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You WILL Fug Ze Bug

By Bugfriend
Created: 2024-04-23 16:36:03
Updated: 2024-04-23 16:37:50
Expiry: Never

  1. Your knees wobbled as the changeling guards escorted you through the hallways of the Palace Hive. The pit of cold fear in your belly grew heavier. What had you done to deserve this?
  3. You had done nothing wrong, casually trotting along the streets of Ponyville on your way to the store. Like all ponies, you had learned how to live under the shapeshifting creatures which now ruled Equestria. Keep your head down, don't speak out, obey the guards... but in your case it made no difference. A pair of drones had accosted you in the street, had you bound and gagged, and transported you to their massive hive.
  5. Rumors of ponies being foalnapped, never to be seen again, flashed into your mind. Maybe you could escape? You tried to clear your mind, start thinking about a way out, but the nervous fear kept you from thinking clearly.
  7. The dark stone hallway, lit by sconces of green magic fire, suddenly ended in a massive door of polished metal. A half dozen more changelings stood guard, gleaming in their ornate blue-black armor. Your escorts chittered to the guards in their own insect tongue, who nodded and motioned for the door to be opened.
  9. As the portal clanked open, the escorting drones prodded your flanks, compelling you forward. Your hooves suddenly found themselves on a plush crimson carpet laid over the marble floor. The room beyond the doors was rounded, with a high ceiling lit from high above. Carved holes of various sizes covered the stone walls, along with more magic sconces. In the center was a raised dias, holding up a large craggy sculpture of obsidian rock. A handful of changeling drones buzzed around the sculpture, which held a large green orb in its center.
  11. The drones pushed you onwards towards the dias. At a distance of twenty paces, the orb shifted slightly. Startled, you looked closer, noticing that it looked alive, its softly glowing surface bisected by several bands which bulged thickly outwards.
  13. Your blood ran cold as two green eyes appeared suddenly atop the glowing mound. A thick, seductive voice rang out into your ears.
  15. "Ah, my tribute has finally arrived!"
  17. Your jaw drops in shock as you stare up at Chrysalis, queen of the changeling swarm and conqueror of Equestria. The queen looked nothing like the statues and posters which adorned the ponies' occupied cities. Her swollen belly spilled out before her, its banded bulk pooling heavily on the dias below her throne. Thick, round thighs and a massively round rump filled the rest of the throne, from which poked two chunky holed back hooves. Equally thick forehooves rested casually on the upper swell of her belly. The changeling queen's face was soft and wide, her fanged snout poking out from between two rounded jowls.
  19. "Y-your majesty..." you finally mumble, remembering the etiquette you were taught back in grade school.
  21. "Such good manners! My drones have chosen a good one this year." Chrysalis smiled, exposing her sharp white fangs.
  23. Chosen? Chosen for what!? Terror gripped you as you stared at her teeth. Was this where all those disappeared ponies went? Were they fed to this fat changeling queen?
  25. "Hmm...I hope you performance is as good as the last one..." Queen Chrysalis continued, an evil green glint in her eyes.
  27. "D-don't eat me!" you blurt out, your knees wobbling with fear.
  29. The queen furrowed her brow in response, then chuckled deeply, her plump jowls wobbling. "Foolish pony! I feed on love, not flesh. Although you're not the first to think so."
  31. She gently tapped her middle with a holed hoof. "As you can see, I have fed greatly on Equestria's love. And yet I still hunger for more...intimate affection from my pony subjects."
  33. 'Intimate'? Surely she didn't mean...
  35. "You mean...y-you want me to..."
  37. "Yes, what else?" Chrysalis answered with a note of irritation. "You have been chosen for the honor of pleasuring me. Do well, and you may live here and serve as my concubine. Refuse, and I'll have you thrown into the gem mines. UNDERSTAND?"
  39. You nodded meekly, your fear mixing with confusion. This was NOT what you expected at all...
  41. "Good!" the changeling said with a toss of her head. "Then let's begin. It's been hours and I'm FAMISHED!"
  43. Queen Chrysalis grunted with effort as she attempted to move off the throne. Her love-fattened belly jiggled as she slowly wiggled herself towards the edge of her seat. "Nnngh...oh by the swarm..." the monarch grumbled as she struggled to lean forward. Holed hooves strained against the arms of her throne as she rolled forwards, her body sloshing heavily as she pushed herself upright. Translucent grey wings unfurled at her back and began to vibrate as the insectoid mare attempted to take flight. Her wings buzzed furiously, but her massive bulk remained rooted in place.
  45. The queen huffed to herself as she realized she wasn't moving. "Oh, very well.." she mumbled to herself. The changeling queen's craggy horn glowed a sickly green, and her bulbous body was enveloped by a shimmer of magic. Her upper half slowly began to rise from the throne. Up and up she rose, her enormous gut sloshing and sagging forwards as it was lifted into the air. A few seconds later and she was floating freely in the air above.
