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Fetishwritefag's dump

By bago
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-23 07:14:16
Expiry: Never

  1. Dump of some of fetish writefags pastebin content prior to privatization
  3. Celestia Human Worship - https://ponepaste.org/4700
  4. Rainbow Dash Hatefuck - https://ponepaste.org/4701
  5. Rainbow Dash Adultery - https://ponepaste.org/4702
  6. Pinkie Pie Macro - https://ponepaste.org/4703
  7. Starlight Futa Rape - https://ponepaste.org/4704
  8. Fluttershy Butt Crush - https://ponepaste.org/4705
  9. Cheerilee Sex Ed - https://ponepaste.org/4706
  10. Fluttershy Toilet Slave - https://ponepaste.org/4707
  11. Wholesome Luna Bath - https://ponepaste.org/4708
  12. Shining Armor x Filly Twilight Cock Vore - https://ponepaste.org/4709
  13. Scootaloo Prom Night - https://ponepaste.org/4710
  14. Lily Longsocks Cock Vore - https://ponepaste.org/4711
  15. Celestia and Luna Forced Clowns - https://ponepaste.org/4712
  16. Dash Reassures Anon - https://ponepaste.org/4713
  17. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie Ball Busting - https://ponepaste.org/4714
  18. Anon in Twilights's Body x Pinkie - https://ponepaste.org/4715
  19. Diamon Tiara Tutoring Session - https://ponepaste.org/4716
  20. Decapitated Celestia Headfuck - https://ponepaste.org/4717
  21. Cadence and Shining Armor Roleplay - https://ponepaste.org/4718
  22. Older Mare x Colt Body Horror - https://ponepaste.org/4719
  23. Lyra and Bon Bon Conjoined - https://ponepaste.org/4720
  24. Breaking Rainbow Dash - https://ponepaste.org/4723
  25. Luna Wholesome Lewd - https://ponepaste.org/4725
  26. Pinkamena Futa Humiliation - https://ponepaste.org/4726
  27. Fluttershy Cuck'd by Ponk - https://ponepaste.org/4727

Zecora and Anon [WIP]

by bago

Celestia Human Worship

by bago

Rainbow Dash Hatefuck

by bago

Rainbow Dash Adultery

by bago

Pinkie Pie Macro

by bago