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Light in Your Eyes

By CoolNon
Created: 2024-03-18 10:49:43
Expiry: Never

  1. >Trouble in Ponyville!
  2. >Ponies are suddenly going blind that raises concern to Twilight
  3. >Mostly affected mares
  4. >According to the doctors at the horsepital, the cause of blindness were burns to their retinas
  5. >Surely mares aren't staring at the sun all day as a weird way of dominance against the princess?
  6. >According to the victims, these blinding episodes suddenly happen to them while going about their lives
  7. >Twilight writes to Princess Celestia of the incidents
  8. >It wasn't long until she and her sister, Luna, go down to Ponyville to investigate (surprisingly)
  9. >"Twilight I read your letter. I suspect this some attack against Equestria."
  10. >Twilight nodded at her teacher
  11. >"I think it is princess. Though I haven't heard of such incidents to other places like Appaloosa or Manehatten."
  12. >Celestia pondered. For now, why is Ponyville being the only affected
  13. >"Did anything unusual happened that you think could be the cause of this?"
  14. >Twilight shook her head
  15. >"I see, for now, I'll have the Solar Guard spread around the town. Maybe send some towards other cities in Equestria."
  16. >"We'll have our Night Guard's do the same. If the perpetrator ever so tries show her mug at my domain. She'll regret it."
  17. >Few days pass and it gets worse
  18. >Ponyville's stationed guards are affected, specifically the Solar Guards
  19. >That narrows down how the burns work
  20. >This leaves the weird magic only occurring at day
  21. >Celestia interviews one of the guards who was at the infirmary having icepacks on her eyes
  22. >She asked her what was the last thing she saw
  23. >"I... I think it was that new alien colt. I saw him talking to other ponies as well though I didn't catch their cutie marks."
  24. >That raises a concern to the three of them
  25. >Consequent questioning raised the same answer
  26. >All of them saw Anon last before being blinded
  27. >But that couldn't be
  28. >Sure Anon is weird, a bit crude, he wouldn't be doing anything that malicious right?
  29. >...Ok he might do that
  30. >Discord could be a possible reason but he was still stoned for the week for playing the bongos on Luna's teats
  31. >Three of them, alongside many guardmares, visit the large house at the edge of the forest
  32. >Knocking on the door yielded Anon drinking coffee with a curious look on his face.
  33. >"Twiggles, Sunbutt, Loona, What's up?"
  34. >"I-I We have some questions for you Anon. It's about the recent incidents of blindness in Ponyville."
  35. >Anon lets out a breath he'd been holding
  36. >"Oh thank god it's just that. Ah what the hell. Come on in."
  37. >As Anon turned around, Celestia couldn't help but feel sorry that a colt is the center of all this cacophony.
  38. >Still she hopes that this lead would be a dead end, colts don't deserve to go to jail in her opinion.
  39. >"AAAH!"
  40. >"BY THE MOON!"
  41. >"MY EYES!"
  42. >The sun princess snapped out of her thoughts to see flames emitting from her companions eyes
  43. >Even Anon was startled and hurriedly tried to help put out the magic flames on their eyes
  44. >Thankfully, her healing magic and alicorn genes, the burns weren't too bad
  45. >But Luna was immediately suspicious of Anon
  46. >"Anonymous! While you are a dear friend of Twilight Sparkle, we're afraid you are under arrest under the suspicion of using fire magic to blind ponies in Ponyville."
  47. "Woah woah woah! That's crazy! I don't even know magic. Let alone have a reason to blind ponies."
  48. >Celestia brought up her wing towards Luna to calm her down
  49. >"Be at ease Luna. If Anonymous did mean to blind you, why wasn't I affected?"
  50. >That put the blue alicorn to a stop and think
  51. >"That's... That is right. Why weren't you affected sister?"
  52. >Twilight walked up, subtly shielding Anon from Luna and Celestia
  53. >"Princess Luna, I checked with Anon's biology, he's incapable of magic. Maybe Anon isn't the cause?"
  54. >That maybe the case
  55. >Luna bowed to Anon in regret
  56. >"We- I am deeply sorry for accusing you Anon. I shouldn't rush to such ideas during this investigation."
  57. >Anon scratched his head,
  58. "It's okay. Even I was freaked out. Though I am even more freaked out that this is happening near me."
  59. >Near him?
  60. >Celestia racked her brain on how could this have happened
  61. >Anon doesn't have any magic, plus the fact she isn't affected, for now at least.
  62. >She took one hard look at Anonymous and realized something
  63. >There are diamond studs on Anon's garments, specifically the ones on his legs
  64. >"Anonymous? Are those new garments?"
  65. "Huh? Oh yeah. Rarity made e'm for me. Not really fan of the diamond studs but at least they don't fall of."
  66. >Celestia had a hunch
  67. >"Could you turn around for us?"
  68. >He did, and Celestia scrutinized the backside
  69. >It had an intricate pattern of the Bearer of Generosity's symbol woven as diamond studs.
  70. >It was tight enough to show off Anon's physique underneath
  71. >More so on his ass
  72. >She couldn't help but admire the seamstress abilities to make Anon's butt look big and-
  73. >Searing pain racked through the back of her eyes
  74. >But blinking rapidly quenched the flames thanks to her alicorn durability
  75. >That's it!
  76. >"Twilight, Luna! I think I know what's causing the blindness streak."
  77. >"AGAIN!?"
  78. >"BY THE STARS!"
  79. >"IT WAS WORTH IT!"

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