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/bootleg/ shorts collection

By afterpaste
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-10-02 05:38:00
Expiry: Never

The archives of everything /boot/


Title Writefag Synposis & Notes Wordcount Status Tags
Peetzer Pony Anon Anon questions his sanity when his pizza becomes pone in this short comedy that plays fast and loose with bootlegs and strange ponies 248 Finished Comedy, Strange Waifu, Food pony
Bump Anon
Rare shorts Anons 1367 Finished Rare, Cute, SoL
Boolet Anon 131 Finished Rainbow Dash
Concerned Pony Oneshots NHanon 1506 Finished Concerned Pony, PiE, Micro
Bootleg Rarity NHanon 1454 Finished Rarity, Feels
Zooma ReggieSomthing 15356 Hiatus Luna, Cute, Lewd
PegaVinyl Starbounce Finished Vinyl, Cute
Celestia Anon 1711 Finished Celestia, Sci-Fi
Defective Red 5125 Finished Anon, AiE, Role reversal, Lyra
Freedom & Commie Anon 604 Finished OC, Comedy, PiE
Flutterlime blondie 4797 Finished Fluttershy, Cute, Toys
Jolly The Ponebot Aganon 878 Finished OC, Sci-Fi
Panka Po a Start on line 150 Finished Pinkie Pie, Cute, Comfy
Sparkless blondie 1429 Finished Sparks, Sad
Stompy Stomping ACAPO Finished Stompy, AiE
Snapplejack blondie 1117 Finished Applejack, Sad
Queen Celestial Anon 1310 Oneshot Celestia, Yandere
Starskin Spinner Anon 1547 Finished Starlight Glimmer, Sad
Dollar Tree Poney Anon 1362 Finished OC, PiE, Micro, Toy
Counting with Bump Anon 438 Finished Bump, Thun, Cricket, Cute, SoL, Kindergarten
Rag doll CYOA_AiE 3450 Finished Raggie, Lewd, AiE
Snootle Saturn & Star Anon 675 Finished OC, Cute
Dim Sum & Thun Anon 1597 Spike, Lewd, Thun, PiE, Language Barrier
Rarity Buys Bootleg Anon CaptainConundrum 4404 Hiatus Anon, AiE

It's Always Sunny in Fillydelphia (By Anon)

by afterpaste

Dollar Tree Poney (By Anon)

by afterpaste

Freedom & Commie (By Anon)

by afterpaste

Snootle Saturn and Star (By Anon)

by afterpaste

Rare shorts (By Anons)

by afterpaste