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Bedroom Adventure

By Bugfriend
Created: 2024-04-24 15:33:09
Updated: 2024-04-24 18:56:27
Expiry: Never

  1. Expanded and reworked version of
  3. Shining Armor sighed as he finally kicked off his dress slacks. Now clad only in his boxer shorts (white with little red hearts, a 'special' gift from last years' Hearths Warming), he turned and stepped across the bedroom to gaze at himself in the full-length mirror.
  5. The stallion wasn't particularly surprised by what he saw. Five years of comfortable marriage, untroubled by evil shapeshifters or Equestria-ending villains, had allowed him to pack on a good amount of extra weight. His once-chiseled chest now softened into a generous gut which bulged heavily over the waistband of his boxers. A pair of thick love handles rounded out his sides, complementing his potbellied middle. Even though his hooves were slightly apart, his thickened thighs still squashed together, and his underwear was stretched tight around his chunky rear.
  7. Shining looked over his flabby physique with the nonchalant eye of a happily married stallion. He raised his arms and grinned, jokingly flexing his softened arm muscles for the mirror.
  9. Plump pecs and his fat belly wobbled as he struck a pose, raising an eyebrow suggestively to his own reflection. A gurgle arose from his middle, interrupting the show. Shining dropped his arms and belched quietly, then raised a hand to pat his hefty middle. His stomach was still swollen from another rib-sticking dinner, courtesy of the always-generous Crystal Castle kitchens.
  11. The stallion took one last look at himself, surveying his clear blue eyes and noticeable double chin, before the door to the bathroom creaked open.
  13. "How do I look, dear?"
  15. Shining Armor smiled. Cadance had indulged even more than he had in all the fine food and leisure the prosperous Crystal Kingdom had to offer. Her own figure was now portly and plump, with a thick flabby belly that swelled out before her in two luscious rolls, and an enormous fleshy rump that drove the stallion wild. The prince turned away from the mirror - and his jaw dropped.
  17. Princess Cadance leaned against the doorway, with one hand on her hip. His wife looked svelte and slim - exactly how she had looked when they were engaged. Her belly was taut and slender, with only a hint of softness around her navel. Narrow cutie-marked hips tapered down to her lean, lanky legs. The pink princess wore a lacy red brassiere and panties, which easily cupped around her trim waist and small, perky breasts.
  19. "Cadance...what happened?" Shining asked in bewilderment.
  21. "Surprise!" the pink alicorn sang back with a flourish of her hand. She pushed off the doorframe and strode towards her husband, swaying her slender hips as she walked. Cadance stopped in front of her husband, taking his hands as he looked her up and down.
  23. "It's...still you, right?" he asked with a hint of nervousness. He leaned forward, searching for a telltale green glow in the alicorn's big lavender eyes.
  25. "Oho, Shining!" Cadance laughed. "No, it's still me. I just thought I'd try something a little...special, for our anniversary."
  27. "Is this magic?" the stallion asked, running a hand up her slender arm.
  29. "Of a sort. A spell I borrowed from Princess Celestia...just for tonight."
  31. Cadance gave Shining Armor a trusting look, then threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. Shining leaned forward and returned the kiss, tasting his wife's familiar scent and feeling her familiar movements. This was doubt about it.
  33. The couple continued kissing, tongues probing between lips as their hands grew playful. Shining Armor groped his wife's new body, running his grip across her narrow waist and squeezing her soft yet shapely rump. Cadance giggled at his touch, her own hands playing with her stallion's familiar plump belly, feeling its chubby drooping curve against her flat, lean middle. Shining blushed as he realized that for the first time in years, he was fatter than his wife. Cadance's hands drew lower, fondling her hubby's stallionhood as it slowly hardened underneath his boxers. She broke off the kiss and stared into her stallion's eyes, then motioned towards their bed.
  35. Shining Armor grinned as he stepped backwards, plopping his rump onto their bed and reclining onto his back. Cadance trotted away towards her dressing table, giving the stallion a good view of her own tight butt below her well-curled tail. The pink alicorn picked something up from the table and returned, climbing onto the bed and kneeling alongside Shining Armor.
