Guest's Pastes

Joined: 2021-07-17


[ProbablyAutistic] Have more than fifty pastes[HorseAyylmao] Have more than 50,000 total views
Title Paste Time Views Tags
205 missing images and other text 02 February 2023 Public 326
Science and Ponies and Love 03 February 2023 Public 180 pony
Twilight operates heavy machinery while under the[...] 07 February 2023 Public 186 unlisted
Autumn Writing Exercise 15 February 2023 Public 481 zephyrptfg
Der coomer 17 February 2023 Public 2 trixie
Rose Gilda Fragment 25 February 2023 Public 90 gildaroseluckprosefanficgryphonearth ponyfragment
The Booba Song 27 February 2023 Public 124 parodymonty pythonbreasts
/mlp/ Kart stats ref 04 March 2023 Public 76 /mlp/ kart server
No Right (industrial metal song) 10 March 2023 Public 93 lyrics
Heroes Never Die 2 12 March 2023 Public 123 pandemic
Heroes Never Die 12 March 2023 Public 276 ptfgpandemic
Title Paste Time Views Tags