shouted. With every bit of her willpower, Vitaromia stood up and slowly walked towards Bolt Chatter. She shamelessly threw herself into his lap and buried her face into his chest. “Me....want...Master....”
  225. “Sign your name on the contract...and there will be more of me than you could ever handle as a simple maid.” Bolt Chatter commanded. He forced a pen into her hand and put the contract in front of her once again.
  227. The signature was askew but it was enough. Slowly, the intense pressure bearing down on Vitaroma faded away. She looked down to see her name on the contact and a tinge of fear raced through her heart. Caramel Turtle was going to be upset in ways the poor bug had never dreamed of.
  229. “Don't worry about a thing, my dear consort. Any problems that may arise from your new contract will be handled by me. I shall send for the tailor immediately to make sure we get you a new uniform. For now, take the chance to familiarize yourself with your new personal quarters next to my room.” Bolt Chatter lifted Vitaromia up and made sure she could stand on her own hooves before getting up from his seat.
  231. “...She's gonna be super upset...” Vitaromia mumbled.
  233. “Vitaromia, if YOU have any second doubts about that contract, this will be the ONLY time I will allow you to tear it up.” Bolt Chatter said in a stern tone. “If YOU don't want to become my consort, I shall not force you into a position you aren't comfortable with. However, if you can't decide for yourself what you want, then I shall rip it up myself and revoke my offer.”
  235. Vitaromia bit her lip. “I...”
  237. “My authority here is absolute. Whether or not the head maid approves is none of your concern. Becoming my consort means the only beings in this manor that outrank you is Golden Baton and myself.” Bolt Chatter reinforced his stance.
  239. “I...that moment, where I buried my face in your was the most potent lust I had ever drank. Its intoxicating...addicting...I want more! I don't care what any other being says! I want to be close to you forever and ever!” Vitaromia stomped her hoof before rushing over and giving Bolt Chatter a hug.
  241. “Then you've made your choice. Come, I know you've seen it before but let me show you to your room.” Bolt Chatter led the way. Before he even opened the door, he called out to the maid he knew was waiting on the other side. “Miss Turtle?”
  243. Caramel Turtle opened the door to the office to see Vitaromia standing behind the master. “Yes sir?”
  245. “We need to get my new consort some new uniforms. Can you get my usual tailor here by this afternoon so we can get this lovely, charming and most importantly, sexy consort of mine a proper set of clothes?” Bolt Chatter commanded.
  247. “...Yes sir.” Caramel Turtle bowed her head and made her leave.
  249. “See? Not too hard. Now, to your room.” Bolt Chatter said. He took a few steps to see Vitaromia standing in a daze.
  251. “...Actually...can...can we go to the OTHER room? P-Please? I'd rather learn the more personal duties first.” Vitaromia rushed over and grabbed Bolt by the arm. “All this...dominance has got me feeling needy.”
  253. Bolt Chatter looked down at his consort. The usually confident, outspoken mare at his side was blushing like crazy. His eyes met hers and Vitaromia could only take the direct eye contact for a moment before looking away.
  255. “The tailor will be here shortly...Are you absolutely sure about this?” Bolt Chatter asked.
  257. “Y-Yes. I...need you.” Vitaromia begged.
  259. “Then I shall not disappoint. Come, we'll discuss this more in the PROPER bedroom.” Bolt Chatter led the way with Vitaromia at his side. They quickly arrived to the sex dungeon connected to the Consort bedroom. Golden Baton was busy with her usual duties of eating and making more milk than anypony could ever drink in an entire lifetime.
  261. “As second consort, the only being in the manor that outrank you are myself and Golden Baton. Please both of us and then, you get your reward.” Bolt Chatter said. He sat down on the bed he and Golden Baton had broken months ago. “The feeding tube is wonderful to make sure Golden Baton gets all the nutrients and calories she needs in a day but it's tiring for her. Please, treat her to a meal and make her happy.”
  263. Just as she had been taught, Vitaromia removed the feeding tube from Golden's mouth. The bat pony stretched her jaw for a moment before belching hard in Vitaromia's face. “H-Hi doing?” Golden Baton lazily asked.
  265. “I-I'm fine...I got a promotion today! Relax and let me take care of you, okay?” Vitaromia wiped away the slobber and residue of the feeding tube and gave Golden Baton a kiss. Both mares moaned as they enjoyed the sensual embrace. Golden Baton's bulky, blobby and nearly immobile body meant Vitaromia had to lean in and press herself close to the engorged, massive bat.
  267. The air in the room began to grow thick with lust. Vitaromia could tell she was doing a good job so far. As she breathed in more of the sweet emotional aura, Vitaromia felt herself relax a little. Golden's aura wasn't as commanding as the master's raw lust. It was familiar and light, much more her taste.
  269. A buzzer rang through the room. With the feeding tube powered down, the chefs were already sending food up through the nearby dumbwaiter. Vitaromia broke the kiss and grabbed the first morsel for Golden Baton. A massive cake was waiting inside, all for Golden Baton. Vitaromia heaved it onto a nearby tray and wheeled it to Golden Baton. “Ready for something better that the slop, my darling bat?”