  37. "Care for some dessert, Shiny?" she asked, revealing a round chocolate mousse torte on a dessert plate. The princess held it out to him, showing him the treat up close.
  39. "I dunno, Cadance, I'm pretty full already..." the stallion said, drawing a hand across the swell of his plump white belly.
  41. "Oh, please Shining?" Cadance chided. "I want our anniversary dinner to be special. And I know you saved some room for dessert..."
  43. That wasn't exactly true - the stallion had helped himself to two large slices of vanilla cheesecake at dinner, after Cadance had left the table early to 'change.' Shining usually wasn't embarrassed about his appetite, but suddenly having a supermodel for a wife was making him blush like crazy.
  45. "Well...okay," the prince relented. Cadance beamed as she lopped off a bite-sized piece with a fork and held it towards him. Shining smiled, closed his eyes and opened his mouth as the princess pushed the cake between his lips.
  47. "Mmm..." Shining Armor hummed with pleasure as he tasted the torte. The mousse was cool, sweet and incredibly rich - yet not thick or cloying. He chewed thoughtfully, swallowed, and opened his eyes to reveal his wife at the ready with another forkful.
  49. Cadance cooed as she nestled up against his side, slowly feeding him the rest of the cake. The prince happily accepted each bite, throwing an arm around her skinny shoulders as he ate. His full stomach gurgled a faint protest, but Shining was no stranger to overeating, and the comfort of his wife made it easy to accept each bite. The stallion thought detected a faint aftertaste, something cool and fizzy, but a sudden peck on the cheek from Cadance's lips swept the thought from his mind, and he obediently opened up for another bite...then another...and then another...
  51. Soon the last bite of chocolate mousse was devoured. Shining Armor licked a bit of chocolate from his lips, then turned to face her. " long is this spell of yours going to last?" he asked his princess.
  53. "Oh, not long," Cadance replied. She pulled herself away from his embrace to kneel on the bed beside him. "In fact, it'll probably wear off after tonight."
  55. "Well, we'd better take advantage of it then," her husband said in a husky tone. The sight of Cadance's skinny midriff flashed back memories of their wedding night, of the first year they spent together - full of romance and adventure, before comfort and routine had softened their bodies. His member began to harden again, tenting up his boxer shorts.
  57. "I agree, dear," Cadance said with a naughty grin. The pink princess drew a finger across his fluffy chest, gazing from his eyes down to his middle. Shining Armor's tummy gurgled as she traced a circle against his soft white flesh. The prince raised an eyebrow as his middle grew louder.
  59. "Uh, Cadance...was there something in that cake?" Shining's stomach was gurgling and glorping incessantly. An unfamiliar warmth began to emanate from within his gut and spread throughout his middle.
  61. "'s alright Shiny," Cadance whispered. The pink alicorn traced a finger down his chest, then lightly grasped his belly.
  63. "I don't-URP!" the stallion belched softly. His stomach tingled with bubbly warmth. An effervescent aftertaste of magic hit his tongue. What was in that cake?
  65. Cadance stared intently at her husband's body, feeling his roiling stomach. She cracked another smile as his middle began to swell.
  67. "It works!"
  69. What works!? Shining panted as his chubby belly started to grow. "Ohhhh...what's happening?" the confused stallion groaned.
  71. Princess Cadance suppressed a lecherous grin as she placed both hands on her husband's middle. She could feel it growing warmer, growing heavier, the soft flab pressing back against her hands as it grew bigger. The alicorn jiggled and squeezed his belly, biting her lip as it bloated out an extra inch, then another, and then another... Shining Armor huffed and fidgeted as he felt himself grow. His wife's playful touch pushed aside any sense of panic, leaving him in a confused stupor. The prince watched as the curve of his gut inched higher and higher, slowly hiding his legs and his tented boxers from view.
  73. The stallion moaned as the magical warmth spread, and his entire body began to thicken. Soft love handles began to bulge against his sides as his belly continued bloating. His heart-patterned boxers began to pinch as they were stretched taut around his swelling thighs and rump. His pudgy pecs and arms grew thicker. The slight double chin below his muzzle wobbled as it swelled.
