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Misc Kinder Stuff

By woggs123
Created: 2024-03-16 16:40:18
Updated: 2024-08-28 23:46:08
Expiry: Never

  1. Misc shorts, vignettes and other small non-scp stuff that doesn't justify taking up a whole paste
  4. >>40719488
  5. >Be Anon
  6. >Be finding out there's Taco Bell in Kinderquestria
  7. >What an absurd thought, might as well!
  8. >Get there at the appointed time (2:15 am)
  9. >Wait in line behind the customary scruffy kid high on scented markers
  10. >The menu seems legit minus the puns: Baa-ha Blast, Burro-to, that kind of shit
  11. >Beef/Chicken are listed
  12. >concern.jpg
  13. >Wait, isn't 'burro' Spanish for 'donkey'?
  14. >concern and concerner.jpg
  15. >Scootaloo is eating out of a Kanterlot Fried Chicken bucket (thank Faust for those superbar mergers)
  16. >Fluttershy has her own
  17. >Elizabeth is eating a chicken leg like an ear of corn in a Bugs Bunny short, complete with typewriter sounds
  18. >Evacuate Bowels
  19. >Evacuate Lungs
  20. >Evacuate Building
  21. >Evacuate Sanity
  23. >Be Saved Receipt, best cashierpony in the realm
  24. >Get to handle money
  25. >Get to see ponies happy to receive their food
  26. >It's a tough job doing all that math, but worth it
  27. >Suddenly the green guy shits his pants and runs out screaming
  28. >Just as well, he looked like a steak guy
  29. >It's colder than Grogar's diabetic feet right now
  30. >The steak trees prefer warm weather
  31. >You hate serving subpar food but the customer is always right
  33. -----
  35. >>40721750
  36. >Be Twilight
  37. >Be giving your hardest IQ tests to Anon
  38. >He's acing all of them
  39. >By cheating
  40. >Except he's been very careful to never actually *cheat*
  41. >Everything he does is so brazen and outside-the-box that it's not even against the rules
  42. >...Wouldn't that technically mean he really is that smart?
  43. >You curse your intrusive thoughts
  44. >They will drown in Berry Punch's finest vintage
  45. >A mere 5% sugar, WITH salt added
  46. >You snap out of your reverie before your imaginary mother can threaten to tell your real mother what you're drinking
  47. >What's he doing now? What has he done to your precious peg test???
  48. >He took the whole thing apart!
  49. >Now he's reassembling it around the pegs!
  50. >For added chicanery, he even sealed the square hole with cardboard so you'd KNOW he did this on purpose!
  52. -----
  54. >Celestia has her own console, hidden deep beneath Canterlot
  55. >It is never powered on, except for in the most extreme crises
  56. >When a villain cannot value the magic of friendship
  57. >When all attempts at correction have failed
  58. >When those no-life jerks in Tartarus can't scare them straight
  59. >When even being stoned long enough to outlive their bullies has failed
  60. >There is one penance that would make even Jane the Cuddler understand what she's done wrong
  62. >A statue was left in the garden to deflect the public's concerns
  63. >It's a fake, of course
  64. >By that I mean it's a real statue, not 3 half-dead guys, just so we're clear
  65. >Cozy Glow, Tirek and Chrysalis were quickly brought below Canterlot
  66. >Informed that they would face 'an ancient trial by ordeal, as set forth by the First Queen of Paradise Estate'
  67. >For a moment, Celestia could see an innocent filly quaking in fear
  68. >Good. It's part of the process. Part of rebuilding her, after whatever killed her ability to love.
  69. "Up ahead is the most secret, some might also say sacred, site in Equestria. Here you will stay, until you understand the error of your ways. The spirit in this machine will test you, over and over and over again, until one of you bests it."
  70. >The ancient mechanisms ground and whirred to life
  71. >A black-gray box with rounded edges sat, plugged into a fuzzy screen displaying some ancient, dead language
  72. >The translation spell kicked in
  73. >Mario Party 3
  75. -----
  77. Technically, pony bodies are more frail than horses; all those magic-directing organs are full of blood and nerve clusters. These organs, however, will automagically burn magic to induce take-backs on injuries before the universe notices, granting most creatures a form of functional HP. More kindermagic theories:
  79. > A side effect of passively screwing with spacetime to go 'nuh-uh' to fatal injuries is comedic audiovisual phenomena which humans classify as 'toon physics'
  80. >Kisses heal surface injuries (booboos) via contact application of friendship magic.
  81. >Even a drop of spare magic prevents overpenetration, which is why Rainbow Dash didn't get salsafied by the impact; her wing was broken in the subsequent tumble
  82. >Earth Ponies don't have any specialist magic parts, they're just inherently full of magic with nowhere to go but into their skin
  83. >This applies to most living things; magic exists everywhere, organisms that don't have an outlet will unconsciously beef themselves up like a chi cultivator
  85. >As in most fantasy, stars in this realm are made of pure magic
  86. >This law applies to foreign objects
  87. >Prime Material Objects are technically made of stardust
  88. >Earth objects therefore function anomalously; unlike in most settings, mundane Earth isn't a drab place- it's an overwhelming fae realm where every fight is like playing tag with a rocket launcher, all the food has more food per food, and even nerds are 21% cooler