  47. You scurry backwards as the enormous changeling slowly levitated towards you. Her insect wings buzzed with a token effort as she inched closer and closer, down from the dias and towards the floor. Her banded belly touched the carpeted marble, gurgling softly as it compressed and squished across its surface. Black belly flab oozed between her thickened limbs as she gently landed herself. Only her rear hooves made it to the carpeted floor - her forehooves came to rest against a cushion of blubber several inches from the carpet.
  49. "Well, subject? Get busy!" Chrysalis ordered as the levitation spell dissipated. "Guards, leave us!"
  51. The handful of assembled drones bowed and buzzed away, leaving you alone with the queen. Your mouth grew dry as parchment as you stared at her enormity. Her large green leered at you with predatory hunger.
  53. "You ARE a stallion, are you not?" she said sarcastically.
  55. As you fumbled for an answer, her horn lit up. You yelped as her green magic gripped your body, pulling you off the floor and up towards her. Your hooves flailed as you sailed over her back, landing in the crevice between her massive rump cheeks.
  57. You cringed as your hooves sank into the queen's flesh. Her body felt warm and slightly damp, her dark chitin padded with countless inches of flab. A tattered blue tail swished inches from your muzzle.
  59. "Hurry up and rut me!" the queen growled back to you, her head barely visible behind her neck and back fat. Groaning, you dug in your hooves and pushed apart the changeling's ass.
  60. Chrysalis hissed impatiently as you struggled to move so many pounds of thick flab. Finally, you glimpsed the changeling's nethers buried within her ass - a dark, puckered anus and a plump, glistening slit.
  62. The queen's musk hits your nose - alien, yet familiar. Your breathing quickened as your cock involuntarily hardened. Animal instinct overwhelmed your fear and disgust as your own lustful hunger bubbled to the surface.
  64. "Don't just STARE at it!" Chrysalis called out.
  66. Grimacing, you pull yourself towards her sex, hooves clawing against her rear. Finally your stiff horsecock prodded against her pussy. You brace yourself, then enter.
  68. "Yesss..." the changeling hisses as you push inside her, your cock finally hilting inside her cunt. Pleasure wells within you as you pull out, then push in again. Her sex is warm and wet and tight, just like any mare back home. You groan and thrust in again and again, waves of pleasure compelling you to fuck harder. A pall of your lusty love began to suffuse the air as the changeling queen drew out and fed upon your lust.
  70. "YES!" More love, MORE LOVE!" the queen warbled, sloshing and bucking her hooves. The force of your thrusts causes her flabby bulk to rock and quake and quiver. You moan as the motion of her legs squeezes her weighty ass against your body, struggling to thrust in and out as your sides are squashed between her soft, sweaty cheeks.
  72. "MORE FOOD! MORE LOVE! MORE!!!" Chrysalis screamed, her engorged body now sloshing in time with your thrusts. You frantically slam yourself in and out of the queen's slick cunt, your limbs burning with exhaustion, your mane and body soaked with sweat and juices. Jolts of pleasure mix with dull pain and a wave of lightheadedness. Release wells within you, and you throw your hooves out, gripping the queen's expansive waist as tightly as possible as you slam yourself forward one last time. Your breath hitches, stars flashing before your eyes as your cock explodes insides the changeling's sex.
  74. "AAAH!!! YES!" the queen gasps as you come inside her. Muscles suddenly tighten as her pussy contracts and milks your horsecock for each spurt of seed. Her fat ass squeezes even tighter, enclosing around your body and forcing the air out of your lungs. You gasp raggedly, fighting to stay conscious even as your mind blanks with orgasm.
  76. The orgasm slowly fades as your cock is emptied. Suddenly an ominous rumbling sounds from within her sloshing, swollen belly.
  78. *BLOOOORP*
  80. The changeling queen's body quakes as her gut bloats out another foot. Your exhausted body is suddenly flung free of her ass as the queen's form surges upwards. You flop back down onto her rump, pawing at her fat cheeks with your sweat-soaked hooves as you start to slide off of her. Your rump smacks into her gut and you suddenly fall backwards, away from the queen onto the cold stone floor. Light flashes into dark as your head SMACKS onto the hard surface.
  82. When you come to, you're laying on your back beside the changeling queen. You rubbed your sore head and struggled onto your side. The changeling's belly was noticeably bigger, its blubbery bulk lifting all four of her hooves off the ground now. Her fatty legs dangled uselessly, a trail of sweat and juices dripping from her bloated ass onto the lower swell of her fat gut.
  84. Queen Chrysalis regards you approvingly with a sideways glance, her red tongue lolling casually from her plump fanged mouth.
  86. "Good...VERY good!" she purred. "That was the best I've had in months!"
  88. You struggled to think of anything to say in response. You looked back and caught sight of your spent member resting against your inner thigh. Turning back to her, you yelped as a band of obsidian-black metal was clamped around your neck.
  90. "I think you'll make a FINE concubine!" Chrysalis beamed, securing the collar with her magic. "Let's get you fed and bathed, then. I'll need you ready for DINNER soon!"
  92. You gulped as several changeling drones reappeared and led you away. Well, it couldn't get any worse, right?

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