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Meeting Trixie For The First Time

By I_Luv_P0nes
Created: 2021-02-16 00:49:29
Updated: 2023-03-31 09:49:29
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be anonymous
  2. >Hear about a show coming to town
  3. >More like you saw a poster for one
  4. >"Witness the AMAZING magic of The Great And Powerful Trixie!"
  5. >Tickets were dirt cheap
  6. >You also noticed that there wasn't an address listed anywhere on the poster
  7. >It just said "By your local Town Hall"
  8. >You wondered how that worked
  9. >Nothing ever really comes by from out of town, so you decided to track down a ticket
  10. >Apparently they were sold at the town hall
  11. >At the time, you wondered why they didnt have a theater specifically for things like this
  12. >But now that you're actually at this show, you realized why
  13. >This act's got its own stage
  14. >You made sure to arrive early so the line wouldnt be too long
  15. >You also made sure to save money in case concessions were super expensive
  16. >But... even an hour before the show there was no line
  17. >Or concessions
  18. >You were quite literally just standing out in the middle of town looking at this stage
  19. >You also remember there being no security
  20. >Did you even need to pay for a ticket? Let alone bring it?
  21. >15 minutes left until it starts and you're wondering if you made the right choice coming to this show
  22. >However, you begin to notice a few ponies gather with you
  23. >After about 10 minutes, a small crowd forms
  24. >10-15 audience members is a good attendance level, right?
  25. >They're mainly kids, too
  26. >You're really hoping this show was worth it
  27. >If not genuinely, then maybe in a sick "bad but enjoyable" way
  28. >Especially because you're right in front
  29. >Suddenly, lights on the stage dim
  30. >Which is odd, considering it's pretty much noon
  31. >Fog fills the stage and fireworks and brught colors fill your eyes and ears
  32. >Suddenly, a feminine voice fills the air
  34. >Lights shine bright
  36. >The fog clears, revealing a blue unicorn wearing a magician's hat and cape
  37. >"Good afternoon loyal followers of Trixie!" She pauses, waiting for a laugh. There is none
  38. >"Are you ready to be AMAZED?" Her horn starts glowing
  39. >A small applause erupts
  40. >Suddenly, lightning shoots from the Magician's horn
  41. >The lightning bolt strikes the air and bursts ilike a firework, but its vibrant colors move in a circular motion
  42. >The small crowd cheers
  43. >You included
  44. >"Thank you! Thank you! You're all so kind to Trixie! For this next trick, Trixie will need an extra special volunteer! Does anypony in the audience have their ticket stubs with them today?"
  45. >Silence
  46. >You did, but you'd rather not get involved with this, being a human and all
  47. >"Anypony. Anypony at all?" You can tell she's a bit distressed
  48. >Time for your seasonal good deed, Anon.
  49. >You reach into your pocket and wave your ticket stub in the air
  50. >"Yes! You! Come up on here and watch as Trixie astonishes you!"
  51. >You tuck your ticket stub back into your pocket and walk to the side of the stage and head up a few steps and make your way up to the magician
  52. >"What's your name, noble assistant?" She asks you
  53. "Anonymous."
  54. >"BEHOLD! MY ASSISTANT, ANONYMOUS! Everyone, say hi to Anonymous" She wraps a hoof around you
  55. >Silence
  56. >"Anyway, Anonymous, pick a card, any card." The magician says as she levitates a deck your way
  57. >You take a card
  58. >"Remember your card, it will be important later!" She tells you and the audience
  59. >A red 3 of diamonds
  60. >You show the card off to the audience, but make sure not to show it to the magician
  61. >"Memorized it yet?" She asks
  62. "Yes."
  63. >"PERFECT! You're a great assidtant, Trixie will have you know. Any magician would be happy to have you as theirs, Mr. Anonymous" she winks at you and begins shuffling the cards
  64. >"IS THIS your card?" She holds up an ace of spades with her magic
  65. >You shake your head
  66. >"Are you sure? Hmmm..." The magician thinks for a moment
  67. >You stand there, somewhat nervous
  68. >"AH! OF COURSE! THIS! Is your card, is it not?" The magician exclaims
  69. >Suddenly, you feel a movement in your pocket
  70. >She's grabbing the ticket stub with her magic
  71. >She's having some trouble with it, though
