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By I_Luv_P0nes
Created: 2021-07-17 20:38:09
Updated: 2023-03-31 09:50:27
Expiry: Never

  1. >Day Poopoocaca In Equine Town
  2. >You get the drill, Butterrapist, Fetishes, questions, answers
  3. >Fluttershy's knocking at your door again
  4. >You open it
  5. >She's standing there, as she does
  6. >No weapons or potions this time, thankfully
  7. >"Are hooves your fetish?" She asks, raising one of hers up
  8. >Wait a sec
  9. >Did...
  10. >Did she guess it right this time?
  11. >Shit she totally did
  12. >But you cant let her know that!
  13. >Plus, you dont want to fuck horses, you just find yourself infatuated with their hooves!
  14. "No. They aren't." You say, hoping to crush any hints of regret in your voice
  15. >"Are you sure?" She presses on
  16. >"You can touch my frog if you want" she winks at you while presenting one to you
  17. >This cant be happening
  18. >You dont want to fuck a horse! Let alone one that's borderline ruined your life!
  19. >Wait, how would it feel?
  20. >Soft yet rough?
  21. >Sturdy and smooth?
  22. >How would they taste?
  23. >Stop!
  24. >You might actually let her win if you continue down this path.
  25. "N-no i'm g-good. " your voice is shaky
  26. >Her head hangs low
  27. >"What a shame, i'd let you do whatever you'd want to them, but if that isnt your fetish, then oh well"
  28. >Fuckfuckfuckfuck
  30. >You slam the door on her
  31. >Thank God she didnt see your erection
  32. >...Or did she?
  33. >Fucking fluttershy
  34. >After butterhorse left, you couldnt help but think about her hooves
  35. >They looked so...
  36. >Tantalizing
  37. >No
  38. >You cant think like that
  39. >You'll let her win
  40. >But you dont want to have sex with her, you just want to do everything possible with her hooves
  41. >No no she'll push it and next thing you know you're sliding into some horsepussy
  42. "I dont care. I have to find out, just this once." You say out loud, thinking hard
  43. >Think anon think
  44. >How could you get her in a situation to use her hooves without her being able to pressure you into rape?
  45. >Think
  46. >What does she like?
  47. >Think
  48. >You? She likes you a lot
  49. >Think
  50. >Maybe you could 'trade services' with her?
  51. >Dinner date for some hoof action!
  52. >Except, she doesnt know that she's trading
  53. >Thanks to some convinient sleeping potions!
  54. >Devilish anon! Genius!
  55. >Operation TouchHoof is a-go
  56. >You leave your house, with the intention of gathering your supplies for an unforgettable late-nite luncheon
  57. >You walk to Fluttershy's house
  58. >You have an undeniable pep in your step
  59. >today's the day you feel some hooves
  60. >Sweet, sweet hooves
  61. >You wonder if they taste sweet
  62. >Would they be bitter?
  63. >Doesnt matter, you're already at her house
  64. >You knock
  65. >No answer
  66. >You knock again
  67. >You hear things falling over with an "Oh my" and an "Oh no" here and there
  68. >She finally opens the door
  69. >She slowly looks up from your crotch to your head
  70. >she's sputtering and gasping
  71. >"A-a-a-non! Y-you're here. Oh why i'm so happy I could scream." She lets out a soft, quiet, airy war cry.
  72. >She's cute, but you're not here for her cuteness
  73. >It's dem hooves
  74. >Sweet, sweet hooves.
  75. "Yeah. It's me" you say
  76. >"Yay." She looks on in awe
  77. "And I wanted to know if you'd want to go to dinner with me."
  78. >"Oh my! I'd be honored to. Can I pick where we go?" She asks with a bit of reluctance
  79. >I think we both have the same idea, she just has connections
  80. "Absolutely not"
  81. >Her smile falters a bit
  82. "I dont want you to feel as if you have to hold back on what you want to eat tonight. I want both of us to have a good time" you wink at her
  83. >"O-Oh... ok." she looks away and blushes
  84. "Cool, how about tonight? It's still pretty early, so i think that's a good amount of time for both of us to get ready."