  271. Golden Baton nodded, making her whole body wobble and quake. Vitaromia scooped up a big glob of cake and eased it into Golden Baton's mouth. The greedy bat gobbled it up instantly, licking all over Vitaromia's fingers and her palm to make sure she got every crumb of it.
  273. “Good girl. Gotta make sure you eat it all for the master. He wants to see you get so much bigger. Can you eat like a good cow for me?” Vitaromia cooed before shoving more cake in Golden Baton's mouth. Soon, the bat blob's face was smeared with crumbs and frosting as the cake disappeared into her mouth.
  275. A cake fit for a party of ponies was gone in moments. Golden Baton's massive tummy let out a happy gurgle, spoiled to get more actual food so soon. Another buzzer meant the arrival of milk and cookies for the massive mare. Bolt Chatter watched on as Vitaromia attended to all of Golden Baton's need but one.
  277. Bolt stood up and for the second time that day, ripped off his suit. He approached Golden Baton from behind and slowly pushed himself through her cheeks once again. “I think you've riled her up enough, Vitaromia. Keep feeding her until I finish.” Bolt Chatter commanded.
  279. “Y-Yes sir!” Vitaromia increased her pace, shoving cookies into Golden Baton's mouth two and three at a time. The massive bat moaned as her master entered her wet sex and began to pound her hard. Golden Baton's body rippled from every impact, a true display of how flabby and weak her body had become.
  281. Being stuffed from both ends made quick work of satisfying Golden Baton. The gigantic mare moaned through a mouthful of cookies as her climax hit hard. She gulped down the cookies as best she could, panting hard as her spine tingled from the intense high.
  283. Another moan filled the room as Golden Baton felt her master unload inside her yet again. The aura in the room changed as Bolt Chatter's endless lust filled the air. Vitaromia could feel herself getting dizzy all over again as the smell of lust and sex caused her brain to fill with fog.
  285. “One more thing. I'm not quite satisfied until you do one more thing, Vitaromia. Then, you'll get your turn.” Bolt Chatter said as he approached the addled bug.
  287. Bolt Chatter removed one of the milking cups from Golden Baton's chest. “Drink. The final task you must perform for me is to drink. At least a mouthful.” He commanded.
  289. Vitaromia slowly moved her mouth towards the gushing udder. The milk was dripping on the floor and making a mess from the pressure. She pushed her lips around the massive nipple and felt her cheeks blow out from the pressure. So much milk was in her mouth already and if she wasn't careful, it could easily turn into a whole stomachful.
  291. GULP
  293. As Vitaromia pulled herself away from Golden Baton, the changes were already taking place. She could feel her body forcefully accepting dozens of pounds to every inch of her frame. Her face, her chest, her tummy and ass. Vitaromia was fat before but that one gulp of milk was quickly pushing her past obese.
  295. Her thighs exploded from her leggings, quickly muffin topping over the hem before tearing apart to shreds. The ragged top that just barely hid her nipples refused to contain the swelling bug as her breasts expanded to obscene sizes in mere moments. Each tit was now bigger than a basketball and audibly sloshed as they began to fill with milk.
  297. The once loose skirt was now struggling to contain Vitaromia's swelling hips and growing ass. It didn't take long for the outfit to be torn to useless scraps. The ragged clothing fell off of Vitaromia as she continued to grow, bigger and meatier into a curvy, sexy cow.
  299. What had taken Golden Baton months to achieve, Vitaromia had accomplished in a day. Vitaromia huffed as she tried to walk forward, only for her new weight to send her falling to the floor. She closed her eyes before the impact. It never came. She opened her eyes to see her master effortlessly holding her up in his arms.
  301. “M-Master...” Vitaromia blushed as Bolt Chatter walked towards the bed.
  303. “You've done a fine job today, my lovely consort. Are you ready?” Bolt Chatter asked as he slowly lowered her down to the broken bed.
  305. “Y-Yes...claim me for your own.” Vitaromia spread her thick thighs, revealing her plump, wet pussy for her master. She bit her lip as Bolt Chatter leaned over her, letting his big cock rest atop her folds.
  307. Gently, Bolt Chatter pushed himself inside her. The lust drunk bug let out a low, satisfied moan as she was completely filled up by his cock. Her chubby thighs wrapped around his waist as best they could, locking Bolt Chatter against her. “Mine...all mine now.”
  309. “How cute. You really think you have any control over this situation?” Bolt Chatter teased. He moved forward, leaning over Vitaromia and forcing her to pull her legs upwards. Bolt Chatter grabbed her hands and intertwined his fingers with hers before pulling out and slamming his member back in as hard as he could.
  311. Vitaromia broke instantly. Her tight grip around Bolt's waist was loosened as her body turned to jelly. All strength had left Vitaromia's body as Bolt Chatter began to pound her pussy again and again. Legs in the air with her bits out for all to see, Vitaromia let herself go and fall into the pleasures of being bred like a good cow.
  313. Just as Vitaromia hit her climax, a knock came from the door. “Master...are you in there?”
  315. “Come in, Caramel. I'm just finishing up.” Bolt Chatter called out. He picked up his pace as Caramel Turtle walked into the room with the local tailor. Both ponies could only stare in silence as Bolt Chatter finished his “business”.
