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SCP-063-G "Girl"

By woggs123
Created: 2024-03-16 16:27:59
Updated: 2024-08-28 23:45:43
Expiry: Never

  1. SCP-063-G "Girl"
  2. Personal Identification: Lil Femanon
  3. Containment Class: Euclid
  4. Harm Potential: Variable
  5. Moral Decay: Variable
  7. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-063-G is to be kept under the care of SCP-063, and given the same incentives and rights as 063, adjusted for her age. As she is sapient and civilized, she is to be referred to by name during interactions. All testing is to be done with liability waivers and insurance forms logged in triplicate, as any harm to her runs the risk of triggering a Planned Chimp Event in SCP-063.
  9. Description: SCP-063-G is a female, bipedal simian-like creature approximately 10 years of age. confirmed to be the younger sister of SCP-063. She is affected by the same memetic effect as her brother, causing her skin to appear green and her face to return a null value in the mind of the observer. It is presently unknown if this is a mutation in their lineage, an ability of their species, or a side effect of entering Equestria's environment.
  11. Much like her brother, SCP-063-G displays an unsettling, yet reassuring level of maturity and anomaly resistance. However, likely due to her larval state, she possesses less calm under stress, a whimsy rating approaching 1 centipinkie, is affected by more anomalies than 063 (though still far fewer than the average pony) and is overall far more relatable to a common pony's mindset. Cross-testing with related SCPs, and attempts to use her as a diplomatic intermediary with SCP-063, are underway.
  14. Incident Report: Planned Chimp Event
  15. SCP-063-G's arrival in Equestria coincided with a Quetzelcoatl attack on the town of Ponyville, which was undefended due to a Foundation sleepover with Princess Celestia. Many civilians noted the similarities to SCP-063 and hid behind her, only for her to begin crying at potentially harmful volumes. Approximately 5 seconds later, SCP-063 was seen sprinting down Canterhorn Mountain. He proceeded to eat 14 bananas, pound his chest, and according to one eyewitness "turned that thing into a Pretzelcoatl."
  17. -----
  19. TEST LOGS: SCP-063/SCP-063-G/Various
  21. Test: Researcher deploys fake spider down SCP-063-G's dress
  22. Result: Immediate screaming, base on red alert. SCP-063 chastised the researcher but found the test 'kind of funny.' SCP-063-G told to 'lighten up.'
  24. Test: Researcher deploys fake spider down SCP-063's shirt
  25. Result: SCP-063 is momentarily startled, deftly removes spider from clothing with multiple karate attacks. Exclaims "Yo, what the [SWEAR EXPUNGED]" before admitting that the researcher 'got him.'
  27. Test: SCP-063 asked to retrieve a cookie from SCP-935
  28. Result: SCP-063 refuses to do so, citing the high likelihood that the researcher had their own cookies in the break room. Puppy dog eyes are deployed and almost break 063's resolve, but he holds fast.
  30. Test: SCP-063-G asked to ask SCP-063 for a cookie
  31. Result: SCP-063-G told to wait until after dinner (????????)
  33. Test: SCP-063-G asked to retrieve a cookie from SCP-935
  34. Result: Test could not be requested; SCP-063-G had already attempted the test of her own volition: Researchers found her stacking chairs in an attempt to see into SCP-935's field of influence. Results were inconclusive as both 063-G and the researchers scattered after 063 was sighted approaching the domicile.
  36. Test: Initial cross-contact between SCP-063, 063-G and one instance of SCP-509 which was attempting to breach Satellite Site 15 "Anon's House"
  37. Result: Both 063 instances are moved to tears, claiming the 509 instance was their own dog who'd gone missing several years before. This claim is supported by the animal's level of training at initial containment, the length of containment up to that point, the animal's trust in 063, and the striking similarity between the strings of symbols on its collar tag and the symbols on some of Anon's recovered mail envelopes.
  39. Test: SCP-063-G given Ponish coffee sweets
  40. Result: Sweets enter 063-G's mouth and are not seen again. It is assumed, but not certain, that she has eaten them. 063-G asks for more.
  42. Test: SCP-063-G given one (1) jill serving of SCP-101 (Anon's recipe)
  43. Result: Contents spit out; SCP-063-G wretches and refuses to drink more.
  45. Test: SCP-063-G given one (1) jill serving of SCP-101 (Made with hot cocoa instead of water)
  46. Result: SCP-063-G consumes the entire cup with no immediate effect. After approximately 5 minutes, 063-G begins complaining of uncomfortable heat and is visibly sweating and vibrating. 063-G does not retire to bed that night; embedded agents report she spent the entire night jumping on the bed and making frequent bathroom trips. SCP-063 is extremely annoyed and a retaliatory strike is feared.
  48. -----
  50. >As anypony knows, factories know better than to turn a pony into applesauce and will safely deposit a worker into a jar for easy removal to the infirmary. For some reason, the sight of a pony in such a jar instills a catatonic disgust in SCP-063, who has refused all questions pertaining to the matter.
  51. >Curiously, this has no effect on SCP-063-G beyond a normal level of alarm. SCP-063's reaction was far more violent when asked to explain in front of SCP-063-G, resulting in a level 4 Chimp Event and the eventual destruction of Griffonstone.
  52. >Recontainment procedures have been updated to account for this development. The Foundation elected not to downgrade SCP-063 to Grounded due to the immense advantage vs Griffons he has provided us.

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