  85. >She nods
  86. "Alright. I'll come for you later on. Hope you're ready for a good time." You smirk
  87. >"Y-you too" she sputters
  88. "Cya later, Flutterbutt"
  89. >"L-love you Anon" she whispers
  90. >And you leave, hoping to get some potent sleeping potion from a certain black friend
  92. >Traversing the everfree forest is actually pretty easy
  93. >Easier than traversing your home when flutters is around, actually
  94. >You find her hut pretty quickly
  95. >Zecora, you think they call her
  96. >You knock on her door
  97. "What's up homie?"
  98. >"The pleasure of hosting you is mine. Now what brings you to my hut this time?" She questions
  99. "You remember Fluttershy, obviously?"
  100. >"Yes. But her and I are not that close. We only know each other faintly at most."
  101. "Yeah? Good. I need a date rape potion"
  102. >"Zigga you crazy!" She gasps
  103. "I didnt ask for your opinion. You got one or not?"
  104. >"I-I have potions that match your request, but I better be paid like one of the best!"
  105. "Yeah yeah i'll give you what I got on me right now for a date rape potion."
  106. >"Master of deals you are not, but i'll accept your offer with no extra thought"
  107. >She hands you a vial
  108. >"Just one drop is enough for an hour, two or more could make your night end up sour"
  109. "Yeah, yeah here's your bits you zig"
  110. >You toss her a pretty pouch full of cash
  111. >"Thank you, cloppa"
  112. >The fuck did she just call me?
  113. >Whatever. Time to get ready for the big night.
  115. >Home sweet home
  116. >It's going to be especially sweet when you drug fluttershy and take her hooves for yourself
  117. >You wear your fancy suit
  118. >And wait for the sun to go down a bit
  119. >Plotting
  120. >Scheming
  121. >Wait did you actually just sit and think about fluttershy's hooves for 5 hours until the sun was setting
  122. >Are you autistic?
  123. >No matter, it is time
  124. >You make your way to fluttershy's house
  125. >Knock on her door
  126. >Fluttershy opens her door
  127. >She has a green dress on
  128. >It really compliments her [spoiler]Hooves[/spoiler]
  129. "You're lookin nice tonight."
  130. >She blushes
  131. >"Y-you too anon"
  132. "Well then. Shall we?"
  133. >You offer your hand to her
  134. >She hooves it
  135. >unf
  136. >And you start walking with her to your destination
  137. >You made sure to pick out a fancy restaurant
  138. >You've been in it like once or twice, but because you're always busy stopping fluttershy, you hardly have time to eat out
  139. >You're pretty sure she's never been there before
  140. >You look down at her
  141. >She gives you a joyful smile
  142. >"Thank you Anon"
  143. "No problem, Flutterhooves"
  144. >"I should be thanking you" you think to yourself
  145. >Tonight's coming up Anon
  146. >After walking a bit
  147. >You arrive at your destination
  148. >A cozy looking little restaurant with gold plating where normal metal would be
  149. >Not a single stray nail in sight
  150. >A glorious work of architecure in ponyville
  151. >Almost as glorious as your date's hooves
  152. >You open the door for her and she walks inside
  153. >"Oh my. What a gentleman." She says on her way inside
  154. >You talk to the mare at the front desk and she walks you to your table
  155. >You and fluttershy sit in front of each other
  156. >After a few awkward glances at eachother, your waitress comes
  157. >"What would you like to drink, sir?" The mare asks
  158. "A water for me"
  159. >"And you, madam?"
  160. >Fluttershy hooves her chin, unf
  161. >"Hmm... a water and a black tea, extra lemons, please. Um, could I just have the Sugar and the Teabag please? I prefer doing it myself."
  162. >The Waitress nods, winking at fluttershy
  163. >Odd...
  164. >"I'll be right back with your drinks" the Waitress says, then she walks off
  165. "So... how are things?"
  166. >"They're ok" she puts both of her hooves to her chin and rests her pony elbows(?) on the table, staring longingly at you
  167. >"How about you?"
  168. "They're alright i guess."