  75. Cadance's heart raced as she squished and kneaded her hubby's new flab. She fingered his bellybutton as it deepened against a rising tide of belly blubber. She wobbled the surface of his expanding gut, feeling its warm softness shift under her touch. She pinched a chunky love handle, then tried to poke a finger in between it and his waistband.
  77. The bed creaked softly as the fattening stallion sank into the mattress. Shining Armor's boxers grew painfully tight, the elastic digging in against his blubbery thighs. Stitches began to pop, one by one, until Shining's fattening ass tore the garment apart. Cadance licked her lips, pulling the ruined boxers off her husband as she watched his enormous belly sag across his legs. A hand dug underneath his bulky side to grope his new blubber butt, while another smacked against his chunky inner thigh. The alicorn blushed as she saw her naked hubby's half-erect horsecock was now buried underneath the swell of his overflowing gut.
  79. Finally, mercifully, the fattening stopped. Shining Armor gasped for breath, his forehead beaded with sweat. His view was blocked by a massive ball of belly blubber.
  81. "Wh...what was that?!" the stallion wheezed.
  83. "The spell, dear!" Cadance replied with feigned innocence.
  85. "Nnng!" Shining groaned as he struggled to sit up. His swollen gut squished into multiple rolls as he attempted to rise, only to collapse back in bed with a whump. The prince huffed, braced himself, and tried again, muscles straining against newfound flab as he pushed himself upright. Princess Cadance scrambled off to one side as he swung his hefty legs over the bed, grunted with effort, and hauled himself onto his hooves. Shining Armor panted as he moved towards their bedroom mirror, waddling slightly as his thighs squished together. Cadance bit her lip, staring at her hubby's blubbery white ass as it jiggled with each step.
  87. He reached the mirror. Shining Armor's jaw dropped as he stared at his reflection. His gut was bloated into a thick apron of flab that swelled out before him and sagged across his trunklike thighs. Chunky pecs squished against his chubby shoulders, and a thickened double chin wobbled under his rounded cheeks.
  89. "Cadance, what happened?! I'm so fat!" the stallion cried.
  91. "Fatter," his wife corrected. "You were already fat."
  93. "That used that spell to trap your weight inside it? And transfer it to me?"
  95. "Bingo!" Cadance grinned in satisfaction. "And don't worry. It's only temporary."
  97. "Why..." Shining Armor said forlornly. "I'm so huge! Why'd you do this?"
  99. "Shiny..." Cadance replied, her ears drooping with concern. "I did it because it'd be fun! I've been heavier than you for years...tonight I wanted to switch things around. know..."
  101. " this?" the stallion said in puzzlement.
  103. "Shiny, I'll love you at any size," Cadance asserted, springing onto her hooves and trotting over to him. "And yes, I do like that tummy of yours. Part of me's always wanted to see it bigger. And now it is..."
  105. Cadance stood beside him, met his gaze in the mirror, and kissed his cheek. " big chubby boy," She murmured, reaching around his flabby sides to squeeze his swollen belly. "My big, fat stallion...did you eat too much cake again?"
  107. Shining Armor blushed profusely at his wife's teasing. "I never thought you'd enjoy something like this," he said, flexing a flabby arm in the mirror. "You do like it...right?"
  109. "Why don't you head back to bed and I'll show you?" his wife whispered huskily into his ear.
  111. Shining Armor huffed as her hands groped across his blubbery waist. Pink fingers prodded and sank into the apron of his belly, kneading it while they inched towards his buried groin. His shaft began to harden again beneath the sagging flab of his gut. The stallion turned and obediently waddled back to bed, shepherded along by the doting, groping princess.
  113. The prince collapsed backwards into their bed with a colossal WHUMP. The furniture creaked and shook, but it held his weight. His pink princess followed him, guiding his chunky legs up onto the bed and then crawling on top of them. Cadance pressed her skinny body up against her massive husband, shivering as she felt his warm, flabby flesh envelop her. Her hands slid over his fat chest and neck and finally up to his tousled blue mane as she pushed her muzzle against his.