  72. >"Ahem, it appears that the great and powerful Trixie is having some magical difficulties. Could you please show everypony your ticket stub, Mr. Anonymous?" She asks
  73. >You reach into your pocket and pull out your ticket stub
  74. >On one end is details for the show, but on the other is...
  75. >a red 3 of diamonds
  76. >You excitedly show the audience
  77. >Fireworks explode, forming the shape of the card and its symbols
  78. >The audience applauds
  79. >Suddenly, the magician shoots a bolt of magic at the card
  80. >She winks at you
  81. >"Can we get a round of applause for Trixie's amazing assistant?"
  82. >Another burst of cheers comes from the audience
  83. >The magician tips her hat and smirks at you
  84. >You smile back and return back to where you were standing before
  85. >You look at the ticket again
  86. >It still shows a red 3 of diamonds
  87. >But the other side has the words "Meet me after show" written on it
  88. >You look up at the magician
  89. >She gives you another sly wink and performs another trick
  90. >This one involving a myriad of animals in her hat
  92. >After what felt like an eternity, the show was over, and ponies were heading home
  93. >Many tricks were experienced
  94. >Some involving danger
  95. >Others involving cheesy humor
  96. >Most just generally cool to see
  97. >You waited it out to see what this magician could want from you
  98. >Everyone was gone, except you
  99. >Suddenly, the stage compressed into a quaint lite wagon
  100. >Next to it was the queen of magic herself
  101. >She notices you and waves at you
  102. >"Anonymous!"
  103. >You nervously make your way into her home
  104. >What could possibly happen in this situation?
  105. >A job offer? A sincere thank you? Hot sweaty mare sex? Drugged alcohol and forced cuddling?
  106. >All of these possibilities made you uneasy
  107. >As you step inside the wagon, Trixie directs you to a seat at a small table
  108. >You each sit on opposite sides of the table
  109. >She looks like she's thinking about what she's going to say
  110. >"You didn't have to do that you know." She says sternly
  111. "What do you mean?"
  112. >"Pay for a ticket. Nobody actually pays for them... unless they have some ulterior motive..." she looks at you with disgust
  113. >You just stare at her
  114. "What?"
  115. >Trixie facehoofs
  116. >"My shows are free, Anon. My pay is in the form of giving a show to the audience and the occasional ticket sale." She explains
  117. "But... what about fireworks?"
  118. >"Magic." She says simply
  119. "Animals?"
  120. >"Magic also." She smiles
  121. "Cards?"
  122. >"Trixie has her own brand" she holds up a package with her face on it and makes the same expression
  123. "That's pretty cool"
  124. >Trixie nods
  125. "So... why am I here?"
  126. >"Because I called you here." Trixie smiles
  127. "What for?
  128. >"Nothing."
  129. "Really?"
  130. >"Yes." She winks at you
  131. "Oh. In that case, bye. I liked your show"
  132. >"Why thank you, Trixie- Wait, you're leaving?" She asks
  133. "Yeah?"
  134. >"Why?"
  135. "Because we're not talking about anything anymore?"
  136. >"We're talking now"
  137. "About nothing"
  138. >Trixie puts her hoof to her chin
  139. >"So... you aren't hopelessly obsessed with Trixie to the point of paying for a free show in an attempt to get closer to Trixie when she does a card trick specifically involving a ticket stub and then getting Trixie to invite you to her chambers out of gratitude then confessing to her that you love her and would-"
  140. "No."
  141. >Trixie sighs
  142. >"Maybe next time..."
  143. "You have issues."
  144. >"But it's a cute fantasy, is it not?" Trixie blushes
  145. "No. Why would you want to date a stalker?"
  146. >"Stalker is... a scandalous way of putting it! Trixie sees it more like-"
  147. >You shut the door behind you as you exit
  148. >You hear Trixie explaining some more in her trailer
  149. >And that was the last time you ever paid for anything that wasn't vital to survival
  151. The End

Anon and Trixie's Odd Half-Day

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 0

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The Rapening: Day 1

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The Rapening: Day 2

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The Rapening: Day 3

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