  169. >You better hurry this up before you crack
  170. >After a while, the waitress comes with your drinks
  171. >2 large cups of water and a small teacup with water on a small plate, a small tin of sugar, some lemons, and an unopened teabag nestled on the plate next to a small spoon
  172. >You grab your water before fluttershy does anything fishy
  173. >She grabs her drinks and begins making her tea
  174. "You like your tea cold?"
  175. >"Well, I dont mind it. I usually drink it hot early in the morning and before bed if i have a tummyache"
  176. "Oh"
  177. >You drink your water
  178. >She continues making her tea, stirring it (somehow), and tasting it every now and then to ensure that it's made to her liking
  179. >"Hm." She emotes
  180. "What's up?"
  181. >"Does this taste funny to you?"
  182. >Is she trying something already? You havent even ordered food yet
  183. >No that can't be possible
  184. >It'd be very suspicious to just have you pass out in public
  185. >You bite
  186. >You move the cup toward you
  187. >Siiiiip
  188. >Holy shit it's good
  189. >Amazing, even
  190. "This... this is the best tea i've ever had"
  191. >Fluttershy smiles
  192. >"Thanks. It's my own blend"
  193. >You move the cup back to her side of the table
  194. "What is it?"
  195. >"Black Tea, some lemon, sugar, and a special ingredient"
  196. >that last one makes you shiver
  197. >Did you really fall for her tricks this fast?
  198. "What's that last ingredient?"
  199. >"Oh Anon, it's a secret. It'd be emberassing to share it so soon"
  200. "But what is it?"
  201. >"Anon i'm not sure if-"
  202. "What. Is. It."
  203. >She blushes and she pouts
  204. >"I-it's love! I make everything with love, it tastes much better that way." She turns away
  205. "Wait really?"
  206. >"Mhm"
  207. >Huh, so it wasnt a trick
  208. >Well shit
  209. >Now you REALLY gotta speed this up
  210. "Well uh. It tastes good"
  211. >"Thank you" she smiles
  212. "No problem"
  213. >Then a deafening silence
  215. >After what felt like hours, the waitress arrives once more
  216. >"What will you be having for dinner tonight sir?" She asks
  217. "Uh i'll have the Spaghetti with Oat Balls"
  218. >You're pretty sure meat is like illegal here
  219. >"And for you, ma'm?"
  220. >"I'll have the same thing." Fluttershy beams
  221. >The Waitress all of a sudden becomes an entrepreneur "You know, we have a special Spaghetti platter, made special for couples. 1 bowl for 2 people, plus it's cheaper than buying 2 individual plates."
  222. >Was this Fluttershy's plan?
  223. "Uh no thank-"
  224. >Fluttershy practically screams "YES!"
  225. >After realizing she shouted, she returns with a soft "... Please?"
  226. "Wait no I dont-"
  227. >"One Spaghetti and Oat Balls Platter For 2 coming right up." The Waitress walks away before you can stop her, and you dont want to make a scene
  228. >This is definitely Fluttershy's doing
  229. "What the hell was that?"
  230. >"What do you mean?" Fluttershy asks
  231. "You know what i mean. I dont want to share spaghetti with you"
  232. >"Oh but isnt it romantic? So intimate and warm and..." she practically starts drooling
  233. "You could've had your own warm and intimate plate of Spaghetti"
  234. >"I didnt want you to spend too much, this place is expensive after all"
  235. >She says that as if she's been here before
  236. >Unless...
  237. >Shit
  238. >She definitely knows some people here
  239. >They're probably drugging my side of the spaghetti as we speak
  240. >Or my refills of water
  241. >shitshitshit
  242. >After worrying about the possible inevitable
  243. >Your platter arrives
  244. >It looks good, it just sucks that you're gonna be sharing it with Fluttershy
  245. >"Enjoy!" The waitress winks at fluttershy again before walking away
  246. >Should you eat this?
  247. >It'd be dumb to drug a spaghetti platter for 2
  248. >Whatever
  249. "Looks good, huh?"