  115. The two ponies kissed passionately, tongues probing each others' mouths as their breaths quickened. Cadance moaned softly as Shining Armor wrapped his chubby arms around her skinny waist, squeezing her tight against his flabby bulk. Her face flushed as her loins burned with tender arousal. After a furious final kiss, she pulled her lips away from his.
  117. "Don't think I'm up for moving around much," said Shining Armor. "You'll have to be on top tonight. Unless..."
  119. The pink pony placed a finger against his lips, shushing him.
  121. "Just let me do the work for now."
  123. Cadance placed her hands against her husband's gut and began to push aside the warm, doughy flab. She reached down and felt the stallion's cock under his fat belly, squished between his titanic thighs. The alicorn princess pulled her panties down, shimmying her legs out of the lacy red garment and then tossing it aside. She leaned in close to Shining, her hands at his sides as she straddled his belly and felt the tip of his shaft brush against her labia. Cadance bent down to give the stallion one more long, hot kiss, before reaching back and guiding his cock between her warm wet lips.
  125. Shining Armor let out a throaty groan as his wife pushed herself down onto him, not stopping until his entire length was inside of her. Shining tried to buck upwards in response, but only succeeded in making his blubbery thighs jiggle. The pink princess smiled, moaning gently as she pulled herself back, then pushed onto him again.
  127. Slowly, gently, Cadance began to ride her husband's cock. Shining Armor huffed softly, his fattened body quaking and sloshing with each thrust of his wife's thighs. His plump arms lay outstretched on the bed, too lethargic to reach up and touch his princess. The familiar sound of the couples' bed creaking began to fill the room. Shining blushed again as he realized it was creaking under HIS weight, not hers.
  129. Princess Cadance moaned with lust as she humped against her stallion. Shining Armor laid back, awash with pleasure as he watched his wife bounce up and down. The love-drunk prince's eyes widened. With each thrust she seemed to be growing bigger. Her skinny midriff began to bounce and jostle with each trip up and down.
  131. Cadance stopped suddenly, pulling herself back to leer down at her bloated husband. Her jiggling breasts were noticeably fuller, and her middle had softened into a round, tubby pink belly.
  133. "Cadance, you're..." Shining Armor said softly, and a thought clicked into his head. "Are you...gaining it back?"
  135. "Now you're getting it," she grinned. "Told ya it was temporary."
  137. The stallion reached out and grasped his wife's hips, feeling softness that had not been there just minutes ago. A hand drifted over her thigh to poke her nascent potbelly. Cadance stuck out her tongue playfully, then leaned in close to tousle her husband's mane and whisper in his ear.
  139. "You want me bigger again? Then keep going, blubber boy."
  141. A lecherous grin returned to Shining's face as he pulled the princess closer for another kiss. As their tongues locked, the prince reached around and squeezed her softer rear. Cadance moaned into his mouth as she felt his touch. Her tail twitched upwards, and she flattened herself against him, grinding her pink tummy against his flabby white gut.
  143. The chubby princess pulled away and pushed herself back onto his cock. In an instant she was back to riding him, filling the room with naughty moans and gasping breaths as he rocked and jiggled beneath her. Her plump potbelly jiggled profusely as it slowly bloated outwards. Shining Armor did his best to buck in time with her. To his surprise, it felt like it was getting easier. And was his gut a bit smaller than it was before?
  145. Then it hit him - he was losing weight as fast as his wife was gaining it back.
  147. The weight of his belly slowly receded as they fucked, only to be replaced by the growing weight of his wife's gut smacking against it. Cadance panted harder and harder as she struggled to ride him. Her blubbery pink belly sloshed and smacked against her thighs, growing rounder and heavier with each passing second. Her rump quaked and jiggled violently as it softened and sagged with added flab. Plump, wobbly tits outgrew her skintight bra, flopping freely against her arms and chest. The alicorn mare's breaths grew ragged as her swollen gut squashed heavily against the prince. Sweat beaded above her eyes as she finally stopped bucking.
