AnonymousDashfag's Pastes

Joined: 2020-12-18


[ProbablyAutistic] Have more than fifty pastes[HorseAyylmao] Have more than 50,000 total views
Title Paste Time Views Tags
Poem: What is she? I know she’s brave By >>35885556 16 July 2021 Public 321 poem/dash/
Poem: What is she? Life like a fire burns in her heart by[...] 16 July 2021 Public 313 poem/dash/
Poem: Rainbow dash is a pony for all seasons by[...] 16 July 2021 Public 398 poem/dash/
Riding Dash by >>18877652 16 July 2021 Public 538 rainbow dashanonymousgreen/dash/
Refugee Dashes given a good home 16 July 2021 Public 598 /dash/refugee dashes
Two Poems: He’s tall and As I lie atop a cloud By[...] 16 July 2021 Public 385 poem/dash/
All writefag Pastebins/Ponepastes 16 July 2021 Public 1035 storiesgreenwritefag/dash/
Poem: If my rainbow were a wave by >>36461607 16 July 2021 Public 416 poem/dash/
Rainbow’s feather by >>36451585 16 July 2021 Public 735 rainbow dashanonymousoneshotgreen/dash/
Poem: My Rainbow Mare by >>36518574 16 July 2021 Public 408 poem/dash/
Poem: Rainbow manes and magenta eyes by: >>36518802 07 February 2021 Public 536 poem/dash/
DHM 16 July 2021 Public 494 dhm/dash/
Homeless by DHM 16 March 2021 Public 532 greendhm/dash/
Songs and Music 16 July 2021 Public 650 musicsongs/dash/
Rainbow was a lamb by >>36757158 16 July 2021 Public 349 song/dash/
Eggs by >>36781764 16 July 2021 Public 400 song/dash/
Her name’s Rainbow Dash by >>36782011 16 July 2021 Public 461 song/dash/
A weather pony, made just for me By >>36868511 16 July 2021 Public 399 song/dash/
That's why they call me loyalty By >>36870086 16 July 2021 Public 413 song/dash/
Anniversary by >>36960338 16 July 2021 Public 400 rainbow dashanonymousoneshotstory/dash/
Title Paste Time Views Tags