  250. >"Y-yeah." She eyes the big plate
  251. >You grab a fork
  252. "Lets get this over with"
  253. >You swirl the spaghetti around your fork and eat a forkfull of pasta
  254. >Delicious
  255. >Ponies know how to make some good food
  256. >Fluttershy looks at you while you ravage the plate of italian cuisine
  257. >She looks infatuated, perplexed even
  258. "You gonna eat some?"
  259. >She snaps out of it
  260. >"Oh! Um yes." She says as she grabs a fork and digs in too
  261. >The pony gets skettie sauce all over her coat
  262. >Thats gonna stain
  263. >You two savagely attack the plate
  264. >That is, until a stray noodle tugs on your fork
  265. "Oh hey fluttershy I think you got a noodle-"
  266. >You look up at the mare
  267. >She has that stray noodle in her mouth, and she's giving you bedroom eyes
  268. >So this was the trick
  269. "Nevermind i got it"
  270. >You bite the noodles hanging on the fork, effectively slicing them in two
  271. >Fluttershy sadly slurps up the noodle that had stopped your fork before
  272. >This continues until you two are done with the plate
  273. >Now it's time for desert
  274. >And drinks
  275. >It's all gone as planned so far
  276. >And i'm sure fluttershy is thinking the same thing, so you make sure you wont drink anything you order until she drinks her drink
  277. >The Waitress comes by again
  278. >"Any deserts, drinks, ma'm?"
  279. >Fluttershy thinks "Hm... one Appletini for me, One Appletini for my lovely date, EXTRA apple in both please" she winks
  280. >"Yes ma'm" the Waitress winks back
  281. "Hey wait i dont wanna gay drink could i-"
  282. >The waitress ignores you and walks away
  283. >shitshitshitshit
  284. "Hey fluttershy"
  285. >She leans in
  286. "What the FUCK does 'extra apple' mean?"
  287. >She grins "You'll see anon. It's like my tea, but even better"
  288. "Huh. I guess."
  289. >You non schalantly take out the vial Zecora gave you
  290. >The container has nothing that could give its contents away too much, thankfully
  291. "Hey Fluts"
  292. >She raises her brow "Yes?"
  293. "When you get yours, could you put a drop of this in there?"
  294. >You point at the vial
  295. >"Oooh what is it?"
  296. "Just some fruit flavoring thing. I wanted to test it out myself to see if it was any good, but after i had your tea, i knew a pony of refined taste like yours should try it first"
  297. >"Oh. That makes sense."
  298. >You cant believe she actually fell for it
  299. >You laugh to yourself for a bit, then remember Zecora's warning
  300. "Just one drop please. The cashier at the store said it can be really strong."
  301. >"Oh ok. I can't wait!" She says with a quiet optimism
  302. >Now to just sit back and wait for the drinks to come in
  303. >Your Waitress arrives after a short silence
  304. >She's really on top of her game today it seems
  305. >"2 appletinis, one with extra apple" she says as she puts the glasses down in front of you and Fluttershy
  306. >Not drinking this shit
  307. "Thanks"
  308. >"No problem" she walks away
  309. >Dont they normally ask you if you want anything else?
  310. >Hmm...
  311. >Whatever
  312. >You nudge the bottle closer to fluttershy
  313. "Try it out"
  314. >"Ok..." Fluttershy says as she opens the vial
  315. "One drop, ok?"
  316. >"Yes one drop"
  317. >She plops one small dot into her appletini
  318. >It's blue, oddly enough
  319. >Makes sense, you think
  320. "Drink up!"
  321. >"Alright. Before I drink it though, i just want to say something"
  322. >You visibly and audibly scoff
  323. >She looks at you with her emberassed smile
  324. >Shit
  325. "Go ahead"
  326. >"I... I just wanted to say thanks Anon. Nopony's ever given me a chance like this before. It's made me so happy I-I could just scream!" She lets out another soft, airy war cry
  327. >Cute
  328. >Sheesh now you feel kinda bad for her
  329. >But dem hooves
  330. "Ok"
  331. >She smiles warmly at you
  332. >"To a great night!" She says
  333. "To that"
  334. >You click your glasses together
  335. >You wait for her to drink hers first
  336. >Just as planned
  337. >She downs it all in one go
  338. >"Oh my. That was amazing Anon. Could I try more?"
