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[Anonfilly] Pinkie's takeover

By BtMess
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-31 20:12:35
Expiry: Never

  1. Original paste date: Jun 4th, 2018
  3. >Let me tell you a story
  4. >Not any story, but the story of an excited earth pony
  5. >This earth pony was a beautiful mare, bringer of the thicc, defender of-
  6. "Yeah, yeah, I know, just introduce me already"
  7. >Fuck you ponk, I'll introduce you whenever I want
  8. "But then how long will it take for them to know of the other THICC filly on the other side of the road?"
  9. >…right
  10. >There was also Anon, who got turned into a filly because of-
  11. "They already know that. Do you know where you are?"
  12. >Fuck you, do you want to tell the history yourself?
  13. "Well, since you asked so nicely~"
  14. >No wai-
  15. >*Writefag was kicked from server*
  16. >There, now I have this all for myself
  17. >*I, aka Pinkie, rub my hooves*
  18. >Soo, where were we?
  19. >Oh right, I decided to go outside and saw Anonfilly walking behind Twilight
  20. >She was looking soo sad, I just had to cheer her up
  21. >I waited a bit so Twilight would round the corner, knowing that Anon would take a while to catch up
  22. >It was then that I decided to strike
  23. >Jumping higher than a house, I aimed myself to land right on top of her
  24. "Anooonn!!"
  25. >"Wha-"
  26. >She had turned around, just like planned
  27. >But before she could do anything I landed on top of her and pinned her under my weight
  28. >Thankfully she was surprised enough for me to pin her forehooves under mine
  29. >Shaking her head she looked up to me with that sweet smile of hers
  30. >"What the fuck are you doing?"
  31. >Okay it wasn't a smile, it was more of her signature frowny face
  32. >It was so cute it may as well be a smile though, don't judge me
  33. >Anyway I decided to acknowledge the elephant in the room and go right in
  34. "Why, you were looking so down I just knew I had to cheer you up, and who's better than momma Pinkie for that~?"
  35. >"Fuck off, I don't need your help. Let me go"
  36. >Her trashing, trying to free her front hooves, only made this hotter
  37. >I leaned down and touched my muzzle on hers before speaking softly
  38. "Say, why don't we take this inside?"
  39. >*Writefag connected to the server*
  40. >>Fuck you Pinkie, give me my green back!
  41. "Nope"
  42. >*Writefag was banned from the server*
  43. >…
  44. >"Uhh…did you just answer your own question?"
  45. "Oh, right, the history, well…uhh…"
  46. >"What the fuck are you on, you pink sperg?"
  47. "Sorry I forgot what this history was about, want a cupcake?"
  48. >Quickly you took a cupcake from inside your hair with your hair curl
  49. >It's not like you hadn't held stuff with it, Anon didn't even seem surprised
  50. >"Sure, I guess, can't say no to free food"
  51. >You waited a bit for the question you were sure she would make eventually
  52. >"Uhh can you release me?"
  53. "Nope"
  54. >And then you proceeded to stuff the cupcake inside Anons mouth
  55. >As always, giving 3 taps and pushes with your hair, to make sure it got all inside at once
  56. "There, don't you feel happy already~?"
  57. >"Anon!"
  58. >You were so focused on the filly under you, you didn't even see Twilight coming back, no doubt searching for her filly
  59. "Oh hi Twilight! Looking for this filly here?"
  60. >You lifted yourself out of the coughing and trembling filly that was looking a bit blue-ish
  61. >"Pinkie! What did you do to her?"
  62. "I didn't do anything, I just saw her following you all frowny and sad"
  63. "So I gave her a cupcake, she looks much better now doesn't she?"
  64. >"Better? Her face is blue! She, she's asphyxiating!"
  65. "Oh, that answers that"
  66. >Twilight started running to try and help, but you acted quicker
  67. >Employing all your earth pony strength to give Anon a kick to the stomach
  68. >The paper wrap then flew just high enough from her mouth for you to land a kick on it afterwards, sending it flying into a nearby bin
  69. "There, she should be fine now, if you need anything you know who to call~"
  70. >You said to the filly, before crushing her into a Pinkie™ hug and then pronking away
  71. "Nothing like another satisfied customer"
  72. >*Not Writefag joined the server*
  73. >Alright, not banning me this time, I went and bought a pro account just for this, take that Pinkie Pie!
  74. "Ohh, really?"
  75. >Yep, now back to the green…
  76. "Oh you silly, the green is already over"
  77. >What?
  78. "Yap, Twilight just left with Anon right there"
  79. >Both of you looked at Twilight turning the corner and Anonfilly close by, not being able to see any of their faces
  80. >Ugh, fuck me
  81. "Only when (You) become the filly you silly~"

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