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Floor Bored and The Delivery Man

By I_Luv_P0nes
Created: 2021-02-08 06:06:51
Updated: 2023-03-31 09:55:03
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be delivery man
  2. >"Hello ma'-"
  3. >"Woah what the fuck it smells like a dead body in here"
  4. >Floorb turns around
  5. >She walks up to you
  6. >Somehow the stench gets worse
  7. >You puke all over yourself and floorb
  8. >The smelly smells combining smell even smellier
  9. >Puke more
  10. >Repeat until dry heaving on ground
  11. >Floobr checks to see if you're ok
  12. >Bad choice
  13. >She suffocates you in her stench
  14. >Moldy
  15. >Like you'd left ice cream in a disconnected freezer for over a month
  16. >Now with the added bonus of your lunch
  17. >You breathe your last breaths as your life flashes before your eyes
  18. >Floorb looks at you and the last thing you see is a smelly horse covered in your juices
  19. >"Well... shit"
  20. >U r ded
  22. >Be floorb
  23. >Huh?
  24. >Is he dead?
  25. >And he was kinda cute, too
  26. >I mean he did puke on you but hey
  27. >Its probably the first time a guy's ever lathered you with juices
  28. >"Well shit" you say
  29. >This green boy sexy
  30. >Maybe you can have a little fun before you call the proper authorities
  31. >Drag hyooman into lair of darkness
  32. >secrets
  33. >and ramen noodle packets
  34. >Clear off your table full of dirty dishes
  35. >Oh shoot
  36. >You forgot the chinese
  37. >The corpse had you distracted
  38. >Get your delivered food
  39. >Split it in two
  40. >Sit hunk on one seat
  41. >You take seat across from him
  42. >"You dont come here often, huh?"
  43. >"I'd remember a face like yours"
  44. >"What's wrong? You havent even touched your food"
  45. >His body droops
  46. >Well this is boring
  47. >Time to get to work
  48. >Sit anon in prized gaming chair
  49. >Many a game were played while sitting here
  50. >Many a cloops were had
  51. >Strip big boy of his grody puke clothes
  52. >Mount him
  53. >It feels very different when they're dead
  54. >And not plastic
  55. >Not good
  56. >Hop off
  57. >Drag him off of your chair
  58. >Call cleanup crew
  59. >"Yeah... another one"
  60. >"Hey look! I try my best alright things add up and i'm a busy mare alright?"
  61. >"10 minutes? Alright"
  62. >Hang up
  63. >Wait
  64. >Play with dead peepee some more
  65. >Get bored again
  66. >Play vidya
  67. >Hear a knock on door
  68. >Open door
  69. >Hazmat units come in and give you the stink eye
  70. >Ha
  71. >They drag out the delivery boy
  72. >Head hazmat walks up to you
  73. >"Hey uh... any reason why the boy was naked?" It asks
  74. >"Smelled bad" you reply
  75. >"Um... riight" It walks back nervously
  76. >Cleanup crew finishes their job
  77. >You get back to playing vidya
  78. >That was the 3rd delivery boy this month
  79. >New record
  80. Da End

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