  339. >Shit
  340. "Um... No?"
  341. >"Oh... ok" she lowers her head
  342. "Well i mean it's just so good I-I dont want you to get a stomach ache or anything haha"
  343. >Nailed it
  344. >"Oh Anon. How nice" she blushes
  345. "Yep that's me haha. Say, how about we go back to my place?"
  346. >You make sure to wink at her when you say 'my place'
  347. >Her eyes light up
  348. >"I would love that Anon! But... Aren't you going to drink your Appletini?" She points it out
  349. >Shit shit shit shit
  350. "Um... yeah, but I was just gonna drink it on the way out"
  351. >"Oh. Ok" she grins
  352. >The Waitress comes back
  353. >"Here's your check Sir Nonymous and Mada'm Shy"
  354. >Extra hmm
  355. "Thank you"
  356. >Holy FUCK that's expensive
  357. >You hope that this roofied appletini is the greatest tasting thing since Fluttershy's tea
  358. >You drop a sack full of bits on the table, and leave a generous amount on the table as a tip for the waitress
  359. >They take tips here right?
  360. >Whatever
  361. >All you're thinking about is hooves
  362. "How you feeling, Fluts?"
  363. >"I-i'm good, a little tired though..." she says
  364. >Good
  365. >You slam your Appletini in one swig
  366. >Fluttershy is absolutely glowing at the sight of you
  367. >Yep. Drugged for sure
  368. >Shit
  369. >Better hurry up and try to outlast her at home
  371. >After a brisk walk on edge, you make it home
  372. >Fluttershy, still a bit sleepy, absolutely shines when she enters your home
  373. >"It's lovely..." she says
  374. "I guess. Hey, wanna take it to the bedroom?"
  375. >Her eyes bulge "Y-you mean that?"
  376. "I say what I mean and I mean what I say, don't I?"
  377. >"Y-yeah you do..." she says, giving you the bedroom eyes
  378. >As you walk to your room you can see Fluttershy get visibly sleepy
  379. >She's practically shuffling
  380. >Her hooves moving in such a way that-
  381. >Not yet
  382. >Soon, but not yet
  383. >You and Fluttershy finally make it to your room
  384. >You hop on your bed and make the goofiest "Sexy Pose" you could make
  385. >Her wings puff out
  386. "Wingboner?"
  387. >"N-No..." she says, her eyes looking over your body
  388. >"I... I really want to do this... But... can I have some water first?"
  389. "Be my guest"
  390. >"Th-thanks" she slowly walks out
  391. >Not entirely according to plan, but it works
  392. >You hear some crashing and some plates breaking
  393. >Oh no
  394. >But they're continuing, so that means she isn't out yet
  395. >Strange, but you've never used a date rape drug before, so maybe she wont sleep until she's relaxed
  396. >You hear some water running (somehow, you didnt even know they had running water)
  397. >Then a gulp
  398. >Then a soft "You got this! You got this Fluttershy!"
  399. >She enters again
  400. >And immediately after getting on your bed, she passes out
  401. >It's time
  402. >You immediately get to work on her hooves
  403. >Boner for days
  404. >Diamond weiner
  405. >Her hooves are rough, yet so soft at certain parts
  406. >It tastes pretty damn good too
  407. >For it always being on the floor
  408. >It has a sweet taste to it
  409. >And the texture is beautiful
  410. >You take off your pants
  411. >Then absolutely destroy her hooves with your tongue
  412. >You devour their texture and make them familiar to your fingers
  413. >Woah mama
  414. >You repeat this cycle of licking, feeling, and rubbing her hooves
  415. >After what feels like half an hour you're about ready to finish off and send her on her way
  416. >Just have to make it seem like you had sex until she passed out
  417. >Then suddenly a swelling arises within you
  418. >I mean her hooves got you going but
  419. >This was different
  420. >You feel a powerful primal urge
  421. >You feel like a dog in heat
  422. >You want to have sex with this pony
  423. >Well your conscience doesn't, but your body isn't having anything else right now
  424. >You immediately flip her over, revealing her mare bits
  425. >her unconscious face is staring up at you
  426. >you're getting ready to give into your primal urges
  427. >then Fluttershy yawns
  428. >shitshitshitshit
  429. >She rubs her eyes before opening them
  430. >Her eyes practically bulge out of her head when she sees you on top of her
  431. >"Oh my! Is that what the drink did to you?" She eyes your erection
  432. >You swiftly jump away from the mare and hug the nearest wall, covering your junk
  433. "What drug?"