  317. He pulled out of Vitaromia, still lost in her own pleasure. “Ah, wonderful. Caramel, could you get the girls the aftercare they need? Golden's feeding tanks probably needs to be filled and Vitaromia will need her own milking station soon. Have the tailor take her measurements. Add on a few inches for a second set and make them as stretchy as possible. She wont be that small for very long.” Bolt Chatter instructed them both before walking out of the room in the nude.
  319. “I...uh, you heard the master. Allow me to take care of the girls before you measure them. I'll double your usual fee for the trouble.” Caramel Turtle sighed as she walked over to the room's intercom. “Girls, please come to the consort room. Our master was feeling generous today and we need to take care of Golden once again.”
  321. Caramel Turtle sighed. Once again, a pony had given herself to the master without her influence. For being the head maid, Caramel Turtle felt powerless. Still, she preformed her duties for the master's consorts as a professional and kept her personal feelings to herself.
  323. The rest of the day dragged on. Thoughts of taking care of Vitaromia until she was just as big as Golden Baton plagued her mind. What if another mare attracted the master's eye? What good would all the warning and scolding do if the master and his charms could sway any argument with that smile of his?
  325. Caramel Turtle couldn't recall the reason as to why she was in the hydraulics room. Nothing needed attention. Golden's food tanks had been filled the second Master Chatter had requested it. The suction for the milk stations was fine. Storage for the milk was at acceptable levels. Why was she here?
  327. Perhaps any reason to find an empty room to finally vent her feelings. Yet when it came time to release the ache in her chest, nothing happened. No rage, no tears, nothing. She stood in the middle of the room, feeling foolish about finally letting her feelings get in the way of her job.
  329. Caramel Turtle sighed. There wasn't time for this. Her life was already full with taking care of her master. No reason to stray from the path now. Now she remembered why she was here. Caramel Turtle was the main force that kept this estate running for her master. No matter what needed to be done, she was there to do it. Nothing matters but Bolt Chatter.
  331. Vitaromia's tanks still needed to be set up. That's right. Caramel Turtle got to work, writing down components and drawing up plans for the new storage they would need. She was in the middle of writing down something when one of the hoses sprang a leak.
  333. “Hah, lucky I'm here. It would have caused such a huge mess and if it was any of the other mares, they might have gotten the idea to get fat just like Vitaromia. Throw away everything about themselves for a cheap fling...from the master...”
  335. Caramel Turtle grabbed a replacement hose nearby and readied it for replacement. She unhooked the leaking hose and repaired the pumps. The leaky hose had dripped Golden Baton's bovine infused milk all over Caramel's hands. No matter, just wash it off.
  339. Caramel Turtle wasn't moving. There was no cleaning happening. She stared at a little puddle of milk in her hands, eyes glazed over as the sweet scent of milk filled her nose. All it would take is one little lick and she could be free. Just like Vitaromia. Just like Golden Baton.
  341. “So, is THAT what has you so moody?” A powerful voice rocked Caramel Turtle back to reality. She looked up to see her master staring at her with a smile on his face.
  343. “Master! I, there was a leak!” Caramel Turtle cried out.
  345. “I'm aware. I assumed you were already fixing it when I saw the pressure gauges in my office stabilize. I just didn't think I would find you licking your lips and staring at a few meager drops of milk.
  347. Caramel Turtle instantly wiped her hands onto her uniform. “O-Of course not, sir. I dedicated my life to taking care of you and that's all that matters.”
  349. “Is it?” Bolt Chatter moved over to the milking station and loosened the hose that had just been replaced. Milk began to spill on the floor as he held it out towards Caramel Turtle. “Are you sure you want what's best for me? Or are you thinking about yourself?”
  351. “Master! The milk!” Caramel Turtle exclaimed. It was quickly forming a puddle on the floor.
  353. “Yes, I'm well aware. Answer the question, Caramel. For decades, you've taken care of me and I'm very appreciative of that. Now...are you ready for me to do the same? Do you want a life of pleasure? I can give it to you...if you take the first step and “fix” this leak...”
  355. Caramel Turtle watched the milk splatter on the floor. It suddenly meant so much more. Her duties or her desires? The greater good of the estate or her own means? A cold life of servitude and pride...or a warm life of endless self indulgence serving her master in a new, exciting way.
  357. Slowly, Caramel Turtle reached for the hose. She placed her lips around the end and clenched her teeth, moaning as a torrent of milk filled her belly. “Good girl. Don't worry about a thing. I'll take good care of you, just like all my other consorts.” Bolt Chatter smiled as Caramel Turtle began to grow...and grow...and grow.

The Deep Chest

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Heavy Pranks

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Birthday Bitch

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Nightblorp Night

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Perfect Pumpkin Pony

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