  89. >Anon was the star that aided in Her escape, she whined a lot until he got a really big ladder
  91. -----
  93. >Be Anon
  94. >You and Derpy are scouting out a new Secret Post Office Location
  95. >A sign pops out of your lantern as the light goes out
  96. >Fucking fireflies are on strike again
  97. >In spite of the generous sugar cube allotments
  98. >"Don't worry Anon, I brought torches!"
  99. >A sputtering orange light sparks up
  100. >In her mouth, natur- wait why do you smell cherry tobacco?
  101. >There she is, chuffing on the fattest donk you've ever seen
  102. "Derpy, why do you have that?"
  103. >She looks at you like Twilight did when you asked about the sunrise
  104. >"I told you, torches silly!"
  105. "That's not a torch, that's a cigar!"
  106. >"I don't want to be a bigot Anon, but apparently 'cigar' means 'thing you hold in your mouth to make light' so why are we having this discussion?"
  107. >You explain the extreme dangers of nicotine and tobacco smoke, and how they can cause cancer- especially if the tobacco is processed
  108. >"What's cancer?"
  109. >Oh boy
  110. "Uh, it's... when your body... uh... starts growing parts it shouldn't? It can... kill you? Like, by stopping up your heart or something?"
  111. >"Sounds like bad poison joke- you don't think I'm dumb enough to make a torch out of that, do you?"
  112. >Of course you don't
  113. >You even believed that before the sad eyes
  114. "NO! Just, why do you make torches out of that? Why not just dip a rag in oil and wrap it around a stick?"
  115. >"A stick? Off the ground? Anon I thought you were more mature than most ponies, that's icky! And the smoke smells nicer this way anyway! You can put other herbs in it, a lot of trailblazers have a signature scent!"
  116. >You're still fixated on the cancer part, to be honest
  117. >Does cancer exist here? It might not, or ponies might not know better
  118. >Suddenly: the scent of lemon pledge and hickory wood
  119. >Mail Team Six flies in, all of them sucking on chub cheroots
  120. >They're disappointed, apparently they thought there'd be an opportunity for a cool rescue op from all the shouting
  121. >"Nope, but get this- Anon's almost as smart as the princesses but he's never seen a torch before! How crazy is that?"
  123. -----
  125. >Be Anon
  126. >On daily trip to market
  127. >Constant feeling of being watched
  128. >Murmuring in the background
  129. >Catch your name occasionally
  130. >Every time you look back, the same group of mares is looking casual
  131. >Too casual
  132. >Eventually Derpy runs up to you and licks your hand
  133. >"HA! Bet you don't want him now!"
  134. >The other mares walk away with varying faces of disgust
  135. >Derpy is now listing off her ideal wedding registry like you're an XXX-rated Santa
  136. "Fucking ponies"
  137. >"Heeheehee, not yet Mister! But you will be!"
  139. -----------
  141. >>40910412
  142. >>40910415
  143. If we go by IRL horses, they can't have real chocolate; kinderponies must use karob or some substitute that tastes similar. Chocolate would be a lethal neurotoxin, but how could the kindergods be so cruel? Surely there exists a context where a kinderpony could benefit from the pure chocolatey goodness?
  144. >Be Pinkie
  145. >Be having the best (last) day of your life
  146. >You caught terminal cooties a few months ago
  147. >It's almost time
  148. >All your friends are sad
  149. >Anon was surprised at how well you took the news
  150. >Apparently he thought ponies didn't know what dying was this whole time?
  151. >Ha ha silly Anon
  152. >Ow
  153. >Stage 4 Cooties hurts
  154. >The next hour or so is a haze of teary-eyed frens
  155. >Anon's here!
  156. >He's brought a treat- is that?
  157. >It is!
  158. >That's the hypercandy he kept saying would kill you!
  159. >Nothing to lose now, huh?
  160. >The nice priest read you your last bedtime story
  161. >You take a bite and-
  162. >It's not what you expected...
  163. >IT'S A MILLION TIMES BETTER! Like the Princess Celestia of choco-bombs!
  164. >And comes with a fizzy feeling in your blood?
  165. >Oh right, the alien super-poison from the realm of the infinite stars
  166. >Why are you feeling a little stronger?
  167. >"Her beeps are booping! What's going on!?" You hear Nurse Redheart shouting to her team. "DOCTOR HORSE! I NEED A BLOOD SCAN!"
  168. >You hear that funny boop-sparkle-whistle sound before Doc Honse replies, "I don't believe it- the 'chocolate' is expending its energy on the cootie cells first! If we control the dosage, she might have a chance!"
  169. "Hehe... don't go getting my hopes up for nothing, silly!"
  170. >But they weren't up for nothing
  171. >They went way up, for SOMETHING!
  172. >Obviously, since you're sitting in your room. Looking at that fancy pink ribbon, reminiscing about the time you beat the worst diagnosis a pony could get
  173. >All through the power of poisonous super-murder-candy
  174. >You never would've imagined changing careers to a doctor, but a candy doctor? Yeah that's practically still baking, but you get to punch death in the face
  175. >Even when you fail, and you do sometimes, you at least know the taste was worth it in the end.
  176. >You set your framed ribbon down, right next to your diploma
  177. >"PINKIE PIE, Licensed Chocolatier"

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