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SCP-151 "Trump Cards"

By woggs123
Created: 2024-03-16 16:31:04
Updated: 2024-08-28 23:45:49
Expiry: Never

  1. >SCP: 151 "Trump Cards"
  2. >Containment Class: Harmony
  3. >Harm Potential: Apocalyptic
  4. >Moral Decay: None
  6. >Special Containment Procedures: SCP-151 is to be kept in the chrono-static, hermetically-sealed isolation cubbies in Canterlot Palace(1), where it will stay unless a FALL OF HARMONY contingency is triggered. To allow for the Royal Duel Master's continued training, an enchantment on their album will create facsimiles suitable for sparring and developing strategies.
  7. >In the event of a FALL OF HARMONY event, SCP-151's wards will automagically teleport it to the Royal Duel Master(2). As a FALL OF HARMONY event by definition involves unforeseeable threats and the collapse of government services, the Royal Duel Master will be bestowed with O6-HBIC emergency powers and the entire Foundation placed under their temporary command. Faust help us all.
  8. (1): The highest possible long-term archival security, also home to the Elements of Harmony, The Snowball of Dora-Winnifred and a piece of gum chewed by Princess Celestia's first coltfriend.
  9. (2): Currently Dinky Hooves
  11. >Description: SCP-151 is a leather-bound trading card album, containing a complete collection of every Card of Power known to ponykind(3). The collection is immaculately well-kept and properly sorted by engagement rules, magic school and specific gambits/rites. By Anon's testimony, the collection was built over his entire foalhood before ever entering Equestria. Every single card in the collection is a true and original card capable of projecting its power into the astral and physical world.
  12. >SCP-151-F refers to the recreational/training set linked to SCP-151. It is a card album capable of magically generating a perfect, but magically inert, copy of the contents of SCP-151. SCP-151-F was created as a necessary compromise on two fronts: first, to maintain plausible deniability and relations with Foundation assets. Second, to allow the Royal Duel Master to hone their skills under the pretense of casual pickup games and tournament play.
  13. (3): Including holographics, multi-card summons and event-limited commemorative cards. Multiple dupes of common backbone cards. It is not known how the album contains them all
  15. >Initial Containment Logs: SCP-151 was first sighted on 10th Rocktober, 10XX ALR, during the 12th birthday party of Dinky Hooves-Ymous. Anon Hooves-Ymous(4) had gathered the foals to teach them the art of recreational card duels; when Twist asked about the rules of the deck, Anon produced SCP-151 and gave the right of the skirmish to Dinky. Twilight, having officiated the wedding and being Best Bearer Buds for Beeternity with the party planner, was present and boggled at the sight of SCP-151(5). Foundation response was measured and deliberate, with the initial reason for containment given as "cultural preservation of a priceless collection."
  16. (4) No longer SCP-063 due to marital status and potential Harmonic asset status
  17. (5) Her eyes literally boggled, guys

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