  434. >You quickly dress yourself again
  435. >"In the Appletini" she coos
  436. "Is that what 'extra apple' is?"
  437. >"Mhm. Their mix in particular can make any animal go into heat"
  438. "O-oh"
  439. >she closes in on you "Especially mares..."
  440. >You feel sweat on your brow
  441. "W-why are you awake?! You should be asleep right now!"
  442. >she stops moving "Huh? Why?"
  443. "No reason."
  444. >A lightbulb goes off over your head
  445. "You drank water earlier right?"
  446. >"Mhm. With that absolutely delicious flavoring you brought"
  447. >Shit
  448. >"I'm feeling great! That vial is amazing. I feel the way Pinkie Pie looks!"
  449. >Shitshit
  450. >She gives you bedroom eyes
  451. >"I bet I could even move like her, too"
  452. >nope nope nope
  453. >She jumps at you
  454. >You dodge her by a hair, and she boops her nose on the wall
  455. >"I-I thought we were going to have fun?"
  456. >you thought so too
  457. >But instead of "us" you thought it'd just be you
  458. >You dash out of your room while she recovers from her hardcore booping
  459. >You run outside, trying to zip up your pants and put your shirt on
  460. >To little success
  461. >Your door slams open and you see Fluttershy flying at you at a faster rate than she's ever gone before
  462. >As far as you know, anyway
  463. >You gotta get to that dumb zig's house
  464. >This shouldnt be happening right?
  465. >You'd think she'd just overdose instead of waking up
  466. >Your thinking is interrupted by your uncontrollable erection sticking out from your half put on pants
  467. >You should probably get something for that too
  468. >Fluttershy lunges at you again and actually hits you this time
  469. >But she's surprisingly light
  470. >She's just wrapping her hooves around your body
  471. >hot
  472. >You stop running
  473. >Jump in the air
  474. >Then come back down into a beautiful squat
  475. >You thought that'd do something
  476. >It didn't
  477. >Plan B
  478. >You jump backwards
  479. >In such a way that makes your back parallel to the ground
  480. >This is the end, Fluttershy
  481. >Or so you thought
  482. >She quickly flies off your back with a yelp
  483. >You just knocked the air out of yourself
  484. >Nice
  485. >You lie there with your erection pressing on your still exposed boxers
  486. >Fluttershy lies on top of you
  487. >She's saying something, but your ears are ringing
  488. >And you're trying to breathe again
  489. >You look at the butterhorse talking to you
  490. >You're starting to faintly hear her
  491. >"An... ok? Are... hurt? Did... ki... me?" She looks pretty worried
  492. >You also feel some breath return inside of you
  493. >Her breath smells odd
  494. >Like sweet with a hint of alcohol
  495. >You put your hand on Fluttershy's head, moving it down to her horse chin before lying it back on the ground
  496. >She lets out a huge sigh and rests her head on your chest
  497. "How disgusting."
  498. >She lies on your chest and you continue filling your body with air
  499. >A good 5 minutes pass
  500. >It's oddly calm
  501. >Peaceful, even
  502. >You feel nothing but the pressure of Fluttershy on your chest
  503. >You wish it could always be like this
  504. >But like all things, it comes to an end
  505. >And like most things, it's because Fluttershy is horny
  506. >She starts reaching for your crotch
  507. >You push her off and continue sprinting to Zecora's home
  508. >Fluttershy always close behind
  509. >Your hearing hasnt quite returned yet, but you can hear her muffled cries
  510. >"I love you Anon! I care about you so so much! Please just let me have sex with you!"