  149. "Shiny...I should take over!" Cadance gasped. The pink princess pulled herself up and rolled back onto her knees. A hand wiped sweat from her brow as she caught her breath, then reached behind to unclasp the remains of her brassiere.
  151. Shining Armor gazed down at his familiar - much smaller - belly, then looked across at his wife. The alicorn had gained back nearly all of her weight. His hands felt her familiarly chunky thighs and rump, drifting round to gave her big belly another eager poke.
  153. The pink princess looked down at the handsy stallion, who had just about slimmed down to his regular chubby self. "It while it lasted!" she panted. Cadance pulled her frazzled mane to one side and flopped onto all fours beside him, tits and belly wobbling. Shining pulled himself upright, marveling at how much easier it was to rise without several hundred extra pounds of flab weighing him down.
  155. "Keep going, tubby," the pink alicorn urged him with a backwards gaze, wiggling her tail and flabby rump at him. Shining growled in approval and scrambled to his knees, his member straining and eager to continue. The prince wrapped his arms around her blubbery rump, sinking his fingers in between her thighs and belly. His cock prodded and pushed its way between her cheeks, finding its way to her hot, wet sex. Shining slowly hilted, withdrew, then began eagerly thrusting out and in again.
  157. Cadance returned to moaning as he rutted her from behind. Her fat belly quaked and shook the bed, while her thickened ass sloshed and smacked against his thighs. Shining's own plump belly jostled and squished against her rump as he thrust inside.
  159. As he pumped, the stallion felt a growing weight against his hands. He looked down at his rocking, gasping wife and realized she was still growing. Her belly was slowly widening, pressing against his grip and digging into the mattress. Cadance's blubbery pink rump thickened and sagged, her cutie marks distorting as each cheek grew heavier.
  161. The spell was still working!
  163. Shining Armor thrust faster as he felt release well within him. Muscles strained as he struggled to thrust into his wife's fattening ass. His hands clenched her belly as it grew...oh Celestia, she was getting so big, so fat...!
  165. Cadance screamed as he finally came inside her. Her pussy winked as it milked and massaged the stallion's member. Shining Armor moaned as his wife's swelling, thickening ass squeezed the bottom of his cumming shaft. His hands fondled her plump sides as her gut continued to slowly expand. The stallion looked down to see his own potbelly slowly receding. His pecs hardened, and the outline of ab muscles he hadn't seen in years began to appear above his shrinking waist. His ass ceased to jiggle as it firmed up with muscle.
  167. Shining Armor withdrew himself as his orgasm faded. Cadance lay panting against the bedsheets, her belly so swollen with flab that it squished out past her thighs. Her tender sex was buried between the cheeks of her enormous ass, sagging pendulously over her fat-bloated hips. The rotund princess slowly rolled onto her side, looking back to catch a glimpse of her slender husband. "Oh Shiny...I think I over *hic* did it!" Cadance moaned.
  169. Shining Armor grinned and reached down to jiggle her enormous gut. "Serves you right, playing with magic like that," he chided her.
  171. The princess reached two chunky arms past her plumpened tits to grope her belly rolls. "Oh, we have to undo this. I'm too big now!"
  173. Shining grinned and flexed a muscled arm. "Nah, I think we're both the perfect size, for now."
  175. Now it was Cadance's turn to blush as she took in her husband, as skinny and muscular as he'd been on their honeymoon. "The spell should be wearing off by now," she said with a sigh. "I guess we're stuck like this until I can get Celestia to cast it again."
  177. "I can think of worse ways to spend the day after our anniversary," the unicorn replied, grasping her knees and looming over her.
  179. Cadance pouted as he pushed himself over her thighs, laying his body atop hers. "I won't have a single thing to wear at this size."
  181. "Sounds like a perfect excuse for breakfast in bed," Shining grinned, slithering his muscled chest over her blubber belly until they were face to face, then planting a kiss against her plump pink muzzle.

Not-Very-Just Desserts

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How to Feed Your Horseband

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Bedroom Purchase

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The Magician's Vacation

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Little Baggie, Bigger Party [Part 2]

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