  511. >No way fag
  512. >You notice that you're nearing the entrance of the Everfree Forest
  513. >Perfect opportunity to lose her
  514. >You run into the forest
  515. >Fluttershy yelps and says "Anon! I-It's dangerous there!"
  516. >She yells a few more things, but you're too far to make out the actual words
  517. >She must be afraid of the forest
  518. >Noted.
  519. >You run until you're somewhat deep into the forest
  520. >You slow down to a walk and head towards Zecora's house
  522. >It takes a bit, but you finally make it
  523. >You got your pants and shirt on thankfully
  524. >On the way there, you heard rustling and "Oh my" being whispered from bushes, trees, and even above your head at some points
  525. >She definitely followed you here
  526. >You're not going to let her know that you know, or else she'll strike
  527. >You walk up to Zecora's door and knock on it
  528. >"Greetings Anonymous" she says
  529. "Hello Zegress"
  530. >she rolls her eyes "What brings you here? Did the potion get you inside of her rear?"
  531. "Ew no, but that is why I'm here. Mind if I come inside?"
  532. >"Of course, be my guest, but do be careful and leave my things at rest"
  533. >You nod, and head inside
  534. >Weird house, but at least you're not outside anymore
  535. >"So what about the potion brought you? Decided you didnt want to be one with the zoo?"
  536. "Are you actively making sex rhymes or are you just running out of things to say"
  537. >"A bit of both, I must admit. But that doesnt answer why question, now does it?"
  538. "Whatever whatever. Everything was going great. I used it on her, she was about to pass out, but it turned out she liked the taste of the stuff, so she drank it more than once"
  539. >"Really zigga?" Her face is one of disappointment
  540. "Yeah really"
  541. >"Severity depends on how much she has in her. It can range from ok to making her seem off on paint thinner"
  542. "I'm not entirely sure how much she's had"
  543. >Suddenly a window breaks
  544. >"I've had a ton of that sweetener! W-will I be ok?" Fluttershy intrudes
  545. >Zecora facehoofs
  546. >"Ok you will most likely be, but you will be full of lots of energy"
  547. >Fluttershy looks down then smiles "That's... good! Anon and I will need it!"
  548. "Will we? Will we really?"
  549. >"W-well how else will you fu-"
  550. "Thanks Zecora. Got anything to stop boners from happening?"
  551. >Zecora laughs "I knew you would ask something like that. Your pants looked very tight, and far from flat."
  552. >You let out a little snicker
  553. >This zig's a funny one
  554. >"But yes, I do have what you seek, and no side effects that leave you weak!"
  555. "Nice. How long does it last?"
  556. >"Ah yes, the big one. With this potion, you will surely never have bodily fun"
  557. "I'll take it right now"
  558. >"As you wish mastuh"
  559. >Jesus this Zebra is a shitlord
  560. >She finds a vial and gives it to you
  561. "Just a swig right?"
  562. >"Yes."
  563. >Suddenly Fluttershy enters the conversation again
  564. >"H-hey Anon! Weren't you listening to my romantic detailing of our first time, our eventual family, and our beautiful future!"
  565. "No."
  566. >Her smile fades
  567. >"O-oh..."
  568. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a dick that needs breaking"
  569. >You take a hearty swig from the vial and set it down
  570. >Oddly sweet
  571. >Fluttershy is practically crying, going hysterical over how "We couldve had children" and "The least you could do is have sex with me!"
  572. >You weren't paying attention to the brunt of it, but you did say one thing
  573. "No."
  574. >You begin to feel your peenor deflate
  575. >Hell yeah
  576. >Also Fluttershy stopped going crazy for a second
  577. >Hell yeah
  578. >Her insanity had been replaced with a deep sadness
  579. >Hmm...
  580. >In between sobs, Fluttershy says "I-I just liked you Anon."
  581. >Hmmmmm...
  582. >She starts bawling
  583. >Oh jeez
  584. >"I-I didn't want any of this to happen I... I'm so sorry Anon... I just wanted to make you happy."
  585. >Oh no
  586. "If you wanted me to be happy, then why didn't you leave me alone?"
  587. >Nailed it
  588. >Fluttershy looks with an assertive gaze, trying not to sob "Because I knew you never wanted me to..."
  589. "No I'm pretty sure I did actually"
  590. >shit
  591. >Her stern face sinks back into a sad one "I would've been fine just being friends, if it meant you wouldn't hate me"
  592. "You could've said so a long time ago"
  593. >She bites her lip "W-well yeah... but I still felt a hope in me... a hope that maybe... just maybe, you would love me back eventually"
  594. >You put your hands to your face
  595. "Look. I'm not in the mood to talk about this shit ok? My peenie weenie doesnt even work anymore so I dont know what you want from me"
  596. >She looks ridiculously sad
  597. >Fuck
  598. "Let's just both go home"
  599. >Zecora is dumbfounded
  600. >"Dayum zigga you swerved that bitch!"
  601. >If you weren't so filled with hate and regret you would laugh so hard at that
  602. "Whatever, you Porch Donkey."
  603. >And with that, you and Fluttershy leave Zecora's home, going your seperate ways home
  604. >You go to sleep the moment you get home
  605. >The sting of regret and anger nestling in your head
  606. >God damnit
  608. >Day Whosamawhatsit in Equestria
  609. >Wake up
  610. >A belated usual shit, shave, shower
  611. >A tardy but usual knock on the door
  612. >Fluttershy
  613. >"I-is um... Is date rape your fetish?" She asks, a bit more hesitant than usual
  614. "No. Look. I'm friendzoning you right now. Hear me? You and I are friends, nothing more, nothing less."
  615. >Fluttershy practically jumps out of her skin in delight
  616. >She does a whole backflip with her wings and whatnot
  617. "This isnt a good thing for you"
  618. >She ignores you and keeps giggling and cheering herself on
  619. "I know that you said you wouldnt mind just being friends and all, but why are you THIS happy?"
  620. >"Because now I know you don't hate me." She says calmly
  621. "Wrong. I'm only giving you this 'fine luxury' so you can know your place in my life"
  622. >"Mhm" she says smugly
  623. "Whatever. Just leave, friend."
  624. >"Ok 'friend.' Tomorrow i'll try to guess the deepest darkest thing you like, just like I always do."
  625. "I can demote you to literal stranger you know"
  626. >She lets out an innocent laugh "Oh but I think we know eachother a little bit too much to be just strangers"
  627. "Well from my experience, acting can make lies into realities. Now leave before I make it happen."
  628. >"Ok 'friend.' See you tomorrow"
  629. "Yeah whatever"
  630. >"I love you... as a friend..." she blushes
  631. "Uhuh sure"
  632. >You slam your door on her
  633. >She looked happy at least, you thought
  634. >You're not into horsepussy, but you also aren't a monster
  635. >You're in a world where people rarely even feel the emotion of hatred
  636. >You certainly dont want to ruin that rarity by being mad all the time
  637. >So maybe you can just give in slightly this time
  638. >No romance, but not a flat out hatred either
  639. >Being a pony pleaser sucks
  640. >But at least you probably don't have to deal with her trying to make overtly sexual advances on you
  641. >Right?
  642. >Suddenly you hear a noise coming from inside your room
  643. >You walk inside to see Fluttershy looking underneath your bed and all around your room for...
  644. >Something
  645. "What the hell are you doing"
  646. >"Um... finding out what my new friend likes by looking at his things?" She has a guilty smile on her face
  647. "Get out of here, horseface"
  648. >"Ok... but I WILL be back tomorrow to ask my friend about what he likes, if that's ok with you"
  649. >She trots slowly, before posing in a way that shows off her legs
  650. >And hooves
  651. >"I have a feeling that I'll guess it right this time" she smirks
  652. >Fuckin Fluttershy,
  653. >Your new friend.

Anon and Trixie's Odd Half-Day

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 0

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 1

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 2

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 3

by I_Luv_P0nes